

单词 自杀式汽车炸弹袭击事件

See also:


a suicide bomb


car bomb

External sources (not reviewed)

在卡尔巴拉发生的最严重的一事件 中 ,1 月 20 日的两汽车炸弹 炸死 65 人,另有 18 人三天后在同一城镇死于类袭击。
In some of
[...] the most serious incidents in Karbala, two car bombs killed 65 persons on 20 January, while 18 died in a similar attack in the same town [...]
three days later.
在 2009 年的一事件中, 一辆针对非索特派团 汽车炸弹袭击杀 害 了 大约 20 人,其中包括妇女和儿童。
In one incident in 2009, a car bomb targeting AMISOM killed some 20 individuals, including women [...]
and children.
大约 72 个小时前,巴基斯坦北部一个准事训 练中心遭到两枚恐怖主 自杀式炸弹袭击 , 80 多名边 境部队的士兵被炸死,另有 70 多人被炸伤。
Roughly 72 hours ago,
[...] two terrorist suicide bombers attacked a paramilitary training centre in northwest Pakistan, killing more than 80 [...]
soldiers of the Frontier
Corps and injuring more than 70 other persons.
显而易见,发袭击、引 爆简易爆炸装置以及对 平民施自杀式炸弹等各种事件不断 发生,但都没有 达到破坏目前相对和平与稳定的局面的目标。
It is clear that
[...] the recurring incidence of attacks, explosions of improvised explosive devices and suicide bombs against the civilian [...]
has failed to achieve its goal of derailing the relative peace and stability achieved so far.
第一枚汽车炸弹 ,致使两人受伤,紧随其后的 自杀式袭 击,除炸弹携带者外没有人伤亡。
The first one, a car bomb injuring two people, was closely followed by a suicide attack, which left no casualties except for the bomber himself.
这份 早些时候的件详细 介绍了以下情况:哈马斯不断使用迫击炮和火箭攻击以色列 平民(加沙行动前的八年中有大约 12 000 次此类攻击)而且攻击范围不断扩大; 哈马斯自杀炸弹攻击;哈 马斯通过埃及-加沙边界的地道走私武器弹药,以及 以色列试图通过外交示好和向联合国发出紧急呼吁等非 事 手 段消除这些威胁。
The earlier paper included detailed accounts of Hamas’s incessant mortar and rocket attacks on Israel’s civilians (some 12,000 such attacks in the 8 years prior to the Operation) and the steadily increasing range of such attacks; Hamas’s suicide bomb attacks; and Hamas’s smuggling of weaponry and ammunition through tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border, as well as Israel’s attempts to address these [...]
threats through non-military means, including diplomatic overtures and
urgent appeals to the United Nations.
[...] 汗、索马里、也门和加沙的空袭和炮击,到巴勒斯坦 武装分子向以色列平民区发射的火箭弹和巴基斯坦 或伊拉克汽车炸弹和自杀式袭击, 爆 炸性武器和炸 药的使用都给平民带来了极大的痛苦。
From air strikes and artillery attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and Gaza to rockets launched at Israeli civilian
areas by Palestinian
[...] militants and car bombs and suicide attacks in Pakistan or Iraq, the use of explosive weapons [...]
and explosives has resulted in severe civilian suffering.
据英国广播公司 2009 年 2 月 22 日发表的一篇报道介绍,青年党宣称对一 起针对非洲联盟驻摩加迪沙事基地 的自杀式汽车炸弹 攻 击 负 责
According to an article published by the British Broadcasting Corporation on 22
February 2009, Al-Shabaab claimed
[...] responsibility for a suicide car bomb attack on an African Union military base in Mogadishu.
政府报告,在 2011 年 1 月 25 日的一事件中,一个十几岁 自杀式袭击 者 在拉合尔什叶派礼 拜人群附近开展袭击炸死自己和 9 人,并炸伤 50 人,其中包括几名儿童。
In one such incident on 25 January 2011, reported by the Government, a teenage suicide bomber carried out an attack near a Shiite procession in Lahore, killing himself and [...]
9 others, and injuring
a further 50 people, including several children.
最近的例子有,用恐怖分子 Yehieh Ayash 的名字命名拉马拉的主要街道,此人要对 100 多名以色列人的死亡承 担责任,他还自杀恐怖袭击幕后操纵者之一;用 Dalal Mugrabi 的名字命 名伯利恒的女孩夏令营,此人对一辆公 车 发 动恐怖袭击,造成 37 名以色 列人死亡(其中有 12 名儿童);用 Rim Al Riyashi 命名加沙广场,此人引爆 自己身上炸弹,造成 4 名以色列人死亡。
Among recent examples are the main Ramallah street named after the terrorist Yehieh Ayash, who is responsible for
the death of over 100 Israelis and one of
[...] the master minds behind the concept of suicide terror attacks; the girl’s summer camp in Bethlehem named after Dalal Mugrabi, who led a terror attack on a bus that claimed the lives of 37 Israelis (among them 12 children); and the Gaza square named after the suicide bomber Rim Al Riyashi, who killed 4 Israelis.
在报告所述期间,有许多针对什叶派朝圣者 自杀式袭击 和炸弹袭击事件,尤 其是在阿舒拉节(2010 年 12 月)和 Arba'een(2011 [...]
年 1 月)纪 念活动期间。
During the
[...] reporting period, numerous suicide and bomb attacks against Shia pilgrims [...]
were carried out, particularly during the Ashura
(December 2010) and Arba’een (January 2011) commemorations.
1 月 25 日至 26 日,在巴格达发生了一连串自杀式汽车炸弹袭击 , 目标是 西方记者和外国承包商使用的三座酒店和一个政府警察设施,超过 [...]
60 人死亡, 150 多人受伤。
On 25 and 26
[...] January, a series of suicide vehicle bomb attacks in Baghdad against [...]
three hotels used by western journalists
and foreign contractors and a Government police facility killed more than 60 people and injured over 150.
亚伊总统(以法语发言):首先,我要站在这个讲 台上就 Utøya 岛发生汽车炸弹袭击和枪击事件再次 向挪威国王哈拉尔五世陛下表示最深切的慰问。
(spoke in French): I wish at the outset to reiterate from this
rostrum my deepest
[...] condolences to His Majesty King Harald V of Norway in connection with the car-bomb attack and the shootings [...]
that took place
on Utøya Island — a terrible tragedy that has devastated his people.
袭击包括 2003 年、2005-2007 年和 2010 年发生汽车炸弹爆炸、绑架 一些大使和对外交车队开火。
Examples of those attacks include car bombings, the abduction of some ambassadors and the firing of shots at diplomatic [...]
motorcades in 2003, 2005-2007 and 2010.
造成伤亡人数最多的原 因得归咎于伊拉克基地组织和伊拉克伊斯兰国组织,它们不分青红皂白地 击, 包括利用人炸弹、汽车炸弹和路 边炸弹进 袭击 , 目 的是在人群中制造恐怖, 在包括儿童在内的平民经常聚集的公共场所引发恐惧。
The largest number of casualties is attributed to Al-Qaida in Iraq and
Islamic State of Iraq
[...] (ISI), which carry out indiscriminate attacks, including suicide bombers, car bombs, and roadside bombs, [...]
with the intention
of creating terror among the population and engendering a climate of fear in public places where civilians, including children, tend to gather.
一个令人具体关切的根源 是可产生广泛区域影响的重型爆炸性武器,诸如,多管火箭炮、高爆炮和击 炮、汽车炸弹和其它自制爆炸设置。
A particular cause for concern has been the use of heavy explosive weapons that can have wide-area effects,
such as multiple-launch rockets, high-explosive
[...] artillery and mortars, car bombs and other improvised explosive devices.
其 他地方的弹自杀爆炸事件也在 增多,日益引起关 切,因为受害者常常是平民,对拉合尔苏非寺院袭 击就是近来的一个可怕实例。
Suicide bombings elsewhere are also increasing and of increasing concern since the victims are so often civilians, with the attack on the Sufi temple in [...]
Lahore only one recent, horrific example.
虽然青年党 发言人 Ali Mohamud Raghe 公开否认对炸事件负责,但监察组听了在线论坛, 青年党领导人声称这自杀攻击是一 个胜利,并告知参加论坛者 炸弹 手 的 妻子 也接受了自杀行动训练,只是在最后一刻因怀孕被叫停,但会接受未来的机会。
Although the spokesman for Al-Shabaab, Ali Mohamud Raghe, publicly denied responsibility
for the blast, the
[...] Monitoring Group has listened to online forums at which Shabaab leaders have claimed the suicide attack as a victory, and informed participants that the bomber’s wife, who is also [...]
trained for suicide
operations, was held back at the last moment due to pregnancy, but for a future opportunity.
(a) 塔利班和其他反政府分子撤消要求杀死平民的一切命令和讲话,遵守 国际人道主义法律、规则和原则,包括塔利班在《塔利班行为准则》以及关于在 计自杀式袭击和背 信弃义行为时防止平民伤亡的其他 件 中 承 诺要遵守的规 则
(a) The Taliban and other anti-Government elements should withdraw all orders and statements calling for the killing of civilians and reduce civilian casualties by complying with international humanitarian law, rules and principles including those rules the Taliban
[...] committed to in the Taliban Code of Conduct and other documents on preventing civilian casualties when planning [...]
suicide attacks and acts of perfidy
还有一些在政府监护下的儿童涉嫌危 害国家安全而被指控的案件,有关 件 证 据 进一步证实,这些被拘留的儿童曾被 诱骗携带炸物或曾受训进 自杀式袭击 , 攻击国家和国际安全部队或政府官 员。
This was
[...] further reinforced by the documentation of cases of children in Government custody allegedly under national security-related charges, which confirmed that a number of such children detained had been lured into carrying explosives or trained in conducting suicide-type attacks against national [...]
and international
security forces or Government officials.
奉我国政府指示,继我国关于叙利亚当 事件 的 信,包括 2011 年 12 月 23 日关于当天针对首都大马士革两个政府机构的两 自杀式 恐 怖 袭击 造 成数十人 伤亡的信(S/2011/797)(此信寄出两周后仍未分发),谨转递以下信息
On instructions from my Government, and
further to our letters
[...] regarding current events in Syria, including the letter dated 23 December 2011 (S/2011/797), which has yet to be issued two weeks after it was sent, concerning the two suicide terrorist attacks of 23 December 2011 that targeted two Government institutions in the capital, Damascus, killing and wounding dozens [...]
of persons, we would
like to convey to you the following information
更糟糕的是,预计暴力抗议、官员腐败、纵 火、冒名顶替、武装抢劫、劫车辆 、绑架、劫持人质 自杀式 爆 炸 以 及 路边爆事件将构成作业环境的性质。
At its worst, violent protests, office occupation,
arson, impersonation,
[...] armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, hostage-taking and suicide and roadside bombings are expected [...]
to be the nature of the operating environment.
他们利用儿童执自杀 式袭击、安放爆炸物并运输弹药。
Children were used by them
[...] to carry out suicide attacks, plant explosives and transport munitions.
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对阿富汗安全局势因事行动的增加、简易炸装置 的使用以 自杀式袭击 的发生而继续恶化表示关切。
Bosnia and Herzegovina expresses its concern at the continued deterioration of the
security situation in Afghanistan owing to
[...] the increase in military operations, the use of improvised explosive devices and suicide attacks.
我谨提请你注意另一个残酷和野蛮 事件 , 20 12 年 8 月 16 日星期四,在上 述定居者对载有六口之家的出车进 行 恶性燃 弹袭击 的 同 一天,50 名以色列暴 徒在耶路撒冷市中心袭击了 3 名巴勒斯坦青年。
I would now like to turn your attention to another cruel
[...] and barbaric incident which involved an attack against three Palestinian youths by a mob of 50 Israelis in Jerusalem’s city centre, also on Thursday, 16 August 2012, the same day as the vicious settler firebomb attack on the taxi [...]
transporting the family of six mentioned above.
这项研究 和评估的结果表明,拉加经委会墨西哥分区域总部目前的位置,使得联合国工作 人员在大地震和/或火灾中有可能处于高度风险, 汽车炸弹 或 非法占领(如办公 室闯入或人事件)中处于中度风险。
The findings of both the study and the survey are that the current location of the ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico places United Nations staff at high risk in the event of a major earthquake and/or
fire, and at medium risk
[...] in the event of a car bomb or an illegal occupation such as an office break-in or a hostage incident.
一名见证 这一可怕行径的阿富汗国家安全局的目击证人说,是 高级和平委员会的一名成员、前塔利班政权的一名副 部长 Rahmatullah Wahidyar 把自杀式炸弹手带去见 拉巴尼和总统高级顾问 Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai 的,后者在那天袭击中受重伤。
An eyewitness from the National Directorate of Security (NDS) of Afghanistan who was witness to this gruesome act said that Rahmatullah Wahidyar, a member of the High Peace Council and Deputy Minister in the former
Taliban regime, was the
[...] one who brought the bomber to meet with Rabbani and with top presidential adviser Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, who was also seriously injured in that day’s attack.
特别是正在出现的特别野蛮的新策略,如招募儿童 兵自杀式炸弹攻击、袭击教 师、女学生以及袭击 女校,这使得过去七年里在妇女解放和教育方面取 [...]
Barbaric new tactics had emerged, such as the
[...] recruitment of children as suicide bombers and attacks on girl [...]
students and female teachers, which
were threatening to reverse gains achieved in empowering women over the previous seven years.
2010 年,联合国收到来自民间社会团体、国家机关和安全部队以及美国驻伊拉克部队
[...] 的一致报告,伊拉克基地组织运营着一个 14 岁以下儿童的青年部,称为“天堂 之鸟”(也称之为“天堂男童”或“天堂青年”),对 事 、 政府和平民目标发自杀式袭击。
There have been consistent reports received in 2010 by the United Nations from civil society groups, national authorities and security forces, as well as the United States Forces in Iraq (USF-I), that Al-Qaida in Iraq operates a youth wing for children under the age of 14 called “Birds of Paradise” (also referred to
as “Paradise Boys” or “Youth of
[...] Heaven”) to carry out suicide attacks against military, government and [...]
civilian targets.




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