

单词 自然流失

See also:

自然 adj

natural adj




run off
wash away

External sources (not reviewed)

如發現人手過剩,食 環署會透過重行調配自然流失處理
Any surplus staff identified would be taken care of
[...] through redeployment or natural wastage.
至 於安老院宿位自然流失情況 ,社會福利署署長答允在會後提 供資料。
As regards the natural wastage of places [...]
in RCHEs, the Director of Social Welfare (DSW) agreed to provide the information after the meeting.
庫 務署署長回
[...] 應 時表示,該署會透 過重新調配內部人手自 然 流失的方式吸納過 剩 員工。
In response, the Director of Accounting Services (DAS) advised that the surplus staff would be absorbed by
[...] internal redeployment and natural wastage.
加上救護人員自然流失,消 防處經常須面對人 手緊絀的問題。
Coupled with the natural wastage of ambulance [...]
staff, the FSD had always faced a tight supply of manpower.
政 府當局表示,政府在建議為某公務員職系進行 職系架構檢討時,不僅考慮了 自然流失 率, 亦考慮了招聘人員的情況。
The Administration advised that in proposing a GSR for a civil service
grade, the Government had taken into consideration
[...] not only the unnatural wastage rate, but [...]
also the recruitment situation.
我們會透自然流 失 、 退休和重行調配人員來刪除職位。
We will dovetail the
[...] deletion of posts with natural wastage, retirement [...]
and re-deployment.
實施此等改善措施會刪減約600個 職位,而刪減的工作會透自然流失 和 重新調配人手進行。
The implementation of these improvement measures would result in the deletion of about 600 posts and the deletion would
[...] be achieved by natural wastage and staff [...]
2007/08 學年,各官立學校會繼續推 行該計劃,但進度須視乎個別學校的需要,以及校工 自然流失 情 況 而定。
For the 2007/08 school year, all government schools will continue to
implement the scheme but the pace will depend on the needs of individual
[...] schools and the natural wastage of their janitor staff.
請提供上述措施的詳情,以及日後所採取的措施,以免非學位教 自然流 失。
Please provide the details of the above measures and the subsequent measures adopted
[...] in order to avoid natural wastage of non-graduate [...]
本署會通過刪除現有職位空缺 自然流失 以 及刪減第二輪自願退休計劃流失的人 手,刪減這 93 個職位。
The 93 posts will be deleted through
[...] existing vacancies, natural wastage and wastage arising from the Second Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
同時,我們會鼓勵觀塘裝 卸區和茶果嶺裝卸區的現有經營者,自願遷至其他裝卸區 自然 流失而空置的停泊位。
Moreover, we will encourage existing operators at the Kwun Tong
and Cha Kwo Ling PCWAs to
[...] relocate on a voluntary basis to vacant berths, arising from natural wastage, in other PCWAs.
現時教育局 以新合約條款續聘有關教師,並會每年檢討人力需求,以及考慮
[...] 各項相關因素,包括教育新措施的推行、未來學生人數的推算, 以自然流失率等 ,以確定是否有足夠常額職位將按新合約條款 [...]
It also reviews its manpower projections on an annual basis, with due regard to all relevant factors, including new
education initiatives, student population
[...] projections and natural wastage, to ascertain [...]
whether adequate permanent posts are
available to allow government school teachers appointed on new agreement terms to be offered permanent terms.
刪 減職位會通過自願退休自然流失及 刪 除現有空缺的形式逐步進行。
Deletion of posts will be effected by
[...] phases through voluntary retirement, natural wastage and deleting [...]
existing vacancies.
在考慮到未來數年公務自然流失的 估 計數目、實施全面暫停招聘公務員的 措施及第二輪自願退休計劃所提供的額外離職機制後,我們相信將可在 [...]
2006-07 年度結束時,把公務員編制縮減至約 160 000 個職位。
Having regard to the
[...] estimated size of natural wastage in the coming [...]
years, the imposition of a general civil service recruitment
freeze and the additional exit mechanism by means of the Second Voluntary Retirement Scheme, we consider that the target to reduce the civil service establishment to around 160 000 by 2006-07 is achievable.
問題: (a) 請提供在 2002-03 年度進行的晉升選拔工作數目,基於在 2003
[...] 年需 要在個人薪酬方面節省更多開支,並需透 自然流失 或 自 願退休縮 減公務員人手編制,在 2003-04 年度進行晉升選拔工作的理據為何?
Question : (a) Please provide the number of promotion exercises in 2002-03. Given that the Government needs to achieve greater savings in Personal Emoluments and to
reduce the establishment of civil
[...] service through natural wastage or voluntary retirement, [...]
what is the rationale for conducting
promotion exercises in 2003-04 ?
我不是要政府“炒 人”,但最少也可透自然流失的方法來減少人手。
I am not asking the Government to lay off its staff, but manpower should at least
[...] be reduced by means of natural wastage.
(g) 因 公務員自 然流失或開 設 新 職 位 以 提 供 新 服 務 等 原 [...]
因,而 尚待填 補 的 空 缺 。
(g) posts not
[...] yet filled due to natural wastage of civil servants, [...]
creation of new posts for providing new services and so on.
(b) 由於人自然流失和我 們不斷致力提高效率和生產力,因此可刪減這些職位。
(b) The posts are
[...] deleted due to natural wastage as well as [...]
our on-going drive for better efficiency and productivity.
[...] 項有關此政策的事宜諮詢委員的意見, 包括應否自然流失的方法逐 步淘汰持牌流動小販,以及特惠金的 [...]
金額應否 予 以檢討。
The Administration also sought Members' views on a number of issues relating to the IHL
policy, including whether IHL should
[...] be phased out by natural attrition and whether [...]
the amount of ex-gratia payment should be reviewed.
當局已就轉型工 程批出撥款,但安老院舍會待透 自然流失 騰 出若干宿位後才 進行有關工程,以免對現有院友造成滋擾。
Funding was available for the conversion works but the works would only be carried out in RCHEs
when there were a number of vacant
[...] places arising from natural wastage in order to [...]
avoid causing disturbance to existing residents.
我們經參考過去遷置小販的經驗,並計及小 自然流失 、 持 牌小販自 願交回牌照和透過小組形式競投街市檔位等因素,相信設置 [...]
130 個街 市檔位足以應付遷置的需求。
Taking into consideration previous
experience in respect of
[...] reprovisioning and also natural wastage, voluntary surrender [...]
of licence and the group bidding
of the market stalls by the licensed hawkers, we believe that 130 market stalls is adequate to meet the reprovisioning requirements.
在2011年,本行香港员工自然流失率 为 11.6%,在本地主要银行界中,流失率为第二低。
Our voluntary turnover rate in Hong Kong [...]
for 2011 was 11.6% - the second lowest among major banks in Hong Kong.
為達致政府削減公務員人手的目標,我們把 自然流失 、 第 二輪自願退休 計劃、有時限職位任期屆滿和合約期結束而出現的職位空缺刪除。
To achieve Government's target on the reduction of civil service
establishment, posts are deleted when
[...] vacancies arise from natural wastage, Second Voluntary [...]
Retirement Scheme, expiry of time lapse
posts, and end of contract agreement.
不 過,根 據 迄 今 所 作的評
[...] 估,我們預計㆟手錯配的數字不會 太 多,房署有信心可自 然流失、 重 行調配 員工及其他適 當 措施( 例 [...]
如開設臨時的房委會合 約 僱 員職位) 解決錯配的 問題。
However, based on assessments so far, the number involved is not expected to be significant and the Department is
confident that the mis-matches can be
[...] resolved through natural wastage, re-deployment [...]
of staff and other expedient measures,
e.g. creation of temporary HA contract posts.
我 們透自然 流 失 和 一 系 列 的 措施, 包括推出 兩 輪 自 願退休 計 劃、暫 停 招 聘 公務員、重整架構及 工作流 程 等 ,將公務員編制由 2000 年年初高峰 時 [...]
的 198 000 個 職 位,減至目 前的 17 萬
個 職 位,減 幅達 14%。
Through natural wastage and a series of measures, such as two rounds of Voluntary Retirement [...]
Scheme, general civil service
recruitment freeze, reorganization and re-engineering, we have reduced the civil service establishment by 14% from the peak of 198 000 posts in early 2000 to the present level of 170 000 posts.
由於在訂定新架構時,可能會引致出現人手過剩的問題,因此我們亦已計算因正常退休 自然流失 的 員 工的數目、在自願離職計劃 (註二) 和第二輪自願退休計劃下離職的員工的數目,以及合約屆滿的合約僱員的數目。
In developing the new structure, we have been mindful of the need to address potential surplus
staff issues, and have
[...] taken into account natural wastage arising from [...]
normal retirement, departure under the Voluntary Departure Scheme (Note 2)  (VDS)
and the second Voluntary Retirement Scheme, and completion of contracts of employees on contract terms.
全球更多地使用和依赖地下水,导致对地下水及有关领域专门知识的需求增加,这些 知识包括:以基于卫星的技术和模型对地下水的补给和储存、地下水水质及保护、地下水污 染流失风险评估自然灾害 和人类影响造成的地下水资源退化,以及气候变化对地下水资 源的影响评估。
The global increase in the use of and reliance on groundwater has led to increased demand for expertise in groundwater and allied fields (including among others: groundwater recharge and storage by satellite based techniques and models, groundwater quality and
protection, groundwater
[...] pollution and depletion risk assessment, degradation of groundwater resources by natural disasters and human [...]
impacts, and the
assessment of the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources).
有关选择方案包括:维护或恢复湿地吸收洪水的能 力;修复江河流域的涝原;(通过立法、购买、奖励 措施或协议)保护或修复陡坡的森林;保护;妥善管 理或修复(如必要自然海岸防御系统,包括海滨沼 泽、珊瑚礁及红树林;针对水流失 和 沙 漠化的植物 保护。
Options include: maintaining or restoring wetlands capable of absorbing floods; restoration of flood plains on rivers; protection or restoration of forests on steep slopes (through legislation, purchase, incentives or agreement); protection; good
management or if
[...] necessary, restoration of natural coastal defences including coastal marshes, coral reefs and mangroves; protective planting against soil erosion and desertification.
根据联合国失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在失登记 册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 [...]
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations,
claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
李鳳英議員詢問為活家禽業而設自 願 退 還計劃所 取得的成果,例如活家禽農場/活家禽運輸業的本地工 人申請一筆過補助金的宗數、獲批/被拒的申請宗數、 參加勞工處提供的再培訓計劃並找到別的工作的工人數 目,以及然失業並需依靠綜合社會保障援助的工人數 目。
Ms LI Fung-ying enquired about the outcome of VSS for live poultry trade, for instance, the number of applications for one-off grants from local workers of live poultry farming/transport
industry, the number of applications
[...] which had been approved/rejected, the number of workers who had joined the retraining programmes offered by the Labour Department (LD) and were able to secure alternative employment, and the number of workers who remained unemployed and had to rely on Comprehensive Social Security Allowance.




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