

单词 致词

致词 ()

make some remarks
make a speech

See also:


speech n
word n

classical Chinese poem

External sources (not reviewed)

接着,国际教育局局长Cecilia Braslavsky 女士向大致词,向 为本届大会的 成功举行作出贡献的所有人士表示感谢。
Ms Cecilia Braslavsky, Director of the IBE then addressed the Conference to express her thanks to all those who had contributed to the success of the session.
我们注意到《向第四次联合国最不发 达国家问题会议发来的议致词》。
We take note of the Parliamentary Message to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries.
在泰国举行 的国际童子军大会的主题之一就是宗教间对话,期间还举行了一次仪式,一些精神领袖汇聚 一堂,并向年轻致词。
The International Jamboree in Thailand had dialogue between religions as one of its main themes and included a ceremony bringing together spiritual leaders, who addressed a message to young people.
此外,还是在5月17 日的第1 次会议上,联合国贸易和发展会议副秘书长 向委员致词。
Also at the 1st meeting, on 17 May, the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development addressed the Commission.
理事会应当探讨使用如电视会议或录 致词 等 信 息技术的可行性,以加强非 常驻国家代表团、专门机构、其他政府间组织和符合《巴黎原则》的国家人权机 构以及拥有咨商地位的非政府组织的共享和参与,同时铭记需要确保这类参与完 全符合理事会议事规则和认证规则。
The Council shall explore the feasibility of using information technology, such as videoconferencing or videomessaging, to enhance access and participation by non-resident State delegations, specialized agencies, other intergovernmental organizations and national human rights institutions consistent with the Paris Principles, as well as by non-governmental organizations in consultative status, bearing in mind the need to ensure full compliance of such participation with the Council’s rules of procedure and rules concerning accreditation.
主席向会致词,并 概要介绍了工作组的任务授权、目标以及目前审议的主题事项。
The Chair addressed the meeting and presented an overview of the mandate of the group, its objectives and the subject matters under its consideration.
泰国总理英拉·钦那瓦女士阁下在 2012 年 5
[...] 月 21 日的部长级会议段开幕式第二部分会上发表了开 致词。
H.E. Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand,
[...] delivered a welcoming statement [...]
at the second part of the inaugural meeting on 21 May 2012.
日本东京,2012年11月5日 —— 中国电影导演金华青代表中国浙江卫视,通过视频在第39届日本大奖(Japan Prize)颁奖仪式致词。
TOKYO, Japan, 5 November 2012 - Chinese filmmaker Huaqing Jin speaks via video message to the 39th Japan Prize ceremony, on behalf of Chinese television outlet Zhengjiang Satellite TV.
泰国外交部副部长 Suangsan Jamornchan 先生在开致词中指出,本届委员会会议非常及时,因为亚太区域仍然过多地遭受自然灾 害的影响。
The Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Mr. Suangsan Jamornchan, noted in his inaugural address that the Committee session was timely, as the Asia-Pacific region continued to suffer disproportionately from natural disasters.
[...] Nagesh Kumar 先生在其欢致词中 指出,亚太区域受到了极端气候事件增加的影响,经历了一些前所未 [...]
有的大规模灾害,并说,这些灾害不仅造成了直接的经济损失和生命 损失,也对人类发展造成了长远的影响。
The Acting Deputy Executive Secretary of ESCAP in
[...] his welcoming address noted that the [...]
Asia-Pacific region had been affected by
an increase in extreme weather events and had witnessed unprecedented large-scale disasters which not only caused immediate economic damage and loss of life, but had a lasting impact on human development.
DFID 驻华代表处千年发展目标的行业主管(John Leigh) 与水利部中央项目办的项目经理(朱绛)代表各自机 致词 , 对 辽宁省开展的项目活动给予了 积极评价。
DFID China Head of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Sector (John Leigh) and Project Manager of MWR CPMO (Zhu Jiang) delivered speech on behalf of their own organisations and made positive comments on the activities conducted in Liaoning.
这次会议讨论的主要问题是知识产权(IP)对中小企业(SMEs)的重要性,高锐先生在开 致词 中 对 意大利刚提供的捐款表示欢迎,认为这反映出意大利志在巩固和加强该国对其自2007年设立信托基金(FIT)计划以来开展的活动所提供的捐助。
Speaking at the opening of the conference which is addressing the relevance of intellectual property (IP) to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Mr. Gurry welcomed
Italy’s latest contribution, saying it
[...] reflects Italy’s commitment to consolidating [...]
and reinforcing its contribution to the
activities of WIPO since the establishment of a funds-in-trust (FIT) program in 2007 to cover IP-related activities in developing countries and countries in transition.
巴伐利亚州科研部长致词中呼 吁科学界和工业界要加强联系。
In his address, the Bavarian Minister of Science urged that researchers and companies collaborate more closely.
早在1991和 1995 年,总商会第46届以及第 48届董事会的就职典礼上,当时的副总理李显龙先生 致词 时 就 已经指出,董事会的代表应该来自经济行业而并非传统帮派或籍贯族群。
When then-DPM Lee Hsien Loong spoke at the installation of the 46th and 48th Council in 1991 and 1995, he had commented that the Council should reflect its representation based on "the distribution of economic activities rather than distinctions based on clans".
在一段录致词中, 美利坚合众国总统承认,任何国家 都不可能独自应对可持续城市化的所有挑战并强调必须与联合国协作,既满足当 前的需求,又确保未来的需要。
In a video message, the President of the United States of America acknowledged that no country could meet all the challenges of sustainable urbanization alone and stressed the necessity to work with the United Nations to meet the needs of the present while securing the future.
今年,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国常驻联合国代表马克·莱尔·格兰特爵 士和安全理事会 2010 年 11 月主席在开幕晚会致词,前 主管特别政治事务的联 合国副秘书长布赖恩·厄克特爵士作了主旨发言。
This year, the opening evening featured remarks by Sir Mark Lyall Grant, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations and President of the Security Council for November 2010, and a keynote address by Sir Brian Urquhart, former United Nations UnderSecretary-General for Special Political Affairs.
[...] 日,在第二次审议会议开幕之前,举行了一个仪式 致词的 有 :哥伦比亚共和国副总统弗朗西斯科·桑托斯·卡尔德龙先生、第二次审议会 [...]
议主席挪威的苏珊·埃克伊大使、缔约国第九届会议主席瑞士的于尔格·施特莱 大使、联合国排雷行动处处长马克斯威尔·科尔雷先生、国际禁止地雷运动青年
The opening of the Second Review
Conference was preceded on 29 November
[...] 2009 by a ceremony at which statements [...]
were delivered by the Vice President of the
Republic of Colombia, Mr. Francisco Santos Calderón, the President of the Second Review Conference, Ambassador Susan Eckey of Norway, the President of the Ninth Meeting of the States Parties, Ambassador Jürg Streuli of Switzerland, the Director of UNMAS, Mr. Maxwell Kerley, the ICBL Youth Ambassador, Ms. Song Kosal, and Ms. Olinda Girón Zemanate of Colombia.
然而,这次大会的主要 目的不仅是让你带回家尽可能多的信息”大荷兰人公司的 CEO Bernd Meerpohl 在他的欢致词中对代理商说道,“更重要的是听取你们对于市场需求的想法,我们需要你们的反馈,这样就可以在你们的每个销售领域内,继续提供以客户需求趋 势为主的产品和服务。
However, the main purpose of the conference is not only to have you take back home as much information as possible” addressed Big Dutchman CEO Bernd Meerpohl the agents in his welcome speech.
Bratasida 女士在研讨会开致词中提 到,需要改善气候变化的能力建设实施机制,并强调需要开展国家驱 动的行动。
Ms. Bratasida opened the workshop by addressing the need to improve capacity-building delivery mechanisms for climate change, emphasizing the need for a country-driven process.
在委员会通过议程和选举主席团成员之后,委员会主席 致词 , 回 顾自委员会 第五十四届会议以来与委员会工作有关的发展动态。
Following the adoption of the agenda by the Committee and the election of its officers, the Chair of the Committee will make a statement reviewing developments of relevance to the work of the Committee that have taken place since its fifty-fourth session.
粮农组织总干事雅克·迪乌夫,国际农业发展基金(农发基金)总裁卡纳 约·恩万泽先生、世界粮食计划署执行干事乔塞特·希兰女士、秘书长的粮食安
[...] 全与营养特别代表 David Nabarro 先生、高级别专家组指导委员会主席 M.S.斯瓦 米纳坦先生等在会致词。
Opening statements were delivered by Jacques Diouf, Director General, FAO; Kanayo Nwanze, President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); Josette Sheeran, Executive Director, World Food Programme; David Nabarro, Special Representative of the
Secretary-General on Food Security and
[...] Nutrition; and Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan, Chair of [...]
the Steering Committee of the High-level Panel of Experts.
DFID 中国高级环境顾问(John Warburton)、水利部国际经济与技术交流中心主任(于兴军,项目管理委员会成员)代表水 利致词,并对甘肃省开展的各项活动给予了肯定。
The DFID China Senior Environment Advisor (John Warburton) and Director of MWR International Economic & Technology Exchange Center (Mr Yu Xingjun, Project Steering Committee Member) delivered speech on behalf of their own organisations and made positive comments on the activities conducted in Gansu.
在江诗丹顿行政总裁陶睿思、国家经济及健康安全部顾问Pierre-François Unger及日内瓦市行政顾问Pierre Maudet完致词后, 一众贵宾能自由穿梭于楼高四层的制表厂内尽情参观,为每件珍贵的工艺品发出倾慕之情。
After speeches by Messrs Juan-Carlos Torres, CEO of Vacheron Constantin; Pierre-François Unger, State Councillor in charge of the Department of Economic Affairs and Health; and Pierre Maudet, Administrative Councillor for the City of Geneva, guests were able to wander around the four floors of the Manufacture in order to admire the artist’s works.
峰会由加泰隆尼亚自治政府首长Artur Mas、巴塞罗那商会主席Miguel Valls、亚洲之家局长Juan Jose Herrera de la Muela、玛泽国际 主席兼行政总裁Patrick de Cambourg、la Caixa银利行政副主席兼行政总裁Juan Maria Nin、和巴塞罗那市长Xavier Trias作开致词。
The summit opened with the speeches of Artur Mas - President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Miquel Valls - President of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona,  Juan Jose Herrera de la Muela - Director General of Casa Asia, Patrick de Cambourg - President and CEO of Mazars Group ,  Juan María Nin - Executive Vice President and CEO of CaixaBank, and Xavier Trias - Mayor of Barcelona.
陶睿斯于代表品牌致词中称道:日内瓦高级钟表大赏评审团决定把男士腕表的首奖给予江诗丹顿的Quai de l’Ile腕表,以奖励和尊崇品牌的创新和领先的精神,一种经过250年累积的工艺至今仍然完整无缺的精神。
In his reception speech on behalf of the brand, Juan-Carlos Torres said: “By its decision to give first prize for the Men’s Watch to Vacheron Constantin for its Quai de l’Ile, the jury of the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie of Geneva has rewarded and honoured the brand’s innovative and pioneering spirit, a spirit that is still intact after 250 years of accumulated savoir-faire.
诺贝尔奖获得者朱迪·威廉姆斯女士、红十字国际委员会主席、日内瓦国际 人道主义排雷中心基金会董事长和联合国秘书长本人或代表简 致词
Brief messages delivered by or on behalf of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jody Williams, the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the President of the Council of the Foundation of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and the Secretary General of the United Nations.
在主办方北京仲裁委员会(王红松秘书长)和中欧仲裁中心(中欧法律协会副主席Thomas Weimann先生)开致词之后 ,五位主讲人分别就国际工程合同中相关议题进行了宏观介绍和具体分析,议题涉及法律选择适用、调解和仲裁。
Following a presentation of the host organisations BAC (by the Secretary-General Mrs. Wang Hongsong) and CEAC (by CELA Vice President Mr. Thomas Weimann), five speakers presented an overview and a noteworthy level of details on international construction contracts including aspects of choice of law, mediation and arbitration.




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