单词 | 自爱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自爱 —self-loveless common: self-respect • regard for oneself • take good care of one's health • self-regard • cherish one's good name 自爱 noun —Self-Love n • self-abuse n Examples:三自爱国教会—Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949 See also:爱—affection • be fond of
一个较大的写体上显示着 [...] 甘查尔诗歌 (抒情诗),描述的是一位恋人的叹息,因为罕有 来 自爱 人 的 消息。 wdl.org | In larger script appears a ghazal (lyric poem) in which a lover sighs about [...] the lack of news from his beloved. wdl.org |
宇宙套房的特殊照明氛围由来自爱沙 尼 亚的锐高经销商Alter Electric OU供应的LED系统以及Torpedo Interior LLC照明设计师共同创作打造。 tridonic.cn | The special atmosphere in the Cosmos Suite is produced by an LED system that Alter Electric OÜ (the Tridonic distributor in Estonia) created together with designers from Torpedo Interior LLC. tridonic.com |
中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会/中国基督教协会(TSPM/CCC)规定,登记并不要求会众加入中国基督教 三 自爱 国 运 动委员会或中国基督教协会。 embassyusa.cn | The Three-Self Patriotic Movement/Chinese Christian Council (TSPM/CCC) states that registration does not require a congregation to join either the TSPM or [...] the CCC. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这一举措使来自爱尔兰、北爱尔兰、利比里亚和东帝汶的参与者聚集 一堂,借鉴受冲突直接影响者的经验,探讨如何在解决冲突和建设和平进程中最 佳地提高妇女的领导地位并保护她们的利益。 daccess-ods.un.org | This initiative brought together participants from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Liberia and Timor-Leste to draw upon the experiences of those directly affected by conflict on how best to promote women’s leadership and protect their interests in conflict resolution and peace-building. daccess-ods.un.org |
2006 年,其他国家查出了来自爱沙尼亚的 49 名人口贩运受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other countries identified 49 victims of human [...] trafficking from Estonia in 2006. daccess-ods.un.org |
比如说,2007年春天,达拉斯神学院(DTS)开展在线教学,通过北京城外中国基督教 三 自爱 国 运动委员会燕京联合神学院,向中国的神职人员提供神学研究生水平的培训课程。 embassyusa.cn | For example, in spring 2007 the Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) began offering on-line, graduate-level theological training courses to Chinese clergy and students via the TSPM's Yanjing Union Theological Seminary outside of Beijing. eng.embassyusa.cn |
自爱德华•豪雅(Edouard Heuer)于1860年在圣伊米耶(Saint [...] Imier)创立品牌以来,豪雅在高端奢华制表领域取得了众多非凡的成就,尤其以设计出众的计时码表和极致精准品质而享有盛誉。 wthejournal.com | Founded in 1860 by Edouard [...] Heuer at Saint-Imier, TAG Heuer is [...]responsible for numerous advances in luxury watchmaking, especially [...]in the areas of chronographs and extreme accuracy. wthejournal.com |
2006 年 12 月 13 日,联合国大会通过了《残疾人权利公约》,其中第 [...] 24 条特别针对残疾人 第 4 页 [...] 教育问题(强调无歧视;机会均等;教育各阶段,尤其是小学教育的全纳性;提供终生教育机 会,以全面开发个人潜力,达到自尊 自爱 ; 进 一步尊重人权、基本自由及人文多样化;残疾人的 个性发展;残疾人确实参与并全面融入一个自由的社会等等)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 2006 : On 13 December the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities, of which Article 24 is specifically devoted to education (absence of discrimination; equality of opportunity; inclusion in education at all levels, particularly primary education; educational opportunities throughout life aimed at facilitating the full development of their human [...] potential, sense of [...] dignity and self-worth; strengthening respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and [...]human diversity; the [...]development by persons with disabilities of their personality; their effective participation in a free society with a view to their full integration, etc.). unesdoc.unesco.org |
自爱彼成 立而来,品牌便坚持制作均等一致的机芯,故其厚度始终保持在8.55毫米,此外,爱彼也坚持由始至终只安排一名制表工匠亲手负责组装腕表的传统工序。 audemarspiguet.com | This rare core, [...] with its classic and balanced [...]architecture, of which only ten or so are made annually, is remarkable for [...]its extraordinary homogeneity due to its thinness (8.55 mm) - a specialty of the manufacture since its foundation - and its traditional construction involving one single “hand” from start to finish. audemarspiguet.com |
在饕餮美食美酒,精彩的现场演出以及黄浦江诱人夜景的映衬下,蓝高航海休闲生活得到了完美的演绎,来宾们沉醉其中,共享了无限.爱的主题: 爱激情,爱分享,爱自由,爱家庭 ,爱社交。 beneteau.cn | With fine food, outstanding wine, great performance and wonderful view of Huangpu River, Lagoon Lifestyle sailing concept was fully expressed through the whole event and all guests are [...] deeply indulged in the atmosphere of Infinite & Love: Love Passion, [...] Love Sharing, Love Freedom, Love Family, Love Social. beneteau.cn |
耶稣在马太 福音 10:37 中曾经警告过我们,爱自己的 家庭胜过爱基督的人不配跟从祂。 sallee.info | Jesus warned in Matthew 10:37 [...] that anyone who loves his family more [...]than Christ is not worthy of Him. sallee.info |
这位完 人会和耶稣基督一起降临,带领热 爱自 由 和 正义的人 们,在全世界铲除独裁和歧视,弘扬知识、和平、正 [...] 义、自由和友爱。 daccess-ods.un.org | He will come with Jesus Christ to [...] lead those who love freedom and justice to [...]eradicate tyranny and discrimination and promote [...]knowledge, peace, justice, freedom and love across the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
出价买儿童两轮自行车 Desna 河 (Desna 的喜爱自行车我们童年的)。 cn.lapulki.com | We offer to buy children's two-wheeled bike the Desna River (Desna's favorite bike of our childhood). cn-en.lapulki.com |
相当数目的巴勒斯坦囚犯上周被释放,在 被占领 土和全世界热爱自由的 人们之间掀起一波兴奋的浪 潮。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last week’s release of a noteworthy number [...] of Palestinian prisoners brought a wave of joy to the occupied [...] territories and among freedom-loving people of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
德文版本强调瑞士人热爱自由,而意大利版本赞美瑞士的慷慨友善。 swissworld.org | The German version [...] stressed the Swiss love of freedom, while the Italian [...]version praised Swtizerland's generosity. swissworld.org |
抵达后,贝奥武夫立刻被吸引到赫鲁斯加的妻子,皇后Wealtheow(罗宾·莱特·潘),谁 不 爱自 己 的 丈夫,也对他的兴趣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Upon arriving, Beowulf immediately becomes attracted [...] to Hrothgar’s wife, Queen Wealtheow (Robin Wright [...] Penn), who does not love her husband, and also [...]takes interest in him. seekcartoon.com |
和热爱自己工 作的人一起,能激发许多灵感”,Brian这样评论这位歌手。 ba-repsasia.com | It was inspiring to work with [...] someone who truly loves her job,” Brian [...]says about the singer. ba-repsasia.com |
参观爱尔兰的方式选择太多,所以在出发之前最好先作选择。 热 爱自 由 的 人可以选择租一辆车(car hire)在开阔的路上奔驰,选择一条极棒的自驾游路线(self-drive [...] itineraries),穿行于壮丽的景色之中,进行多日的旅行;如果您想要让其他人做这些苦活,让包价旅游承办商(tour [...] operator)安排好旅行的一切,包括飞机航班、汽车租用、住宿、甚至晚餐,这些服务都由爱尔兰入选著名旅游指南(guide)的公司之一提供,这家公司将以其特有的方式体现当地生活和民间传说,让爱尔兰独特的乡间变得栩栩如生。 discoverireland.com | Free-spirited souls can take to the [...] open road by opting for a car hire and a multi-day tour with one of our excellent self-drive [...]itineraries ; while if you’d prefer someone else to do the hard work then let your tour operator arrange your trip, including flights, car hire, accommodation and even evening meals in the company of one of Ireland’s many reputable guides . discoverireland.com |
怀孕期间要更加疼爱自己, 用可紧实、调理与改善肌肤弹性的配方,改善因怀孕而产生的白纹。 clarinsusa.com | Be pampered during your pregnancy [...] with formulas that soften, firm, tone and improve elasticity—reinforcing skin’s resistance to stretch marks and stress. clarinsusa.com |
足球方面,人们不仅热爱自己的国家队,他们的热情超越了国界,如果您有幸能够看到爱尔兰足球队在主场比赛,那么这场比赛一定会使您终生难忘-爱尔兰的球迷实在是太热情了 discoverireland.com | Football is a passion at both a national and an international level, and if you’re lucky enough to see the Irish team play at home you’re in for an experience you’ll never forget – the Irish fans are legendary! discoverireland.com |
我要再次郑重声明,我国代表团完全不接 [...] 受以色列政权在这个会议厅对我国的无端指控和歪 曲报道。这些都是在老调重弹,已经成为以色列政权 的惯用伎俩,目的是转移国际社会的注意力,使其不 [...] 再关注它的核武库和在本地区实行的犯罪政策和可 憎暴行,包括它最近对加沙的巴勒斯坦人民和在加沙 附近国际水域热爱自由的 人们犯下的滔天罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to place on record once again that my delegation rejects the baseless allegations and distortions made in this Chamber that have been repeated so frequently that they have become a practice by the Israeli regime to distract the attention of the international community from its nuclear arsenal and its criminal policies and abhorrent atrocities in the region, including its recent [...] heinous crimes against the people of Palestine in [...] Gaza and against freedom-loving people in international [...]waters near Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
我热爱自己的 工作,因为这是一种很有意义的职业,但是这也意味着我需要长时间地用脚站立,这对于我的静脉而言可不是件好事”,她说。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | I love my job as it is very [...] rewarding, but it does mean that I spend a lot of time on my feet, which has not been good for my veins,” she says. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
格里布尔(不想看到另一个地球男孩失去了他的母亲)在火星的眼睛,他会试图挽救他的妈妈,并给它米洛的母亲,显示了火星人的一件事,他们能找到的太空头盔忽略地球妈妈 : 爱自 己 的 孩子。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Before the eyes of the Martians, Gribble (not wanting to see another Earth boy lose his mother) manages to find the space helmet he’d attempted to save his mom with and [...] gives it to Milo’s mother, showing the Martians the one thing they had [...] overlooked about Earth moms: love for their children. seekcartoon.com |
可是,每次和孩子们接触时,觉得他(她)们很 可 爱 , 自 己 也 不可能生孩 子了,我想照顾这个孩子们也一定很开心,所以我决定结婚了。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | However, once I met his [...] children, they were so adorable that I changed [...]my mind and decided to marry him, thinking I could [...]be happy raising these children with little hope of having my own. hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
帕克(Rosa Park)因为违反城市法规被逮 捕并被罚款,但是她这一孤独的挑战行为却引发 [...] 了一场运动,最终结束了美国合法的种族隔离制 度,也使她成为了激励世界各地热 爱自 由 的 人们 的榜样。 peaceoneday.org | Rosa Parks was arrested and fined for violating a city ordinance, but her lonely act of defiance [...] began a movement that ended legal segregation in the U.S. and made her an [...] inspiration to freedom-loving people everywhere. peaceoneday.org |
玻利瓦尔革命面临的另一项重大挑战是在人文价值观基础上的教材设计上, [...] 应取得进一步进展,其特点是尊重文化多样性和多元文化,考虑到科学的社会重 点,促进学生热爱自己的 国家,力求可持续发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | A further significant challenge for the Bolivarian Revolution is further progress with curriculum design based on humanistic values, characterized by respect for cultural diversity and multiculturalism, [...] taking into account the social focus of [...] science, promoting love for one’s country, [...]and pursuing sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
它为热爱自然的人提供了绚丽无比的自然风光;为民族研究者提供了简单坚决的民族个性;为领导者树立了宗教,自由以及财产安全方面的榜样;而对于文人墨客,没有任何一个国家比瑞士更能激发他们的想象力。 swissworld.org | To the admirer of nature it offers scenes [...] of grandeur almost unrivalled; to the observer of national manners, a people of [...]great simplicity and firmness of character; while to the statesman it displays in a striking light the salutary effects of religion, freedom, and security of property; nor can the poet or painter find scenes more calculated to exalt the imagination. swissworld.org |
我们越来越多地 看到反差强烈的两种情况共存的现象:一些青年在为消除不平等现象,为在没有预设模式偏 见的前提下保护和促进文化多样性的事业努力献身,而另一些青年则不 珍 爱自 己 的 生命和前 途,采取自暴自弃的态度。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Increasingly, one finds groups of young people who do not attach much importance to their lives and their future living alongside groups that seek to take a stand in reducing inequalities and defending and promoting cultural diversity without prior models. unesdoc.unesco.org |