单词 | 舞者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舞者 noun —dancers pl舞者 —dancerExamples:编舞者 n—choreographer n See also:舞 n—dance n • dancing n 舞—wield • brandish
我向它保证,法国所主张的 自由和人权精神继续会鼓舞者教科 文组织。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The spirit of freedom and of human rights for which France stands continues to inspire UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我們的指定公益贊助對象之一 OSchool 舞蹈團隊的舞者獲得 畢生難得的機會,為 PSY [...] 做開場表演,之後還參加與這位南韓紅星的單獨見面會。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Dancers from OSchool our designated [...] charity, were also given a once-in- a lifetime opportunity to perform an opening act [...]for PSY, and were treated to an exclusive meet-and-greet session with the Korean sensation. marinabaysands.com |
三星今日还在纽约全市借B-Boy舞者重 点 宣传电视从2D到3D的发展,并积极利用印刷和户外广告以及深度社交媒体活动等各种途径来进行宣传。 tipschina.gov.cn | Samsung also deployed B-Boy dancers throughout New York [...] City today to highlight the liberation of TV from 2D to 3D, and [...]is aggressively utilizing print and out-of-home advertising, as well as an in-depth social media campaign. tipschina.gov.cn |
該團體邀請台北著名藝團“雲門舞集” 的 舞者 來 香 港授課,讓 香港人有機會體驗非主流的精品藝術。 legco.gov.hk | The group invited dancers from the famous Taipei art group "Cloud Gate Dance Foundation" [...] to teach in Hong Kong, giving Hong [...]Kong people the opportunities to experience non-mainstream fine art. legco.gov.hk |
從那以後,Compagnie 7273與不同的舞者、音樂家和作曲家共同籌劃或參加了一系列備受歡迎的演出,為他們贏得了國際聲譽。 swatch.com | Since then, Compagnie 7273 have worked with [...] various additional dancers as well as musicians [...]and com-posers of note, to create or [...]participate in a succession of warmly-received performances, earning them international admiration. swatch.com |
缔约国应着手分析外籍妇女在夜总会 做 舞者 的 现 象,并在预防和打击贩运人口方 面加强努力,包括调查涉嫌贩运人口的案件的所有指控,并给予受害者有效补 [...] 救,向其提供合理、充足的赔偿以及尽可能完全康复的手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should initiate [...] an analysis on the phenomenon of foreign [...] women working as dancers in nightclubs and [...]strengthen its efforts to prevent and [...]combat human trafficking, including by investigating any allegation of suspected cases of human trafficking and provide victims with an effective remedy for fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
現為獨立舞者及編舞,近作包括香港藝術節2011<<影子與我>>;康樂及文化事務署「舞蹈新鮮人」系列之< & Passenger>>及香港舞蹈節2010之< [...] 鋒芒四露 — < ccdc.com.hk | Her recent choreographies include: My Shadow [...] and Me presented by the Hong Kong Art Festival 2011, Galatea & Passenger presented [...]by LCSD’s “New Force in Motion” Series (2010), Galatea &Pygmalion at the Hong Kong Dance Festival 2010. Other works includes, Toy Story with Ballett Bremerhaven; Symphonic Magic with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra; Narcissus and Echo at “Emerging Choreographers 2007 - Taking Off”; A Serpent Eating Its Own Tail at the Fringe Festival 2007; Angel #666 vs Demon #999 at the Hong Kong Dance Festival 2006; and Studio Storm. ccdc.com.hk |
圆桌会议目 前正在为夜总会 跳舞者―― 被视为最弱势群体―― 制 订 预 防 [...] 项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The round table is currently developing a prevention [...] project for nightclub dancers, considered to [...]be the most vulnerable group. daccess-ods.un.org |
在他身上體現了兩種極端氣息的永恆爭鬥,每一個夜晚都令這位最 佳 舞者 , 走 向未知的世界,面對生存抑或是死亡的挑戰。 hk.eternal.hk | An eternal debate between two extremes, every evening [...] making the best dancing partner, that of [...]life and death. hk.eternal.hk |
藝》後,中美兩幫聾人藝術家再次聚首一堂,進行才藝大比併!強勁的美國黑人hip hop舞者、鬼馬的本地無言天地劇團演員,以及活力無窮的協青社型仔型女,將施展混身解數,以舞蹈、默劇、形體,甚至是意想不到的身體動作和面部表情,來一次非凡體驗,刺激觀眾的新思維。 hkiac.gov.hk | A dynamic team [...] of US hip hop dancers will join forces [...]with Hong Kong's Theatre of the Silence and energetic members of Youth [...]Outreach to present a movement extravaganza combining dance, mime and physical theatre. hkiac.gov.hk |
专业的国际歌手、舞者、杂 技表演家营造出从神秘到超现代的不同氛围。 msccruises.com.cn | A richly talented international [...] cast of singers, dancers and acrobats will [...]create moods from the mythical to the ultra-modern. msccruises.com.eg |
有与舞者、 音乐家和古巴艺术家访问以及与现场音乐表演和儿童剧院小组夜总会。 cn.500destinations.com | There were visits with dancers, musicians and [...] Cuban artists, as well as night clubs with live music and children's theater group. 500destinations.com |
美国部落风肚皮舞(Tribal Belly [...] Dance)兼容了多种风格和因素,像土耳其舞、埃及舞、北非舞蹈、波斯舞以及其他一些中东国家的舞蹈甚至融合了西班牙、印度、吉普赛、印地安等舞蹈元素,都可以在部落风肚皮舞中找到它们的影子,在一个定义较宽鬆的框架下, 让 舞者 能 自 由发挥他们自身的创造力去造创属於他们自己的舞蹈内容、舞蹈服装及打扮。 dpw8.com | U.S. Tribal style belly dance (Tribal Belly Dance) is compatible with a variety of styles and factors, such as the Turkish dance, Egyptian dance, North Africa, dance, Persian dance, as well as a number of other Middle Eastern countries and even blend of dance, Spain, India, Gypsy, Hindi An other dance [...] elements, can be in the [...] tribal belly dance in the wind shadow find them in a more lenient definition of the framework, so that dancers can be free [...]to develop their own [...]creativity to build a dance record of their own content, dance clothing and dress. dpw8.com |
委员会注意到,大量外籍妇女在缔约国境内的七家夜总会 做 舞者 , 其 中许 多人来自贩运人口最严重的几个“原籍国”。 daccess-ods.un.org | (31) The Committee notes the high number of foreign [...] women engaged as dancers in seven nightclubs [...]operating in the State party and that [...]many of them originate from “origin countries” that top the list of human trafficking. daccess-ods.un.org |
伴隨著節奏感極強的部落音樂此起彼落,集 合 舞者 順 著 身體動力(momentum)而爆發能量愈擴愈大,猶如蔓延強勢的群眾力量和意識形態。 ccdc.com.hk | Along with the strong sense of rhythm of tribe music, the [...] explosive power of dancers expands the momentum [...]along their bodies, like the wide radiation [...]of strong mass force and ideology. ccdc.com.hk |
如果你还没有入手这本杂志,那就先让我们带你体验一下摄影师Matthew Welch为本期杂志拍摄的题为”舞者“ 的 影像故事吧。 ba-repsasia.com | If you haven’t already seen a quick overview, today we’re showing a photo-story by Matthew Welch. ba-repsasia.com |
加時賽》是舞者的童年回憶,憶述1982年在電視收看世界盃,在塞維利亞舉行的法國對德國的準決賽。 frenchmay.com | Arrêts de Jeu is a childhood memory of the famous 1982 World Cup semi-finals between France and Germany in Seville on TV. frenchmay.com |
明星花露水之國館部隊2012最新力作,集結部分台灣街舞圈幽默滿點的帥氣 男 舞者 群 和 個性派 女 舞者 , 以 街 舞 的 身 體、黑色幽默喜劇的風格,和垃圾話滿天飛、黃腔開不完、不鼓勵闔家觀賞的宗旨,詼諧又赤裸地自剖男人自我認同的構成與尷尬。 taipeifringe.org | 2012 the latest work of the National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall troop of Star Flower Lulu water, assembled some most [...] humorous and handsome [...] male street dancers and strong personality and charming female street dancers in Taiwan, using the dance vocabulary [...]of street dance, the sense [...]of black comedy, the purpose of trash talk and dirty joke flying, and not to encourage family viewing. eng.taipeifringe.org |
第 一,他無須親自在公司召開會議,制訂一些規章制度,通知所有人要 [...] 遵守 “老兄”,這包括幕後董事、“影 舞者 ” ,因為幕後董事也有 責任 他 無須這樣做;第二,如果沒有規章制度,便無須把權力 [...]轉移給某人,代他監管或即時向他匯報,以確保公司的人員遵守有關 [...] 規章制度;第三,他無須監察那些人士,你說有否分別呢? legco.gov.hk | First, he does not have to hold meetings personally in the company to prescribe rules, articles and systems and tell all people to comply with [...] them ― buddy, this includes shadow [...] directors and "Shadow Dancers" because even shadow [...]directors have such a responsibility [...]― and he does not have to do so; second, without any rules, articles or systems, there is no need to devolve the power to someone else who will carry out the monitoring on his behalf or report to him immediately to ensure that the staff members of the company would follow these rules, articles and systems and third, he does not have to oversee those people. legco.gov.hk |
後來與邊國華行政總監談起,才知道他們 的 舞者 都 是 光腳上場的,而這種蒙皮是用於保 護 舞者 的 足 部。 hwahsia.org.nz | Dance bell theatre dancers rotate the diabolo with persistence and enthusiasm, making the guests [...] and audience amazed beyond imagination in the world. hwahsia.org.nz |
由三個舞者同時 在高原和大螢幕的影像上全力演出,Stand Alone Zone刻劃現實與幻想之間如幻似真的人物,是一場結合詩情畫意、風趣幽默和嶄新科技的精彩表演。 frenchmay.com | Performed by three dancers, on the plateau [...] and in the projected images simultaneously, Stand Alone Zone features various [...]characters on the border between reality and fantasy. frenchmay.com |
於戶外湖畔區,大家可與穿上冬日新裝的白雪皇后、胡桃夾子兵團、氣球藝人、立 像 舞者 、 藝 玩人員和魔術師等拍照。 yp.mo | Guests will be able to meet up [...] with the Snow Queen, Nutcracker soldiers, [...] balloon artists, dancing statues, contortionists [...]and magicians, all dressed in winter [...]costumes and waiting to take Christmas photos with guests. yp.mo |
政府还为 保护夜 总 会 跳舞者 制 订 了 详细的 规则,作为国家警 方和移 民及护 [...] 照 办 公 室 定期检 查 夜总 会的根据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government has also adopted detailed regulations on the [...] protection of nightclub dancers, which are the basis [...]for regular inspections of nightclubs [...]by the national police and the Immigration and Passport Office. daccess-ods.un.org |
據這位著名的自然歷史攝影師憶述:「在行程最後一天的早上,我們尚未架好為拍攝海底微小生物而特設的裝備,一種前所未見的品種突然出現在眼前,那是我見過最大最美的西班 牙 舞者 , 如 果她們早幾天出現,我們就能拍攝到非常精彩的作品了。 mammals.org | On the last morning of the job, with no time to put together the special set up for taking pictures of little creatures, a whole new species of nudibranch showed up that had not been there on previous days,” says Liittschwager, a noted natural history photographer. mammals.org |
在进行这项工作的最后一个早上,已经没有时间再为拍摄小生物而搭建特殊场景了,这时前些天还不曾见到的一个全新裸鳃类物种出现了,"著名的自然历史摄影师 Liittschwager 说,"它是我们所见到的这些小小西班 牙 舞者 中 最 大、最漂亮的一个。 apple.com.cn | On the last morning of the job, with no time to put together the special set up for taking pictures of little creatures, a whole new species of nudibranch showed up that had not been there on previous days”, says Liittschwager, a noted natural history photographer. apple.com |
2012年12月在髮廊, 舛一卌人舞者從髮 絲開始創作一個即興舞段的概念,由丸仔編輯串連,再即興與音樂和環境有機地碰撞互動,即地衍生屬於當時當刻當地的「環境有機舞演」! pplsfringe.com | 2012 December in [...] hair salon, the performers of Danotcers in the environment, create of an impromptu dance concept, series [...]edited by Yuenjie, and [...]collision interact organically with improvised music and the environment, derivatives to a moment and place to experience the environmental organic dance. pplsfringe.com |
日內瓦芭蕾舞團亦高手盡出,一眾 舞者 不 負 眾望,肢體能量的爆發力和感性力量同樣澎湃,能量收放自如,舞技準繩精確,與巴洛克樂曲的美學特質契合天衣無縫,揮灑出連場震撼人心的美舞新經典。 yp.mo | Every gesture and step is calculated with utmost accuracy in a [...] constant test for the dancers’ skills. yp.mo |