单词 | 舍友 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舍友 noun —roommate n舍友 —dormitory roommateSee also:舍—give up • give alms • surname She
阿莱达的旅舍友好双 语的工作人员随时可以帮助规划和独特的文化fllled厄瓜多尔日子你。 instantworldbooking.com | Aleida's Hostal friendly bilingual staff is [...] always available to help you in planning days fllled with unique Ecuadorian Culture. instantworldbooking.com |
y 社區精神健康照顧服務 社區精神健康照顧服務是社區支援服務,旨在協助剛離開精神科病 房/醫院和中途宿舍的精神病康復者,以及正等候就業或日間職業 訓練安排的中途宿舍舍友,讓 他們可繼續留在社區生活。 legco.gov.hk | CMHCS are community support services to help those ex-mentally ill persons who are discharged from psychiatric wards/hospitals and halfway houses as well as those halfway house residents waiting for a day placement to achieve the objectives of living continuously in the community. legco.gov.hk |
在我們的三年服務計劃中,整個服務團隊都關心學員 和 舍友 之 家庭支援網絡,除強化家人之間之關係外,亦關注家長老齡化,家庭功能上的轉變,包括身體照顧、心理支持等。 hksb.org.hk | In the Three Year Programme Plan, it was our goal to work closely with the families in dealing with the challenges of “Ageing” and “Strengthening Family Support Network” for the purpose of meeting the psychosocial and physical needs of the ageing trainees and their parents. hksb.org.hk |
白普理之家有兩位舍友參與籌委會及支援工作坊,積極展示獨立生活之信心和能力。 hksb.org.hk | Participants included the intellectual challenged, their family members and professional workers from Hong Kong, Guangdong Province and Macau. hksb.org.hk |
為擴展服務對象的生活範圍和視野,我們透過2008年中樂慈善音樂會所籌募的善款,資助十七位較年長和有特別需要的學員 和 舍友 , 於 2009年7月14至17日參加『台灣文化之旅』。 hksb.org.hk | In order to widen the horizon and life experience of MDVI, 17 [...] trainees and residents of MGCH, BH and JH visited [...]Taiwan from 14 to 17 July 2009 with financial [...]support from funds raised through a Charity Music Concert held in 2008. hksb.org.hk |
年度內,樂悠居亦完成廚房和宿舍維修工程, 令 舍友 家 居生活得以改善。 hksb.org.hk | Plumbing work, ceiling repair and minor renovations were also completed at the Joyful Home. hksb.org.hk |
在2007年11月16日,感謝香港警察機動部隊B連指揮官方安妮警司帶領旗下之香港警察機動部隊B連特警為「同一天空下 - 成長無障礙」- 視障智障人士發展計劃作慈善跑步,當日共有160位特警參與,而朝陽中心之學員 及 舍友 擔 任 「啦啦隊」,合共籌得約$80,000,以資助經濟有困難之視障智障朋友擔任「親善大使」,出席2007年7月在台灣舉行之「第五屆兩岸四地啟智服務研討會」,向兩岸四地的人士分享他們突破生命障礙、奮發成長之故事。 hksb.org.hk | A Charity Run led by Ms Annie Fonda, Superintendent of Police of the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) was successfully held on 16 November 2007. There were about 160 runners from PTU Bravo Team and around $80,000 was raised to support development services for the mentally handicapped blind. hksb.org.hk |
扣除當日開支,共籌得港幣163,795元作為學員 及 舍友 外 訪 、交流及服務發展之用。 hksb.org.hk | A net sum of$163,795 was raised through this Concert to support future exchange tours and service development of the mentally handicapped blind. hksb.org.hk |
白普理之家的電力工程、廚房及男宿舍洗手間的工程、及天花和地板改善工程亦相繼完成, 令 舍友 在 家 居化之居住環境中,學習獨立生活。 hksb.org.hk | Electrical rewiring, kitchen and male toilet renovation, ceiling repair and painting, replacement of floor tiles and new furniture procurement at Bradbury Home were done to provide a more comfortable living space for the residents. hksb.org.hk |
感謝方安妮警司於二零零七年義務發起『同一天空下』籌款活動,資助十位朝陽中心暨宿舍學員、五位白普理之 家 舍友 、 一 位樂悠 居 舍友 、 二位家長、三位義工和十一位職員合共三十二人,參與2008年7月11至16日在台灣舉行的研討會及文化交流活動,而“Cheers”樂隊更在歡迎晚宴中表演,獲得兩岸四地朋友讚賞。 hksb.org.hk | With the kind assistance of Madam Annie Fonda, Superintendent of the Kowloon West Regional Police Headquarters, funds were raised for trainees and residents from MGCH, BH and JH to attend the Seminar together with 16 parents, volunteers and staff members from 11 to 16 July 2008. hksb.org.hk |
參與的學員和舍友對於 行程中眾多的「第一次」新嘗試,感覺興奮,樂趣無窮。 hksb.org.hk | The clients were very excited and they gained valuable experience for travelling overseas the “first time” in their lives. hksb.org.hk |
朝陽中心暨宿舍、白普理之家和樂悠居的學員 及 舍友 積 極 參與「社區藝術節」、「家在石硤尾」社區關懷計劃、賽馬會創意藝術中心的藝術節等共融活動,推廣「積極人生」生活態度,社區人士對他們的才華和表演,健康的自我形象和活出「積極人生」的表現十分讚賞。 hksb.org.hk | Residents of MGCH, BH and JH participated in Inclusive Arts Activities of the Arts for the Disabled Association to promote the positive image of MR Blind, while enhancing their sense of competence. hksb.org.hk |
朝陽中心暨宿舍於2008年6月完成更換護理室及宿房之召援鐘系統,四樓宿房的防漏及冷氣和環境改善工程亦於2009年3月完成, 為 舍友 提 供 更安全和舒適的住宿環境。 hksb.org.hk | Renovation of the dormitories on the 4th floor of MGCH was completed in March 2009 to provide a better living environment for the residents. hksb.org.hk |
此外,把不少中途宿舍開放予社區人士出入,亦造成很多 舍友的諸多不便。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, opening up a large number of half-way houses to members of the community will cause much inconvenience to the residents. legco.gov.hk |
年度內,我們除了為舍友提供 獨立生活訓練及住宿服務外,我們更開展了一項新的計劃,名為「樂聚朝陽」週五適體健及美食計劃,用以推 動 舍友 關 心 自己的健康。 hksb.org.hk | Apart from the provision of general residential care and training for semi-independent living at the Bradbury Home new programme named “Friday Fitness Programme and Healthy Diet” had been launched during the year. hksb.org.hk |
社工和復康訓練導師透過多媒體觸感訓練牆引發學員 及 舍友 互 相 溝通、表達自己、進行觸感手語訓練,及鼓勵他們參與生活。 hksb.org.hk | An interactive Multi-Sensory Audio and Tactile Training Room was set up in [...] October 2008 at MGCH for both individual [...]and group training in communication and tactile skills. hksb.org.hk |
學員及舍友們藉 著話劇及歌曲,向他們敬愛的父母表達謝意。 hksb.org.hk | The trainees expressed their heartfelt thanks to the love of their parents through dramas and singing songs. hksb.org.hk |
旅舍友好的爱犬会不时地问候宾客 cn.yha.co.nz | The greeting from the friendly dogs yha.co.nz |
年度內「樂在朝陽」音樂訓練深得學員 及 舍友 們 的 歡迎,而白普理之家 之 舍友 劉 作 卿及杜景培更於2007「中國情、香港心」公開歌唱比賽中獲得合唱組優異獎,而樂悠 居 舍友 左 偉 康則於獨唱組獲優異獎,朝陽中心的學員及家長們一同出席當晚之決賽,分享他們的喜悅。 hksb.org.hk | A group of parents and residents from MGCH, BH and JH attended the “Celebration of [...] National Day Singing Contest Final” on 11 September 2007 and shared the happiness of Annie Lau and To King Pui, residents of Bradbury Home, who got the Appreciation Award in Group Singing Competition, while Chor [...]Wai Hong of the Joyful Home got the Appreciation Award in the Solo Singing Competition. hksb.org.hk |
在2009年11月22至26日,院長和職業治療師出席了在新加坡舉行的第十九屆亞洲啟智研討會,並發表文章,向業界分享「The Cheers」樂隊的發展心得和經驗,會議結束後於當地匯合十二位學員 和 舍友 , 展 開四日三夜之「新加坡文化交流暨智障服務探訪團」,而「The Cheers」樂隊更於當地表演,渡過一個愉快和難忘的旅程。 hksb.org.hk | The Superintendent and Occupational Therapist of MGCH attended the 19th Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities Conference in Singapore from 22 to 26 November 2009 and presented a paper on the development of the music band “Cheers” in Hong Kong. hksb.org.hk |
過去兩年,『接棒人』計劃得到不少學員 及 舍友 兄 弟 姊妹支持,共同分擔家長照顧有特別需要子女的壓力,他們對院舍工作計劃十分認同,其中包括《正視老化》和強化家庭支持網絡,為家長、學員 及 舍友 因 老 化而遇到的挑戰作好準備。 hksb.org.hk | In the Three-Year Plan, the Home staff worked with the families to deal with the challenges of “Ageing” and “Strengthening Family Support Network” in meeting the psychosocial and physical needs of ageing trainees and their parents. hksb.org.hk |
医院的精神病康复者及刚离开中 途宿舍的舍友提供持续支援,协助他们解决所遇到的适应问题,从而重新融入社 区; (d) 精神病康复者训练及活动中心专为改善精神病康复者的社会适应能力 而设,目的是协助他们在日常生活上更加独立,以及帮助其发展社交技巧和职业 技能。 daccess-ods.un.org | These services, which consist mainly of outreaching visits, aim to provide continuous support to mental patients newly discharged from psychiatric wards/hospitals and halfway houses so as to help them solve their adjustment problems and re-integrate into the community daccess-ods.un.org |
在2011年8月25日至8月29日期間,我們推薦了三位「積極人生大使」之小丑隊及樂隊之義工陪同八位在過去三年曾參與「積極人生大使」公眾教育及服務 之 舍友 及 學員,一同前往韓國濟州作文化交流及參觀當地社福機構,並讓當地社福機構認識到「積極人生大使」在義工及專業同工導引下服務社會之足跡。 hksb.org.hk | A total of 8 Happy Clowns and Cheers Band members joined an Exchange Tour to Jeju, Korea from 25 to 29 August 2011. hksb.org.hk |
委員並促請政府當 局為現時居於因未能符合發牌規定而會暫停營運的私營 院 舍 的院 友作出所需安排。 legco.gov.hk | Members also urged the Administration to make necessary arrangements for those residents who were currently residing in private homes which would discontinue operation for not being able to meet the licensing requirements. legco.gov.hk |
社署亦會繼續鼓勵現居於私營殘疾人士 院 舍 的 院友 接受社區康復及支援服務(例如家居訓練及支援服務和日間 社區康復服務等),藉以提升他們自我照顧和適應社會的能 力,以及私營殘疾人士院舍員工的護理能力。 legco.gov.hk | SWD will also continue to extend the community rehabilitation and support services, such as the Home-based Training and Support Service and Community Rehabilitation Day Services, etc. to PWDs residing in private RCHDs with a view to enhancing their self-care and social functioning as well as the caring capability of the private RCHDs’ staff. legco.gov.hk |
由於2008-2009年度政府財政預算案公布的額外 金額將於短期內發放,委員認為,政府當局應加強監察 安老院舍,以防院舍在未經院友同意的情況下擅用額外 的綜援金。 legco.gov.hk | As the additional payments announced in the 2008-2009 Budget would be disbursed shortly, members considered that the Administration should step up the monitoring of RCHEs in preventing the use of the additional CSSA payments without the consent of the residents. legco.gov.hk |
鑒 於 嚴重急性呼吸系統 綜合症(下 稱 “ SARS" )可能隨 季 節 更 替 而 重 臨 , 並與流感高 峰 期重疊 ,加上還未有 快 速 可 靠 的 診 斷 測 試 可在病 者 患病初 期 排 除 染病的可能性,諮 詢委員會在 顧及到 世 按 風 險 分 層 方 法 作出的建 議及本港流 行 病 學的情況後,提 議 把 本 年 的 注 射 計 劃 擴 大至殘疾人士院 舍 的 長 期院友,希望減低這 些 院 舍爆發 疫症的危 機,並 減 少 院 友 出 現 流感併 發 症以致 須入院 治 療 的 情況。 legco.gov.hk | In view of a possible seasonal return of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) which may coincide with the influenza peak season and the absence of a rapid and reliable diagnostic test to rule out SARS early in the course of illness, and in the light of the WHO's recommendations which were made with a risk-stratification approach and the local epidemiological situation, the Advisory Committee proposes an extension of this year's influenza vaccination programme to cover long-term residents in residential institutions for persons with disabilities. legco.gov.hk |
梁國雄議員: [...] 主席,本人經常收到資助護理安老院舍的前線員工投 訴,指現時院舍有不少院友需要 護養或療養服務,但因政府撥款不足而 人手短缺,嚴重地影響服務質素及增加前線員工受傷的風險。 legco.gov.hk | MR LEUNG KWOK-HUNG (in Chinese): President, I have often received complaints from front-line workers of subvented care and attention homes for the elderly [...] (C&AHs) that many residents of [...] these homes are in need of nursing or infirmary care services, [...]yet there is a shortage of [...]manpower due to insufficient government funding, which seriously affects the quality of service and increases front-line workers' risk of sustaining injuries. legco.gov.hk |