

单词 舒张期

See also:


relaxation and dilatation
diastole (physiology)

surname Shu

classifier for flat things, such as paper, tables, faces, bows, paintings, tickets, constellations, blankets, bedsheets
open up
sheet of paper
surname Zhang

External sources (not reviewed)

LV 充盈压主要由 LV 壁的充盈及顺应性决定,但可能 会进一步受到心肌不完全松弛 舒张期 心 肌 紧张度变化的 影响。
LV filling pressures are determined mainly by filling and passive properties of
the LV wall but may be further modulated by incomplete
[...] myocardial relaxation and variations in diastolic myocardial tone.
这种双螺旋的肌纤维立体结构导致心室收缩期旋转(扭转) 运动舒张期反旋转(解扭转)运动。
This double helicoidal fiber orientation leads to systolic twisting
[...] (torsion) and diastolic untwisting (torsional [...]
心肌松弛功能受损时,LV 压力在等舒张期 下降缓慢,需要更长的时间才能低于 LA 压。
When myocardial relaxation is impaired, LV pressure
[...] falls slowly during the isovolumic relaxation period, which results [...]
in a longer time before it drops below LA pressure.
随后扭转反弹或解旋会释放能量,有助 舒张期 对 心 房内 血流的抽吸作用,使 LV 的早期充盈加快。
However, because of the thin wall of the atria and right ventricle, signal quality may be suboptimal.
因为 等舒张期主动 脉内压力的波动非常小,而LV内最小压力通 常较低,所以等舒张期LV内压 力可通过CW多普勒测量主 动脉瓣反流获得。
Because the fluctuation of
[...] aortic pressure during IVRT is negligibly minor, and because LV minimal pressure is usually low, LV pressure during the IVRT period may be derived [...]
from the CW Doppler signal
of the aortic regurgitation jet.
窦 性心动过速及Ⅰ度 AV
[...] 传导阻滞常导致心房提前收缩,此舒张期二尖 瓣及肺静脉血流速度尚未回到基线。
Sinus tachycardia and first-degree AV block often
result in the start of atrial contraction
[...] occurring before diastolic mitral and pulmonary [...]
venous flow velocity has declined to the zero baseline.
通常,左心室大小应舒张期和收 缩期分别测量, 明舒张末期为心室腔内的最大面积帧像,收缩末期 为心室腔内最小面积帧像。
In general, LV size should be measured during both diastole and systole, defining end-diastole as the frame with the maximum chamber intraluminal area and end-systole as the frame with the minimum area.
舒张期将 1 mm~3 mm 的取样容积放置在二尖瓣瓣尖之间以便记录 [...]
清晰的血流速度轮廓(图 2)。
A 1-mm to 3-mm sample volume is then placed between the mitral
[...] leaflet tips during diastole to record [...]
a crisp velocity profile (Figure 2).
因此,如果这类患舒张早期充盈占 主导则易引起充盈压增高。
Therefore, the presence of predominant early filling in these patients favors the presence of increased filling pressures.
注:A:心房收缩时二尖瓣血流峰值流速; A
[...] Dur:心房收缩时二尖瓣血流持续时间;Ar Dur:心房收缩时肺静脉逆向血流持续时间;D:心 舒张期 肺 静 脉 前向血流峰值流速;DT:减速时间;E:心 舒张 早 期 二 尖 瓣血流峰值流速;IVRT:等容舒张时间;MV:二尖 瓣;PV:肺静脉;S:心室收缩期肺静脉前向血流峰值流速。
A, Peak mitral flow velocity during atrial contraction; A Dur, time duration of mitral flow during atrial contraction; Ar Dur, time duration of retrograde pulmonary venous flow during atrial contraction; D, peak
antegrade pulmonary venous
[...] flow velocity during ventricular diastole; DT, deceleration time; E, peak mitral flow velocity during early ventricular [...]
diastole; IVRT, isovolumic
relaxation time; MV, mitral valve; PV, pulmonary vein; S, peak antegrade pulmonary venous flow velocity during ventricular systole.
该系统模仿与主动脉瓣跨瓣压差的动态水平;一个锯齿波产生的压力逐渐增加,典型的是目前 舒张期 , 阀门两端的跨瓣压差梯度,压力急剧描绘阀门的开度在下降收缩。
The system mimicked the dynamic transvalvular pressure levels associated with the aortic valve; a saw tooth wave produced a gradual increase in pressure, typical of the transvalvular
pressure gradient that is present across
[...] the valve during diastole, followed by a [...]
sharp pressure drop depicting valve opening in systole.
在 LA 压力正常时,LV 充盈的大部分会移至心房 收缩后舒张晚期。
In the presence of normal LA pressure, this shifts a greater proportion of LV
[...] filling to late diastole after atrial [...]
此外,一项近期研究 将等舒张期整体心肌应变率(通过斑点追踪技术)与二 尖瓣口跨瓣的血流速度联系起来分析,发现二尖瓣口E峰/ 整体心肌应变率对E/e’难以定论的病人可以预测LV充盈压, [...]
对EF值正常伴局部功能障碍的患者比E/e’更准确 [118] 。
Furthermore, a recent study that
combined global myocardial
[...] strain rate during the isovolumetric relaxation period (by speckle tracking) [...]
and transmitral flow
velocities showed that the mitral E velocity/global myocardial strain rate ratio predicted LV filling pressure in patients in whom the E/e= ratio was inconclusive and was more accurate than E/e= in patients with normal EFs and those with regional dysfunction.118 Therefore, the evaluation of diastolic function by deformation imaging is promising but needs more study of its incremental clinical value.
在 PW 多普勒测量前应使用 CW 多普勒来测量 E 峰舒张早期) 及 A 峰舒张晚期)来 确保获取最大血流速度。
Performing CW Doppler to assess peak E (early diastolic) and A (late diastolic) velocities should be performed before applying the PW technique to ensure that maximal velocities are obtained.
取样容积应该放置 在室间隔和侧壁二尖瓣瓣叶附着的位置或在其 1 cm
[...] 范围 内,必要时调整取样容积使其在收 期 及 舒张期 均 能 覆盖 二尖瓣瓣环长轴位移(通常 5~10 [...]
The sample volume should be positioned at or 1 cm within the septal and lateral insertion sites of the mitral leaflets and
adjusted as necessary (usually 5-10 mm) to cover the longitudinal excursion of the
[...] mitral annulus in both systole and diastole.
实线箭头所指为左心室最小压力,虚点箭头所指为 A 波之前左心室压,虚线箭头所指为左心 舒张 末 期 压 力
The solid arrow points to left ventricular minimal
pressure, the dotted arrow to left ventricular pre-A pressure, and the dashed arrow to left
[...] ventricular end-diastolic pressure.
这 一 曲线能用 来分析单个心动期的舒张期 LV 压力-容积关系或者通 过在不同前负荷状态下获得的多条压力-容积曲线得舒 张末期 LV 压力-容积关系。
Such a curve fit can be
[...] applied to the diastolic LV pressure-volume relation of a single beat or to the end-diastolic pressure-volume relation constructed by fitting the lower right corner of multiple pressure-volume loops obtained at various preloads.
连续右舒张末期容积 (RVEDV)和右室射血分数(RVEF)测定 更多...
Continuous Right
[...] Ventricular End Diastolic Volume (RVEDV) [...]
and Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction (RVEF) measurements More...
LV 收缩期和/或舒张末期容积, LV 弹性回缩力和/或 LV 舒张压直接影响二尖瓣口血流速度 (即 E 峰)和时间间期(即 DT 和 IVRT)。
Alterations in LV end-systolic and/or end-diastolic volumes, LV elastic recoil, and/or LV diastolic pressures directly affect the mitral inflow velocities (ie, E wave) and time intervals (ie, DT and IVRT).
另一方面,EF值减低的患者,这些测值也异常减低。一个动 物模型试验发现,在心衰的两组中,L V 舒张 末 期 容 积 与扭转 相关性最强[129 ] ,提示LV解旋率能较好地反映收缩期压缩舒张早期回缩的关联。
In an animal model, and in both groups of heart failure, the strongest association
was observed with LV
[...] end-systolic volume and twist,129 suggesting that LV untwisting rate best reflects the link between systolic compression and early diastolic recoil.
心房同样是一个具有泵功能的心 腔,通舒张末期主动 地排空来保证足够的 LV 舒张末期容 量(LA 搏出量定义为心电图 P 波开始时 LA 容量减去 LA 最小容量)。
The atrium is also a pumping chamber, which contributes to maintaining adequate LV end-diastolic volume by actively emptying at end-diastole (LA stroke volume is defined as LA volume at the onset of the electrocardiographic P wave minus LA minimum volume).
以首个监测右心压和心输出量的 Swan-Ganz 导管为基础,我们的高科技
[...] Swan-Ganz 导管自动连续监测心输出量、混合静脉氧饱和度、右室射血分数和右 舒张 末 期 容 积,以连续监测供氧量和耗氧量的平衡,帮助临床医生找出病因。
Building on the foundation of the first Swan-Ganz catheter – measuring right heart pressure and cardiac output – our advanced-tech Swan-Ganz catheter automates continuous cardiac output and mixed venous oximetry in
addition to right
[...] ventricular injection fraction and right ventricular end diastolic volume to continuously [...]
monitor the balance
of oxygen delivery and consumption and to guide the clinician to the root cause.
此外,舒緩短期內的 場地不足情況,我們現正積極聯 繫其他非政府場地的負責機構,商討如何促使他們開放場地供 [...]
To alleviate the short-term shortage of venues, [...]
we are in active dialogue with organisations managing non-governmental venues
to work towards opening their venues for use by non-tenant performing arts groups.
舒张功能 参数随年龄的改变而改变,提示 心肌松弛减慢,因此老年人更易发展 舒张 性 心 力衰竭。
Age-related changes in diastolic function parameters may represent a slowing of myocardial relaxation, which predisposes older individuals to the development of diastolic heart failure.
教科文组织将把精力和财力更多地用在早期预警系统、冲突前地区和 期 紧 张 地 区
UNESCO will place more focus and resources on early warning systems and
[...] pre-conflict and chronic tension areas.
2000年发布在《运动医学》杂志上的评论文章认为, 期 进 行 “低—中等强度”的体育活动可以使收缩压 舒张 压 的 平均降幅分别达到10.6毫米汞柱和8.2毫米汞柱。
According to a review published in the
journal Sports Medicine in
[...] 2000, regular low-moderate intensity physical activity can result in an average drop in systolic and diastolic blood pressures [...]
of 10.6 mm Hg and 8.2 mm Hg respectively.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到张表(见 表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约 期 日 、 年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的 期 租 约 、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table
[...] VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the [...]
Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
在与决策者、受害者和民间社会代表会见的基础上,特别报告员确定了两 个全局性问题,这两个问题对于有效反对酷刑和虐待十分重要,迫切需要该国政 府重视,以在成功过渡期确保伸张 正 义 :第一,迅速彻底调查所有酷刑和虐待 案件,起诉肇事者,并为酷刑和虐待的所有受害者提供有效补救和赔偿,包括康 复服务;第二,迅速实行宪法、立法和行政改革,建立防止酷刑和虐待的牢固保 障。
Based on meetings with decision-makers, victims and civil society representatives, the Special Rapporteur identified two overarching issues critical to effectively combating torture and ill-treatment that need the urgent attention of the Government to ensure justice in times of a successful transition: first, prompt and thorough investigations into all cases of torture and ill-treatment, prosecution of the perpetrators, and the provision of effective remedies and reparations, including rehabilitation services, for all victims of torture and illtreatment; second, the establishment of solid safeguards against torture and ill-treatment through the swift introduction of constitutional, legislative and administrative reforms.
虽然 应急部队据信拥有足够的兵力来满足当前的要求,但由于预算 张 , 限 制了为期可持 续性所必需的持续维护水平,而且由于道路状况很差,应急部队须依靠联 [...]
While the Unit is considered to have sufficient strength to meet current demands, budgetary constraints
limit the level of sustained
[...] maintenance essential for long-term sustainability, and poor [...]
road conditions mean that the Unit
is dependent on UNMIL air assets to deploy quickly, particularly during the rainy season.
抗高血压饮食疗法(DASH)试验结果显示,在饮食中限制红肉、甜食和含糖饮料的摄入量,强调水果、蔬菜和低脂乳制品,同时包含鱼肉、坚果、禽肉和全谷食品,可以让收缩压 舒张 压 分 别降低11.4和5.5毫米汞柱。
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trial demonstrated that a diet limiting the intake of red meat, sweets, and sugar containing beverages, while emphasizing fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and including
fish, nuts, poultry and whole grains can
[...] lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by [...]
11.4 and 5.5 mm Hg respectively.




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