单词 | 自闭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自闭 noun —autism n (often used)less common: withdrawal n 自闭 adjective —autistic adjExamples:闭关自守—close the country international intercourse See also:闭 v—shut v • obstruct v 闭—stop up
该晚会包 [...] 括一场小组讨论和筛选一部讲述有 自闭 症 儿 童家庭 生活的以色列电视剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The evening had included a panel discussion and a screening of an Israeli television series depicting the life [...] of a family with an autistic child. daccess-ods.un.org |
每 年与非 政府组织 合作, [...] 响 应 联 合 国大会 指 定的“世 界关顾 自 闭 日”,举办活动,如阅读报告比赛。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) In addition, we co-organise [...] activities every year with NGOs in [...] support of the World Autism Awareness Day designated [...]by the General Assembly of the United [...]Nations, such as book report writing competitions. daccess-ods.un.org |
Elise Robinson及其同事研究了男性的自闭症 缺 陷数量占优的这种情况在多大程度上可能通过女性的一种保护作用加以解释。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Elise Robinson and colleagues investigated the extent to which the [...] preponderance of autistic impairments in [...]males might be explained by a female protective effect. chinese.eurekalert.org |
我们还采取了重要措施, 将自闭症和 其他发育紊乱病症纳入我们现有的医疗 [...] 保健方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have also taken important steps [...] to integrate autism and other developmental [...]disorders into our existing health-care programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
当发现儿子Shayan是自闭症患儿时,这位年轻女子明白,她与儿童都将要面对极大挑战。 clarinsusa.com | Following the diagnosis of [...] her son Shayan as autistic, this young woman [...]understands only too well the extent of challenges [...]faced by children and parents alike. clarinsusa.com |
大会第六十二届会议决定指定 4 月 2 日为世界提高自闭症意 识日,并从 2008 年起每年举行纪念活动;并鼓励会员国采取措施,提高全社会 对 自闭 症 儿 童的认 识(第 62/139 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly [...] decided to designate 2 [...] April as World Autism Awareness Day, to be observed every year beginning in 2008, and encouraged Member States to take measures to raise awareness throughout society regarding children with autism (resolution 62/139). daccess-ods.un.org |
Shayan生于巴黎,但在纽约长大,因为纽约专门协 助 自闭 症 患 儿的高效能教育方式,让Shayan能够从中受益。 clarinsusa.com | Shayan was born in Paris but brought up in New York [...] where he was able to benefit from high-performance educational methods [...] specifically designed to support autistic children. clarinsusa.com |
11月份的其他活动包括融入加麦兰音乐的快乐生活 —— 儿童音乐剧场、自闭症儿 童的快乐色彩艺术和手工艺展示 、儿童倾诉反暴力虐待心声的电视节目和难民儿童才艺表演秀。 unicef.org | Other initiatives in November include the Bites of Delights children's music theatre with [...] gamelan music, the Happy Colours arts and [...] crafts showcase by autistic children, a TV [...]programme with children speaking out against [...]bullying and a refugee children’s talent time. unicef.org |
推广非接触自动控制式、延时自闭、 停 水 自闭 、 脚 踏式、陶 瓷磨片密封式等节水型水龙头。 wrdmap.org | Popularize water-conserving taps such as the non-contact auto-control, prolong time automatic close, water cut-off automatic close, [...] foot-treading, ceramic-chipsealed taps. wrdmap.org |
(p) 中央辅助医疗服务为展能中心、庇护工场/ 综合职业康复服务中心提供 职业治疗专业咨询和支援服务,及直接 为 自闭 症 患者提供职业治疗,以改善他们 在行为、沟通、独立生活和社交等各方面的能力和技巧。 daccess-ods.un.org | (p) Central Para-medical Support Service (CPMS) which provides occupational therapy professional advisory and support services for DACs and Sheltered Workshops/Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service Centres. daccess-ods.un.org |
如多动症,自闭症,尿床,绞痛,耳部感染,湿疹,荨麻疹,蚊虫叮咬,咽喉炎,疣等相关症状,需要父母更多关心。 cn.iherb.com | Attention [...] Deficit Disorder, Autism, Bed-wetting, [...]Colic, Ear Infection, Eczema, Hives, Insect Bites, Strep Throat, and Warts [...]are some of the conditions that concern parents. iherb.com |
在 2009-10 [...] 学年,共有 207 265 名 有各种残疾,包括自闭症、 听力损伤、视力损伤、学习障碍、身体残障、智障和 [...] 语言障碍的儿童、青少年和成人在特殊教育学校和服务设施学习。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the 2009-10 school year, a total of 207,265 children, [...] adolescents and adults with various [...] disabilities, including autism, hearing impairment, [...]visual impairment, learning difficulties, [...]physical handicaps, mental retardation and speech disorders were enrolled in special education schools and services. daccess-ods.un.org |
自2007年以来,潘夫人一直致力于解决妇女和儿童健康问题,包 括 自闭 症 问 题、消除对妇女的暴力、以及推动防止母婴艾滋病毒/艾滋病传播的运动。 un.org | Since 2007, Mrs. Ban has devoted her [...] attention to women’s and children’s [...] health, including autism, the elimination [...]of violence against women, and the campaign [...]to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS. un.org |
为提高内地自闭症儿童的康复教育水平,本会和江苏省无锡市残疾人联合会和无锡市特殊需要儿童早期干预中心,联合举办“全国孤独症儿童康复专业技术人员师资培训班”,主要是教授国际认可的评估工具(PEP-3)及结构化教学法,并将在2012年3月26日至3月30日在江苏省无锡市举办。 heephong.org | To enhance the quality of children [...] rehabilitation services in the Mainland, a Nationwide [...] Training Course for Autistic Children [...]Rehabilitation Professionals focusing on [...]PEP-3 and TEACCH will be jointly organised by Heep Hong Society, Wuxi Disabled Persons Federation and Wuxi Early Intervention Centre for Children during 26-30 March 2012 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. heephong.org |
自闭症和 其他精神障碍没有被列为儿童死亡主要原因,从而导致发展中国家公共政策决策者,以及捐助者对它的长期忽视。 un.org | The absence of autism spectrum disorders [...] and other mental disorders among children from lists of the leading causes of death [...]has contributed to their long-term neglect by both public policy-makers in developing countries, as well as donors. un.org |
委员会还建议向自闭症儿童患者提供必要的心理治疗和特别支助方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further recommends that [...] children with autism are provided with [...]necessary psychological treatment and special supportive programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会也建议使照料自闭儿童 的家庭获得充分的心理支持和其他适当支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also recommends that families taking care [...] of children with autism receive adequate [...]psychological and other appropriate support. daccess-ods.un.org |
森森是 一个患有自闭症的男孩儿,在过去的四年中一直受到建华天津特殊教育项目(SEP)的帮助,他的家人更是看到了森森这四年来巨大 [...] 的变化。 jhf-china.org | Sen Sen is an autistic Tianjin boy who has [...] benefited from the JHF Special Education Program (SEP) for the last four years. jhf-china.org |
(二) 1999 年的《自闭症, 脑瘫,智障和多重残疾人的国家福利信托基金法》,该法规定了 上述四类残疾人的法律监护,以及创造有利的环境,使他们尽可能实现独立生 活;(三) 1992 年的《印度康复委员会法》,内容涉及为提供康复服务发展人力 资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government has enacted three legislations for persons with disabilities, namely, (i) Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, which provides for education, employment, creation of barrier free environment, social security, etc. (ii) National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disability Act, 1999 has provisions for legal guardianship of the four categories and creation of enabling environment for as much independent living as possible (iii) Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992 deals with the development of manpower for providing rehabilitation services. daccess-ods.un.org |
昔加末REACH自2012年开始不遗余力地在昔加末县内推 动 自闭 症 醒觉运动,这是各类活动的连接。 reachsegamat.com | REACH Segamat has been raising Autism awareness in the Segamat district throughout 2012 and you can see some of our awareness activities here. reachsegamat.com |
乘着昔加末REACH 宣传“2013世界自闭 症 醒觉日”,我们特别主办了别具意义的摄影比赛。 reachsegamat.com | in conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day, [...] REACH Segamat is organising its very first "LIGHT IT UP BLUE" photo shooting competition. reachsegamat.com |
一项全国范围的研究发现,一个密集式的早期干预治疗能有效改善很小年 龄 自闭 症 儿童的认知和语言技能,还能让他们的大脑活动正常化,减少他们 的 自闭 症 症 状并且改善他们的社会技能。 chinese.eurekalert.org | An intensive early intervention therapy that is effective for improving [...] cognition and language [...] skills among very young children with autism also normalizes their brain activity, decreases their autism symptoms and improves their social [...]skills, a nationwide study has found. chinese.eurekalert.org |
2011 年 4 [...] 月,以色列代表团与该部合作主办了 一次纪念世界提高自闭症意识日的特别晚会;这是 以色列代表团连续第三年主办这种活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In April 2011, her delegation, in partnership with the [...] Department, had hosted a special evening in [...] observance of World Autism Awareness Day; [...]it was the third year in a row that it had hosted such an event. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据 2008 年 11 月 5 日第 5754-1994 号《国家医疗保险法》(《国家医疗保 [...] 险法》)近期修正案(第 43 号修正案),自闭症儿童每周将接受三个小时的医务辅 [...]助治疗(理疗、言语矫治和职业疗法)。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a recent Amendment to the National Health Insurance Law 57541994, (the “National Health [...] Insurance”) (Amendment 43) dated November 5, 2008, [...] children with Autistic disorders will [...]receive 3 hours’ a week of paramedical treatment [...](physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy). daccess-ods.un.org |
患有自闭症、 智障、唐氏综合症或脑瘫的人都在这里找到了工作。 wacker.com | Served by seventy-five employees, around 300 people with [...] disabilities including autism, mental retardation, [...]Down's syndrome or cerebral palsy are given job placements. wacker.com |
亚历克斯·理查森博士的主题演讲,解释 “ 自闭 症 谱 系障碍...的重要性的长链多不饱和脂肪酸,特别是二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和更。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Dr Alex Richardson’s keynote lecture [...] explaining the ‘autism spectrum’ disorders… [...]and the importance of the long chain polyunsaturated [...]fatty acids; particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and much more. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
世卫组织全球疫苗安全咨询委员会负责向世卫组织提供具有潜在全球重要性的疫苗安全问题方面的建议,自2000年8月以来,该委员会定期审查了有关硫柳汞在人类(包括低出生体重婴儿)和猴子中的可用药动学信息,并评估了研究有关硫柳汞与人类神经发育障碍( 如 自闭 症 ) 相关性的动物模型的正确性。 who.int | Since August 2000, the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), responsible for advising WHO on vaccine safety issues of potential global importance, has periodically reviewed available information on thiomersal pharmacokinetic studies in humans (including low birth-weight infants) and in monkeys and has assessed the validity of [...] animal models in studying associations between thiomersal and neuro-developmental [...] disorders (such as autism) in humans. who.int |
除了TOMATIS方法的标准疗法,我们还发现它也可以帮助客户战 胜 自闭 症 、 脑瘫、脑损伤、唐氏综合症、遗传性疾病、以及其他发育迟缓的病症。 tomatis.com | The addition of the Tomatis Method to standard therapies have been found to be beneficial for clients struggling with spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, brain injury, Down’s Syndrome, genetic disorders, and other diagnoses that present elements of developmental delay. tomatis.com |