

单词 致辞

See also:

take leave
ballad (archaic poetic genre)

External sources (not reviewed)

在同次会议上,主管经济和社会事务副秘书长和联合国人口基金执行主任向 委员致辞。
At the same meeting, the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund addressed the Commission.
此外,丹尼瑟·科格兰代表诺贝尔奖共同得主国际禁止地雷运动和朱迪·威 廉姆致辞。
In addition, a message was delivered by Denise Coghlan on behalf of the Nobel Peace Prize co-laureates the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Jody Williams.
致辞的还 有:红十字国际委员会副主席奥利维耶·沃多兹,代表红 十字国际委员会主席;和日内瓦国际人道主义排雷中心主任巴巴拉·海林博士。
As well, a message was delivered by Olivier Vodoz, Vice [...]
President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, on behalf
of the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross and by Dr. Barbara Haering, President of the Council of Foundation of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining.
古里拉布先生提高各国议会联盟向多哈会议发出 致辞 , 其中包括许多这些 问题。
Mr. Gurirab referred to the IPU parliamentary message to the Conference, which included many of those issues.
日在日内瓦举行的第二十三届国际协调委员会年会上所作的开 致辞 中 强 调 指出,国家人权机构在监督国际人权法及标准的执行方面发挥了重要作用。
In her opening statement at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International
Coordinating Committee, held in Geneva from 23 to 25
[...] March 2010, the High Commissioner highlighted [...]
the instrumental role that NHRIs
play in monitoring the implementation of international human rights law and standards.
在行动中心主任办公室内,一名行政/培训助理(临时外勤事务职位) 将继续提供必要的行政和培训协调支助,1 名行动事务干事(P-3)在 1 名非建制军 人或警察的协助下将继续促进和协调整个稳定团在重要访问和项目上为海地政
[...] 府和联合国国家工作队提供的支持, 这些项目旨致辞重建 努力和加强政府能 力。
Within the Office of the Chief of the Joint Operations Centre, one Administrative/Training Assistant (temporary Field Service position) will continue to provide the necessary administrative and training coordination support, while one Operations Officer (P-3), supported by one uniformed military or police staff member, will continue to facilitate and coordinate Mission-wide support for the
Government of Haiti and the United Nations
[...] country team on high-profile events and [...]
projects that support reconstruction efforts
and the strengthening of Government capacity.
The afternoon session will start by the election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and the establishment of Commissions and Committees, followed by addresses by the Chairman of the Board and the Director-General to introduce the General Policy Debate.
致辞中, 鸠 山由纪夫首相敦促《条约》的所有缔约国弥合分歧, 为实现没有核武器、原子能仅用于和平目的的世界 铺平道路。
In that message, Prime Minister Hatoyama urged all parties to the Treaty to bridge their differences in order to pave the way for a world without nuclear weapons in which atomic energy was used only for peaceful purposes.
5 月 27 日,在全体磋商中,关于刚果民主共和国的第 1533(2004)号决议所 设委员会主席兼巴西大使玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝罗·维奥蒂向安理 致辞 , 提 交 了专家组关于刚果民主共和国的临时报告。
On 27 May, in consultations of the whole, the Chair of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti of Brazil, addressed the Council and presented the interim report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
如附件八所示,一些行政首长在 向全体工作人致辞的会 议中除其它事项外也列入了道德操守问题,但需要更系 统地这样做。
As is shown in annex VIII, some executive heads have included ethics along with other issues in meetings held to address the staff at large, but this needs to be done more systematically.
在 报道大会一般性辩论期间,联合国电台的新闻还伴有发言人向会 致辞 的 视 频片 段链接。
During its coverage of the general debate of the General Assembly, United Nations Radio accompanied its stories with links to video footage of speakers addressing the session.
无法为年轻人投资的经济将不会是一个正确的经济,”联合国秘书长潘基文在 2011 年青年致辞时说
Failing to invest in our youth is a false economy,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in a message for International Youth Day 2011.
(f) 支持秘书长千年发展目标倡导小组,安排录制录 致辞 , 并 在线宣传; 通过联合国新闻中心、开发署和其他伙伴,便利媒体在纽约以及在本国采访该倡 导小组的成员。
(f) Supported the Secretary-General’s Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group by arranging for video messages to be taped and promoted online and facilitating media interviews for Group members in New York and in their home countries, through United Nations information centres, UNDP and other partners.
植物保护地球学生倡议行动的 Felix Finkbeiner 先生和著名中国歌手和环 境问题代言人韦唯女士特致辞。
Special addresses were given by Mr. Felix Finkbeiner of Plant for the Planet Student Initiative and Ms. Wei Wei, famous Chinese singer and environmental advocate.
我也感谢常务副秘书长米吉罗女士 致辞, 以及联合国毒品与犯罪问题办公室执行主任科斯塔、 中非经济共同体秘书长戈马的通报。
I would also like to thank Deputy Secretary-General Migiro for her statement, as well as Mr. Costa, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and Mr. Sylvain-Goma, Secretary General of the Economic Community of Central African States, for their briefings.
新闻部报道了联合致辞以及 世界各地纪念国际民主日的活动,并协同联合 国民主基金、联合国开发计划署(开发署)、联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金;现 已归入联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署))、联合国人权事务高级 专员办事处(人权高专办)和政治事务部,以联合国六种正式语文启动了一个介绍 民主的门户网站。
The Department of Public Information covered United Nations messages and events held around the world to mark the day and worked with the United Nations Democracy Fund, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM; now part of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women)), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Department of Political Affairs to launch a web portal on democracy in the six official languages of the Organization.
发展局常任秘书长(工务)韦志成先生在其揭 致辞 中 指 出为改善工程合约中业主与承建商的对立文化,发展局决定从英国引入NEC,希望试行NEC的夥伴合作合约模式,以减少工程争拗。
The Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr. WAI Chi-sing, in his opening address pointed out that the Development Bureau brought in NEC from the United Kingdom with an aim to shifting from an adversarial culture between contracting parties in traditional contracts to a partnering and collaborative relationship.
这个名为‘纳尔逊·曼德拉:纯净心灵-独特愿景-永恒精神’的艺术项目再次体现了巴伐利亚州与南非之间的友好关系,这让我非常高兴,”巴伐利亚州州长霍斯特·泽霍夫(Horst Seehofer)先生在他致辞中写道。
I am pleased that the art project entitled 'Nelson Mandela: Pure Mind
– Rare Vision – Eternal Spirit' once
[...] again underlines Bavaria's friendly relations [...]
with South Africa,” wrote Bavarian Minister
President Horst Seehofer in his greeting.
常设论坛主席在向教科文组致辞时 , 着重强调了土著人民传统知识与教科 文组织世界遗产进程之间存在的重要联系,因为土著人民在管理世界遗产所在地 方面发挥着保护作用。
In her address to UNESCO, the Chair highlighted the important relationship that exists between indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge and the UNESCO World Heritage processes owing to the conservation role that indigenous peoples play in the managing of World Heritage sites.
主席邀请主管法律事务副秘书长兼联合国法律顾问向会 致辞。
The President invited the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Legal Counsel of the United Nations, to address the Meeting.
本组织还广泛传播秘书致辞, 并 开展具体活动,以期进一步推行联合国的远景。
The messages of the Secretary-General are widely disseminated and specific activities are also undertaken in order to further the vision of the United Nations.
第四次联合国最不发达国家问题高级别会议于 2011 年 5 月 9 日开幕,土耳 其共和国总统阿卜杜拉·居尔,联合国秘书长潘基文,大会第六十五届会议主席 约瑟夫·戴斯,贝宁共和国总统博尼·亚伊,欧洲联盟委员会主席若泽·曼努埃 尔·巴罗佐,尼泊尔联邦民主共和国总理、最不发达国家全球协调局主席贾拉·纳 特·卡纳尔,世界贸易组织总干事帕斯卡尔·拉米和世界银行常务副行长恩戈 齐·奥孔约-伊维拉在开幕式致辞。
The Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries was opened on Monday, 9 May 2011, with an inaugural ceremony addressed by Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey, President of the Conference; Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Joseph Deiss of Switzerland, President of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly; Boni Yayi, President of the Republic of Benin; José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission; Jhala Nath Khanal, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal and Chair of the Global Coordination Bureau of the Least Developed Countries; Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization; and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Managing Director of the World Bank.
挪威使馆科技及高等教育参赞卡黎博士 致辞 中 强 调了青年学生在科研领域广泛交流的重要性,并表示挪威使馆会大力促进中挪两国高校学生的交流。
Dr. Kari Kveseth, Counsellor of Science and Higher Education at the Royal Norwegian Embassy emphasized the importance of youth exchange in science and research and expressed the Norwegian Embassy’s strong support in promoting exchange and understanding between university students in Norway and China.
认识到秘书长对裁军谈判会议录 致辞 以 及 各国外交部长和其他高级官 员在会上发言,表示支持谈判会议的努力及其作为唯一的多边裁军谈判论坛的 作用,又认识到有必要进行多边谈判,就具体问题达成协议
Recognizing also the need to conduct multilateral negotiations with the aim of reaching agreement on concrete issues
学生的提纲可作为 2011 年和平日开幕致辞或作为发起 2012 年和平日全球停战 365 天倒计致辞演说的基础。
The students‘ paragraphs can form the basis for a speech to be made on Peace Day 2011, either as the opening ceremony speech or as a speech to launch the 365-day countdown to the Global truce on Peace Day 2012.
人权理事会应考虑将特别报告员的专题报告转交环境署理事会,并请其向 特别报告员发出邀请向其年度会 致辞。
The Human Rights Council should consider transmitting thematic reports of the Special Rapporteur to the Governing Council of UNEP, and request that the latter extend an invitation to the Special Rapporteur to address its annual sessions.
都主教 Amfilohije 是临时派去管理 塞族东正教 Raška-Prizren 教区的神父,他向群致辞,呼吁在科索沃实现和平 与正义,并呼吁科索沃当局做出所有人均能接受的决定。
Metropolitan Amfilohije, the temporary administrator of the Serbian Orthodox Raška-Prizren Diocese, addressed the audience calling for peace and justice in Kosovo and appealing to the Kosovo authorities to make decisions that are acceptable to all.
舍弗勒大中华区副总经理兼汽车事业部总裁张艺林 致辞 时 表 示,舍弗勒大中华区自2007年落户安亭以来,得到嘉定区、安亭镇和国际汽车城发展公司的大力支持。
Dr. Zhang Yilin, Deputy Managing Director and President Automotive of Schaeffler Greater China said in his speech that since setting up business in Anting in 2007, Schaeffler Greater China had received vigorous support from Jiading District, Anting Town, and the International Automobile City Development Company.
护理学系系院长Datin Devagi Raru在致辞中表 示,护理学系院所关注的不仅仅只是培育出符合专业资格的毕业生,同时更关注的是作为一名护士所秉持的正确价值观与关爱态度。
The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing,
Datin Devagi Raru said in her speech that
[...] her Faculty is committed not only to producing [...]
graduates with the required skills,
but also graduates who will uphold the right values and show concern for humanity.
乌克兰外长Borys Tarasyuk在仪式致辞并强调,“全球契约组织成员对10项原则的承诺让这些企业成为乌克兰政府在观察人权和劳动标准、加强反腐败及治理环境问题等关键领域的重要合作伙伴。
Addressing the participants of the ceremony Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Borys Tarasyuk emphasized, “The commitment of the members to the 10 principles of the Global Compact makes these business companies important partners of the Government of Ukraine in the priority areas of observing human rights and labour standards, enhancing anti-corruption efforts and addressing environmental challenges”.




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