

单词 至始至终

See also:


from beginning end
all along

External sources (not reviewed)

凭借在提供软件多语言环境适配方面拥有5年以上的经验,文思海辉提供软件全球发布就绪解决方案,使客户能够在软件开发和上市流程 至始至终 都 位于正确的轨道上。
With more than 5 years of experience providing all services related to software multi-locale adaptation, Pactera provides the Software Global Release Readiness
solution that enables clients to stay on
[...] the right track from beginning to the end in software [...]
development and go-to-market processes.
应至少有一位观察员始至终都参与一系 列飞行,以便报告结果的变化反映的是油类污染状 [...]
There should be
[...] a consistency of at least one observer [...]
throughout a series of flights, so that variations in reports reflect
changes in the state of oil pollution and not differences between the perceptions of the observers.
密克罗尼西亚联邦将始至终地努 力 采取正确、必要和适当的行动,增进和维护其人民的尊严和人权。
The Federated States of
[...] Micronesia would always endeavour to do [...]
what was right, necessary and appropriate in order to promote
and safeguard the dignity and human rights of its people.
提出这些 指称的人在煽动颠覆和攻击共和国机构的过程中, 始至终 也 未能提出任何文件 证据。
In all the time that they have been promoting subversion and attacking republican institutions, the people making such allegations have never been able to put forward any documentary evidence.
保护责任原则,并要求在国际一级以及有关的政府间 机构中始至终加以执行。
responsibility to protect, endorsed at the summit level more than three years ago, and call for its consistent application both at the international level and by the relevant intergovernmental bodies.
与此相反,以色列在其历史上 始至终 一 直试 图掩盖其侵略行为,指出第五十一条许可这种行为。
Contrary to that, throughout its history Israel has tried to cover up its aggressive acts by suggesting that Article 51 justifies them.
正如专题讨论会上始至终重申 的那样,国家一级的有力相互问责机制的存 在取决于是否具备下列要素:(a) 国家援助政策;(b) 方案国强有力的政治领导; (c) 各机构对援助管理负有明确的责任;(d) 当地推动的援助质量和成果监测框 架。
As reiterated throughout the Symposium, the existence of a robust mutual accountability mechanism at the country level [...]
depends on whether or
not the following elements are in place: (a) a national aid policy; (b) strong political leadership in the programme country; (c) clear institutional responsibilities for aid management; and (d) a locally driven aid quality and results monitoring framework.
童工的权利往往被剥夺 —— 许多童工始至终并不 知道他们拥有权利。
Child labourers are often deprived of their rights – and many are not aware they have rights in the first place.
根据第 104 EX/3.3
[...] 号决定,可以针对任何会员国提出申诉,这正是因为它是教科文组 织的一个成员9 ;将根据能始至终保持 其个性的程序对这一申诉进行审议。
In accordance with 104 EX/Decision 3.3, a complaint may be directed at any Member State, for the very reason that it is a member of UNESCO;9
and the complaint will be examined under a procedure that will preserve its
[...] individual character from beginning to end.
根据秘书长的法定作用和成员国表达的关切,检查专员建议通过一些准则 和设立一个网站――本报告始至终 提 及 它们,尤其在下文第 87 和 88 段――作为 确保高级管理人员甄选和任命程序的透明度的一种手段。
In accordance with the statutory role of the Secretary-General and the concerns expressed by Member States, the Inspectors recommend the adoption of guidelines and the establishment of a website, both of which are referred to throughout this report, and in particular in paragraphs 87 and 88 below, as a means to enhance transparency in the selection and appointment of senior managers.
即使我们就算这种说法属实——厄立特里亚认为这种说法不属实——十分 显而易见的是,所谓企图始至终都 是 奥罗莫解放阵线做的事。
There is some mention of Eritreans in the narrative, but in a limited and secondary role, again based on suspicious testimony from detainees.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国为出于和平目的发射卫星表现出最大诚意和透明 度,破例始至终地采 取各种步骤,争取到世界广大公众的同情。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea took steps to show sincerity and transparency in respect of the satellite launch for peaceful purposes to the maximum, from A to Z, as an exception and aroused the sympathy of the broad world public.
Videojet 自始至终与您 通力合作,不断改善 生产效率,帮助您在未来获得更大的成功。
And Videojet collaborates with you to optimize performance from day one and to continuously improve for even greater success tomorrow.
本手册也将提供我们驻欧洲市场、北美、日本、中国和印度 的首席代表的详细联系方式,他们将 始至终 为 您 提供帮助。
You will also find the contact details of our Chief Representatives for the European markets, North America, Japan, China and India, who will help you along the way.
被很多人视为行业标准,可以 始至终 贯 穿 是用于整个饲料生产中,用于控制和隔离进入的原材料、控制生产过程的一致性、确保最终成品满足用户和官方的要求。
Seen by many as the industry standard, they are used throughout the animal feed industry to control and segregate incoming raw material, control consistency in feed production and ensure finished products are in line with the demands of customers and authorities.
第十二条 承运人的责任期 一、承运人根据本公约对货物的责任期,自承运人或履约方为运输而接收货 物时始,至货物交付终止。
The period of responsibility of the carrier for the goods under this Convention begins when the carrier or a performing party receives the goods for carriage and ends when the goods are delivered.
无论是在折扣仓储店帮助顾客搬运笨重、难以够到的商品,使店内通信更迅速更有效,还是提高结帐速度,Connect- LX 自 始至终 都 是Indyme公司解决方案的一部分,它有助于构建一个更流畅、更高效、更有利的购物环境,以吸引更多顾客。
From beginning to end - whether helping customers with heavy, hard-to-reach merchandise in discount warehouse-type discounters, making in-store communications faster and more efficient, or increasing checkout speed - the Connect-LX is part of the Indyme solution building a more streamlined, productive, profitable environment that attracts more customers.
在许多潜在客户的最终决策过程中,这项技术 始至终 都 能进入他们的三大待选技术之列。
The partner program leverages Xirrus' high-performance, award-winning WLAN technology
that consistently appears on the top-three list of many
[...] prospective customers during their final decision-making [...]
因此委员会吁请缔约国履行义务,全面确保其治内的儿童在紧急情况的所有 阶段,包括应急准备阶段以及重建和后紧急阶段, 始至终 一 视同仁地享有受教 育权。
The Committee therefore calls upon States parties to honour their obligation to fully ensure the right to education for every child within their jurisdiction, without any discrimination, throughout all stages of emergency situations, including the emergency preparedness phase and the reconstruction and the post emergency phases.
为确保质量合格,我们贯彻实施的质量管理系统(获ISO 9001与14001标准及OHRIS认证)能够确保我们在从个性化咨询、多晶硅生产、准时供货,到专业售后服务的整个流程中, 始至终 , 为 客户提供高质服务。
This ensures that our customers receive premium quality during the entire process – from tailored advice on polysilicon production to timely delivery and specific follow-up support.
那些始至终保持 儆醒的人,虽然他 们没有看到所有他们所守候期望的,但这 样做,他们就仍然是非常有福的,而且能 与世俗保持分离;当他们生活在“所定的 日期”并顺从地“守望”,他们就将会 了解、明白,“将会理解”,而且不会对处在 这个时代美妙的“收获”事件中一无所知。
Those who watched all down the age, though they did not see all they watched for, were nevertheless greatly blessed and kept separate from the world, by so doing; while those who will be living in the “due time” and shall obediently “watch,” shall know, shall see, “shall understand,” and not be in ignorance, in the midst of the wonderful events of the “harvest” of this age.
所有人口与发展政策的构想和执行工作都应 始至终 地 关心保障这些人权。
The conception and implementation of all population and development policies should be permeated by a concern for the guarantee of these rights.
文档必须包含自动 化的服务供应流程(始至终), 并指明所有涉及的手动步骤。
The documentation must include the Automated Service
[...] Provisioning Process, from beginning to end, and indicate [...]
any manual steps involved.
卡西迪先生(印度尼西亚)(以英语发言):主席先 生,我愿代表不结盟运动感谢你和主席团在联合国裁 军审议委员会实质性会议始至终, 给 予得力领导、 作出奉献和开展辛勤工作。
(Indonesia): On behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), I would like to thank you, Sir, and your Bureau for the able leadership, dedication and hard work throughout the substantive session of the Disarmament Commission.
2001-2004 年期间,种子和播种材料的管理与交付程序已全面修订,并始至终对生 产技术的正确应用和种子的特许销售实行全方位监管。
During 2001–2004 the process of management and delivery of seeds and planting material was sufficiently improved and a thorough control of the correct application of production technologies and distribution of seeds by specialised undertakings was constantly applied.
在本报告所述期间,行政首长协调理事会始 至终,在 确保联合国系统以一致办法解决国际社会的需要以及在全球、区域和国 家各层面采取一体行动方面,发挥了关键作用。
Throughout the reporting period, CEB has played a key role in ensuring a coherent approach by the United Nations system in addressing the needs of the international community and delivering as one at the global, regional and country levels.
(c) 制定明确的指导原则以确保儿童在替代照料安置期间其权利 始至终 得到 尊重,并将家庭式的立足社区的措施置于优先地位;在实施过程中要考虑到 《儿童替代照料指南
(c) Develop clear guidelines in order to ensure that children’s rights are respected throughout the entire process of placement in alternative care, with priority given to family-type and community-based measures; in doing so take into account the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children
安全理事会指出,安理会依照它在国际和平与安全方面的职能,争取始至终介入 冲突的所有阶段,寻找防止争端升级为武装冲突或武装冲突复 发的途径,安理会回顾,根据《宪章》第九十九条和第三十五条,秘书长或 会员国可以提请安理会注意任何可能对维护国际和平与安全构成威胁的事 项。
The Security Council notes that, consistent with its functions in relation to international peace and security, it seeks to remain engaged in all stages of the conflict cycle and in exploring ways of preventing the escalation of disputes into armed conflict or a relapse into armed conflict and the Council recalls that, in accordance with articles 99 and 35 of the Charter, the Secretary General or any Member State may bring to the attention of the Council any matter which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security.




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