单词 | 舒张 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舒张 noun —diastole n舒张 —relaxation and dilatation • diastole (physiology) Examples:舒张性—diastolic 舒张期 n—diastole n 舒张压—diastolic blood pressure 心脏舒张压—diastolic blood pressure See also:舒—unfold • leisurely • surname Shu 张—classifier for flat things, such as paper, tables, faces, bows, paintings, tickets, constellations, blankets, bedsheets • open up • surname Zhang • sheet of paper
舒张功能 参数随年龄的改变而改变,提示 心肌松弛减慢,因此老年人更易发展 至 舒张 性 心 力衰竭。 asecho.org | Age-related changes in diastolic function parameters may represent a slowing of myocardial relaxation, which predisposes older individuals to the development of diastolic heart failure. asecho.org |
实线箭头所指为左心室最小压力,虚点箭头所指为 A 波之前左心室压,虚线箭头所指为左心 室 舒张 末 期 压力。 asecho.org | The solid arrow points to left ventricular minimal [...] pressure, the dotted arrow to left ventricular pre-A pressure, and the dashed arrow to left [...] ventricular end-diastolic pressure. asecho.org |
对左心室(LV )舒张功能的评价是常规检查不可或缺 的一部分,尤 其 对伴有呼吸困难或心力衰竭的患者。 asecho.org | The assessment of left [...] ventricular (LV) diastolic function should [...]be an integral part of a routine examination, particularly [...]in patients presenting with dyspnea or heart failure. asecho.org |
因此,如果这类患者舒张早期充盈占 主导则易引起充盈压增高。 asecho.org | Therefore, the presence of predominant early filling in these patients favors the presence of increased filling pressures. asecho.org |
窦 性心动过速及Ⅰ度 AV [...] 传导阻滞常导致心房提前收缩,此 时舒张期二 尖瓣及肺静脉血流速度尚未回到基线。 asecho.org | Sinus tachycardia and first-degree AV block often [...] result in the start of atrial contraction [...] occurring before diastolic mitral and pulmonary [...]venous flow velocity has declined to the zero baseline. asecho.org |
抗高血压饮食疗法(DASH)试验结果显示,在饮食中限制红肉、甜食和含糖饮料的摄入量,强调水果、蔬菜和低脂乳制品,同时包含鱼肉、坚果、禽肉和全谷食品,可以让收缩压 和 舒张 压 分 别降低11.4和5.5毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trial demonstrated that a diet limiting the intake of red meat, sweets, and sugar containing beverages, while emphasizing fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and including [...] fish, nuts, poultry and whole grains can [...] lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by [...]11.4 and 5.5 mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
当 一个人的收缩压大于140 mmHg或舒张压大于90 mmHg时就叫高血压或血压 [...] 升高。 world-heart-federation.org | A person has high blood pressure, or hypertension, when the first pressure is [...] above 140 mmHg or the second is above [...]90 mmHg. world-heart-federation.org |
因为 等容舒张期主 动脉内压力的波动非常小,而LV内最小压力通 常较低,所以等容舒张期LV 内压力可通过CW多普勒测量主 动脉瓣反流获得。 asecho.org | Because the fluctuation of [...] aortic pressure during IVRT is negligibly minor, and because LV minimal pressure is usually low, LV pressure during the IVRT period [...]may be derived from the [...]CW Doppler signal of the aortic regurgitation jet. asecho.org |
总结来看,尽管目前还不能将测量LV [...] 扭转及解旋率常规应用于临床,并且还需要进一步扩大研究 来明确其临床应用价值,但在将来它可能是评 价 舒张 功 能的 重要元素。 asecho.org | In conclusion, measurements of LV twist and untwisting rate, although not currently recommended for routine clinical use and although additional studies are needed to [...] define their potential clinical application, may become an [...] important element of diastolic function evaluation [...]in the future. asecho.org |
在舒张 性心 力衰竭的患者可观察到心室对称性肥厚(室壁质量及 厚度同时增加),或心室重构(室壁质量正常但厚度相对增 [...] 加)。 asecho.org | In patients with diastolic heart failure, [...] concentric hypertrophy (increased mass and relative wall thickness), or remodeling [...](normal mass but increased relative wall thickness), can be observed. asecho.org |
在使用听诊器听诊时,请记录第一次和最后一次听到次柯氏音 (K-sound) 时的收 缩压和舒张压。 suntechmed.com | While listening to your stethoscope, note the [...] systolic and diastolic pressures corresponding [...]to the first and last Korotkoff sounds (K-sounds) heard. suntechmed.com |
LV 收缩末期和/或舒张末期容积, LV 弹性回缩力和/或 LV 舒张压直接影响二尖瓣口血流速度 (即 E 峰)和时间间期(即 DT 和 IVRT)。 asecho.org | Alterations in LV end-systolic and/or end-diastolic volumes, LV elastic recoil, and/or LV diastolic pressures directly affect the mitral inflow velocities (ie, E wave) and time intervals (ie, DT and IVRT). asecho.org |
目前,多普勒血流速度和心肌速度显像 仍是评价LV舒张功能首选的方法。 asecho.org | Currently, Doppler flow velocity and [...] myocardial velocity imaging are the preferred initial echocardiographic methodologies [...] for assessing LV diastolic function. asecho.org |
其它多普勒超声心 动图测值,如 LA [...] 最大内径、二尖瓣 DT 及假性正常化充 盈均提示 LA 平均压增加及舒张功能障碍加重。 asecho.org | Other Doppler echocardiographic variables, such as maximal LA size, mitral DT, [...] and pseudonormal filling, all indicate an increase in mean LA pressure and a more [...] advanced stage of diastolic dysfunction. asecho.org |
以首个监测右心压和心输出量的 Swan-Ganz 导管为基础,我们的高科技 [...] Swan-Ganz 导管自动连续监测心输出量、混合静脉氧饱和度、右室射血分数和右 室 舒张 末 期 容积,以连续监测供氧量和耗氧量的平衡,帮助临床医生找出病因。 edwards.com | Building on the foundation of the first Swan-Ganz catheter – measuring right heart pressure and cardiac output – our advanced-tech Swan-Ganz catheter automates continuous cardiac output and mixed venous oximetry in [...] addition to right [...] ventricular injection fraction and right ventricular end diastolic volume to continuously [...]monitor the balance [...]of oxygen delivery and consumption and to guide the clinician to the root cause. edwards.com |
LV 充盈压主要由 LV [...] 壁的充盈及顺应性决定,但可能 会进一步受到心肌不完全松弛及舒张 期 心肌紧张度变化的 影响。 asecho.org | LV filling pressures are determined mainly by filling and passive properties of [...] the LV wall but may be further modulated by incomplete myocardial relaxation and [...] variations in diastolic myocardial tone. asecho.org |
这 一 曲线能用 来分析单个心动周期的舒张期 LV 压力-容积关系或者通 过在不同前负荷状态下获得的多条压力-容积曲线得 到舒 张末期 LV 压力-容积关系。 asecho.org | Such a curve fit can be [...] applied to the diastolic LV pressure-volume relation of a single beat or to the end-diastolic pressure-volume relation constructed by fitting the lower right corner of multiple pressure-volume loops obtained at various preloads. asecho.org |
据2003年发表于《高血压》杂志上的一篇文章介绍,平均每个人的体重减少一公斤可以使收缩压降低2毫米汞柱 、 舒张 压 降低1毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | According to a 2003 article published in the journal Hypertension, on average, every one [...] kg reduction in body weight can reduce systolic blood pressure by up [...] to 2 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure [...]by 1mm Hg. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
连续右室舒张末期 容积(RVEDV)和右室射血分数(RVEF)测定 [...] 更多... edwards.com | Continuous Right [...] Ventricular End Diastolic Volume (RVEDV) [...]and Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction (RVEF) measurements More... edwards.com |
2000年发布在《运动医学》杂志上的评论文章认为,定期进行“低—中等强度”的体育活动可以使收缩压 和 舒张 压 的 平均降幅分别达到10.6毫米汞柱和8.2毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | According to a review published in the journal Sports Medicine in 2000, regular low-moderate intensity physical [...] activity can result in an average drop in [...] systolic and diastolic blood pressures [...]of 10.6 mm Hg and 8.2 mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这种双螺旋的肌纤维立体结构导致心室收缩期旋转(扭转) 运动及舒张期反旋转(解扭转)运动。 asecho.org | This double helicoidal fiber orientation leads to systolic twisting [...] (torsion) and diastolic untwisting (torsional [...]recoil). asecho.org |
它具有减少血小板粘连、舒张血管的作用,在心脏病或中风发生时,它使组织的损害程度明显减轻。 aging-management.com | Platelets become less sticky, blood vessels relax, and the damage to tissues in the event of a heart attack or stroke is profoundly ameliorated. aging-management.com |
另一方面,EF值减低的患者,这些测值也异常减低。一个动 物模型试验发现,在心衰的两组中,L V 舒张 末 期 容积与扭转 相关性最强[129 ] ,提示LV解旋率能较好地反映收缩期压缩与 舒张早期回缩的关联。 asecho.org | In an animal model, and in both groups of heart failure, the strongest association [...] was observed with LV [...] end-systolic volume and twist,129 suggesting that LV untwisting rate best reflects the link between systolic compression and early diastolic recoil. asecho.org |
在 LA 压力正常时,LV 充盈的大部分会移至心房 收缩后的舒张晚期。 asecho.org | In the presence of normal LA pressure, this shifts a greater proportion of LV [...] filling to late diastole after atrial [...]contraction. asecho.org |
心肌松弛功能受损时,LV 压力在等容舒张期 下降缓慢,需要更长的时间才能低于 LA 压。 asecho.org | When myocardial relaxation is impaired, LV pressure falls slowly during the isovolumic relaxation period, which results in a longer time before it drops below LA pressure. asecho.org |
心房同样是一个具有泵功能的心 腔,通过舒张末期 主动地排空来保证足够的 LV 舒张末期容 量(LA 搏出量定义为心电图 P 波开始时 LA 容量减去 LA 最小容量)。 asecho.org | The atrium is also a pumping chamber, which contributes to maintaining adequate LV end-diastolic volume by actively emptying at end-diastole (LA stroke volume is defined as LA volume at the onset of the electrocardiographic P wave minus LA minimum volume). asecho.org |
第二个值是舒张压, 是心脏舒张时的压力。 world-heart-federation.org | The second is the diastolic blood pressure, and is the [...] pressure when the heart is resting. world-heart-federation.org |
超声心动图影像 瓣膜置换术后患者的超声心动图评价包括心腔大小、左 [...] 室心肌厚度和心肌质量以及左室收缩 和 舒张 功 能 指数的标 准测量与评价(详见 ASE [...]相关指南[10] )。 asecho.org | The echocardiographic assessment of patients with prosthetic valves includes standardized measurement and evaluation of the size of cardiac chambers, LV [...] wall thickness and mass, and indices of LV [...] systolic and diastolic function per [...]guidelines of the ASE.10 In patients with [...]aortic prostheses, measurements of the aortic root and ascending aorta are recommended. asecho.org |
后来的一项被称为“抗高血压饮食疗法—钠”(DASH-Sodium)的试验表明,限制钠的摄入量与抗高血压饮食相结合能够使收缩压 和 舒张 压 分 别进一步降低3.0和1.6毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | A subsequent trial called the DASH-Sodium trial showed that sodium restriction combined with the [...] DASH diet can result in further reductions in [...] systolic and diastolic blood pressures [...]by an additional 3.0 and 1.6 mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
注:A:心房收缩时二尖瓣血流峰值流速; A Dur:心房收缩时二尖瓣血流持续时间;Ar Dur:心房收缩时肺静脉逆向血流持续时间;D:心 室 舒张 期 肺 静脉 前向血流峰值流速;DT:减速时间;E:心 室 舒张 早 期 二尖瓣血流峰值流速;IVRT:等 容 舒张 时 间;MV:二尖 瓣;PV:肺静脉;S:心室收缩期肺静脉前向血流峰值流速。 asecho.org | A, Peak mitral flow velocity during atrial contraction; A Dur, time duration of mitral flow during atrial contraction; Ar Dur, time duration of retrograde pulmonary venous flow during atrial contraction; D, peak [...] antegrade pulmonary [...] venous flow velocity during ventricular diastole; DT, deceleration time; E, peak mitral flow velocity during early ventricular diastole; IVRT, isovolumic relaxation time; [...]MV, mitral valve; [...]PV, pulmonary vein; S, peak antegrade pulmonary venous flow velocity during ventricular systole. asecho.org |