单词 | 舀勺 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舀勺 —scoopdipperSee also:舀—ladle out • scoop up 勺 n—spoon n • spoons pl • scoop n
所谓古法捕鱼,就是渔夫站在河边的支架,然后用一把叫"利波" (lippo) 的长柄舀勺直接把河鱼捞起来。 visitfinland.com | Kukkolankoski Rapids are famous for a centuries-old style [...] of fishing in which whitefish are caught [...] with a long-handled scoop net called a ‘lippo’; [...]fishermen stand on trestles as they reach into the water. visitfinland.com |
大号烤盘(18×13-in)铺上烤盘纸,用 勺 子 将 杏仁 糊 舀 到 烤 盘上,再尽量均匀铺平,铺满整个盘子,越薄越好,没有大号烤盘的话要分两次烤(图6)。 maomaomom.com | Spread the batter onto the baking [...] sheet as thin as possible using the back of a spoon. maomaomom.com |
孩子面对断奶,且不说营养需求,是他经历一段细微和重要的过程,为 [...] 了能够获取在嗅觉和味觉方面的经验而掌握能力,并接受小 汤 勺 喂 食 等。 stranieriincampania.it | Apart from the nutritional needs, weaning represents a delicate and important moment from the [...] acquisition of behaviour and attitudes in front of olfactory and taste experiences to the [...] acceptance of eating with a spoon, etc. stranieriincampania.it |
无论是一个旧罐子、一支木勺子,还是玩具反斗城之类的玩具,如果不适合孩子的年龄和发育水平,就会是危险的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Whether it’s an old [...] pot and a wooden spoon or something from [...]Toys-R-Us, toys can be dangerous if not appropriate to a child’s age and developmental level. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
能把半固体的食物用手往嘴里送,以及能 接受用小汤勺喂吃食品。 stranieriincampania.it | Likes semi-solid foods which he brings to the mouth with his hands [...] and accepts food given by spoon. stranieriincampania.it |
她发现自己陷入钻石头饰和银勺在可 爱的ceañera的庆祝,并试图离开之前,她是嘲笑。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She finds herself caught within the Cute-ceañera celebration for Diamond [...] Tiara and Silver Spoon, and tries to leave [...]before she is ridiculed. seekcartoon.com |
随附的顶盖 1 能避免餐具交错、产生烘干 斑点和小件餐具滑动 (例如咖啡勺)。 vzug.com | The inserts 1 supplied prevent items of [...] cutlery sticking together, water spots during drying, and [...] smaller items (e.g. mocca spoons) slipping through [...]the basket. vzug.com |
出 扑通一声倒入木架上的模具内 她的 丈夫则迅速地将豆花压入模具 抹平多余 的豆花 最后在上面盖上一块布 这时 卢女士又舀了一大勺豆花 准备倒入木 架上 我们俩配合得要快 她笑着 说 还好 我们都熟练了 当他们做 完手中的活时 就要准备卖豆腐了 他们 在市场上出售豆腐 一天的活也就赚4欧 元左右 活干得多 赚的钱却很少 不 过 他们会把研磨大豆后余留下来的豆渣 用来喂院子里的猪 大豆富含高蛋白 是 [...] 喂养家畜的理想饲料 netzhammerbreiholz.de | not only is Henan ideal for soybean cultivation, in tongbai a particularly valuable wild soybean also grows. the beans are much smaller than of their domestic cousin, but the protein content is higher. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
F 添加一茶勺主发酵所用的酵母并加 上一个棉絮塞。 fermentis.com | F Add one tea spoon of the yeast used [...] in main fermentation and add a cotton stopper. fermentis.com |
分段食物調理器由樹脂製,可放微波爐使用,包括 T 量 勺 及 餵 食匙,可磨碎及壓碎食物。 combi.com.hk | It includes measuring spoon and feeding spoon for mashing, grating or mincing food. combi.com.hk |
不過,2011 年歐洲食物安全局指出,觀察到的多溴聯苯醚 對甲狀腺激素水平的影響是不一致的,而攝入其他鹵代污染物亦可能會 令研究結果出現偏差。 cfs.gov.hk | However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2011 opined that the observed effects on thyroid hormone levels were not always consistent, and that exposure to other halogenated contaminants could have confounded the outcome of these studies. cfs.gov.hk |
他于2005年加盟迪拜香格里拉酒店,担任副厨师长,数年来一直在Hoi An餐厅内掌勺,为 客人奉上诱人越南美味。 shangri-la.com | Chef Chung left Vietnam to join Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai in 2005 as sous chef, and has been inspiring our diners at Hoi An ever since. shangri-la.com |
就在她被发现并嘲笑她的同学,另外两个雌缺乏可爱,Scootaloo,亲爱的美女,站起来,为苹果布鲁姆,保证她仍然有巨大的潜力在她的生活中,其余的社交聚会常客,很快采取更多的在苹果布鲁姆和她的新朋友比钻石头饰和 银 勺 的 兴 趣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Just as she is discovered and teased by her classmates, two other fillies who lack cutie marks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, stand up for Apple Bloom, assuring that she still has lots of potential in her life; [...] the rest of the partygoers soon take more interest in Apple Bloom and her new friends than [...] Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. seekcartoon.com |
1、取一盆,放入1-4料(图1),用一 木 勺 顺 一 个方向搅拌至少80下至馅上劲(图2)。 maomaomom.com | 1: Combine all ingredients of Ingredient 1) to 4) in a bowl (Picture1), stir [...] with a wooden spoon in one direction [...]for 3 minutes until the mixture becomes sticky (Picture 2). maomaomom.com |
1、饺馅:取一盆,放入1 和 [...] 2料(图1)拌匀后,放入3料西葫芦(图2),用一 木 勺 顺 一个方向边搅拌边加入4料的水,搅拌80下至馅上劲(图3)。 maomaomom.com | 1: Zucchini and pork filling: Combine all ingredients of Ingredient 1) to 3) in a bowl, and mix well (picture 1). Add shredded zucchini (picture [...] 2) and stir in one direction for 3 [...] minutes with a wooden spoon, slowly adding 5-6 [...]tbsp cold water until the mixture becomes sticky (picture 3). maomaomom.com |
带有黑色字体的表盘,将观众的视线转到如何制作蓝色面团的食谱上,表针则分别是刀、叉 、 勺。 swatch.com | The dial, white with black script, directs the viewer to follow the steps of a recipe for blue-dyed pasta, and the hands are [...] a knife, fork and spoon. swatch.com |
满族人以孩子后脑勺扁平 为美,由于绑在悠车里的孩子不能随意翻动,只能仰卧,所枕的枕头为小米或高梁米所装,时间长了会使孩子的后 脑 勺 变 平 ,使婴儿的面庞增大、丰满。 sypm.org.cn | People in child head of Manchu Lichen beauty, due to tie in big car child cannot arbitrarily flip only supine, the pillow pillow millet or high-Liang Mi installed, a long time will make the child head flattening, the baby face increases, plump. sypm.org.cn |
她另外拿起小勺子尝 了尝,满意地点了点头。 unicef.org | She takes another small spoon, tastes the food [...] and nods with satisfaction. unicef.org |
行政主厨Wayne拥有超过12年的经验,曾在温哥华多家顶级酒店 掌 勺。 shangri-la.com | Executive Chef Wayne has spent over 12 years at various high-end hotels throughout Vancouver. shangri-la.com |
您也许在狗狗的碗中加了一勺酸奶 ,让它摄取额外的钙,或是 一 勺 牛 肉 汁,让它身体更加温暖。 eukanuba.com.cn | You might give him a spoonful of yoghurt for extra calcium or ladle beef gravy into his bowl to give his coat added shine. eukanuba.es |
于是老翁取过一个葫芦立放在地上,用铜钱盖在它的口上,慢慢地 用 勺 子 把 油倒进葫芦,油从铜钱的孔中注进去,却不沾湿铜钱。 chinesestoryonline.com | the old man said, and then he placed a gourd on the ground, and covered its mouth with a Chinese copper coin (a coin with a square hole in the center). chinesestoryonline.com |
从1975年5月25日—8月31日,陶研所共烧制22窑,入窑14103件,实际出成品4200余件,平均合格率仅30%,当年从中精选出:釉上彩三套、釉下彩三套,包括9-15厘米不同规格盖碗,6-8寸和合器,茶杯、调羹、布碟、毛巾碟、文房四宝、品锅、饭锅、烟缸、茶缸,12厘米内外对画芙蓉碗、大 饭 勺 、 酱 油壶、醋壶、胡椒粉筒、牙签筒、酒具、茶具等10箱,共有千余件,余下,除自然损耗,还有江西828招待所的两箱及陶研所作为福利分配到职工手中。 xhwcn.com | From May 25, 1975 - August 31, ceramics research was fired by 22 kiln, kiln 14103 pieces, the actual finish more than 4200, the average qualified rate of only 30%, then pick out: under the glaze color in three sets, colour three sets, including 9-15 cm different specifications tureen, 6 to 8 inches and apparatus, cups, spoons, disc, towels, plates, four treasures of the study, pot, pot, ashtray, tea [...] urn, 12 cm inside and outside the [...] painting lotus bowls, spoons, soy sauce pot, [...]vinegar pot, pepper canister, toothpicks [...]extinguishers, wine, tea sets and other 10 cases, there are thousands of pieces, the rest, in addition to natural wear and tear, and two cases of jiangxi 828 hostel and ceramic grind the welfare allocation to the worker's hands. xhwcn.com |
只要您使用JAZZFU的冰淇淋勺,只 要一夹一放,便能帮你做出一盘精美的冰淇淋。 st3d.com | You just need to close and open the ice cream scoop, and then delicate ice cream will be made. st3d.com |
同时,晚宴将由Stefan Stiller先生亲自掌勺, 用六道绝佳的菜品与六款佳酿搭配。 emw-wines.com | The delicious six-course menu will be specially prepared by Mr. Stefan Stiller himself to match with the wonderful wines. en.emw-wines.com |
当您从锅里要盛出面条的时候,您是否觉得面条通常会很不听话地 从 勺 里 溜 出来? st3d.com | Once you need to take the noodles out of the pan, some noodles will slide away. st3d.com |
放置在水槽中的小动物断头台和手术器械和材料去除脑和海马清扫,包括一个折叠的纸巾,#11手术刀刀片,beebee剪刀,骨rongeurs,“海马工具”(一个专门的双锅铲从精细的手术工具),小的手术剪刀,薄薄的双端锅铲巴斯德吸管,塑料,直径110毫米的滤纸过滤纸,有盖的100毫米的玻璃培养皿中充满冰和塑 料 勺。 jove.com | Place a small animal guillotine in the sink and lay out surgical instruments and materials for brain removal and hippocampal dissection including a folded paper towel, a #11 scalpel blade, beebee scissors, bone rongeurs, a "Hippocampus tool" (a specialized dual spatula from Fine Surgical Tools), small surgical scissors, a thin double-ended spatula, plastic [...] Pasteur pipette, 110 mm diameter Whatman Filter paper, a lidded 100 mm glass petri dish filled with [...] ice, and a plastic spoon. jove.com |
一小勺的汞 将足以污染整个湖,因为它具有毒性和挥发性。 esab-cutting.cn | A teaspoonful of mercury is sufficient to pollute an entire lake and, because of its toxicity and volatility, mercury should therefore not be used but should be left in the earth’s crust in inactive form. esab-cutting.net |
通过采访一些儿童和青少年,防止酷刑小组委员会收到可靠、一再出现的 [...] 酷刑和虐待指控,其中包括:工作人员徒手、用木棍或金属棍击打后 脑 勺 和 身 体 其他部位,扒光儿童和青少年的衣服,强迫他们用很不舒服的姿势站立,侮辱和 [...]威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through interviews conducted with a number of children and adolescents, the SPT received credible and reiterated allegations of torture [...] and ill-treatment. These included beatings by [...] staff on the back of the head and [...]other parts of the body with open hands, [...]wood or metal batons, stripping of children and adolescents, forcing them to stand in uncomfortable positions, insults and threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
据了解,必须获得“QS”证书的39种包装包括商品零售包装袋、液体包装用聚乙烯吹塑薄膜、夹链自封袋、包装用镀铝薄膜、液体食品无菌包装用纸基复合材料、榨菜包装用复合膜袋、编织袋、用于包装食品的多层复合食品包装袋、复合塑料编织袋、塑料防盗瓶盖、塑料奶瓶、塑料饮水杯(壶)、塑料瓶(坯)、塑料菜板,饭盒、碗、盘、碟、杯等食品用工具等产品(不包括筷子、刀、叉 、 勺 、 托 、吸管、果冻杯、酸奶杯等产品)。 zccor.com | Must obtain a certificate of "QS" It is understood that 39 kinds of packaging including retail bags, liquid packaging polyethylene blown film clip chain ziplock packaging aluminum film, aseptic packaging of liquid food, paper-based composites, mustard packaging composite film bags, woven bags, for the multilayer composite food packaging food bags, compound plastic woven bag, plastic anti-theft caps, plastic bottles, plastic drinking cup (pot), plastic bottles (blanks), plastic dishes plates, lunch boxes, bowls, plates, plates, cups and other food tools and [...] other products (not including [...] chopsticks, knives, forks, spoons, child care, straws, [...]jelly cups, yogurt cups and other products). zccor.com |