

单词 致命疾

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它提到埃塞俄比亚面临的挑战和制约, 包括贫困普遍、资源有限、传统习俗 致命疾 病 流 行,以及某些条约机构提出的 问题。
It referred to challenges and constraints, including widespread poverty,
resource constraints, traditional practices and the
[...] prevalence of deadly diseases, and issues raised [...]
by some treaty bodies.
大家也可以看到,心血管疾病是第二位最常見 致命疾 病。
It is evident to all that cardiovascular disease is the second most
[...] commonly found fatal disease.
自 2001 年那届具有历史意义的关于艾滋病毒/艾
[...] 滋病问题的特别会议以来,在防治这个当代 致命疾 病之 一的艾滋病毒/艾滋病方面取得了巨大进展。
Since the historic 2001 special session on HIV/AIDS, great progress has been made in the fight against
[...] one of the deadliest diseases of our times.
心血管疾病是香港第二位最常見 致命疾 病。
Cardiovascular disease is the second
[...] leading cause of deaths in Hong Kong.
鑒於心血管疾病是本港第二位最常見 致命疾 病 ,而醫學研究亦指 出,食用含反式脂肪成分的食物會增加患冠心病的風險,有些國家例如丹 麥,早於 2003 [...]
年已經立法規定食物內反式脂肪含量的上限,亦有多個地區 例如紐約、芝加哥、麻省等,將陸續禁止食肆使用人造反式脂肪製造食物,
以保障市民健康,本會促請政府效法該等地區,從速制定法例,禁止本地食 肆使用人造反式脂肪製造食物,並為所有進口食品及本地製造食品所含反式 脂肪的含量設定上限,以及規定食品在包裝上必須列明反式脂肪的含量,以 供消費者識別。
That, as
[...] cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of deaths in Hong Kong, [...]
and medical research also reveals that
consumption of food containing trans fats will increase the risk of contracting coronary heart disease, and given that some countries such as Denmark have legislated as early as 2003 to prescribe the permissible maximum level of trans fats in food, the use of artificial trans fats in food production in restaurants will also be gradually banned in places such as New York, Chicago and Massachusetts to safeguard public health, this Council urges the Government to follow the practice of these places to expeditiously legislate against the use of artificial trans fats in food production in local restaurants, to prescribe the permissible maximum level of trans fats for all imported and locally produced food, and to require the trans fats contents in food to be listed on the package labels for identification by consumers.
当认识到疟疾在非洲已成为儿童 致命疾 病 之一后,疟疾预防和控制干预措施形成了一个组成部分,成为儿童基金会影响广泛的孕产妇和儿童生存干预的最基本的一揽子服务。
In recognition of its role as one of the biggest killers of
[...] children in Africa, malaria prevention and [...]
control interventions form an integral component
of a minimum package of UNICEF’s high impact maternal and child survival interventions.
它们还来自 更易扩散、不受国界限制的危险,其中包 致命疾病 不加控制的扩散。
They also derive from more diffuse dangers that know no borders, including
[...] the unchecked spread of lethal disease.
[...] 取必要、适当的政策、战略和方案,降低艾滋病毒感 染率和扩大治疗服务,并尊重受这 致命疾 病 影 响的 人的尊严和人权。
Today, a growing number of countries have joined in adopting appropriate policies, strategies and programmes that have been essential in the reduction of the incidence of HIV and in
expanding access to treatment, and for respect for the dignity and human rights of
[...] those affected by the killer disease.
当时厄立特 里亚需要大量投资,以实现卫生基础设施的现代化, 为包括偏远地区在内的全国各地提供更好的医疗服
[...] 务,这不仅载于防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其 致命疾 病,如疟疾和肺结核,而且也包括提供基本保健服务。
Eritrea needed to make substantial investment in modernizing health infrastructure and extending better medical service across the nation, including in
remote areas, not only to combat
[...] HIV/AIDS and other deadly diseases such as [...]
malaria and tuberculosis, but also to provide basic health services.
受害者人数尚 不包括后来死于在我国投放的贫化铀炸弹引起的白 血病和其致命疾病的人。
The number of victims does not include
those who subsequently succumbed to
[...] leukemia and other deadly diseases caused by the [...]
depleted-uranium-coated bombs that were dropped on my country.
[...] 农田的限制——在几乎所有家庭都是牧民的地方——意味着数以千计的儿童挨 饿,容易患有腹泻和肺炎致命疾病。
Save the Children UK writes that Israel’s restrictions on Palestinian access to and the development of agricultural land — in an area where almost all families are herders —
mean that thousands of children are going hungry and
[...] are vulnerable to deadly illnesses such as diarrhoea [...]
and pneumonia.
几百万 5 岁以
[...] 下的儿童成功地 获 得 预防儿童的主致 命 疾病的 接种, 例如麻疹和 小 儿 [...]
Millions of children under 5 have been successfully vaccinated
[...] against major killer diseases of childhood [...]
such as; measles and polio.
现在必须 立即展开持续行动,预防可能发生的次生灾难,如腹 泻、霍乱和环境恶劣、大批灾民在简陋营地集中生活 可能产生的其致命疾病。
The urgent and sustained action must begin now in order to pre-empt imminent secondary calamities such as diarrhoea, cholera and other deadly diseases which are symptomatic of living in large numbers in makeshift camps and seriously challenged environments.
对破坏程度所作的初步评估表明,大约 2
[...] 000 万人受到灾害影响,300 多万儿童面临罹致命疾病 的可怕风险。
An initial assessment of the scale of the damage indicates that about 20 million people have
been affected by this disaster and that more than 3 million children are at terrible
[...] risk of contracting deadly diseases.
国际和平与安全的传统挑战依然存在,同 时我们还必须应对普遍贫穷致命疾 病 、更频繁且更 严重自然灾害以及环境退化等非传统威胁。
Whilst traditional challenges to international peace and security persist, we also have to cope
with non-traditional threats such as
[...] pervasive poverty, deadly diseases, increased frequency [...]
and intensity of natural disasters
and environmental degradation.
[...] 秘书长报告中的惊人指标再次说明,必须加紧努力最 终消除这致命疾病。
While it is clear that significant progress has been made to counter this scourge, alarming indicators
in the Secretary-General’s report reiterate the need for increased efforts to definitively
[...] eradicate this fatal disease.
過去3年,每年生署的男士健康計劃的開支為何,以及該署有否針對前列腺癌以及第(一)項的男 致命疾 病 , 為64歲或以下的男士提供身體檢查;若有,此類身體檢查每年涉及的開支及接受檢查的人數為何;當局會否仿照婦女健康中心的模式,成立男士健康中心,以根據男士在不同階段的健康需要,提供促進健康的服務,包括健康教育、輔導、身體檢查和適當的普查測試;若會,詳情為何;若否,64歲或以下的男士有何途徑在公營醫療體系中接受疾病預防及促進健康的基層醫療服務(例如身體檢查等)?
of the expenditure on the Men's Health Programme of DH in each of the past three years and whether DH had provided physical examinations for men aged 64 or below on prostate cancer and the leading causes of death for males in (a); if so, the expenditure on such physical examinations and the number of recipients; whether the authorities will set up Man Health Centres modelling on WHCs, so as to provide promotive medical services, including health education, counselling, physical examinations and appropriate screening tests for men according to their health care needs at different life stages; if they will, of the details; if not, what channels are available for men aged 64 or below to have access to primary care services in the public healthcare system for disease prevention and health promotion (such as physical examinations)?
就以肺炎鏈球 菌 疫 苗 為 例,民建聯 早 在 兩 年 前 已 要 求把這疫 苗 納 入 計 劃 內 , 因 為 5 歲
[...] 以 下 小 童 是 感 染 這 種致命疾病 的 高 危 一 族 ,香港每年 [...]
也 有 兒童感 染 這 種 病毒而 死 亡 的 個 案 。
Take the pneumococcal vaccine as an example. The DAB suggested as early as two years ago the inclusion of this vaccine in the Programme because
children aged below five are the high-risk
[...] group of this fatal disease, and there are [...]
cases in which children died of infection
by this virus each year in Hong Kong.
S.M.和A.M. 不能被看作致命疾病或 健康状况,因此需要给予居住许可。
It found that S.M. and A.M. cannot be regarded as suffering
[...] from life-threatening diseases or health conditions [...]
that constitute grounds for a residence permit.
毒 個 案和㆒些 急致 命 疾病並 不 常 見 , 但 ㆒ 旦 確 診 [...]
, 便須立 即處 方 適 當 藥 物。
The occurrences of poisoning cases and
[...] certain acute fatal diseases are rare, but [...]
once such conditions are diagnosed, the
appropriate drugs have to be administered immediately.
[...] 向联系,他指出,教育提高了妇女照顾自己的孩子以及防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病致命疾病的 能力,并有助于实现可持续环境。
In addition, Mr. Momen mentioned the positive links between education and women’s empowerment, including how this contributes to the ability of women to care
for their children, to the prevention
[...] and treatment of lethal diseases such as HIV/AIDS [...]
and to environmental sustainability.
在對抗這致命疾病的 工作方面,推行健康教育和改變市民在這方面的態度十分 重要。
In the fight
[...] against this deadly disease, health education [...]
and behaviour modification are essential.
过去三十年来,越来越多的儿童接种了白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗,增强了对这三 致命疾 病 的抵抗 力,由此不难看出,疫苗接种的覆盖范围不断扩大。
Over the past three decades, growing numbers of children have received the
diphtheria-tetanuspertussis vaccine, which guards
[...] against three deadly diseases and is a strong [...]
indicator of overall vaccine coverage.
(i) 院方須 保 存足夠 數 量 的 備用藥 物 , 例如解 毒 藥 、 抗 蛇 毒 血 清 和其他急
[...] 救 藥 物 ,以 治療㆗ 毒 和㆒些 急致 命 疾病。
(i) the need for keeping an adequate stock of "standby" drugs,
such as antidotes, antivenoms and other emergency drugs for the treatment of poisoning
[...] and certain acute fatal diseases.
由於DDT有助控制傳播瘧疾的蚊子,因此它仍被十多個國家使用,特別是非州來控制這 致命疾 病。
Because DDT is very effective at wiping out
malaria-bearing mosquitos, it is still used in over two dozen countries, primarily in
[...] Africa, to combat the deadly disease.
蚊可以傳播包括登革熱和日本腦炎 致命疾 病。
Mosquitoes can
[...] transmit harmful diseases such as Dengue [...]
Fever and Japanese Encephalitis.
眾所周知,如果㆟們能夠在年青時將致病成因減至最低的話,很多影響老㆟的疾 病,特別是心血管病、冠心病、慢性肺病,以及常見 致命疾 病 ,都是可以避免的, 但政府㆒再拒絕制訂健康目標。
It is a well-known fact that many diseases
affecting the old
[...] age notably cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart diseases, chronic lung diseases, and common killer conditions are preventable if causative factors are [...]
minimized when people are young.
反式脂肪会增加低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 ( 即对健康有害的胆固醇 ) ,同时减少高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 ( 即对健康有益的胆固醇 ) ,导致罹患心脏病的风险增加,而此病高居本港最常 致命疾 病 的 第二位。
Trans fats increase the level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the harmful cholesterol, while at the same time reduce the level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the beneficial cholesterol.
在生物学上致命疾病的 引爆点往往都是相当高的,而在技术领域,即便受感染、影响的个体数量不多,亦有可能发生引爆效应。
The contagion's momentum has tipped from pushing uphill against all odds to rolling downhill with all odds behind it. In biology, the tipping points of fatal diseases are fairly high, but in technology, they seem to trigger at much lower percentages of victims or members.




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