

单词 自首

External sources (not reviewed)

各位部长对禽流自首次大 规模爆发以来产生的严重威胁表示严重关切, 因为禽流感不仅会对全球公众的健康,而且会对全球经济造成严重影响。
The Ministers expressed grave concern over the
serious threat posed by the spread
[...] of Avian Influenza since its first major reported outbreak, [...]
which has potential to produce
severe impact not only on public health worldwide but also on the global economy.
这些在参与了一系列攻 击,包括法外处决之后,这些儿童向警 自首 , 并 详细讲述了该组织的活动。
After participating in a series of attacks, including extrajudicial killings, the boys surrendered to police and gave detailed accounts of the group’s activities.
他们注意到报告已经印发,但是要等报告翻译成所有正式语文和他们收到 自首 都的指示后,才能够对报告进行审议。
They took note of the issuance of the report, but could not consider it
before it was translated into all official United Nations languages and before receiving
[...] instructions from their capitals.
贷款接收方自 首次向项目活动发放核证的减排量起,开始偿还贷款。
The loan recipient shall start repaying the loan
[...] starting from the first issuance of CERs [...]
to the project activity.
据称,自从2003年6月30日 Al-Ghamdi先生 为了家人的自由而向沙特当自首以 来,他从来没有就对他提出的指控得到过通 报,也没有被提交主管的司法当局或者受到任何形式的审判。
It is alleged that since 30 June 2003, the day Mr. Al-Ghamdi turned himself in to the Saudi authorities in order to free his family members, he has never been informed of the charges pending against him, brought before a competent judicial authority or given any form of trial.
Al-Ghamdi 先生得到通知说,如果自 首,被 拘留的所有家庭成员都会被释放。
According to the source, Mr. Al-Ghamdi was informed that all family members of his who had been detained would be released if he were to turn himself in.
[...] 平貿易辦事處展開調查前首位向公平貿易辦事 自首 的 同 業聯 盟活動參與者,公平貿易辦事處可完全豁免違反《歐共體條約》 [...]
第 81條及/或《1998年競爭法》第I章所列出的禁止條文的經濟 罰則。
In response to a participant in a cartel
[...] activity who is the first to come forward [...]
before the Office of Fair Trading commences
an investigation, the Office of Fair Trading may grant total immunity from financial penalties for an infringement of Article 81 of the EC Treaty and/or the Chapter I prohibition set out in the Competition Act 1998.
我们注意到检察官的进度报告,特别是在以下问 题方面:首先,就赛义夫·伊斯兰·卡扎菲 自首问 题 同他进行的接触;其次,迄今进行的实地调查所取 得进展;第三,检察官办公室愿意对导致穆阿迈尔·卡 扎菲死亡的情况进行调查;第四,有必要全面调查北 [...]
约组织、全国过渡委员会及亲卡扎菲部队可能犯下的 进一步罪行的指控。
We have taken note of the Prosecutor’s progress report, especially
in terms of the
[...] following issues: first, the contacts with Saif Al-Islam Al-Qadhafi concerning his surrender; secondly, [...]
the progress in on-the-ground
investigations that have been undertaken thus far; thirdly, the willingness of the Office of the Prosecutor to conduct investigations into the circumstances that led to the death of Muammar Qadhafi; and fourth, the need for comprehensive investigations into possible further crimes committed by NATO, the NTC and pro-Qadhafi forces.
阿利坎特是帆船手和自首都马 德里的奢享者钟爱的目的地。
Alicante is a favoured destination for yachtsmen and pleasure seekers from the capital city of Madrid.
28.4 董事會自首届股 東周年大會起不時安排編制收益表賬與資産負債表 (倘為 首份賬目則自本公司註冊成立日期起計之期間,否則自上一份賬目起計之期 [...]
間 )連同截至收益表結算日期之資産負債表及董事會就本公司收益表涵蓋期 間之收益及本公司截至該時期止之業務狀况所作報告,核數師按細則第
29.1 條編制之報告及法例可能規定之其他賬目及報告。
28.4 The Board
[...] shall, commencing with the first annual general meeting [...]
cause to be prepared and to be laid before the members
of the Company at every annual general meeting a profit and loss account for the period, in the case of the first account, since the incorporation of the Company and, in any other case, since the preceding account, together with a balance sheet as at the date to which the profit and loss account is made up and a Directors' report with respect to the profit or loss of the Company for the period covered by the profit and loss account and the state of the Company's affairs as at the end of such period, an Auditors' report on such accounts prepared pursuant to Article 29.1 and such other reports and accounts as may be required by law.
根據中國有關法律及法規,本集團於中國經營之若干附屬公 自首 個 獲利年度起計兩年獲豁免繳付中國所 得稅,而其後三年則獲減50%稅。
Pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations in the PRC, certain of the Group’s subsidiaries operating in the PRC are
exempted from PRC income tax for two years
[...] starting from their first profit-making year, [...]
followed by a 50% reduction for the next three years.
2011 年 5 月 16 日,为回应越来越多的请求,并鉴于参与颠覆行动的人不断
[...] 来到安保办事处和派出所,希望利用内政部规定的免于法律后果和起诉的大赦期 限前自首,内政部将大赦期限延长至 2011 [...]
年 5 月 22 日,以使更多的人能够利 用大赦机会。
On 16 May 2011, in response to an increasing number of requests, and in the light of the continued arrival at security offices and police stations of persons implicated in subversive acts who wished to surrender in order to take
advantage of the amnesty period granted by
[...] the Ministry of the Interior for exemption [...]
from legal repercussions and prosecution,
the Ministry extended the amnesty period to 22 May 2011, in order to give more people the opportunity to take advantage of that amnesty period.
自首次投 入运行后,Evolution压榨毛毯就显示出了无与伦比的脱水性能,而且它能在整个使用期内始终保持这些机械特性。
From the first start-up, Evolution [...]
shows the best dewatering performance and retains these mechanical characteristics over its entire service life.
[...] 《公约》缔约方会议第2/CMP.5 号决定第50 段决定,自首次发 放核证的减排量起,开始偿还贷款。
The CMP, at the same session, through decision 2/CMP.5, paragraph
50, decided that these loans are to be repaid
[...] starting from the first issuance of certified [...]
emission reductions (CERs).
(a) 以電子光碟形式(連同複製於同一光碟之任何相關申請表格);及/或 (b) 自首次刊 發日期起計至少五(5)年於本公司自身網站連續刊登電子版上市文件 (連同任何相關申請表格)。
(a) in electronic format on CD ROM (together with any related application forms in electronic format on the same CD ROM); and/or (b) in electronic format through publication of the listing document (together with any related application forms) on the Company’s own website on a continuous basis for at least five (5) years from the date of first publication.
与大韩民国环境部和韩国环境公团合作,于 2012年2月22日举 行了主题为“绿色增长对话—— 自首 尔 绿 色增长倡议网络的各种最 佳做法”的会边活动。
A side event entitled “Green Growth Dialogue – Best Practices from the Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth (SINGG)” was held on 22 February 2012 in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea and the Korea Environment Corporation.
贸发会议在 7 月小型部长会议之前和 12 月的后续行动中,协助发展中国 家和国家集团在日内瓦和在自首都 的 贸易谈判人员和决策者 进 行参加 多哈谈判 的准备。
UNCTAD assisted Geneva- and capital- based trade negotiators and policymakers in developing countries and country groupings in their preparations for participation in the Doha negotiations in the run-up to the July mini-ministerial meeting and its follow-up in December.
自首都和 各省多个法院和检察官办公室的 40 多名代表参加了培训活 动。
Over 40 representatives from various courts and prosecution offices in the capital and in the provinces attended the training event.
一 个月之后,他从营地逃出并向乌兹别克的警 自首。
After one month, he escaped from the
[...] camp and surrendered to the police [...]
in Uzbekistan.
深 圳 市 中 興 移 動 通 信 有 限 公 司(「中 興 移 動 」自 首 個 獲 利 年 度 起 計 可 享 有 全 面 豁 免 繳 納 企 業 所 得 稅 兩 年, 而 隨 後 三 年 則 獲 減 免 繳 納50%企 業 所 得 稅,自2003年'月'日 起 至200'年'2月3'日 止,中 興 移 動 是 國 家 級 高 新 技 術 企 業,2008年–20'0年 適 用'5%的 企 業 所 得 稅 稅 率。
Shenzhen Zhongxing Mobile Technology Company Limited (“Zhongxing Mobile”) is entitled to full exemption fromcorporateincometaxfortwoyearsanda50%reliefinc orporateincometaxinthethreeyearsthereafter starting from the first profitable year from ' January 2003 until 3' December 200'.
自首家朗 廷酒店于1865年开幕后,便以超乎想象的豪华气派和先进科技,令维多利亚时期的伦敦赞叹不已。
From the day the first Langham Hotel opened [...]
in 1865, it astonished Victorian London with the scope of its luxury, technology and grandeur.
於往績記錄期間,根據中國的外商投資企業適用的有關稅務法規及規例, 本公司的一間附屬公司有權享受企業所得稅的優惠稅項待遇,即經抵扣過往年度 結轉的全部未到期稅項虧損後自首個盈 利年度起兩年內免繳企業所得稅,並 於其後三年內減免50%。
During the Track Record Period, one of subsidiaries of the Company was entitled to the preferential tax treatment exemption from the enterprise income tax for the first two years and a 50% reduction in the enterprise income tax for the following three years, commencing from the first profitable year after offsetting all unexpired tax losses carried forward from the previous years in accordance with the relevant tax rules and regulations applicable to foreign investment enterprise in the PRC.
簡介 首播日期: 2007.09.30 中摩根哥妹走出冰櫃車殺手的陰霾,而德克斯特因為第三者萊拉而和麗塔鬧翻;同時德克斯特藏屍點被發現FBI介入調查,而警局的同事多克斯覺得德克斯特肯定藏了什麼秘密,而經受壓力的德克斯特也在考慮要不 自首。
Synopsis Release Date: 2007.09.30 At the start of Season 2, the psychological fallout from killing Brian (his brother) and the constant surveillance by Sgt.
2011 年,方案回归到一个完整的 12 个月周期,这使道德操守办公室能够首 次在 9 月,在申报期接近结束的时候审 自首 次 实 行申报以来新加入儿基会的高 级工作人员。
The return to a full twelve-month cycle in 2011
allowed the Ethics Office to
[...] conduct, for the first time, a review in September — when the filing period was nearly complete — of new senior staff in UNICEF who had joined since the initial exercise.
為 充 實 中 期 營 運 週 轉 金 , 本 公 司 與 台 灣 固 網 公 司 於 九 十 七 年 二 月 二 十 一 日 向 中 國 信 託 商 業 銀 行 股 份 有 限 公 司 等 九 家 銀 行 簽 訂 聯 合 授 信 合 約,融 資 額 度 為 13,500,000 仟 元,授 信 期自 首 次 動 用 貣 為 期 三 年 。
To provide medium-term working capital, the Corporation and its subsidiary, TFN, entered into a syndicated loan with a joint credit line of $13,500,000 thousand with 9 banks led by Chinatrust Commercial Bank on February 21, 2008.
贸发会议支持发展中国家在日内瓦和在 自首 都 的 贸易谈判人员和决策 者 进 行参加 世 贸组织多哈谈判的 准备工作,根据请求,应弱 小 经济体关切的发展 问题提 供了专家咨询。
Through its support to Geneva- and capital- based trade negotiators and policymakers in developing countries in their preparations for participation in the WTO Doha negotiations, UNCTAD provides expert advice, upon request, on the specific developmental concerns of weak, vulnerable and small economies.
2 月 23 日,为了促成和解,Tawergha 部族
[...] 头领向米苏拉塔所有公民发出了一封道歉信,为本社 区成员犯下的罪行致歉,并且呼吁所有犯下此类罪行 的人向司法系自首。
As a contribution towards reconciliation, Tawergha tribal leaders issued an apology on 23 February to all citizens of Misrata for the crimes committed by members of
their community and called upon on all those who had committed such
[...] crimes to surrender themselves to the justice system.




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