

单词 自控

自控 ()

automatic control



automatic control

External sources (not reviewed)

与粮农组织达成协 定,合作制作一个关于数字化和数字图书 自控 培 训模块的只读光盘。
Agreement was reached with FAO on the joint
[...] preparation of a self-paced CD-ROM-based [...]
learning module on digitization and digital libraries.
所以,重要的 是家庭托兒者在上訴信和在任何非正
[...] 式的會議中,避免承認他們曾有犯罪 或提供指出他們可能曾有犯罪的資料 (自控」)
Therefore, it is important for family child care providers to avoid admitting that they have committed a crime or giving
information that shows that they may have
[...] committed a crime (“self-incrimination”), both [...]
in the appeal letter and in any informal conference.
这一表演——被归类为超自控能力 ——让整个事件不太像电影,而更像是一张集体照。
The performance –
[...] characterized by great self-control – let the work [...]
initially seem less like a film and more like a formal group photo.
They are de-consolidated from
[...] the date that control ceases.
例如,在其自己的内部环境 管理中适用自《控制危 险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》的关于危险废物 [...]
处置的一系列技术指导原则,如果不是一项具有法律约束力的义务,也应当是各 组织的一项自然的道德义务。
For example, applying a series of technical guidelines on
hazardous waste disposal from the Basel
[...] Convention on the Control of Transboundary [...]
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their
Disposal to their own in-house management should be a natural moral obligation for the organizations, if not a legally binding one.
我相信紓緩醫 學可以幫 助 病 人,避 免
[...] 要想到提 早 結束生 命 , 反 而可以自控 能 力,為自己 未必是 完 美 的生命 ,劃上令自己 [...]
無 憾 的 句 號 。
I believe palliative medicine will help patients avoid thinking of
terminating their lives prematurely;
[...] and, in a more self-controlled manner, draw a regretless [...]
full-stop to their perhaps imperfect life.
ICON整合系统报告不仅 显示自控制系 统的数据,而这些数据过去是要购买数据中央性能报告选配件的。
The ICON combined system reports will only
[...] show data from control systems for which [...]
the Data Central Performance Reporting option was purchased.
同样为了促 进更广泛地获取公共领域信息,本组织推出了 Greeustone 数字图书馆软件的一套三种语言的 只读光盘,(2003 年 8 月)在印度班加罗为亚洲举办了第一个 Greeustone
[...] 地区培训班,还与 粮农组织合作着手编制一个关于数字化和数字图书 自控 进 度电子培训模块。
Also with the aim of promoting wider access to information in the public domain, the Organization published a trilingual CD-ROM version of the Greenstone Digital Library software, held the first Greenstone regional training seminar
for Asia in Bangalore, India (August 2003)
[...] and initiated a self-paced training electronic [...]
module on digitization and digital
libraries in collaboration with FAO.
The operator can control the shortened cycle time flexibly from the control center, which [...]
means capacity can be utilized to match requirements.
可配备先进自控设施 :本机组可做成机电仪一体化的形式,控制功能齐全、可靠,集机组起停控制、安全保护及恒温恒湿控制为一身,恒温恒湿控制既可采用普通的现场控制器,也可采用具有通信功能的多功能DDC控制器,易于将机组并入楼宇网络管理系统。
Advanced automatic control facility can be equipped: [...]
the set can be made in the pattern of integration of mechatronics with
complete reliable control function and an integration of set start and stop control, safety protection and constant-temperature and constant-humidity control; the constant-temperature and constant-humidity control can not only adopt the common on-site controller but also adopt the multifunction DDC controller which has communication function, therefore, the set is easy to be combined into the building network management system.
(b) 根據於二零零九年六月十日訂立的股份轉讓協議及於二零零九年十二月三十日訂立的補充 協議,Keen Castle以股份交換方式(據此向控股股東按面值發行1,000股Keen Castle股份交 換1,000美元自控股股東收購友信行、Benino、Bracorp及Great Oasis全部實益權益。
(b) Pursuant to a share transfer agreement dated 10 June 2009 and a supplementary agreement dated 30 December 2009, Keen Castle acquired the entire beneficial interests in ISH, Benino,
Bracorp and Great Oasis
[...] from the Controlling Shareholder by means of a share exchange where 1,000 shares of Keen Castle were issued to the Controlling Shareholder [...]
at par for US$1,000.
另,本公司要求江自控株式 会社,自受让及转让日(2010年5月20日)起2年内,江 自控 株 式 会社以本 案第三方配售的方式获得的本公司股本若要全部或部分转让时,应迅速地将受让方名称及住址、转让股本数、 转让日、转让价额、转让理由、转让方法等进行书面报告,本公司根据该报告再向東京証券取引所进行报告,关 于同意该报告内容可供公众纵览之事宜,计划委托江 自控 株 式会社出具保证书。
Moreover, TACHI-S intends to request a
[...] written commitment from Johnson Controls, K.K. agreeing that (i) if, at any time during a two-year period commencing on the payment and transfer date (the payment and transfer will be made on May 20, 2010), Johnson Controls, K.K. transfers all or part of the shares in TACHI-S acquired through the Third-Party Allotment, Johnson Controls, K.K. will promptly advise TACHI-S in writing of the transferee’s name and address, the number of shares transferred, the transfer date, the transfer price, the reason for the transfer, the transfer method and other details, (ii) TACHI-S will report such transfer to the Tokyo Stock Exchange based upon these details and (iii) the content of such report will be made available to the public.
无极灯全产业链的垂直整合意味着,包括核心器件镇流器、PCB、泡壳明管、光源到无极灯专用灯具的研发制造,小到一根电线到元器件,大到整条流水线的生产,所有都由宏源内部 自控 体 系 及质量体系所牢牢把控,完整的全产业链式生产将各个生产环节始 控 制 在 自 己 手 中。
The vertical integration of the induction lamp whole industrial chain makes it possible to research and develop the core part ballast, PCB, bubble and tube, illuminant to lamps specialized for induction
lamps: from a tiny
[...] wire part to the whole production line, everything will be fixedly controlled by the automatic regulation and quality system and within Hongyuan.
我们强调各国负有根本责任,根据其国内法及国际义务,维护 自控 制 的所 有核材料(包括核武器中使用的核材料)及核设施的有效保安,防止非国家行为者 获取此类材料及为恶意使用此类材料而获取相关信息或技术。
We stress the fundamental responsibility of States, consistent with their respective national and international obligations, to maintain effective security of all nuclear material, which includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control, and to prevent non-State actors from acquiring such materials and from obtaining information or technology required to use them for malicious purposes.
啟用語音監控 功能(MVM), 可以讓您聽見自己說話的聲音,讓您即時 控自己 的音量大小,此功能可以隨時被關閉.
Activating the Microphone Voice Monitoring (MVM) function lets you hear your own voice, so you always get a clear feedback of your own loudness.
强劲的自由现金流使得我们能够 控自 己 的命运,并投资于新兴市场及创新技术,从而促使 [...]
Emerson 增长,并为我们的客户及股东创造价值。
Strong free cash
[...] flow allows us to control our destiny and [...]
invest in emerging markets and innovative technology to fuel
Emerson’s growth and create value for our customers and shareholders.
儿童基金的风险管理政策要求必须在司、地区和国家办事处一级每年进行 风险和控自我评估。24 风险和控自我评估通常由风险联络官推动,并向各 单位负责人和风险管理秘书处报告。
UNICEF risk management policy requires that a risk and control self-assessment must be done on an annual basis at the
divisional, regional and
[...] country-office level.24 The risk and control self-assessment is typically facilitated [...]
by the risk liaison
officers and reported to the respective heads of office, and to the risk management secretariat.
津巴布韦是独立的国家,拥有自己的主权 和尊严,控自己的 未来,拥有自决权,因此不惧 [...]
怕一些国家和区域政治集团以保护人权、民主、正 义和善治为借口,对其进行威吓,这些年来这些国 家和区域政治集团一直对其强加各种措施,违反了 国际合作原则。
Zimbabwe cherished its independence, sovereignty, dignity,
[...] future and right to self-determination [...]
and rejected attempts at intimidation on the
part of certain countries and regional blocs which, on the pretext of defending human rights, democracy, the rule of law and good governance, had for several years imposed measures that were completely contrary to the principles governing international cooperation.
监管使用模式旨 在帮助企业在发展和部署云服务的过程中,评估并 控自 身 的 监管义务。
The Regulation Usage Model is aimed at helping organizations assess and monitor their regulatory obligations when engaging and acquiring cloud services.
此模块非常适合于 M2M 及车载应用,例如:自动抄表(AMR)、远程 控自 动 化 和控制(RMAC),监控与安保,道路收费,资产跟踪、车队管理、反盗系统以及销售终端(PoS)。
These modules are ideally suited for M2M and automotive applications such as: Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Remote Monitoring Automation and Control (RMAC), surveillance and security, road pricing, asset tracking, fleet management, anti-theft systems and Point of Sales (PoS) terminals.
內控建設項目組邀請會計師事務所對 控自 我 評 價團隊成員進行內控測試專題 培訓,培訓內容包括內控測試方法、樣本總體的確定、抽樣方法的選擇以及內 控執行缺陷的評價等,為控自我評 價工作的全面開展做準備。
Aspects of the training
[...] included internal control test methods, general determination of samples, options of sampling methods and assessment of deficiencies in internal control execution, etc., preparing the team for the full implementation of the self-assessment of internal control.
此外,要引入一個在沒有支持證據的情 況下要求被告須就有關控自辯的 機制,可 能並不可取。
Moreover, it might not be desirable to
introduce a regime under which the accused had
[...] to defend himself against accusation made without [...]
any supporting evidence.
g7+”的总体目标是使领导人和各国人民觉醒, 以便他们有可能在长期重新控自己 的 进程,同时不 忽视各个国家的特点和优先事项,而且也不会忘记把 重点放在更好地控制和适应外部帮助的需要上。
The general goal of the g7+ is to awaken leaders and peoples so that they may reacquire ownership of their processes over the long term, without losing sight of each country’s characteristics and priorities, and without forgetting to focus on the need for better control over and adjustment to outside help.
這座巨型城市轉變為人類/人性城市,讓民眾因為重新 控自 己 的環境,也受到鼓舞、肯定、滿足。
The mega-size city is transformed into the
human(e) scale city where people feel encouraged, able, and intrinsically
[...] rewarded for assuming control over their environment.
[...] 人所指出的那样,秘密拘留最令人不安的后果是,局势完全任意发展,加上无法 确定秘密拘留的时间,以及个人无法重新 控自 己 人 生的感觉。
The most disturbing consequence of secret detention is, as many of the experts’ interlocutors pointed out, the complete arbitrariness of the situation, together with the uncertainty about the
duration of the secret detention and the feeling that there is no way the
[...] individual can regain control of his or her life.
[...] 全面责任方面具有决定性的意义,这样,随着安援部 队缩编,阿富汗人民将能完全控自 己 的 命运,他们 已为此作出了许多牺牲。
The next three years will be decisive in ensuring that the Afghan Government takes full responsibility for its country’s security, so that, as ISAF troops
are drawn down, the people of
[...] Afghanistan can assume full control of the destiny for [...]
which they have already sacrificed so much.
[...] 事手段无法给阿富汗带来和平这一共同理解,并随着阿富汗在 2014 年开始控 自己的 安全这个目标日益迫近,现在确实应该讨论一下,如何才能最好地利用现 [...]
As the international community reaches a common understanding that peace will not come to Afghanistan through military means alone, and as
the 2014 target date for the Afghan
[...] authorities to take control of their own security [...]
approaches, it is only right that there
should be some discussion of how best to use the various mechanisms that exist to bring the insurgency to an end.
这包括 (a) 向海地部署三名工作人员(两次),以支持国家办事处在 2010 年 1 月地震后
不久制定风险管理策略;(b) 给改革管理办公室借调一名高级审计员,担任全球风
[...] 险管理协调人;(c) 在几个国家办事处举办风险和控自 我 评 估讲习班;(d) 提供 有关现金转移统一办法的指导意见和咨询意见;及(e) [...]
对新代表培训工作提供支 持并为新兴人才倡议参与人举办讲习班。
These included (a) deployment of three staff to Haiti (twice) to support the country office in developing its risk management strategy shortly after the earthquake in January 2010; (b) secondment of one senior auditor to the Change Management Office to act as the
global risk management focal point; (c)
[...] holding of risk and control self-assessment workshops [...]
in a number of country offices;
(d) provision of guidance and advice on HACT; and (e) provision of support during the training of new representatives and workshops for those in the New and Emerging Talent initiative.
现生产的QBS-80汽爆分析试验台、QBS-200B汽爆工艺试验台以及工业生产型1立方米至5000立方米LB系列超音速 控自 动 汽 爆机,已广泛应用于中国科学院、中国农业科学院、各大专院校、各类国家级生物能源研究中心、各类大中型生物质利用企业、城市垃圾处理企业以及出口国外生物质研究与应用企业。
Current production of QBS-80 steam explosion analysis of test-bed, QBS-200B test-bed steam explosion technology and industrial
production series of supersonic LB
[...] continuous steam explosion CNC machine, has [...]
been widely used in Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, tertiary institutions, all kinds of national bioenergy research centers, large and medium enterprises and export raw material use of biomass research and application of foreign companies.
最不发达国家有巨大潜力成为更加繁荣和具有全球竞争力的经济体,但为了 发挥这一潜力,每个国家都要专注于促进增长和机会, 控自 身 发 展,并确保国 家对发展进程的自主权。
The LDCs hold enormous potential to become more prosperous, globally competitive economies.




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