

单词 舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马

External sources (not reviewed)

你們極其量敢在背後罵皇帝,在 行政長 官跟前卻又囁囁嚅嚅。
All that you dare to do at the most is to scold the [...]
king behind his back, and you just hem and haw before the Chief Executive.
一强大的符号曾是中皇帝专用 的象征标志; 敢 在 服 饰或房屋装饰上使用任何龙符号的平民都会被满门抄斩。
This powerful icon was once reserved
[...] exclusively for the Chinese emperor; civilians who dare to use any dragon symbol on [...]
their clothing or
house decoration will the face the death penalty (for him and his entire family).
教科文组织继续开展为非洲优先项目筹措预算外资金的活动。 得 的 主 要成果 下: 与 卡扎菲国际慈善协会基金会(GIFCA)签订 一 项 供 资协议,由该基金会出资 250,000 美元支持 22 个非洲国家的科学教育把支持在 马拉 维 建 立太阳村项目的 1,000,000 美元 拨款在开发计划署预算中作为单列项目;与战略规划编制局、总部外协调局、对外关系与合 作部门与预算外财源合作处合作,在瓦加杜古举行了一个圆桌会议,征集和遴选能向预算外 财源机构提交的项目方案。
[...] UNESCO continued its activities to raise extrabudgetary funds for priority projects for Africa, leading in particular to: the signing of a funding agreement with GIFCA and the release of US $250,000 to support science education in 22 African [...]
countries; the opening of a US $1,000,000
credit line from UNDP to set up solar villages in Malawi; and the organization, in Ouagadougou, in liaison with BSP, BFC and ERC/CFS, of a round table to collect and analyse projects for submission to extrabudgetary funding sources.
在东方省和南北基伍,在 2 360 个举报侵害儿童的案例中,447 宗已查明属 安全部队和武装团体所为;有 38 个据称是刚果民主共和国武装力量犯下的案件, 30 个案件由国民警察经手,有 379 个案件是几马伊马伊团体、解放卢旺达民主 力量、伊图里爱国抵抗阵线、民族主义与融合主义者阵线、 帝 抵 抗军 和 身 份不 明的制服人一手犯下的。
In Oriental province and the Kivus, of 2,360 cases that were reported to have been committed against children, 447 have been attributed to security forces and armed
groups, 38 cases
[...] were allegedly committed by FARDC, 30 by the National Police and 379 by several Mai-Mai groups, FDLR, FRPI, the Front nationaliste et intégrationnaliste (FNI), LRA and non-identified people in uniform.
當局在事務委員會2011年 10月 21日的會議上向其簡介 2011-2012年度施政報告的新措施,委員獲告知,政府當局會增加 在買位計下的買位數目,以及當甲二級別院舍可以達到較高 的要求(即較高的空間和人手要求)時,當局 把 這 些 院 舍 提 升一級別 ,並增加甲一級別宿位的供應。
At its meeting on 21 October 2011 when the Panel was briefed on the new initiatives under the 2011-2012 Policy Address, members were advised that the Administration would increase the number of bought places under EBPS and upgrade EA2 homes to EA1 level as and when they could meet the higher requirements and increase the supply of EA1 places, i.e. having higher spatial and staffing requirements.
在特殊情下,可以允许母把她的子 女留在舍里和她在一起生 活到某一年龄。
In exceptional cases, a mother can be allowed to keep her child with her in the detention facility [...]
until a certain age.
在车辆将要变换车道,而侧后方雷达同时感应到有车辆进入外后视镜盲点时,外后视镜上的指示灯就会闪烁,提醒驾驶者注意后车,由此避 剐 蹭 的 发生。
When the vehicle is about to change lanes, and the radar on rear side senses vehicles entering into the blind spot of outside rear-view mirror, then the light on the
outside rear-view mirrors will flash to remind the driver to pay attention to the car
[...] behind to avoid the occurrence of rub.
我们已经多次强调,不能简单把索 马 里 问 题作一个安全问题来处理,因为任何目的仅在于处理缺 乏安全与稳定状况的做法都不会得 成 功 ,除非在 《联合国宪章》第八章的基础上,在联合国、非洲联 盟、拉伯国家联盟和其他次区域组织开展合作与密 切协调的框架内解决其各方面问题。
We have stressed repeatedly that we should
[...] not deal with Somalia only as a security problem, since any approach aimed at addressing the lack of security and stability will not be successful unless it addresses its various dimensions and is implemented within the framework of cooperation and close coordination among the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States and [...]
other subregional organizations
on the basis of Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter.
还有发言者表示,对最不发达国家的援助和支持不应被视为 舍 , 而应 视一种投 资,能够成为世界以及最不发达国家 身 实 现 增长的关键驱动力。
It was further observed that assistance and support to least developed countries
should not be viewed as charity, but as
[...] investment that can be a key driver of growth in the world as well as in the least developed countries themselves.
当两个分帝国皇帝,这 是不太根据语言,也不是教会师更精确,因为伊利里库姆大省,包 马 其 顿 和希腊所有,是重视通过至 一 个 教 父的很 一 部 分 西方期间,并应依塞萨洛尼卡大主教,而不是其的Exarch或族长,但作为教皇使节。
When two emperors divided the Empire, it was not quite according to language; nor were the ecclesiastical divisions more exact, since the great province of Illyricum, including Macedonia and all Greece, was attached to the West through at least a large part of the [...]
patristic period, and
was governed by the archbishop of Thessalonica, not as its exarch or patriarch, but as papal legate.
舍"生態酒店得2012年 香港建築師學會境外優異獎,並於最近 得 2 0 12 皇家建築師協會國際建築獎。
The Innhouse Eco Hotel project received the 2011 Hong Kong Institute of Architects Merit Award, and has recently been given an RIBA International Award.
皇帝把话说完,汲黯就说:"陛下 内 心里那么贪婪多欲,表面上却要 得 实 行 仁政,这是何苦呢?
No sooner had the Emperor finished his speech, than Ji An said: " Your Majesty is so greedy and avaricious inside but [...]
now is pretending to
implement the policy of benevolence and justice.
我們的政府不但漠視和被動,而且 身 在 政 府的合約上亦已訂定了最低 要求,即政府原則上也認同要有最低工資,在很多工程合約上也訂 一 些基 本的條款,但政府,特別是我們的特首怯於有 800 名成員的選舉委員會的恐 嚇或威下,不敢在現 階段採取立法,因為很明顯,選舉委員會已被大老闆 和工商界所操縱及壟斷。
However, with all the intimidation and threats of the 800 members of the Election Committee, the Government, especially the Chief Executive, does not have any courage to legislate for a minimum wage at this stage.
現時要做的是下勇敢的政策,把殘 舊 的工業大廈改變用途。
What should be done now is to formulate a bold policy to change the uses of these dilapidated industrial buildings.
马拉建议把以下专题 作为在刑事事项上展开国际合作 一 般 性 主题: 为展开联合调查进行国际合作;从性别角度分析跨国有组织犯罪;犯罪类型标 准化;资产追回;犯罪行为定义的标准化;以及关于打击有组织犯罪和腐败行 为的信息交流平台。
Guatemala suggested topics related to the general theme of international cooperation in criminal matters as follows: international cooperation [...]
for carrying
out joint investigations; gender perspective in the analysis of transnational organized crime; standardization of criminal types; asset recovery; standardization of definitions of criminal conduct; and platforms for information-exchange for the fight against organized crime and corruption.
下国家的代表团参加了互动式对话:大韩民国、希腊、卡塔尔、巴巴多斯、 加拿大、南非、挪威、津巴布韦、喀麦隆、阿富汗、比利时、尼加拉瓜、阿根廷、 立陶宛、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、尼日尔、芬兰、危 马拉 、 加蓬、博茨瓦纳、帝汶、 巴拉圭、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、墨西哥、埃及、新西兰、哈萨克斯坦、萨 尔瓦多、乌拉圭和爱尔兰。
The delegations of the following countries participated in the interactive dialogue: the Republic of Korea, Greece, Qatar, Barbados, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Belgium, Nicaragua, Argentina, Lithuania, the United Republic of Tanzania, Niger, Finland, Guatemala, Gabon, Botswana, Timor-Leste, Paraguay, [...]
Nigeria, Pakistan, Mexico,
Egypt, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, El Salvador, Uruguay and Ireland.
因为这些障碍,很多记者对受到的威胁或 身 体 攻 击后 敢报 案一步助长了有罪不罚的循环。
Against these obstacles, many journalists choose not to report threats or incidents of physical attack, further fuelling the cycle of impunity.
另在第 2 次会议上,中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、德国、日本、蒙古国、摩洛哥、 喀麦隆和美国的代表以及丹麦、新西兰、菲律宾、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、 拉 利 昂 、 老挝人民民主共和国、大韩民国、塔吉克斯坦、 帝 汶 、 马 来 西 亚、汤加、得 角、阿富汗和巴西的观察员发了言。
Also at the 2nd meeting, statements were made by the representatives of China, Colombia, Cuba, Germany, Japan, Mongolia, Morocco, Cameroon and the United States, as well as the observers for Denmark, New Zealand, the
Philippines, Iran (Islamic
[...] Republic of), Sierra Leone, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Republic of Korea, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Malaysia, Tonga, Cape Verde, Afghanistan [...]
and Brazil.
得勇敢地霸占被遗弃的船,小叮当 一 抹 灰 尘的帮 下 , 飞 往伦敦与孩子们登上。
Peter gallantly commandeers the deserted ship, and with the aid of Tinker Bell’s pixie dust, [...]
flies it to London with the children aboard.
次日一大早,在阿马拉皇宫酒 店,索马里客 人中一人把他们的护照交给了机组人员,这批人已作好出发的准备。
Early the
[...] following morning in the Asmara Palace Hotel, one of the Somali clients handed the flight [...]
crew their passports,
and the group was ready to depart.
新來港人士不論居港多 久,只要證明有需要及符合有關的申請資格,均可以 得 其 他 形式的協助和 支援,包括就業支援服務、緊急救濟、慈善信託基金的臨時補助金,當然還 有醫療費用豁免、幼兒服務、實物支援,以及 身 人 士 宿 舍 的 宿 位分配。
These include employment support services, emergency relief, temporary grants from charity trust funds, medical waivers, child care services, assistance in kind and placement in singleton hostels.
马里 仍坚信,在国际社会的支持下,在所有爱好和平和正 义的人民的声下,勇敢的巴 勒斯坦人民将恢复其民 族权利,特别是建立以圣城为首都的主权、独立国家 的权利。
Mali remains firmly convinced that, with the support of the international community and the solidarity of all peace- and justice-loving [...]
the valiant people of Palestine will regain their national rights, especially their right to a sovereign and independent State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
得 現在這 情下 , 既 推 行強積 金、“ 強醫金 ” 等 計 劃,再 加 上 加 價 , 只 會 打 擊 剛開始復 甦 的 經 濟 , 打 擊 市 民的口袋裏, 他們袋 中可能 多了少少的金 錢 , 但他們想 要 取 出來消 費 也敢 , 只能把 錢 收 起來, 不 敢亂花 。
While the people may have a little more money in their pockets, they dare not spend it.
一气儿我们就跑出了五六公里,当时喊也喊不住他,他跑我也 敢 停 下 , 我 怕 把 他 累 坏就加紧跑到他前边截住了他,刚坐到路 一 棵 大松树下想休息,没想到我们惊动了另一个在此休息的“人”——树上的一只飞龙,当飞龙“唋噜”一声飞走的时候,我旁边坐着的张宁也“蹭” 一 下 又 开始了特殊的逃亡,我因心里发虚也就在喊他停住的声音中开始了尾随逃亡,这次我们又接着跑了五六公里,也就到了检查站附近,这时我们俩也就 得 再 也跑不动了,躺倒在路旁的草地上就是两个多小时。
We ran out of the stretch five or six children km, was unable to call also call him, he ran I could not stop, I am afraid to step up his tired to go to him stopped in front of him, just sat down street I wanted to rest under a large pine tree, did not think we alerted the other in the rest of the "people" - a dragon tree, when the dragon "Tu chatter" soon fly away, sitting next to me Zhang Ning also "rub" and click again a special flight, I was crying my heart that he made false will stop the sound in the start of the [...]
trailing flight, we went on the run five
or six kilometers to the checkpoint will nearby, then we both will not run too tired, and lying on the grass by the roadside is more than two hours.
13 诏书中称,马教皇有权 力判定并处置“那些他认为顺乎 帝的 东西,由此将帝交托 给他的羊群带入 一 的 神圣家园,为他们 得 永 恒 幸福的 回报,并为他们的灵魂求得赦免”。
It was to be remembered, in other
words, in perpetuity.13 The
[...] Roman pontiff was said to be empowered to ordain and dispose of “those things which he sees will be agreeable to the Divine Majesty and by which he may bring the sheep entrusted to him by God into the single divine fold, and may acquire for them the [...]
reward of eternal felicity,
and obtain pardon for their souls”.
得如此 受欢迎,当伊格死亡(10月23日,877)强力党要求Photius应该接替他现在就在自 身 边 的 皇帝 , 和 大使馆前往 马 解 释 说,每个人都在君士坦丁堡想Photius被族长。
He became so popular that when Ignatius died (23 Oct, 877)
[...] a strong party demanded that Photius should succeed him; the emperor was now on their side, and an embassy went to Rome to explain that everyone at Constantinople wanted Photius [...]
to be patriarch.
这件订制作品的综合意图和政治目的非常明显,即是维护罗马帝国朱利诺-克劳狄 (Julio-Claudian) 王朝的正统性并让其延续统治( 马帝 国 的 前五 皇帝 分 别 是:奥古斯都 (Augustus)、提比略 (Tiberius)、卡利拉 (Caligula)、克劳迪斯 (Claudius) 以及尼禄 (Nero))。
The general meaning and the political goals of this commissioned work are clear: its aim is to
assert the dynastic continuity and
[...] legitimacy of the Julio-Claudian emperors of the Roman Empire (the first five emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero).
撒哈拉以南非洲以外只有四个国家——阿尔巴尼亚、多米尼加共和国、危 马拉 和东帝汶——其 55%或以上的得到满 足的需求均来自于妇女渴望推迟未来怀孕 时间。
Only in four countries outside
sub-Saharan Africa —
[...] Albania, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Timor-Leste — did 55 per cent or more [...]
of unmet need stem from
the desire of women to delay a future pregnancy.




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