单词 | 舔吮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舔吮—lick and suckSee also:舔—lick lap 吮—suck
其实吸奶对于孩子来说虽然是件喜事,更是与母体接触,但是吮吸后马上 需要休息因为也是劳累的事。 stranieriincampania.it | Feeding, even though it is gratifying for the baby, also because of contact with the mother, is however, work that then requires sleeping. stranieriincampania.it |
不幸的是,王子是贪婪的,不成熟的,甚至只要提到他的母亲是吸吮自己的拇指。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Unfortunately, the prince is greedy and immature, even sucking his thumb whenever his mother is mentioned. seekcartoon.com |
有的孩子品尝着从烧烤吧买回来的热狗,有的舔着从小丑手中得到的棉花糖,有的和同伴玩解冻游戏,大家好不高兴。 ycis-bj.com | Whether eating a hot dog from the grill, cotton candy served by a clown, speaking with a friend or playing freeze tag, there was ample food and fun at this event. ycis-bj.com |
他们喜欢按键,喜欢使用可产生声、光或动作的 装置,还喜欢有哭喊、吸吮、小便和走路等特别功能的装置。 cpsc.gov | They like to push buttons and to use devices that produce sound, lights or action, and more specialized, realistic features like crying, sucking, wetting, and walking. cpsc.gov |
抓积木这一动作可触发吮吸反射,他们 会马上把抓到的积木放进口里。 cpsc.gov | Grasping a block triggers the sucking reflex, so these children will immediately put blocks they can grasp into their mouths. cpsc.gov |
舔伤口 sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com | Licking Wounds sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com |
喝大量的水或吮冰块,以保持口腔湿润。 breastcancersingapore.com | Drink plenty of water [...] throughout the day or suck on icechips to [...]keep your mouth moist. breastcancersingapore.com |
接触PCB 47的母鼠的筑巢、蹲伏、舔仔、 自发叼仔行为在幼仔出生后的第0天和6天与对照组有显着差异,而接触PCB [...] 77的母鼠仅在第15天与对照组大鼠有区别。 actazool.org | PCB 47-treated mothers showed significant differences in the [...] duration ofcrouching,licking,spontaneous retrieving [...]and nest building on PND 0 and 6, [...]whereas PCB 77-treated mothers showed significant differences in the duration of crouching and time in the nest only on PND 15. actazool.org |
如果孩子持续吸吮大拇 指或其他指头,请徵 求孩子的医生或牙医的建议。 care1st.com | Ask child’s doctor or dentist for advice if thumb/finger sucking continues. care1st.com |
他们这些国家在维持不可持续的生产和 消费模式,贪婪地吮吸发展中国家的资本和资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | They were maintaining unsustainable production and consumption patterns and were voraciously sucking capital and resources out of the developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
我喜欢植物,我总是舔,使用pesquizo的可食用的植物,这reaçães说多少杀死植物作为一种治疗方法,我们必须非常小心。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | I love plants, andI always licking, plants that use [...] pesquizo for serving, which reaçães say for how much kills plant as [...]a cure, we must be very careful. en.arteblog.net |
为野鸭和野鸟安排 [...] 的屋舍和喂食器、为鹿安置舔食岩盐的盐渍地 (salt licks),以及 [...]专为当地植物设立的“篱笆花园 (fence garden)”,无不诉说着 安德森 (Anderson) 工厂正在与大自然和睦共处。 glenraven.com | Houses and feeders for ducks [...] and birds, salt licksfor deer and a [...]“fence garden” illustrating native flora are the most [...]visible signs of how Anderson Plant is relating to its furry, feathery and leafy neighbors. glenraven.com |
让幼儿练习握住手喝,当幼儿约3个月大时,可用奶嘴杯开始学习自己拿着把手,奶嘴设计根据宝宝吸吮时的动作研究出来。 combi.com.hk | Whenbaby is around 3 months old, [...] parents can assist baby to start holding the handles to drink. combi.com.hk |
我们提供各种令人吮指回味的美食,如泰式炒河粉(Phad Thai)、黑椒牛枊、蒜葺/红椒/酸橙酱蒸海鲜等等。 changiairport.com | We servefinger-licking good dishes, such as Phad Thai, stir-fried black pepper beef and steam mixed seafood with garlic, chilli and lime sauce. changiairport.com |
Combi 训练杯以独特防 杯盖构造,分阶段训练「吮」、「饮」、「吸」、「喝」四个动作,另设计成倾斜的杯咀和把手,让宝宝不需将训练杯倾斜或抬圯头就能轻松吸吮。 combi.com.hk | Combi mugs are designed with user friendly shape and size which help baby how to suck and drink. combi.com.hk |
总体来说不应给母乳喂养的婴儿提供奶嘴,尽管奶嘴可以对早产儿建立吮吸反射有所帮助。 perinatalandalucia.es | In general, dummies should not [...] be offered to breast-fed newborn babies, despite being useful in establishing [...] non-nutritious suction in premature babies. perinatalandalucia.es |
在最初的几天里,婴儿有多次和长时间的机会吮吸乳房,这样会增大 刺激荷尔蒙来生产母乳,使乳液从乳房里流溢出来能更好的供给婴儿。 stranieriincampania.it | During the first days, the more time and the longer the time the baby is able to suck at the breast, the greater is the stimulation of the hormones that produce the milk for the baby to feed. stranieriincampania.it |
结果如下:(1)棕色田鼠雌雄两性均表现出对熟悉异性或配偶的喜好倾向;(2)在根田鼠中,只有雌性表现出对熟悉雄鼠或配偶的选择倾向,雄鼠无明确的选择取向;(3)每种雌性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雄性的嗅舔时间均有显着差异性,而每种雄性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雌性的嗅舔时间 均无显着差异性。 actazool.org | In root voles, only females showed preferences [...] for the familiar males over strange males, andfor the partner males over strange males, but males made no choices between familiar [...]and strange females, [...]and between partner and stranger females. actazool.org |
事实上,有时可能足够吮吸一 只乳房或者也吮吸另一只乳房。 stranieriincampania.it | Sometimes it might be enough just sucking on one breast, but the baby might want to suck on the other as well. stranieriincampania.it |
曾发表过的作品包括陈家凯《舔着你的脚趾就安好》(2002年娱协奖“专业评审推荐歌曲”)和《飞行943》(2004年娱协奖本地组“最佳原创金曲奖”)、温力铭《爱情维基》、林健辉《摇摆主义》、叶俊岑《爱情讯号》等。 serenemusic.net | Lyrics published include Chen Jiakai’s “Tian Zhe Ni De Jia Zhi Jiu An Hao” (2002 PWH Music Award – “Professional Judge Recommended Song”) & “Fei Xing 943″ (2004 PWH Music Award – “Best Song”in Local Category), Danny One “Ai Qing Wei Ji”, Eric Lim “Yao Bai Zhu Yi”, Gary Yap “Ai Qing Xun Hao” and others. serenemusic.net |
大部分的婴儿基于自身的肌饿都有充分的能力吮吸,对于每顿间隔时 间和吮吸时间的长短都是根据他们的实际需求(要求吸奶)。 stranieriincampania.it | The majority of babies are fully able, based on their hunger, to suck more or less at the same hour and more or less the same length of time for every feed and according to their real needs (breastfeeding on demand). stranieriincampania.it |