单词 | 臻於完善 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 臻于完善—attain perfection [idiom.]See also:完善—improve perfect make perfect 完善v—completev refinev maturev 善于—be adept at be good at
也许是掏膛的标准到了那时已经不是那麽严格的,连第一流的制玉作坊在不显露的肩部内,未臻於完善也可以。 e-yaji.com | It would seem that a choice has been made, perhaps [...] indicating that standards of hollowing have [...] declined a littleand less-than-impeccable [...]detailing has become acceptable. e-yaji.com |
於1970年代设立 Sin Kee 第一家小吃摊後,经过多年的历练,已使其知名鸡肉饭的食谱更臻完美。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Sin Kee's first stall was set up in the 1970s and the recipe for its famous Chicken Ricehas been perfectedthroughout the years. marinabaysands.com |
四月於新濠天地全新开幕的御膳房,严选全球最上乘的材料,以一丝不苟及力臻完美的烹调理念,为客人提供经典欧陆美馔。 yp.mo | Utilizing the freshest seasonal ingredients from around the world, the Tasting Room, opened in April, offers classical European delicacies to its customers. yp.mo |
秉 承 建 设 卓 越 、 精 益 求 精 的 宗 旨 , 太 古 商 厦 分别於香港发 展 各 大 主 要 商 汇 , 为 商 业 机 构 在 最 优 越 的 地 段 及 环 境 提 供至臻 完 善的设施 和 服 务 。 swirepacific.com | With its emphasis on building excellence, Swire Offices has created major business hubs in Hong Kong, offering business corporations the best facilities, connectivity, environment and services in which to operate. swirepacific.com |
在那个王国,制图艺术至臻完善,单独一个省的地图会占据整个城市,一个王国的地图会占据整个省。 shanghaibiennale.org | In that Empire, the Art of [...] Cartography attained such Perfection thatthe map of a [...]single Province occupied the entirety [...]of a City, and the map of the Empire, the entirety of a Province. shanghaibiennale.org |
鉴於目前政府未有一套有效的行政措施或法例保护树木,加上负责部门分散而 欠缺统筹,以致本港树木可能基於都市发展、疏忽照顾或其他理由而遭摧毁、损 害或移去,本会促请政府尽快制订有效的保护树木政策,同时完善现行相关的法 例、行政措施、行政架构,以切实保护及保留各种树木,特别是特老和特大、稀 有和珍贵、有重大历史、文化或纪念意义,以及具有特殊生态或科学研究价值的 [...] 古树名木。 legco.gov.hk | That, as currently the Government does not have a set of effective administrative measures or legislation to protect trees, and as co-ordination is lacking because the responsibilities are scattered among various departments, which may result in trees in the territory [...] being destroyed, damaged or removed due to urban development, negligence or other reasons, this Council urges the Government to [...] expeditiously formulate an effective policy on protection of trees, and at the same time perfectexisting relevant legislation, administrative measures as well as administrative framework, [...]so as to effectively protect and preserve various kinds of trees, especially those that are exceptionally old and large, rare and valuable, of historical, cultural or memorial significance, and of special ecological or scientific research value. legco.gov.hk |
臻於完美的集体碰碰舞可以发挥无限可能。 seagate.com | A slam pit can [...] be as close to perfection has anything could be. seagate.com |
458 Italia 核心技术均源自Ferrari F1的赛车技术,加上前F1冠军车手 Michael [...] Schumacher亲身参与研发计划,提供宝贵的设定参数及意见,让 458 Italia在操控表现臻於完美。think-silly.com | The core of 458 Italia is derived from Ferrari F1 technology, [...] with ex-F1-champion Michael Schumacher on board for its development, providing [...] first handadviceonperfecting thedesign. think-silly.com |
在自行设计与生产技术能力已臻成熟,配合新产品供应、品质提昇之需求,及本公司在印刷电路板与铜箔基板等电子产品朝原料自主供应及成本降低之整体发展,而於1993年9月完成树林厂第二期生产设备,树林第一、二期总产能5万吨/年。 npc.com.tw | With the maturity on self-designed and production ability, and coping with the demands of new product supply, quality upgrade, raw material self-reliance for CCL and PCB, we constructed the 2nd phase of Shulin Plant in September 1993. npc.com.tw |
在推行更新行动所获得的经验,能为政府、其伙伴机构、樓宇业主及建筑专 业人士和承建商提供有用的參考,以便能在樓宇维修及管理方面更臻完善。 devb.gov.hk | The experience gained in implementing the Operation provides a good reference for the Government, its partner organisations, building owners as well as building professionals and contractors in the pursuit of betterbuilding maintenance and management. devb.gov.hk |