

单词 臭不可闻

See also:

不可 adj

unacceptable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

If there is a leak, you will smell gas.
不久, 里格比的转型几乎是完整的,虽然末底改找到正确的治疗番茄酱,里格比必须战斗的人 臭 鼬 , 所以 可 以 使 用的番茄酱,转回到正常。
Soon, Rigby’s transformation is almost complete, and although Mordecai finds the correct cure- tomato paste, Rigby must battle the Were-Skunk so he can use the tomato paste [...]
and turn back to normal.
甚至发言人 提供的平民伤亡数字也完全像闻, 不 加 任何进一步解释。
Even the figures given by spokespersons for civilian casualties
[...] remain entirely anecdotal and are not supported by [...]
any further explanation.
但请记住,向某位 记者提供独家闻可能意 味着别的记者或刊 不 能 再 报道它,因而有时可 不 值 得 冒这一 风险。
Bear in mind, however, that giving an exclusive to a reporter may mean that other journalists and publications may not cover it, so it may not be a risk worth taking.
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设定确切数字,但 规定:“消臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最可进口 21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产 不 能 以 对环境友好和 在经济可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but
stipulates that "The By-Law
[...] on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound [...]
economically-viable alternatives”.
臭氧可能會有短期的高峰值不會反映在美國環保署 EPA 的 8小時平均指標上。
Ozone may reach short-term peaks not reported in U.S. EPA’s [...]
8-hr average standard.
对于那 些生活在沮丧或绝望之中的人来说,并且对那些认为 政府对他不闻不问或压迫他们的人来说,基地组织 和其他团可能提 供了一种有吸引力的观点,但是, 这一观点的根基是毁灭,我们必须提供一种扎根于希 望、机会和可能性的替代观点。
For people whose lives are characterized by frustration or desperation, and for people who believe that their Governments are unresponsive or repressive, Al-Qaida and other groups may offer an appealing view, but it is a view rooted in destruction and we have to provide an alternative view that is rooted in hope, opportunity and possibility.
秘书处注意到该项目提议将 13 套使用氟氯化碳的制冷系统改装为使用 HCFC-22,建议开发计划署进一步考虑选择其 不 含 消 耗 臭 氧 层物质的制冷剂取代 CFC-12 的技术上可行性和经济上可靠性
Noting that the project proposes to retrofit 13 CFC-based refrigeration systems to HCFC-22, the Secretariat
suggested that UNDP
[...] further consider the technical feasibility and economic viability of selecting other non-ODS refrigerants to replace CFC-12.
该评估表明,尽管上述某些模可以 合 理模拟藻类的生长过程, 不 适 合 模拟臭素和 MIB 的产生和释放。
This review concluded that although some
of these models can
[...] simulate algal growth reasonably well, they are not suitable to simulate geosmin and MIB production [...]
and release.
[...] 伙伴关系的各优先事项,尤其是信息和传播技术的各个领域,如教育与科学、 闻 教 育 、可 持续 发展信息、言论自由以及获得信息权等。
Addressing the priorities and needs of Africa has mobilized a large part of the Sector’s resources, with the aim of supporting the priorities of the African Union and NEPAD
particularly in the fields of ICTs in
[...] education and science, journalism education, information [...]
for sustainable development, and
the freedom of expression and right to information.
利用其闻模板系统可很容 易地更改界面外观。
Use of its news template system can easily change [...]
the interface appearance .
因此,编制经费所产生项不 一定通过多边基金资助,而可以来自从被销毁的消 臭 氧 层物 质 可 能 为各国带来的碳排 放额度。
It was therefore possible that full projects resulting from the preparation funds might not necessarily be funded through the Multilateral Fund, but might instead come from carbon credits that the destroyed ODS could generate for the countries.
[...] 闻中心免费提供办公场地,并请其他东道国支持各 自的中心,以弥补闻部缺乏可用资 源情况。
Senegal, which had made premises available free of charge to the United Nations Information Centre in Dakar, invited other host countries to support
their respective centres so as to make up for the shortage of
[...] resources available from the Department of Public [...]
突尼斯一份关于 LCD 技术转变项目的完成项目报告指出,尽管深知 LCD 技术是一 项替代消臭氧层物质可行技 术,但其难以应用,且 不 适 用于所有经济环境。
The PCR for a project in Tunisia on conversion to LCD technology notes that while understanding that LCD technology
is a viable alternative technology to ozone-depleting substances, it is difficult to apply and may not be appropriate to all economic environments.
外地传媒机构记者,只要获得澳门特别行政区 闻 局 认 可 , 便可 在澳门从事采访活动。
The correspondents of foreign media agencies are allowed to work in Macao as long as they are accredited in the MSAR.
不含溶剂,臭无味,可以与 所有镶木地板面漆配合使用,适应性极高。
It contains no solvents, is odourless and can be used with all parquet finishes.
这些国家的项 目完成速度缓慢,主要是由于建立许可证制度/消 臭 氧 层物质立法的政府行动所致;关于 今可能出现不履约 现象的国家,项目文件的签署发生延误是需要等待计量吸入器项目问 题得到解决。
In these cases, the slow rate of completion was largely related to government actions to establish the licensing systems/ODS regulations and in the case of possible future non-compliance, a delayed signature of a project document awaiting resolution of a metered dose inhaler project issue.
因為有些可能 認為不臭,但有些人會表示“對不起,我不能忍受”。
This is because some people may think that something does not have any odour while some [...]
people will say, "Sorry, I cannot stand it.
他回顾说,《蒙特利尔 议定书》已经通过 25
[...] 年了,以前一直秉承预防原则,采取有科学依据的有力 行动来保臭氧层,而不是坐等无可 辩 驳 的造 臭 氧 层消耗的证据出现,或者 坐等用于氯氟化碳和哈龙所有用途的替代品出现。
He recalled that the Montreal Protocol had been adopted twenty-five years previously in line with the precautionary
principle to take firm,
[...] science-based action to protect the ozone layer, without waiting for incontrovertible [...]
evidence of the
causes of its depletion or for alternatives to CFCs and halons to become available for all uses.
可适应 再生材质含量更高的纸张、更易于回收打印的纸张、减 臭 氧 ,以 及 不 含 激 光碳粉盒中的微粒排放。
Accommodates paper with high recycled content, easier recycling of completed print jobs, ozone reduction and none of [...]
the fine particulate
emissions found in laser toner cartridges.
公报反映出非洲联盟委员会对国际刑事法院决定深为不安,强调了非洲联盟 成员国由于《非洲联盟组织法》而承担的义务,回顾非洲联盟一再呼吁安全理事 会推迟国际刑事法院关于苏丹的诉讼——安全理事会对此完 不闻不 问 ,谴责国 际刑事法院企图把安全理事会卷入以向非洲联盟国家施压,从而支持国际刑事法 院,而不顾当地局势的复杂和变化——当地的局势需要和平与正义的平衡,并明 确声明非洲联盟反对任何胁迫非洲国家从而破坏非洲对这一问题共同立场的企 图。
The communiqué reflected the deep concern expressed by the African Union Commission about the decisions of the International Criminal Court, highlighted the obligations of the African Union Member States arising from the constitutive act of the African Union, recalled the repeated appeals of the African Union to the Security Council to defer the proceedings of the International Criminal Court concerning the Sudan, which are being totally ignored by the Security Council, denounced the attempts of the International Criminal Court to involve the Security Council in pressuring the African Union Member States to support the International Criminal Court, irrespective of the complex dynamics on the ground which require balance between peace and justice, and clearly stated the opposition of the African Union to any attempt to coerce African countries to undermine the common African position in this regard.
作为监督和纠正机构的人力资源管理部 不闻不 问 , 甚至在职员协会指出了某些公然的不公 正和不正常的现象后也无动于衷。
HRM has not taken a single step to monitor or redress the situation, even when the staff associations have pointed out flagrant injustices and abuses.
基于浏览器的闻阅读器可让您从任何计算机与您的 RSS 订阅源保持同步,而可下载的应用程序则让您将之储存在您的主计算机上,此与您使用 [...]
Outlook 下载您的电子邮件或将之保留在诸如 Hotmail 之类的基于 web 的服务上相类似。
Browser-based news readers let you catch up [...]
with your RSS feed subscriptions from any computer, whereas downloadable applications
let you store them on your main computer, in the same way that you either download your e-mail using Outlook, or keep it on a web-based service like Hotmail.
[...] 准的总供资额中相当于日本捐款的那部分金额只能用于能够以透明方式加以监测的活动, 而且,资金只能用臭氧层的保护 不 得 挪 作其他用途。
In this context, the representative of Japan notified the Executive Committee of its understanding that, if the project were approved, the portion of the total funding approved for the project equivalent to the contribution of Japan should be spent only on activities that could be monitored in a transparent
manner, and that the funds should be spent only
[...] for the protection of the ozone layer, without being diverted [...]
to other uses.
(c) 以报导恐怖主义方面闻可能有利于恐怖主义者目标为理由而正式地 或非正式地对媒体施不作此 类报导的压力。
(c) Formal or informal pressures on the media not to report on terrorism, on the grounds that this may promote the objectives of terrorists
评审应涵盖一切有关内部环境管理政策和行动的问题,比如碳抵消 可持 续采购、消除危险废物、消臭氧层 物质以及多氯联苯和石棉这类污染物、楼房 改建和管理、新能源和可再生能源,以及劳动环境。
The review should cover all issues relevant to in-house environmental management policies and actions, such as carbon offsets, sustainable procurement,
elimination of
[...] hazardous waste, ozone depleting substances and contaminants like PCBs and asbestos, hazardous waste, ozone-depleting [...]
substances, building reconstruction
and management, new and renewable sources of energy, and labour environment.
今天討論這項條例及免稅的做法,我認為只是給予政府一個機會, 象徵式地向公眾顯露政府也很關注環保,難聽一點是“除褲放屁”,仍然臭不可當。
I think our discussion today about this ordinance and the tax exemption merely serves to give the Government an opportunity to put on a show for the public about its concern for the environment.
A-PET(Amorphous-polyethylene terephthalate)是一種非結晶熱可塑性塑膠,其完全由碳氫氧成分所構成 可 完 全 被燃燒, 臭 無 味 , 不 會 產生有礙環境及有毒之氣體,同時亦是做為食品包裝用之最佳材料。
A-PET(Amorphous-polyethylene terephthalate) sheet is one kind of amorphous thermal plastics, which is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen elements.
秘书处对向其提出的许多请求听不闻,在 这个问题上不向代表团通报任何信息,我 们只希望能够与各国尽快进行磋商,向各国提供任 务方面的信息,并解释目前为何如此拖延。
The Secretariat should consult delegations and provide them with information promptly and should also provide an explanation for the excessive delay in the appointment.
关于第35 项建议,该代表团表示,废除了所有的新闻犯罪,同时指出,闻工作者仍可能犯 有共同法罪行,例如诽谤罪和最高通信委员会规定的新 闻犯罪。
With regard to recommendation 35, the delegation indicated that all press offences had been abolished, while noting that journalists may be guilty of common law offences, such as defamation and press offences defined by the High Communication Council.




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