

单词 自此

External sources (not reviewed)

自此,秘书处在每次执行委员会会议 结束后都对范本进行了更新。
Since then, the Secretariat [...]
has updated the model after each meeting of the Executive Committee.
自此项技 术开发以来,福伊特一直采用至今。
This has been
[...] done by Voith since this technology [...]
was invented.
自此之后 ,主任专员没有再收到过涉及该部和管理层的值得关注的问题的报告。
Since that date, no matter [...]
for concern relating to the Department and management had been reported to the Commissioner-General.
自此开始 ,数项政策和机构框架支撑联合国教科文 组织在非洲的工作,使得“非洲优先”计划正式成为 [...]
34 C/4《中期战略》中本组织两项总体 优先事项之一。
Since then, several policy [...]
and institutional frameworks have underpinned UNESCO’s work in Africa resulting in “Priority
Africa” being formalized as one of the two global priorities of the Organization in the 34 C/4 Medium-Term Strategy.
(C) 倘連續三次按其登記地址或以(倘有關股東根據第 180(B)條選擇以 其電子地址或網站接收向其送達的任何通告及文件時,則為)電子方 式按其電子地址或網站向任何股東(或倘屬股份的聯名持有人,則為 名列股東名冊首位的股東)送達通告或其他文件,惟因無法派遞而退 回,則該名股東(及倘屬股份的聯名持有人,則為股份的所有其他聯 名持有人自此無權 接收或獲送達文件(董事會根據本細則第(B)段 可能選擇的其他方式除外),並將視為其已放棄接收本公司發出的通 告及其他文件的權利,直至其聯絡本公司並以書面方式提交接收向其 發出的通告的新登記地址或(倘有關股東根據第 180(B)條選擇以其 電子地址或網站接收向其發出的任何通告或文件時,則為)電子地址 為止。
Any notice or document served in the manner so described shall be sufficient service as regards shareholders with no registered or electronic address (as the case may be) or incorrect addresses, provided that nothing in this paragraph (B) shall be construed as requiring the Company to serve any notice or document on any shareholder with no or an incorrect registered address or electronic address (as the case may be) for the service of notice or document on him or on any shareholder other than the first named on the register of members of the Company.
小组委员会注意到持续发射地球观测卫星的次数和利用此类卫星进行的创 新研究,自此类卫星的数据可用于建立高级全球综合地球系统模型。
The Subcommittee took note of the number of continued launches of Earth observation satellites and the innovative research conducted using such satellites, data from which could be used to develop advanced, global-integrated Earth system models.
任何因法例施行、轉讓或其他方式對任何股份享有利益之人士,將受就有關股 份並在其姓名及地址列入股東名冊前以 自此 衍 生有關股份所有權之人士妥為發出 之每份通告所約束。
Any person who by operation of law, transfer or other means whatsoever shall become entitled to any share shall be bound by every notice in respect of such share which previously to his name
and address being entered on the register
[...] shall be duly given to the person from whom he derives his [...]
title to such share.
自此,市 場迅速復甦,致年底達每乾公噸140美元,乃受積極增加存貨及 [...]
粗 鋼 產 量 回 升 所 推 動。
From this point, the market recovered [...]
quickly to reach $ 140 per DMT by the end of the year, fuelled by aggressive restocking
and a pick-up in crude steel production.
[...] 的,而确定世卫组织一般性食品安全计划的预算水平的权力在世卫组织成员国手中,而 不在秘书处手中,而拨给食典的款项正是 自此 类 预 算。
The Representative of WHO replied that within the WHO's budget preparation process there was no policy to provide for compensation of inflation automatically and that it was not the WHO secretariat but the member states of WHO that had the power
to determine the budget levels for the WHO food safety programme in general, from which
[...] the Codex contribution was drawn.
但令 国际社会倍感遗憾的是自此以后 ,没有取得积极成果,协议也未得到执行。
Since then, however, much to the regret [...]
of the international community, there has been no positive outcome and the agreement stands unimplemented.
自此以后 ,里亚奇法官一直 在负责《程序和证据规则》修正、受害人的参与(包括与书记官处就建立和发展 [...]
《程序和证据规则》第 50 条和第 51 条设想的单位进行联络)以及与法庭的新闻 办公室配合在黎巴嫩开展外展活动。
In particular,
[...] Judge Riachy has since been in charge of [...]
amendments to the Rules, victim participation (including liaison
with the Registry on the establishment and development of the Unit envisaged in rules 50 and 51) and outreach in Lebanon, in coordination with the Tribunal’s Public Information Office.
自此之后, 农业工人每天举行两、三次示威活动,并在一处公共场所设立了营地。
Starting from that date, [...]
the farmworkers held as many as two or three demonstrations a day and were based in a camp set
up in the grounds of a public institution.
在二零零 六年三月發給梁博士和彭先生的電郵中,他提到“約於兩年前曾討論
[...] 聯盟制安排的方案,當時的看法大致正面, 自此 之 後 ,主要在回應 教統局的立場時,校董會、職員和學生的立場更為支持教院具獨立地 [...]
In his email message to Dr Leung and Mr Pang in March 2006, Professor Morris stated that “the option of a federal arrangement was discussed about
two years ago and the sentiment was
[...] broadly positive, but since then and largely [...]
in response to the position of EMB, the
Council, the staff and students have taken a position much more supportive of an independent HKIEd”.
如 否 定,則可使用年期之評自此由按無 限年期更改為按有限年期計量。
If not, the change in the useful life assessment from indefinite to finite is accounted for on a prospective basis.
(c) 倘連續三次按其登記地址向任何股東(或倘屬股份之聯名持有人,則為名 列股東名冊首位之股東)送交通告或其他文件,惟因無法派遞而退回,則 該名股東(及倘屬股份之聯名持有人,則為股份之所有其他聯名持有人自此後無 權接收或獲送達通告或其他文件(董事會根據本章程細則第(b)段 可能選擇之其他方式除外),並將視為其已放棄接收本公司發出之通告及 其他文件之權利,直至其聯絡本公司並以書面方式提交向其送達通告之新 登記地址為止。
(c) If on 3 consecutive occasions notices or other documents have been sent through the post to any Shareholder (or, in the case of joint holders of a share, the first holder named on the register) at his registered address but have been returned undelivered, such Shareholder (and, in the case of joint holders of a Share, all other joint holders of the share) shall not thereafter be entitled to receive or be served (save as the Board may elect otherwise pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Article) and shall be deemed to have waived the service of notices and other documents from the Company until he shall have communicated with the Company and supplied in writing a new registered address for the service of notices on him.
作為達成任何交易或閣下在本客戶協議下之任何義務擔保或信用支持, 總體來說指:(i)由閣下或通過閣下提供,而且現在 自此 由 吾 等持有或 控制,或者在送往吾等保管途中或從吾等送出途中,或者分配予吾等保 管,或者因其他原因由吾等保管,或者由任何帳戶所持有的所有錢款及 財產(包括證券抵押品);及(ii)與前述(i)項有關之所有收益或分配。
Collateral” means, as security or credit support for entering into any Transaction or for any of your obligations under this Client Agreement, collectively, (i) all monies and properties (including Securities Collateral) provided by or through you which are now or hereafter held or controlled by or through us or which are in transit to or from or allocated to or are otherwise in our custody or which are carried in any Account, and (ii) all proceeds or distributions of the same.
自此,该 评价被作为制 订难民署新“年龄、性别和多样性主流化战略”的基础。
Since that time, the evaluation [...]
has been used as the basis for the formulation of UNHCR’s new AGDM strategy.
自此,法庭已采取步骤加强合作活动,特别是与联合国开发计划署的合作活动, 开发署在前南斯拉夫持续存在和专门知识在支持可持续发展方面发挥着关键作 用。
The Tribunal has since made steps to increase [...]
its cooperative activities, particularly with the United Nations Development
Programme, which plays a key role in the former Yugoslavia with its continuing presence and expertise in supporting sustainable development.
(f) 协助缔约国会议确定各缔约国在预防和侦查腐败所得和 自此 类 所 得 的收入或好处的转移方面和在资产追回方面的能力建设需要,包括长期需要。
(f) Assisting the Conference in identifying the capacity-building needs, including long-term needs, of States parties in the prevention and detection of transfers of proceeds of corruption and income or benefits derived from such proceeds and in asset recovery.
自此,“走出去”特色 在政府的经济发展战略中不断深化,除了海外政治和投 [...]
资指导方针,来自政府金融机构的支持还包括了前期投 资成本、利率和个人海外工作保险。
In addition to political and [...]
investment guidance abroad, backing from government financial institutions has included subsidies
on pre-investment costs, interest rates, and insurance for personnel working abroad.
並且,因未經授權使用而產生對此類部件的任何改進或者 自此 類 部件的任何發明,在相關法律允許 [...]
的情況下,Fallbrook Technologies Inc.及其許可權人對此類改進和發明享有免費使用權,而且免費使用權為全 世界通用、永久和非獨占許可性質。
Any unauthorized use of the NuVinci Technology components is not
[...] recommended, will void any applicable [...]
warranties and, to the extent such use leads
to any improvements to or inventions from those components, and as allowed under applicable law, Fallbrook Technologies Inc. and its licensees shall have a royalty free, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license to all rights in any such inventions or improvements.
根據天津市人民政府文件津政發[2003 ]52號《批轉市建委關於改革我市貸款道 路建設車輛通行費收費管理方案的通知》「為盡快改變我市公路收費站點設置過 多、過密的現狀,樹立良好的城市形象,對我市貸款道路建設車輛通行費收費方 式進行改革,撤併壓縮收費站點,實行統收統還」,加之二零零九年國務院出台 《關於實施成品油價格和稅費改革的通知》政策後,天津市於二零一零年一月一日 開始停止徵收天津市貸款建設車輛通行費,天津津政交通發展有限公 自此 後已 無經營性收入,故喪失與同行業的競爭力。
In accordance with the document Jin Zheng Fa [2003] No. 52 ‘‘Notice on the Proposal of Reforms in the Administration of Tianjin City Indebted Road Construction for Vehicle-Passing Toll Collection’’ issued by the Municipal Construction Commission and approved and forwarded by the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, which mentioned ‘‘traffic toll collection for loan-funded road construction of Tianjin will be reformed, whereby toll stations will be cancelled and combined and tolls will be collected and refunded on a consolidated basis, in order to change the current situation of having excessive highway toll stations for a better image of the city’’.
此,自收購 事項產生之實際商譽可能與上述估計金額相異。
Accordingly, the actual goodwill [...]
arising from the Acquisition may be different from the estimated amount as shown above.
只有兩個國家的民眾認為自己國家的外交政策道德水平高於平均,並非與平均差不多或低於平均 – 但即使在這兩個國家當中,只有少於半數者有著 此自 信。
In just two countries do more people say that
their country is above average than say it is average or below average—but even here
[...] less than half are so self-confident.
自发性分化是神经干细胞的特性,而之前的很多关于神经干细胞定向分化的研究都没有考虑到自发性分化对实验结果的影响, 此 , 自 发 性分化成为研究神经干细胞生物学特点及临床应用必须面对的问题。
Spontaneous differentiation, a characteristic of neural stem cells, is not taken into account in investigating the influential factors on experimental results in many previous studies regarding oriented differentiation of neural stem cells.
2065(XX)号决议, 以及非殖民化特别委员会的所有决定都承认阿根廷共
[...] 和国与联合王国之间存在的争端涉及主权归属问题, 规定解决这一争端的途径是通过恢复双边谈判,以便 找到一个考虑到岛上人民利益的公正、和平和最终的 解决方案;此,自决权 不适用于这个问题。
In particular, General Assembly resolution 2065 (XX), inter alia, and all the decisions of the Special Committee on Decolonization, recognized the existence of a dispute between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom as the sole parties concerning sovereignty, establishing that the way to resolve it was through the resumption of bilateral negotiations in order to find a just, peaceful and definitive solution, taking into account the
interests of the population of the
[...] Islands; the right to self-determination was not, therefore, applicable to [...]
that question.
发展中国家发展水平低,资源不足,制约它们无法建立更足以抗灾和有灾害 复原能力的基础设施,无法落实适当的灾害风险管理战略,造成各方面比较脆弱,此自然灾 害造成的不良后果通常对发展中国家的影响更大。
Developing countries tend to suffer more from the adverse consequences of natural hazards through multiple vulnerabilities associated with lower levels of development and inadequate resources, which constrain their efforts to build more adequate and resilient infrastructure and implement adequate disaster risk management strategies.
[...] 為剛剛我聽到很多位議員,包括港同盟及匯點的議員(除了梁智鴻議員之外)會轉 支持政府,但即使此,自由黨 仍會堅持政府在這方面進行全面檢討,不要將責 [...]
I do not expect that my amendment today will be passed because I have just heard that many Members of this Council, including those from the United Democrats of Hong Kong and the Meeting Point (except Dr the Honourable LEONG Che-hung) will change
tack to support the Government.
[...] Notwithstanding this, the Liberal Party will still [...]
insist that the Government conduct a full-scale
review in this regard and refrain from laying all the responsibility on vehicle owners and motorists.
教科文组织/Jikji 世界记忆奖是承认个人和机构为保护和促进文献遗产的利用做出杰出 贡献的唯一奖项,此自 2004 年以来,该奖项为提高对保护和利用文献遗产的认识作出了 贡献。
As the only Prize of its kind to recognize individuals or institutions that have made significant contributions to the preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage, the UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize has contributed to raising awareness of the importance of preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage since 2004.
(d) 並未正式選擇收取股份為股息之股份(「已選擇股份」)的股息
[...] 上述釐定之配發基準向已選擇股份之持有人以入賬列為繳足方 式配發股份代替及支付,而董事會應 此自 本 公 司任何部分或任 何儲備帳(包括任何股份溢價帳或資本贖回儲備基金)或損益表 [...]
用於悉數繳足適當數目的配發股份及按有關基準向已選擇股份 之持有人派發股息。
(d) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu and in satisfaction thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment
determined as aforesaid and for such purpose
[...] the Board shall capitalise and apply out of [...]
any part of any of the Company’s reserve
accounts (including share premium account and capital redemption reserve fund) or profit and loss account or amounts otherwise available for distribution as the Board may determine such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.




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