

单词 自我实现

See also:

自我 n

self- n
self n
ego n
self-regulation n
self-expression n
self-improvement n

实现 v

attain v
realize v
realiseBE v
fulfillAE v
deliver v
materialize v


bring about

External sources (not reviewed)

爱沙尼亚是一个强调以家庭为中心的传统价值观念的社会,在这种社会里 妇女成功自我实现的机会少于男子。
Estonia is a society emphasising
traditional family-centred values where women’s opportunities
[...] for success and self-realisation are smaller [...]
than among men.
达 到 无 欲 境 界 的 人 就 能 够 不 为 感 官 享 乐 而 欲、 而 求, 从 而 完 全 超自 我, 实 现 最 终 的 平 和。
71.‘‘The man who has renounced all desires, and who conducts
[...] himself without ego, arrogance, and attachment, is the one who achieves peace.
1991年制定《联合国老年人原则》2 时讨论了老年人的人权问 题,该原则在独立、参与、照顾 自我实现 和 尊 严等方面提供指导。
Issues of human rights for older persons were taken up in 1991 in the formulation of the United Nations Principles for
Older Persons,2 which provided guidance in the areas of independence,
[...] participation, care, self-fulfilment and dignity.
13 条中规定须尊重个人及其生命、人格 完整、尊严以及物质和道德 自我实现 , 并 指出妇女无论婚否,在公共、私人和 家庭生活以及民事、政治、经济、社会和文化领域均享有与男人相同的权利和义 务。
Regarding the measures sanctioning domestic violence and implemented policies in this regard, the delegation noted that the Fundamental Law the
country, which
[...] establishes the rights and liberties of citizens, proclaims in its Article 13, respect for the person, its life, its personal [...]
integrity, its dignity
and its full material and moral realisation, and indicated, in this regard, that women regardless of their marital status have the same rights and responsibilities as men in all orders of public, private and family life, and as well as in civil, political, economical, social and cultural areas.
委员会欢迎缔约国为爱沙尼亚社会提出的“人人都将 自我实现 、 感 到安全 和参与国家经济、社会、政治和文化生活的机会”的愿景,并为此作出努力。
The Committee welcomes the vision outlined by the State party for an Estonian
society where ‘everyone will have the
[...] opportunity for self-realization, will feel secure [...]
and will participate in the economic,
social, political and cultural life of the society,’ and efforts undertaken to this end.
第三阶段是人们达成自己的目标自我 实现的阶段。
1st 2nd 3rd 4th age age age age
[...] ---Preparation Achievement Fulfillment Completion
萨摩亚承认男女平等、赋予妇女实权和妇女享有所有人权是妇女本 自我 实现的关 键目标,并且是萨摩亚实现经济和社会发展努力,包括实现萨摩亚千年 [...]
Samoa recognizes that gender equality, the empowerment of women and women’s
enjoyment of all human rights are key
[...] goals to attain in themselves and are also essential [...]
to Samoa’s economic and social
development efforts, including the achievement of our MDG’s targets.
各国应当确保只能以第19 (3) 条和第20 条所规定的理由限制言论自由权 利;各国应该重申,言论自由权利是民主社会的基石之一,因为言论自 由确保了个人自我实现以及能够容纳各种各样意见和观点的、多元化 的和包容的社会
States should ensure that any restrictions to the right to freedom of expression are only on grounds outlined in articles 19 (3) and 20; States should reassert that the right to freedom of expression constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society, as it ensures individual selffulfilment and a pluralistic, tolerant society with access to multitudes of ideas and philosophies
[...] 助建立一个更美好世界,人们在其中作为个人得 自我实现 , 并在社会中发挥建 设性作用。
The organization aims to contribute to the education of young people through a value system based on the scout promise
and law and to help build a better world
[...] where people are self-fulfilled as individuals [...]
and play a constructive role in society.
它有着社会价值,是一自我实现的 手 段。
It has social
[...] value and is a means for self-realization.
(d) 通过诸如终生学习的机会和参与社区生活,为整个一生和晚年的个人发 展自我实现和幸 福提供各种机会,但同时认识到,老年人并不是一个没有差异 的群体
(d) Provision of opportunities for individual development, self-fulfilment and well-being throughout life as well as in late life, through, for example, access to lifelong learning and participation in the community while recognizing that older persons are not one homogenous group
真理、解放自我实现和个 人自由是作品中的关键词汇。
Truth, emancipation, self-realisation and personal freedom are key terms.
[...] 聆听、思考的方式,进而运用这些重要技巧,达到推自我实现、增强领导能力、促进人际了解和改善人 [...]
Through its member clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking,
listening, and thinking—vital skills
[...] that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership [...]
potential, foster human understanding,
and contribute to the betterment of mankind.
因此,自由与尊严和平等都是紧密联系在一起的;对于每个追求理想自 我实现的个 人来说,它是尊严和权利的固有特性,不受国家或其他行为者不合理 的干涉。
Freedom is therefore closely linked with both dignity and
equality; it is an
[...] essential quality to the pursuit by each individual of his or her aspirations and self-fulfilment, in [...]
dignity and rights, free
from unjustifiable interference by States or other actors.
[...] Plessis另外10名大学生的研究显示,Tomatis组在14,3个月之后可以保持焦虑下降水平,并且 自我实现 水 平 显著增加。
Another Du Plessis' study showed that Tomatis group had
maintained its reduced level of anxiety after 14,3 months and that
[...] the level of self-actualization had increased [...]
文化--特别是文化多样性--在发展中的主要作用,在由教科文组织管理的七项文化公约 中也得到阐释,它们不仅能促进经济增长,而且也是个 自我实现 的 一 个手段。
The central role of culture – and especially cultural diversity – in development, not only in respect of
economic growth, but also as a means
[...] leading to individual self-fulfilment is also [...]
captured in the seven UNESCO Culture Conventions managed by the Organization.
[...] 槛没有形成共识,可能存在多种均衡,它们以市场参与者易变的 自我实现 的观 点所驱动。
Since there is no consensus on which factors determine this
threshold, there can be multiple equilibria driven by
[...] the volatile and self-fulfilling perceptions [...]
of market participants.
1999 年 3 月 25 日“关于为俄罗斯联邦舞台艺术提供国家支持”的第 329 号 俄罗斯联邦政府令和由此令批准的俄罗斯联邦剧院条例,确立了剧院在发展舞台 艺术和个自我实现、社 会人文化和保持俄罗斯文化民族特色中的主体地位。
Government Decree No. 329 of 25 March 1999 on State support for the theatrical arts in the Russian Federation and its regulations on the theatre in the Russian
Federation recognizes the fundamental role of theatre in development
[...] and personal fulfilment in the dramatic arts, the humanization of society and the preservation of the national identity [...]
of Russian culture.
(b) 促进积极包容,支持超越社会保护观点的主动社会包容战略,确保所 提供服务有利于参与和包容,通过下列措施引导公民争取更大程度自我实现和能力的提高
(b) Promoting active inclusion, by endorsing a pro-active social inclusion strategy which goes beyond a social protectionist vision so as to ensure that provision of
services facilitates participation and inclusion and leads citizens
[...] towards greater self-actualisation, and empowerment through
这个意识之旅的五个重要组成部分包含:自我意识(对自我在身、脑、灵层面有更深刻的认知);自我激励/自我认同(赐予我们面对生命挑战的信心和勇气);自律(帮助我们掌控自我,改变自身不良习性和负面态度); 自我扩张(通过移情达到与别人共通,把他们视为大我的一部分来服务他们);最后就 自我实现 ( 也 就是人力资源开发中所讲 自我实现 )。
Five vital parts of this journey of consciousness are: Self-awareness (knowing oneself better at body-mind-soul levels), Self-Motivation / Self-Esteem (which can give us confidence and courage to face challenges), Self-Regulation & Discipline (it helps us to control our ego and change our bad habits/attitudes), Self-Expansion (reaching out in empathy to
others and serving them as our larger
[...] Self) and finally, it is Self-Realization (which is called Self-Actualization in HR).
我衷心希望,此次峰会能成为一个出发点,使各方以此为基础继续致力于扩大妇女在经济发展中的作用,进一步鼓励女性领导者突破家庭范畴,将她们的专注、热情和自豪感同样注入到所在机构的价值体系中,促进女性领导者价值 自我实现。
It is my hope that this event will serve as a launch pad for continued growth and commitment to this cause and further empower and encourage women leaders to use their recipe of dedication, passion and pride beyond their families and bring that value system to their organizations.
我们致力于不断优化人力资源管理,充分发掘员工潜能,建立一个学习性的组织和具有凝聚力的团队,通过鼓励员工不断学习和自我发展、以及对人力资源的合理配置而帮助员工自我发展 自我实现 , 进 而实现公司的战略目标。
We are dedicated in continuously optimizing human resources management, developing employees’ potential, thereby building up an organization with learning spirit and solid cohesion. We encourage employees to keep on learning and
self-development, as well as support them
[...] to achieve self- development and self-value realization through proper [...]
distribution of human
resources, finally to achieve company’s strategic target.
作为 分会领导,你是演讲会的一份子。你身负神圣使命,是生力军中的一员:帮助
[...] 有志人士学习说话、聆听、思考的方式,进而运用这些重要技巧,达到推自 我实现、增 强领导能力、促进人际了解和改善人类生活的目的。
You are part of a driving force with a noble mission: To help more men and women learn the arts of speaking,
listening, and thinking—vital skills
[...] that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership [...]
potential, foster human understanding,
and contribute to the betterment of mankind.
在采取这些步骤的同时,国际社会必须再度给予 高度关注并加倍作出努力,争 实现我 们 的 大目标实现中 东公正、持久与全面的和平,并且根据国际法, 在充分实施联合国相关决议和协议、当事方履行自 义务 的基础上,以及在马德里原则、路线图和《阿拉 伯和平倡议》订立的框架内,解决巴勒斯坦问题。
Together with these steps, the international community must rededicate its attention and redouble its efforts
towards the larger objective of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East and the resolution of the Palestinian question on the basis of
[...] international law and the full implementation of the relevant United Nations resolutions and agreements, the obligations of the parties and the framework provided by the Madrid terms of reference, the Road [...]
Map and the Arab Peace Initiative.
在这方面我想提请你们注意占领国以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土上进行的以下非法行动,并重申巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人呼吁包括安全 理事会在内的国际社会维护他们的法律义务和责任、立即采取行动制止这种非法和 危险的局势和抓住实现公正、全面和持久和平解决的有利时机,特别是通过和平解 决巴勒斯坦人民可在 1967 年前边界的基础上建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立、主 权、民主、毗邻和能独立发展的巴勒斯坦国 实现自 己 的自决和自由权利。
In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the following illegal actions
[...] perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to reiterate the appeal of the Palestinian people and their leadership to the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold its legal obligations and responsibilities and to act forthwith to bring an end to this unlawful and dangerous situation and to salvage the prospects of realizing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement by which, inter alia, the Palestinian people will realize their right to self-determination and freedom in their independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
人类安全的目标是要建立一个社会,在那里 人们可以充实现自我价值 ,并有尊严地生活,而 将人权纳入系统的考虑,非常符合这一信念,应该 在整个联合国系统中进行推广。
The goal of human security was to build societies in which people could achieve their full potential and live in dignity, consistent with the mainstreaming of human rights within the United Nations system.
因此,有必要在国家、区域和国际三级继续探索创新 途径,据以处理依赖初级商品的发展中国家面临的挑战,以 便 实现自我 维 持 的增 长和发展,从而减轻贫困。
It is therefore necessary to continue exploring innovative ways, both at national, regional and international levels, in which the challenges facing CDDCs
could be addressed in
[...] order to and achieve self-sustaining growth and development as a means of reducing poverty levels.
我们的紧迫感自如下事实:我们如 此深爱耶稣,以至于我们想要尽可能快、尽可能充分地把每个族群带到他面前——使人们可以享受在耶稣里面的丰盛生命,并使他们有能力脱离在耶稣之外的无力、虚空的生命, 现 在 直 到永远(以弗所书4.19以下)。
Our urgency comes from the fact that we are so in love with Jesus that we want to introduce every people group to Him as soon and as fully as possible––to give people access to abundant life in Jesus and enable them to escape their powerless, futile lives outside of him, now and in eternity (Ephesians [...]
类似“我们知道星期三的讨论会是一种浪费(因 我 们 当 时就做过评估了),因此没有再举行的必要”这样的评论, 实现 真 实 、 自 然 、 可用行动或语言在彼此之间,或对教师以及来访人员反映看法的一种尝试。
[...] such as "Well, we know that Wednesday’s academic spike was a waste [because we had evaluated it immediately], so there’s no point in going there again" give a taste of the candid nature of the feedback, which was complemented by genuine appreciation [...]
expressed in actions and
words to each other, the faculty, and visitors involved that week.




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