

单词 致歉

致歉 verb ()

apologiseBE v

See also:



regret v

External sources (not reviewed)

他認為唯一的補 救方法是財政司司長就其不尊重的行 致歉。
He considered that the only
[...] remedy was for FS to apologize for his disrespectful act.
第二,正如我先前提及,每逢有重大政治事件發生,行政長官便會審時 度勢,決定有關主要官員應當被批評,應當向公 致歉 , 還 是應當離職。
Second, as I mentioned before, whenever some major political events take place, the Chief Executive will assess the circumstances and
decide whether the relevant principal official should
[...] face criticisms, apologize to the public, or [...]
resign from his office.
該主辦機構在受到勸 諭後,已經停止該遊戲,並向受影響人 致歉。
Upon the OFTA's advice, the organizer
[...] stopped the game and apologized to the people affected.
他認為財政司司長不應為其在該次 會議上長時間不在席提出更多藉口,並應就其不尊 重立法會的行致歉。
He considered that FS should not
give further excuse for his prolonged absence from the
[...] meeting and should apologize for his disrespect [...]
for the Legislature.
家庭會議輔 助
[...] 員會在會議席上 就犯案青少年的犯罪行為向其作出警誡 , 並 要 求 他/她 向受害致 歉 。
At the conference, the FC facilitator may caution the juvenile about his/her offending behaviour and
[...] require him/her to apologize to the victim.
香港考試及評核局秘書長( 下稱“ 考評局秘書 長 ”)表示,考評局主席因身體不適,未能出席會議,他 謹代其向與會致歉。
Secretary General of HKEAA (SG(HKEAA) extended apologies on behalf of the Chairman of HKEAA for being unable to attend the meeting as he was unwell.
专家组根据审查该组档案所提供的 证据(与 Ngezayo 先生后来提供的文件没有实质性出入)得出结论认为,有充分证 据(包括来自正义阵线渠道的证据)表明 Ngezayo 先生的确与正义阵线有过接触, 但不表明他是该团体的政治领导人,专家组在此承认有些夸大其辞 致歉。
On the basis of a review of the evidence in the Group’s archives (which is not substantively contradicted by documentation subsequently provided by Mr. Ngezayo), the Group concludes that there was sufficient evidence, including from FPJC sources, to indicate that Mr. Ngezayo was indeed in contact with FPJC, but not to present him as a political leader of that group, an overstatement the Group hereby acknowledges and regrets.
如 果 我
[...] 想錯了,我希望局長立即起 來更正我,我也 會立即鞠致 歉 。
I hope that if I am wrong, the Secretary can rise to correct me here and now, and I will
[...] certainly bow to him in apology.
我也愿向中国代表深表感谢——并为自己不会 讲汉致歉,我 还要说,我们认真注意到了他的两点 看法,第一是关于解决办法以及在我们行动中采取不 [...]
同解决办法的重要性——我感谢他承认我们在这方 面的作用——还有就是,冲突斡旋和维持和平与难民 保护和人道主义行动之间的牢固联系,以及安全理事
会与人道主义机构为使行动充分有效而开展对话的 重要性。
I wish to express my deep gratitude also to the representative
[...] of China — and apologize also for not being [...]
able to speak in Mandarin — and to say
how much we noticed his two comments, first on solutions and the importance of different groups of solutions in our action — I thank him for the recognition of our role on that — and then on the very strong linkage between conflict mediation and peacekeeping and refugee protection and humanitarian action, and the importance of dialogue between the Security Council and humanitarian agencies in order for that to be fully effective.
郭家麒議員詢問政務司司長有否回應一位 議員在上次內務委員會會議上提出的要求,即財政 司司長應就其不尊重的行致歉。
Dr KWOK Ka-ki enquired whether CS had responded
to the request raised by a Member at the last House Committee meeting
[...] that FS should apologise for his disrespectful act.
[...] 出數量繁多的修正案,令秘書處的工作量百上 加斤。就此,他代表屬於人民力量的議員向秘 書處職員衷致歉。
Recognizing that the voluminous amendments to the Bills increased the already heavy workload of the
Secretariat, he expressed on behalf of Members belonging to
[...] People Power their sincere apology to staff members of [...]
the Secretariat.
陳碧鏵女士表示,她代表公司就事件引起的關注及 迴響向公致歉。
Ms Prudence CHAN said that on behalf of the company,
[...] she would like to apologize to the public for [...]
the concerns and feedback arising from the incident.
民政事務局副秘書長向 小 組 委員致歉,表 示 民政事務局局長現正 於海外公幹,因此 [...]
The Deputy Secretary
[...] for Home Affairs apologized to the Subcommittee [...]
that the Secretary for Home Affairs was unable to attend
the meeting as he was on an overseas trip.
李卓人議員重申應要求財政司司長就其不 尊重的行致歉。
Mr LEE Cheuk-yan reiterated that FS
[...] should be requested to apologize for his disrespectful act.
至於民研計劃於早前提及會設計一份比較完整的政改模擬問卷一事,由於民間對政改的討論未見熱烈,而民研計劃又要突然需要啟動立法會補選研究,因此有所延遲,特 致歉。
As for our earlier forecast that we would design a comprehensive model questionnaire on political reform, we apologize that our plan has been delayed, partly because of the lack of public debate on the matter, and partly because of the sudden need to turn on our Legco by-election studies.
自選舉後,選舉管理委員會(下稱“選管會”)主席及政制事務局 局長曾在不同場合就上述問題所帶來的不便,向市民及候選 致歉。
Since the election, the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) and the Secretary for
Constitutional Affairs (SCA) had on
[...] different occasions tendered apologies to the public and [...]
candidates for the inconvenience caused by the problems.
秘書長就致歉,並 表示秘書處 理應作出更妥善的安排,而在接獲邀請後,發展 事務委員會應隨即召開會議討論有關邀請,讓議 [...]
員 (包括不屬該事務委員會委員的議員)有機會就 該項邀請表達意見,這樣有關意見便可隨後向四 川省人民政府轉達。
SG tendered her apology and said that better [...]
arrangements should have been made by the Secretariat and the Dev Panel should
have convened a meeting to discuss the invitation immediately after the invitation was received so that Members including non-Panel members would have an opportunity to express views on the invitation which could then be conveyed to the People's Government of Sichuan.
我们尤其要 就哥斯达黎加代表团所造成的干扰而向我们的姐妹 国家危地马拉共和致歉。
We especially wish to convey our apologies to our sister republic of Guatemala for the distraction caused by the delegation of Costa Rica.
當公務員事務局從新世界中國地產2008年 8 月 1 日的新聞公告 得悉有關變動,並於2008年 8月 4日致函梁先生以澄清此事,同 時再次提醒他,如在管制期內他獲批准擔任的工作有任何重大 變動,他須適時通知公務員事務局,在此情況下,梁先生才在 2008年 8月 11日向公務員事務局作出的回覆中,就其沒有及早 將職銜變動一事通知該致歉。
It was only when CSB noticed the change from NWCL's press announcement on 1 August 2008 and wrote to Mr LEUNG on 4 August 2008 to clarify the matter, and at the same time reminded him again on the need to notify CSB of any material changes to his approved appointment in a timely manner during the control period, that Mr LEUNG apologized in his reply to CSB on 11 August 2008 for not notifying it of the change earlier.
我建議我們應為起步得遲,向全港市 致歉 , 並 應即時立下決心,馬上 展開行動,籌備成立組織,向 [...]
2007 年第三屆行政長官選舉進軍。
I suggest
[...] that we should apologize to all Hong Kong [...]
people for making a late start. We should immediately make up our mind
and take actions right away by setting up preparatory groups or organizations geared for the Third Chief Executive Election in 2007.
其實,就俞宗怡局長一類問責官員來說,雖然由特首辦 制訂的《問責制主要官員守則》(“《守則》”)未有對官員失職應採取
何等懲處作出清晰交代,但港府在2003年公布的《主要官員問責制實 施一年後報告》中就明確指出:“行政長官會考慮所有有關因素,包
[...] 括香港的長遠利益、有關事情的整體因由及市民的反應,然後就政治 任命的主要官員是否需要接受批評、向公 致歉 或 離 職作出決定。
However, it is clearly stated in the Twelve-month Report on Implementation of the Accountability System for Principal Officials that, "the Chief Executive will consider all relevant factors, including the long term interests of Hong Kong, the overall circumstances of the case and public sentiments, before
deciding whether a politically appointed Principal Official should face
[...] criticism, make a public apology or leave office.
更正: 原公報中的次樣本基數屬手文之誤,特此更正 致歉。
Erratum: The sub-sample size in the original release was mistyped, with regret.
雖然改動輕微,但由於涉及多項數字,民研計劃決定重新發放兩項新聞公報的所有數字,以便更正記錄,並謹 致歉。
Although the changes are small, quite many figures are
affected. POP thus decided to re-issue all figures in the two press releases, in order to correct
[...] the record with an apology.
Rubacalba 部长致歉信张贴在内政部网站上,在适当场合作出公开声明,或向大众报纸和媒体 [...]
She sets out the
[...] reasoning behind a public apology as opposed to one given [...]
behind closed doors, and suggests that this may
be carried out by the posting Minister Rubacalba’s letter of apology on the website of the Ministry of the Interior, by making a public statement in an appropriate forum and by issuing a press release to newspapers and media outlets with a wide circulation.
更正: 原公報中的數字屬手文之誤,特此更正 致歉。
Erratum: The figures in the original release were mistyped, with regret.
至於要求日皇公致歉㆒事 ,由於是次紀念活動的目標,是希望香港㆟和那些曾 經參與保衛及光復香港的海外㆟士,能夠好像主要問題所說的㆒樣,有機會對各方面 ㆟士在戰爭期間表現的犧牲精神及勇氣致以敬意,並為香港獲得重光表示感恩及表達 新的願望,因此我認為不宜在此大前提之㆘牽涉到日皇。
As regards the request to seek an assurance from the Japanese Emperor, the object of the commemoration is for the people of Hong Kong and for those from overseas who fought for its defence and eventual liberation to, as the words of the principal question read, pay tribute to the sacrifice and courage of the people of the territory during the war years and to give thanks for deliverance and to express renewed hope.
該公司採取補救行動:(i)召開全體員工會議討論事件,再次審 視工作流程,並解釋不按程序辦事所招致的後果;(ii)設計新的 工作流程檢查表,確保草擬遺囑採用正確格式,即必須由有關
[...] 的員工簽署及該員工的上司副署;及(iii)向發送該投訴人的個人 資料的有關員工發出警告;及(iv)向投訴 致歉。
The company took remedial actions by (i) convening a meeting with all staff discussing the incident, running through the workflow again and explaining the consequences of not following the procedures (ii) devising a new workflow checklist to make sure that draft will was in correct format which has to be signed by the staff concerned and countersigned by the superior of that staff; and (ii) giving a
warning to the staff concerned who released the complainants personal data;
[...] and (iv) making an apology to the complainants.
(2) 兒 童 身 心 全 面 發 展 辦
事 處 的 主 管 護 士 由 2008 年 1 月 23 日 至 1 月 28 日 致 電 事 件 中 涉 及 的 病
[...] 人 以 解 釋 事 件 的 經 過致 歉 , 並 於 2008 年 1 月 30 日 與 [...]
投 訴 人 面 談 。
(2) From 23 to 28 January 2008, the nurse-in-charge of the CCDS office
called the patients involved to explain the
[...] incident and make apologies, and met with the [...]
Complainant on 30 January 2008.
他 亦對中央政策組首席顧問沒有出席這次會議回答議員的提問 表示失望,因為他認為中央政策組首席顧問應就不承認曾發表 "臨界點"的言論向公致歉。
He was also disappointed that Head, CPU did not attend this meeting to answer questions from Members as he considered Head, CPU should apologize to the public for not admitting having made his statement on "tipping point".
Rezvani 先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)提出一个 程序性问题,要求美国代表向委员 致歉 , 美国代 表先是不遵守程序规则,还拒绝使用一国的正式名 [...]
(Islamic Republic of Iran), speaking on a point of
order, called upon the United States
[...] representative to apologize to the Committee [...]
for violating the rules of procedure,
firstly by refusing to call a country by its official name and then by ignoring the limit of one sentence that had been imposed.




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