

单词 舍身



abandon one's body in the search for Buddha's truth [idiom.]


one who does not fear the death of thousand cuts will dare unhorse the emperor (proverb)
a fearless person, no fence is high enough

See also:

give up
give alms
surname She

External sources (not reviewed)

(viii) 同時面對連日暴雨,在西貢鄉郊地區發生山泥傾瀉的情景, 土力工程處派員到場視察,警隊及消防部門動員進行緊急疏 散,迅速撤離120名巿民,並安排他們暫時入住 舍 棲 身。
(viii) being confronted at the same time by a landslide in the rural area in Sai Kung after continuous heavy rain, an emergency evacuation of 120 people by the Police and arrangements for temporary accommodation, following a site inspection by the Geotechnical 11.
丰富的水上活动,与自然的亲密接触,再没有比这更好的体验了!岛屿湾青年 舍 本 身 是 艘 新西兰最大的游艇——“岩石号”(The [...]
For an activity-packed, nature-filled
experience on the water, it doesn’t get much better
[...] than this! Join YHA, Bay of Islands, [...]
The Rock, New Zealand’s biggest houseboat,
for a 22-hour overnight cruise in the Bay of Islands.
在领略了新西兰最高的山峰——奥拉基/库克山(Aoraki Mt Cook)宏伟壮观的美景之后,欢迎你下榻在舒适的库克山青年 舍 放 松 身 心 ,解除旅行的疲劳。
Come and relax in the
[...] welcoming YHA Mt Cook hostel after a busy day enjoying the [...]
majestic beauty of New Zealand's tallest mountain Aoraki Mt Cook.
All RCHEs have their own primary care doctor looking regularly after the medical needs of their elders.
於委任期內,本集團亦向鄭敏泰先 生及鄭碧浩女士分別提供董事宿舍, 供 彼等 身 及 彼等各自的家庭成 員使用。
During the term of appointment, the Group shall also provide a director’s quarter in the PRC to each of Mr. Cheng Man Tai and Ms. Cheng Pik Ho Liza for himself/herself and his/her family members.
道德操守办公室第三次迁移其舍,并在新舍加强了人身安全 和数字信息的安全性。
The Office
[...] moved its premises for the third time and upgraded physical and digital-information security in its new premises.
寄宿学校内部的 氛围 , 无论是在教室还是在宿舍 , 对于孩子身 体和心理的健康 / 发展都是至关重要的。
The atmosphere within the boarding school, both
[...] the classroom and the dormitory, is critical for the [...]
physical and mental health/development of the child.
在這方面,施政報告承諾會增撥資源,針對性地提出多項措施,包 括第一,支援求職人士及推動社會企業,以期助人自助;第二,改善長 者舍、居家安老身心健康等多方面的工作,令長者更好地頤養天 年;第三,向弱勢社羣,特別是殘疾人士、精神病患者及家庭暴力受害 [...]
In this regard, the policy address has undertaken to provide additional resources to introduce a number of targeted initiatives, including, first of all, supporting job seekers and developing social enterprises with a view to helping people to help themselves;
second, improving
[...] residential care homes for the elderly, enabling ageing in place and promoting the physical and mental [...]
well-being of the elderly,
so that they may live a life with dignity; third, providing appropriate services for the disadvantaged, especially people with disabilities, mental patients and domestic violence victims; and fourth, facing up to the problems relating to social mobility and prospects of young people.
我們現正與有興 趣的非政府機構積極探討細節,務求可以盡快推出 身 青 年宿 舍。
We have been engaging interested NGOs actively to work out the details with a view to implementing the plan as soon as possible.
該項工程計劃身涉及 重 置舍 及 重建,因擬議 學校是“一 條龍”學校,會 提供 額 外的學位。
The project itself involved both reprovisioning and redevelopment [...]
as the proposed school would be a “through train” one
which offered additional number of school places.
舍的前身是哈 维诺小学,现已被改装成一家现代的背包客住宿场所,现代原子物理学的创建者——欧内斯特·卢瑟福男爵(Baron Ernest Rutherford)就曾经就读于这所小学。
The old Havelock school has been converted into modern backpacker style accommodation and shares a name with the school’s most famous pupil, Baron Ernest Rutherford of Nelson, creator of modern atomic physics.
為此,政務總署和社會福利署合力尋求合適的樓 宇,作為設立身㆟士宿舍之用
Towards this end, the City and New Territories Administration (CNTA)
and the Social Welfare Department have made concerted efforts to
[...] secure suitable premises for use as singleton hostels.
(c) 如何防止類似血案繼續發生 如何防止類似血案繼續發生 如何防止類似血案繼續發生 如何防止類似血案繼續發生;政府會否考慮增建更多 身 ㆟ 士 宿舍 ;政府會否考慮增建更多身㆟士宿舍 ;政府會否考慮增建更多身㆟士宿舍 ;政府會否考慮增建更多身㆟士宿 舍 , 以 逐步取 ,以逐步取 ,以逐步取 ,以逐步取 締現時老㆟合伙共住的形式?
(c) how similar cases can
[...] be prevented from occurring, whether consideration will be given to building more single person hostels to gradually replace the existing mode of providing public housing units to elderly people on a [...]
sharing basis?
至於政府會否 鼓勵院校購置身的 校舍, 教統局副局長指 出 , 當局實 際上間接鼓勵院校這樣做,因為短 [...]
期 貸 款只夠 支 付 兩 年 的 租 金 。
On whether the Government would encourage institutions to
[...] acquire their own premises, DS(EM) pointed [...]
out that institutions were in fact being
encouraged to do so indirectly as the short-term loan would only cover two years' rental.
行政長官於2011-12施政報告中提出協助非政府機構, 運用已獲政府批予的土地興建身青 年 宿 舍。
The Chief Executive announced in his Policy Address 2011-12 that, the Administration would support
non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in developing land granted to them by the
[...] Government to build hostels for single youths.
(c) 政府會否檢討身㆟士宿舍自㆒ 九九㆒年設立至今 政府會否檢討身㆟士宿舍自㆒ 九九㆒年設立至今 政府會否檢討身㆟士宿舍自㆒ 九九㆒年設立至今 政府會否檢討身㆟士宿舍自㆒ 九九㆒年設立至今,就解決單身㆟士住屋問題 ,就解決單身㆟士住屋問題 ,就解決單身㆟士住屋問題 ,就解決單身㆟士住屋問題 成效如何 主席先生,去年㆕月,當床位寓所條例草案恢復㆓讀辯論時,該草案的審議委員會主 席提到有需要安置床位寓所住客,因為這些住客可能要遷出,以便進行改善寓所的必 需工程,加強防火和樓宇安全。
SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS (in Cantonese): Mr President, Honourable Members will recall that at the resumption of debate on Second Reading of the Bedspace Apartments Bill in April last year, the Chairman of the Committee mentioned the need to rehouse lodgers who might have to be displaced from those apartments requiring improvement works to be carried out to enhance their fire and building safety.
[...] 階段評估其效用,未免為時尚早,特別是在 身 ㆟ 士 宿 舍 需 求 最為迫切的㆞區,如油 麻㆞、深水 及旺角,目前尚未有這類居所設立。
However, it is still early to assess its effectiveness,
[...] particularly as singleton hostels in areas where [...]
they are most needed, such as Yau Ma Tei,
Sham Shui Po and Mong Kok, are yet to be opened.
新來港人士不論居港多 久,只要證明有需要及符合有關的申請資格,均可以獲得其他形式的協助和
[...] 支援,包括就業支援服務、緊急救濟、慈善信託基金的臨時補助金,當然還 有醫療費用豁免、幼兒服務、實物支援,以及 身 人 士 宿 舍 的 宿 位分配。
These include employment support services, emergency relief, temporary
grants from charity trust funds, medical waivers, child care services, assistance
[...] in kind and placement in singleton hostels.
至於其他不屬於這個類別但 需要協助的住客,則可申請入住由政務總署提供的 身 ㆟ 士 宿 舍。
Those needy lodgers who fall outside
these categories would be eligible to apply for
[...] admission into singleton hostels provided by the [...]
Home Affairs Department.
現 有 的 度 假 設 施除了 顯 達 鄉村俱樂 部和嘉 湖 海 逸 酒 店 是 租 用 外,其餘身 均為部門宿舍 或 工 程 人員宿舍, 因 原 有用途 不 再 適用而改 作 員工度 假 屋 。
With the exception of the two leased facilities at Hilltop Country Club and Harbour Plaza Resort City, all existing holiday home facilities were formerly departmental or project quarters, which were converted into holiday bungalows for staff as they were no longer required for their original purposes.
[...] 下稱" 社署")亦有資助非政府機構營辦5 間身人士市區宿舍及兩 間緊急收容中心,現時合共提供202個短 [...]
期宿位及輔導服務予露宿者及其他有需要人士,有關詳情載於 附錄II。
The Social Welfare Department ("SWD") has also subvented NGOs
[...] to operate five urban hostels for single persons and [...]
two emergency shelters, providing
a total of 202 places of short-term accommodation and counseling services for street sleepers and other needy persons, as detailed in Appendix II.
生活区由中间蜿蜒的街道串联起来,并自然分为东西两个部分,东面布置 身 宿 舍 , 西 面是教师公寓和小住宅。
The site is typical of the local
hilly area with considerable undulation, limited width
[...] from the east to the west as well as [...]
large depth from north to south.
(三 ) 任 何 男 士 如 受到家 庭 問題困 擾 而 需要臨 時 居 所 服 務,社 工會按個 別 情況轉介他 們 接受向晴軒的 短 期 住宿服 務,協 助 他 們 處 理 本身 情 緒 和 尋 求積極解 決 家 庭 問題的方法;亦 可 轉介他 們 至由多 間非 政 府機構營辦 的身 人士宿 舍 , 以解決 住宿問題。
(c) For men requiring temporary accommodation due to family problems, social workers will refer them to the FCSC for short-term accommodation on a case-by-case basis, and help them cope with their emotional problems and find positive ways to solve their family problems.
[...] 提供短期經濟援助以應付租金及搬遷開支、轉介申請綜 合社會保障援助、安排入住市區身 人 士 宿 舍 、 推薦予 房屋署考慮透過體恤安置計劃安排入住公屋單位等。
The assistance may include, for example, short-term financial assistance to meet rental and removal expenses, referrals for applications for Comprehensive Social
Security Assistance, arrangements for
[...] admission to urban hostels for single persons, [...]
making recommendations to the Housing
Department for consideration of allocation of public rental housing flats under the Compassionate Rehousing scheme, and so on.
(四 ) 民政事務總署的身人士宿舍現時 的入住率為何;住客住滿 3年後是否須搬出;若須要,是否知悉他們一般搬往哪類住 [...]
所;現時住客繳付的最高、最低及平均租金;已申請入住公 屋的住客的百分比,以及他們平均已輪候多久
(d) of the current occupancy
[...] rate of the singleton hostels of the Home Affairs [...]
Department (HAD); whether occupants are required
to move out after three years of occupancy; if so, whether it knows the types of housing to which they will generally move; of the highest, lowest and average rent currently paid by the occupants; the percentage of occupants who have already applied for PRH, and the average time for which they have been waiting
相關政策局/部門正就收到有關使 用該兩所身為空置校舍的土 地的申請,按政府的既定政 策、相關的土地契約條款,以及有關土地的長遠用途,審 [...]
The bureaux/departments concerned are considering
applications for using the site of these two
[...] former vacant school premises in accordance with [...]
established government policies, relevant
land grant conditions and the long term use of the sites.
这家身为酒店的舍位于奥克兰市中心皇后大街(Queen Street)的南端,其背包客客房主要由双床房间和双人房间组成,同时还提供共用房间,部分房间可欣赏到奥克兰的城市美景。
This former hotel offers a range of clean and comfortable rooms
[...] from different sized dorm rooms (male or female [...]
only available), to private single, twin and double rooms.
文化是人类独特进程和机制的总体,它活力充沛,并入新 的做法和要素(不论是身的或输入的 ) , 舍 弃 其 他;它是一个不断适应环境的进 程,如果环境产生自由和尊重条件,它可加强和振兴文化。
Cultures, being a set of processes and mechanisms common to the human species are dynamic, take in new ways of doing things — whether native or foreign — and cast off others, in a constant process of adaptation to the environment.




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