

单词 自缚手脚

See also:


hand and foot
movement of limbs

External sources (not reviewed)

自缚手脚,将 行动仅限于清点叙利亚越来越多的 平民受害者吗?
Will it keep its hands tied and limit its [...]
actions to counting the growing number of civilian victims in Syria?
同时,西方国家的援助政策缚了自 己 的 手脚 , 使 得他们无法对缅甸所发生的变化施加影响。
Their aid policies have weakened the West’s ability to influence the changes underway in the country.
津巴布韦想 取得经济进展,绝不能以进程框架之外的问题来缚 其手脚。
Zimbabwe wants economic progress and must not be held
[...] back by issues outside the framework [...]
of the Process.
我们欢迎目前正在作出努力,以便最终打破缚 裁军机制手脚的僵局。
We welcome the fact that efforts are being made to finally put an end to the deadlock that is hampering disarmament mechanisms.
例如,在欧洲,《稳定和增长公约》 缚 了 政府 的 手脚 , 否 则政府可能 会利用预算赤字来刺激经济和创造就业。
For example, in Europe, the Stability and
[...] Growth Pact has tied the hands of governments that might [...]
otherwise have used budgetary deficits
to reflate their economies and create jobs.
他们的协调能力经已形成,可使手 刹 自 行 车 ;如 车身大小适中的话,他们还可站着跨 自 行 车而 双 脚 立 地
Six-year-olds have developed the
[...] coordination to use hand brakes, and appropriately sized bicycles allow them to stand and straddle the bicycle with both feet on the ground.
还要注意,在同步过程将是关键,由于环境的本质的WordPress:虽然它是很容易 自 动 化 脚 本 或使用工具来同步WordPress的文件夹, 您将需手动调整及同步插件和数据库内容,直到完全自动化的同步解决方案将可用。
Also notice that the synchronizing process will be critical, due to the nature of WordPress environment:
while it will be
[...] quite easy to automate scripts or use tools to synchronize the WordPress folders, you will need to manually tweak & synch plug-ins [...]
and database contents,
until a completely automated sync solution will be available.
可以发布量刑指导方针来解决量刑不一致的问 题,以便在不缚法院的自由裁 量权的前提下促进量刑的统一和相称性。
Inconsistency in sentencing can be confronted by the issuance of sentencing
guidelines to promote uniformity as well as
[...] proportionality of sentencing, without fettering the discretion [...]
of the courts.
但虽然人们可能对这个问题的大小及其对研究激 励机制的缚程度 有所争论,我们关心的焦点是发展中国家 自 己 的 知识产权体制中尽可 能避免出现类似问题。
However, while
[...] there may be debate about the scale of the problem, and the degree of inhibition on research incentives, our principal concern is that developing countries avoid where possible the creation of similar problems in their own IPR regimes.
还应包括对拘留设施的定期独立视察情况、被拘留儿童对申 诉机制的使用情况、工作人员对被剥 自 由 儿 童使用身体 缚 和 武 力的专门 标准和规范以及涉及被剥自由儿 童的惩戒措施和程序方面的现有标准和做 法。
It should also include information on regular independent inspection of places of detention, access to complaints mechanisms by children in detention, specialized standards and norms concerning recourse by personnel
to physical restraint
[...] and use of force with respect to children deprived of liberty, and the existence of standards and norms concerning disciplinary [...]
and procedures with respect to children deprived of their liberty.
这是为什么我认为越开放,越多的讨论、发生(越多) 辩论,人们就自由地了解世界正在发生什么,以及中国人民在想什么,美国人民在想什么,非洲人民在想什么,他们关注什么,他们想要什么,我认为这有助于解开对创造力的 缚 , 回 应世界人民的梦想和渴望。
That’s why I think the more openness there is, the more discussion, debate that occurs, more freely people understand what’s happening around the world and what’s on the minds of the Chinese people, what’s on the minds of the American people, what’s [...]
on the minds of people in Africa, what
they’re concerned about, what they want, I think that helps unleash the creative forces to respond to those dreams and aspirations of people around the world.
项目简介: 一个类似ruby on rails的java web快速开脚手架,本 着不重复发明轮子的原则,框架只是将零散的struts(struts2)+spring+hibernate各个组件组装好在一起,并对struts及struts2进行改造,提供零配置编程,并内置一个强大的代码生成器及模板文件,可以生成java的hibernat model,dao,manager,struts+struts2 action类,可以生成jsp的增删改查及列表页面。
Project Information: Ruby on rails a similar rapid development of java web scaffolding , in line with the principle of not reinventing the wheel , but the fragmented frame struts (struts2) spring hibernate components assembled together , and the struts and struts2 transformation , providing zero configuration program , and built a powerful code generator and template files , you can generate the java hibernat model, dao, manager, struts struts2 action class , you can generate the CRUD and jsp list page .
[...] 告(S/2010/565)所指出的,在联黎部队调查组获准进入事发现场之前,可能的证 据就已经被人做手脚或已 被拿走,因此联黎部队调查组无法确定爆炸的原因, [...]
也无法确定事件是否是因为未经许可的军火及有关物资的存在而造成的或该房 子是否被用于从事违反第
Owing to the fact, as stated in my last
report (S/2010/565), that possible evidence had
[...] been tampered with or removed before [...]
the UNIFIL investigation team was allowed
access to the incident site, the UNIFIL investigation was not able to determine the cause of the explosion, whether the incident had been caused by the presence of unauthorized arms and related materiel or whether the house had been used for other activities in contravention of resolution 1701 (2006).
您决定向图形中添自动脚注, 以包括工作表名称、最后修改日期 以及所用数据的某些信息。
You decide to
[...] add an automatic footnote to your graphs [...]
to include the worksheet name, last modification date, and some information on the data used.
这些包括:给的食物质量差,数量不足;保健不 够;动用各种酷刑手段(包括剥夺睡眠、将被拘押者 手脚 铐 住并使其无法坐稳、 以及威胁或实际拘押家庭成员)。
These included: poor quality and quantity of food; inadequate health care; and the use of torture methods (including sleep deprivation,shabehand threats of or actual detention of family members).
人类的活动从未停止脚步,而自从 20 世纪大规模机动化以来,人们的活动范围更是大大延伸。
Mankind has always been on
[...] the move, but ever since mass motorization [...]
began in the 20th century, its reach has grown dramatically.
关于媒体问题,《议定书》规定,观察团须核实叙利亚政府是否核准阿拉伯 和国际媒体进行采访,以及是否允许这些媒体在叙利亚各 自 由 和 不受 缚 地通 行。
With regard to the media, the protocol states that the Mission should verify that the Syrian
Government gives accreditation to Arab and international media and allows
[...] them free and unfettered movement throughout Syria.
在邮件正文中,您也可以通过点击插入菜单,选择用户属性脚本,然后再选择一个属性字 段让程自动为您插脚本来 生成个性化的内容。
You may enter these scripts manually or
click Insert > Contact
[...] Attribute Script and select one of the listed attributes, Email Marketer will generate and insert the script automatically.
在首都, 国家警察在多个犯罪高发区的充分反应能力,仍然因缺乏流动性和巡逻基本装备 而受到缚。
In the capital, the ability of the Liberian National Police to respond adequately in many high crime areas of the capital also remained hampered by the lack of mobility and basic patrol gear.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人自我辩 护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially
[...] in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of [...]
experience in appeals support.
重要的是,振兴 进程最终要使大会加强独立性,巩固其作为包容各方
[...] 的辩论机构的本质,从而使各会员国在大会毫无缚 地自由审议他们关心的一切问题。
It is important that this process culminate in an Assembly strengthened in its independence and in its nature as a body for inclusive
debate, in which Member States enjoy
[...] unrestricted and unlimited freedom to consider any [...]
matter they deem to be of interest.
这场运动的开端是采用先进的视频和通信技术,播 放做手脚的声 称是描绘阿拉伯叙利亚共和国境内发生的事件的影像带,以此编 造对我国境内发生的事件的谎言。
The campaign began with the fabrication of stories about events in the Syrian Arab Republic with advanced visual and communications technology being used to show fake footage, allegedly of events unfolding in the Syrian Arab Republic.
目前,这一模棱两可的局面还有一个好处,即 中国政府得以不被外交部向各国大使馆就南海主权 声索所做出的保证所缚。
So far this ambiguity has also been beneficial in allowing the government to not be bound by the assurances that the foreign ministry has given countries regarding the claims.
保护平民的任务 往往得不到相应的适当资源或者带有 缚手脚 的 规 定,仅允许特派团在其能力范 围内或在部署地区执行这项任务。
Too often the mandate to protect civilians is not matched by appropriate resources or contains caveats that allow missions to only conduct this task within their capacities or in their areas of deployment.
鱼粉与供人类消费的鱼类食品可供性之间的关系很复杂:49 水产养殖业在利 用鱼粉方面变得更为有效(例如,通过使用植物饲料养鱼或扩大使用来自工业化 鱼类加工厂的鱼废料;大约四分之三的鱼粉和鱼油 自 下 脚 料 ); 区域之间存在 巨大差异;由于加工鱼供人类消费比制成鱼粉的成本要高,因此这两者间的交换 可能显得不是太明显。
The relationship between fishmeal and fish-food availability for human consumption is complex:49 the aquaculture industry has become more efficient in its use of fishmeal (for example, the use of plant-based feed to grow fish or a greater use of fish waste from industrial fish-processing factories: about one quarter of all fishmeal and fish oil comes from offcuts), significant regional variations exist and trade-offs may appear less obvious because of the higher costs in processing fish for human consumption compared to processing fish for fishmeal.
立法应保护劳动者,反 映社会公正和人权理念,但立法也应力求平衡,因为一旦法规的 缚 力 过 度,可 能导致本来能够发展的业务变得无利可图。
Legislation should protect labour and reflect concepts of social justice and human rights, but it needs to strike a balance as overly cumbersome regulations can make an otherwise viable business unprofitable.
这就需要我们清除构 成全面参与障碍的法律、政策和文化方面的 缚 , 还需要我们确保对经济发展 (基础设施、运输、农业价值链)产生影响的所有部门充分纳入妇女的切实需要 和战略利益。
This requires that we also address the legal, policy and cultural constraints that create barriers to full participation, and that we ensure that all sectors which have an impact upon economic development (infrastructure, transport, agricultural value chains) fully incorporate women’s practical needs and strategic interests.




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