单词 | 自欺 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自欺 —deceive oneselfExamples:自欺欺人—deceive others and to deceive oneself • believe one's own lies See also:欺—deceive • cheat • take unfair advantage of
撇開這個 政治現實,而大談雙方的關係與溝通,實在 是 自欺欺 ㆟ , 於事無補。 legco.gov.hk | If we choose to turn a blind eye to this political reality and instead indulge in all these talks about enhancing the communication between the [...] executive and the legislature, it is [...] nothing other than a self-deceptive act and it is [...]not going to solve any problem at all. legco.gov.hk |
在這情況下,如果我們說要先接受這個方案,按照李家祥議員的說法, 日後可以長期繼續爭取,這是否有點 自欺欺 人? legco.gov.hk | In that case, if we say that we should first accept this proposal, as Mr Eric [...] LI has said, and we can continue fighting over a long time in [...] future, are we not deceiving ourselves as well as others? legco.gov.hk |
政府所謂的「有權選擇」,只不過是 自欺欺 ㆟ 的 說法。 legco.gov.hk | The Government's claim of a [...] "right to choose" is only self-deluding. legco.gov.hk |
所以,我勸諭我們的老闆朋友,不要再做鴕鳥,不要用這些無法 掩蓋事實的藉口來繼續自欺欺人。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, I would like to advise our friends who are bosses to cease burying [...] their heads in the sand and using these excuses which cannot conceal [...] the facts to deceive themselves as well as others. legco.gov.hk |
很多時說有義工協助選舉 都是自欺欺㆟,他們也要吃飯飲茶的。 legco.gov.hk | Very often when people say that there are volunteers helping in the [...] election, they are deceiving themselves as well as others. legco.gov.hk |
同樣,假設以為這制度只要略為修改就 可以解決問題,亦是自欺欺㆟。 legco.gov.hk | Similarly, it will be self-deceptive to think that the problem can be solved with some minor repairs in the system. legco.gov.hk |
政府這種「掩耳盜鈴、自欺欺㆟」的說話,使已經或面臨失業的工㆟ 感到非常憤怒。 legco.gov.hk | These selfdeceiving words of the Government infuriate those workers who are already unemployed or facing unemployment. legco.gov.hk |
我現在引述城市大學蔡 子 強 講 師 的 話 , 他 說 : 這 [...] 只 是 一 份 掩 耳 盜 鈴 , 自 欺欺人的糖 衣 包 裝 報 告,完 全沒有回 [...]應市民 、 公務員和 立法會議員對細價股 事件的質 疑 。 legco.gov.hk | To quote the remarks of Mr CHOY Chi-keung, a lecturer of the City University of Hong Kong, [...] it is merely a sugar-coated report which [...] intends to deceive oneself and others, [...]and has completely failed to respond to [...]queries raised by the public, civil servants and Members of the Legislative Council over the penny stock incident. legco.gov.hk |
所以,保皇黨的議員支持法例通過後,不 要 自欺欺 人, 以為會再有檢討並會再次提交立法會,是不會有的。 legco.gov.hk | A law passed is a law passed. So after giving their support to the passage of the [...] Bill, Members from the royalist camp [...] should not deceive themselves and others by thinking [...]that there will be a review later [...]on and that the law will be reintroduced to the Legislative Council again, there is no such thing as that. legco.gov.hk |
但是,如果海地确实要在 重建和海地人民的发展进程中发挥主导作用,那么, 如果我们指望海地政府在缺乏充分行政能力的情况 下负起完全责任,我们不过是在 自欺欺 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | But if Haiti is really to exercise leadership in the process of reconstruction and the development of its people, we only delude ourselves if we expect the Government of Haiti to deliver its full share in the absence of adequate administrative capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我認為今天在會議上 提出的任何借口,都值得我們深入思考,想想究竟我們是 否 自欺欺 人 , 為 某些小事情爭論不議,而忽略了大事情。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I consider it worthwhile for us to think carefully about every excuse made at the [...] meeting today, and to see whether we [...] are actually deceiving ourselves by involving ourselves in [...]argument on trivial matters while neglecting the vital issue. legco.gov.hk |
但是,对于 那里的实际局势,我们不应自欺欺人。 daccess-ods.un.org | But let us [...] not try to delude ourselves as to what [...]the situation is really like over there. daccess-ods.un.org |
特首選舉鬧劇發展至今,候選人的行為丟人現眼,一 場自欺欺人的 “小圈子”選舉應該立即停止。 legco.gov.hk | In the farce of the Chief Executive Election that has unfolded thus far, [...] the behaviour of the candidates has been a [...] disgrace, so this self-deceptive small-circle election [...]should end immediately. legco.gov.hk |
我呼籲政府認真 面對實際的需要,不要自欺欺㆟, 更不要繼續用七個蓋去蓋十個桶的做法。 legco.gov.hk | Is that reasonable? I appeal to the Administration to face up to these demands realistically, not to adopt an ostrich policy and not to continue using seven lids to cover ten buckets. legco.gov.hk |
相反,出于法律、意识形态或文化上的 原因拒绝承认这一现实将继续使我们 自欺欺 人 ,无法 让各国警惕那些摧毁了无数家庭的无比真实和现实 的处决情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the contrary, to refuse to recognize this reality for legal, ideological or cultural reasons would be to continue burying our heads in the sand and to fail to alert States to these very real and current executions, which devastate families. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人亦可能覺得,這種做法只是 自欺欺 人而 已。 legco.gov.hk | Some people may think that such an [...] approach is only self-deceptive and also deceptive to others. legco.gov.hk |
他說出來,我更覺得那是自欺欺人。 legco.gov.hk | His remarks made me all the more feel [...] that he was deceiving himself and others. legco.gov.hk |
其 次 , 即 使 修正案獲得通過 , 從 《 撥 款 條例草 案 》的內 [...] 容 上來看 , 削 去 的 款項只 不過是 籠 統地將 部 門 的運作 開 支這個分目的 款 額 削 去 一 部分, 並 沒 有 法律效 力 針 對 某 一 具 體 支出細項, [...] 因此空 談 要 削 局長一職 , 豈 不 是 自 欺欺 人 。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, judging from the content of the Appropriation Bill, even if the amendment [...] is carried, the amount of money under the subhead of operating cost would only be [...] partially slashed in a sweeping manner. legco.gov.hk |
第三個所謂“好處”,就是政府宣稱,新架構可以增加立法會、區議會、 市民及專業人士參與市政服務的機會,加強使用公帑的問責性,這是有 些自 欺欺人。 legco.gov.hk | As for the third so-called "merit", the Government claimed that the new structure can boost the chance of the Legislative Council, District Councils, members of the public and professionals to participate in municipal services and enhance accountability with respect to the utilization of public money. legco.gov.hk |
情況就像是薩特所 說,要以演戲來自欺欺㆟。 legco.gov.hk | The situation is thus similar to what SARTRE said, namely, that one [...] has to act to deceive himself as well [...]as others. legco.gov.hk |
不要自欺以为切尔西是能胜任这种竞争,小伙子们。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Don’t fool yourselves lads into thinking [...] Chelsea are ready for this kind of competition. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
如果我們設想可以收回這筆債項,無疑 是 自欺 欺㆟。可是,我們又千萬不能撇帳,否則,別㆟可能會以為我們無意收回這筆帳,以 致噩夢成真。 legco.gov.hk | It would be disingenuous to make provision for its collectability; but it would be worse still to write it off, because that would send out the signal that we do not expect to get the sum back, so the prophecy would become self-fulfilling. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,法國存在主義大師薩特(Jean-Paul [...] SARTRE)曾經說過:「演戲不是為了謀 生,而是為自欺欺㆟,為了成為自己所不能成為的㆟。 legco.gov.hk | MR WONG WAI-YIN (in Cantonese): Mr President, Jean-Paul SARTRE, the great existentialist of France, once [...] said, "An actor acts not so much to earn a [...] living, but to deceive himself as well [...]as others, to become a person that he can never be. legco.gov.hk |
不要自欺以為切爾西是能勝任這種競爭,小伙子們。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Don’t fool yourselves lads into thinking [...] Chelsea are ready for this kind of competition. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
然而,表象之下隐藏的则是一种自欺 人 、 充满谎言和幻象的生活。 norway.org.cn | But hidden beneath the surface [...] is a life of self-deception, lies and delusion. norway.cn |
所以,在這情況下, 香港的入境事務處惟有自欺欺人,官員也明知有這樣的情況,但由於條 例規定,中國國民(很少部分屬技術專才的人除外)是不可以直接以中國 人的身份循投資方式移民到香港的。 legco.gov.hk | Its officials are aware of the situation. But under the law, Chinese Citizens (with the exception of a few technical talents) cannot directly apply for capital investment immigration to Hong Kong as Chinese Citizens. legco.gov.hk |
美国心理学家Mark Stone在《生活谎言及自我欺骗》(Life-Lies and Self Deceptions)一书中,利用魔术师的掩眼法比喻来解释 , 自欺 如 何 能变成一种正常且不易被察觉的潜意识行为,他称之为「生活谎言」。 venicebiennale.hk | American psychologist Mark [...] Stone, in Life-Lies and Self Deceptions, uses the analogy of the magician´s sleight-of-hand to explain how self-deception can become a normal, [...]albeit unrecognized [...]and unconscious, act that he calls life-lies. venicebiennale.hk |
他們自欺的時 候,假若他們 來見你 ,而且向真主求饒,使者也替他們求饒,那末,他們必發現真主是至宥的 ,是至慈 的。 shahroudi.com | Ye shall empanel them both after the prayer, and, if ye doubt, they shall be made to swear by Allah [saying]: We will not take a bribe, even though it were [on behalf of] a near kinsman nor will we hide the testimony of Allah, for then indeed we should be of the sinful. shahroudi.com |
该工作人员承认了自己的欺诈行 为,收到了警告函, 被停薪停职 15 天,并被勒令将其亲戚的治疗费用归还保险公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | The staff member confessed and was served with a letter of censure as final warning and suspended from duty without pay for 15 days, and was asked to reimburse the cost of treating the relative to the insurance company. daccess-ods.un.org |
它整合了体育界和政府的资源来加强、补充和协调现有的活动,教育运动员了解兴奋剂 的危害,进一步树立公平竞赛的理想和惩罚那 些 欺 骗 自 己 及 其所从事的运动项目的人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It combines the resources of sports and governments to enhance, supplement, and coordinate existing efforts to educate [...] athletes about the harms of doping, reinforce the ideal of fair play, and [...] sanction those who cheat themselves and their sport. unesdoc.unesco.org |