

单词 自由漂移的状态

External sources (not reviewed)

乳状液厚度可能会因的 类型、海洋条件以及状液是自由漂 浮 还 是堵在 栅栏或海岸线等障碍物上而有非常大的差异。
The thickness of emulsion can vary considerably depending on the
oil type, the sea
[...] conditions and whether the emulsion is free-floating or held against a barrier such [...]
as a boom or the shoreline.
态测试一样,陀螺漂移的协方 差固定在1e-12,另一 个协方差固定在标称值,剩下的其余两个则在1e-14至1e-4 的范围内变动。
As in the dynamic tests, the covariance for the gyro drift is fixed at 1e-12, [...]
one of the other covariances is fixed at a
nominal value, and the other two are varied from 1e-14 to 1e-4.
他们还决心促进所有移的人权和基自由,而不论移徙状态,特 别是对妇女和儿童而言,以通过国际、区域或双 边合作和对话解决国际移徙问题,认识到原籍国、过境国和目的地国的作用和责 [...]
任,避免可能加剧国际移民脆弱性的做法(见大会第 66/288 号决议)。
They also resolved to promote the human rights
[...] and fundamental freedoms of all migrants regardless of migration status, especially those [...]
of women and children,
to address international migration through international, regional or bilateral cooperation and dialogue, to recognize the roles and responsibilities of countries of origin, transit and destination and to avoid practices that might increase the vulnerability of international migrants (see General Assembly resolution 66/288).
三点轴承确保理的自由状态 位置
The three-point bearing ensures the physically ideal [...]
rest position.
远程呼叫控制 (RCC) 电脑与有线或无线耳麦之间的远程呼叫控制 (RCC) 接口可以最大程度地帮助: 呼叫声移、接听和结束来电、静音、自动音量控制 自 动 状态 调 整 、耳麦与电脑/笔记本之 的 相 互 控制。
Remote Call Control (RCC) A Remote Call Control (RCC) interface between PC and corded or wireless headset will facilitate at a maximum: Ring tone transfer, call
acceptance and termination,
[...] muting, volume control but also the automatic but also an automatic status alignment and the reciprocal control between headset and PC/laptop.
2001 年《土地法》第 15 条指出,“凡是有自然本源的财产,如森林、 可 航 行 或漂浮水道、自然湖、 可 航 行 或漂浮河流的 河岸以及 海岸;凡 是 专 门 为 公 共 用 途 开 发的财 产 , 如 码头、 港口、 铁 路 、 火车站 和机场;凡 是供公众使的 财 产 ,不管是处自然状态 还 是 开 发 之 后,如 公 路 、 小 路 、 牛车路 、 小 径 、 花 园 、公园 和保留 地 ; 凡 是 为 提供公众服 务 专 门 划 出 的 财 产 , 如 公立学校或教育机 构、行政办 公 楼 和 所 有公立医院; 凡 是构成受法律保护的自然 保护区 财 产;考 古 [...]
、文化和历史 遗 产;不动产 都是王国的财 产 , 而 不是皇 室 的 私 人 财 产 。
Article 15 of the land laws in 2001 states that, “Any property that has a natural origin, such as
forests, courses of
[...] navigable or floatable water, natural lakes, banks of navigable and floatable rivers and seashores. Any property that is specially developed for general use, such as quays, harbours, railways, railway stations and airports; Any property that is made available, either in its natural state or after development, [...]
for public use,
such as roads, tracks, oxcart ways, pathways, gardens and public parks, and reserved land; Any property that is allocated to render a public service, such as public schools or educational institutions, administrative buildings and all public hospitals; Any property that constitutes a natural reserve protected by the law.
一个积极的发展态是, 有些国家对基于社区的拘留替代办法进行了投资, 以平衡对建立有自由移徙的公共 秩序的需要。
In a positive development, a number of countries have
[...] invested in community-based alternatives to detention in an effort to balance the need for public order with the right to freedom of movement.
该超新星,然后由成一 个黑洞,箭落 漂移 丢 失 ,吉姆责 自 己 没 能获 的 生 命 线,而事实上箭头的线被切断一个无情的昆虫一样船员名为嘎嘎的响声(迈克尔·温考特)。
The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow drifts overboard and is lost, for which Jim blames [...]
himself for failing to secure
the lifelines, while in fact Arrow’s line was cut by a ruthless insectoid crew member named Scroop (Michael Wincott).
关于 国际刑事法院审理的战争罪案件,他指出苏丹政
[...] 府不与国际刑事法院,他介绍了在刚果民主共和 国的进展,并指出在乌干达,被指控犯有反人类的个人一直处自由状态。
He noted the lack of cooperation by the Government of the Sudan with the International Criminal Court with respect to war crimes cases, progress made in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and the fact that individuals accused of
[...] crimes against humanity in Uganda continued to be at large.
了解運行一個足球學校是不容易的,我們為自己做的,我們要訓練在每個階段的形成,和我們一樣,我們執行的訓練方法,將是我們的教練,因為他們我們會成立,我們將評估我們的球員和我們的技術人員的工作發展,有效地管理一個足球學校,取決於所有這些屬性和專業從事足球的主要我們不能讓我們的組 漂移的 足 球 訓練,並沒有節奏,所以才得到這個孩子的形成發展也隨波逐流,他們的學習僅僅 自 然 的,但更積極的演變從體育良好的規劃,這就是為什麼我們必須使用所有的工具,我們今天在足球中學習運動,以達到最高的效率。
Knowing run a soccer school is not easy, we set ourselves to do, we're going to train at each stage of formation, as we do, that training methodology we perform, who will be our coaches, as they we will form, as we will evaluate the evolution of our players and the work of our technicians, manage a football school effectively, depends on all these attributes and the professionalism with which to engage the principal of Soccer we can not let football
training operation of our
[...] organization to drift and without rhythm, so just get that child's formative developments also go adrift and their learning is simply the natural, but are much [...]
more positive evolution
Thanks to good planning from the sporting, that is why we must use all the tools we have today in football to achieve maximum efficiency in learning sports.
继承济南站、郑州站和西安站活的 优 秀 经验,本站活动依 由 安 全 培训 漂移 表 演、 静 态 展 示和客户试驾四个主要部分组成。
Drawing on the successes of the Jinan,
Zhengzhou and Xi’an Stops,
[...] the Wuhan Stop comprehensively combined safety training, a drifting show, hands-on examinations of real [...]
Lexus vehicles, and customer test drives.
其他创新功能包括集成的彩色触摸屏、50 kV X
[...] 射线管、SMART® Grade 计时、SharpBeam® 优化 X 射线几何状、硅漂移探测 器,以及极其坚 的 外 壳 ,该外壳经过密封,可以防潮防尘。
Other innovative features include an integrated touch-screen color display, 50 kV X-ray tube, SMART
GradeTM timing,
[...] SharpBeamTM optimized X-ray geometry, Silicon Drift Detector (SDD), and an extremely tough [...]
housing that is sealed
against humid and dusty environments.
驻科部队继续朝着威慑存在的目 标,转自己的军事状态,部 队不再承担固定任务,但保留维持安全和有保障的 环境以及行自由的能 力,以便在情况需要时,作为第三应对单位,向科索沃警 察和欧盟驻科法治团提供支持。
KFOR continued to transform
[...] its military posture towards the deterrent presence stance, releasing troops from static tasks, while retaining the capability to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement to [...]
support the Kosovo Police
and the European Union Rule of Law Mission as third responder, should circumstances demand.
而非洲的矛盾在于,一方面它拥有丰 富的人力自然资 源,另一方面它的大部分人口却处于极端贫 的状态。
As for Africa, its paradox is the
extensive wealth of its
[...] human and natural resources on the one hand, and the extreme poverty of large parts of its population on the other.
探 测刀具时,刀具可以是旋转或静 状态( 例如测量各刀刃时),触盘移自由 位置 并生成触发信号给TNC数控系统。
When probing the tool, either while rotating or at
standstill (such as
[...] for measuring individual teeth), the contact plate is deflected and a trigger signal is [...]
transmitted to the TNC.
由于向漂浮建筑物传输电力和信的 挠 性 海底电缆(以下称直立电缆)可在海中 漂 浮 状态 铺 设 ,所以常用于受波浪和潮流等力影响的严酷环境中。
Since the flexible submarine cables (below, riser cables) that transmit power and signals to floating structures are suspended in the [...]
sea, they are used under severe conditions where they are constantly battered by the waves and the tides.
工作组还同 其他特别程序的任务负责人一道 公 开表 示,主由接收国组的一个区 域 组 织 提的立 法 倡 议 准许有关国家在驱逐非 正状态移民前最多 可 拘留他们 18 个月,这令它感到担忧。
The Working Group has also publicly expressed, together with other mandate holders of special procedures, its concern regarding a law-making initiative of a
regional organization
[...] comprising mainly receiving countries which would allow concerned States to detain immigrants who are in an irregular situation for a period of time [...]
of up to 18 months, pending removal.
新《宪法》(2008 年 8 月 7 日获得批准)保证公民权利、政治权利和基本自 由。除其他外,其中包括:生命权;不受歧视的权利;公正和公开审判权;不受 任意拘留的权利;保释权;免于被迫招供权利;获得法律援助的权利;禁止酷刑 或有辱人格的待遇;上诉权利;因为遭受非法逮捕或拘留而获得赔偿的权利;投 票(投票年龄降至 18 岁)和担任公的权利;见解和言论自由;隐私权;知情 权;结社自由;集自由;移徙自由 ; 以 及向包括儿童、青少年、老年人及有特 需的人在内的弱势群体提供特别保护。
The new Constitution (ratified on 7 August 2008) guarantees civil and political rights and fundamental freedoms including, inter alia: the right to life; right to nondiscrimination; right to fair and public trials; protection from arbitrary detention; right to bail; freedom from forced confession; right to legal aid; prohibition of torture or degrading treatment; right to appeal; access to compensation for unlawful arrest or detention; right to vote (voting age reduced to 18) and to hold public office; freedom of opinion and expression; right to privacy; right to information; freedom of association; freedom of assembly; freedom of movement; and provision of special protection to vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents, elders, and people with special needs.
在 緊 接 指 定 日 期 之由 移 轉 實移 轉 實 體 的 代 名 人 、 代 理 人 或 受 託 人 持 有 而 用 作 保 證 就 任 何 法 律 責 任 付 款 或 解 除 任 何 法 律 責的 抵 押 權 益自 指 定 日 期 起 , 須 由 渣 打 〔 銀 行 〕 ( 香 港 ) 持 有 , 或 由 上 述 代 名 人 、 代 理 人 或 受 託 人 為 渣 打 〔 銀 行〕 ( 香 港 ) 持 有 ( 視 情 況 所 需 而 定 ) , [...]
並 須 供 渣 打 〔 銀 行 〕 ( 香 港 ) ( 不 論 是 為 其 本
身 利 益 , 或 是 為 其 他 人 的 利 益 ( 視 屬 何 情 況 而 定 ) ) 用 作 保 證 就 該 法 律 責 任 付 款 或 解 除 該 法 律 責 任 的 抵 押 權 益 。
(g) (i) Any security interest held immediately prior to the appointed day by a transferring entity, or by a nominee or agent of or trustee for a transferring entity, as security for the payment or discharge of any liability shall, on and from [...]
the appointed day, be held by, or, as the
case may require, by that nominee, agent or trustee for, Standard Chartered [Bank] (Hong Kong), and be available to Standard Chartered [Bank] (Hong Kong) (whether for its own benefit or, as the case may be, for the benefit of any other person) as security for the payment or discharge of that liability.
漂流浮标自由漂流的探测 浮筒已达到其最初的设计目标,但维持这些系 统仍然是一个挑战。
Components for drifting buoys and free-drifting profiling [...]
floats have met their initial design goals, though sustaining
those systems remains a challenge.
在位置偏差计数器复位指令的输入中 由 于 速 度回 的漂移 而 存 在着微速转动的可能。
Enter "1" to PRM54 to validate this function. z While
the position deviation counter reset signal
[...] is supplied, slight rotation may be caused due to the drift of the speed loop.
在巴勒斯坦及其他阿拉伯领土上的严重 侵犯人权行为首先归因于以色的占 领 ,包括杀戮、 任意拘留、没收和破坏财产、破坏经济活动、阻止 获得工作、教育和保健以及限制 移自由。
The gross violations of human rights in the Palestinian and other Arab territories were caused primarily by the Israeli occupation and included killings,
arbitrary detention,
[...] confiscation and destruction of property, disruption of economic activity, prevention of access to work, education and health care, and restrictions on freedom of movement.
政府當局會 定期監察不同地區禽流感病的基因 漂移 、 掌 握其流行病毒品 種的最新情況及選用最能對抗常見支系的適當疫苗。
The Administration would regularly
[...] monitor the genetic drift of AI virus in different [...]
regions, keep track of its circulating
strain and choose the appropriate vaccine that best matched the prevailing clade.
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要
[...] 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力和射程(便携式防空系统的设计尖端程度);武器各部 的 运 作 状态 ( 电 池 、 自动 导 引器和发射器的运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable
air defence systems);
[...] the operational status of the weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers and launchers); [...]
the ability to operate
the weapon properly; and the ability to access potential targets.
因为45G®同样使用Datacolor强大的双通道256点光谱分析器, 那么经常出现在其他LED仪器的由热 积 累而产 的 光 谱 漂移 将 不 再是个问题。
Because the 45G® also uses Datacolor’s
powerful dual channel 256 point
[...] spectral analyzer, the spectral drift due to heat build-up commonly [...]
seen in some other LED instruments is not an issue.
国际移民组织认为,移民潮在未来可能会增加, 所以密切国际合作并在世界范围内加强努力来制止 恐怖主义和其他通过移民渠道开展的罪行,同时对 合状态移民的合理愿望作出回应并承认他们对社 会及发展作出的贡献,这是至关重要的。
As migration seemed destined to increase in the coming decades it was crucial to strengthen international cooperation and enhance global efforts to
prevent terrorists and
[...] others from exploiting migration channels while at the same time meeting the positive aspirations of legitimate migrants and recognizing [...]
the many contributions
the latter made to society and development.
在 这方面,一些与会者赞赏有机会在专家机制和常设论坛各届会议期间会见土著人 民人权和基自由状况特别报告员,并在某些情况下会见其他特别程 的 任 务 负 责人,他们还要求提供关于如何使用条约机构和其他有关人权机制的进一步资 料。
In this respect, a number of participants have appreciated the opportunity to
meet with the
[...] Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people and, in some [...]
cases, other special
procedure mandate holders during the sessions of the Expert Mechanism and the Permanent Forum and they have also requested further information on the use of treaty bodies and other relevant human rights mechanisms.
测量实际安装情况下的真实模态振型相当重要,因为基座支撑的电机较重(超过 100
[...] 磅),且连接在支承梁的几个位置上,电机的重量和基座的安装会明显改变模态振型和共振频率,因此简单地测量基座 自由状态 条 件 下 的 共 振频率是不够的。
It was important to measure the true mode
[...] shapes in the actual set up since the pedestal supported [...]
a heavy motor (over 100 pounds) and
was mounted on several sides to the guide bars.
[...] 收监记录应说明逮捕理由;被逮捕人到达羁押地点的具体时间,被剥 自由状态 的持续 时间,下令拘留此人的当局的身份以及负责执行命令的官员的身份,有关 [...]
The Subcommittee recommends that intake records should indicate the reasons for the arrest; the exact time of the arrested person’s arrival at
the place of custody, the
[...] duration of the situation of deprivation of liberty, the identity [...]
of the authority who ordered
the person’s detention and of the officials responsible for enforcing it, precise information concerning the place of custody, and the time of the detained person’s first appearance before a judicial or other authority.




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