

单词 自愈

See also:

the more...(the more...)

External sources (not reviewed)

我们的网络,集成了采自愈结构 的SDH 环,可通过自动恢复和迂回路由选择来确保高可用性。
Our network incorporates a
[...] SDH ring with self-healing architecture to [...]
ensure high availability through automatic recovery and alternate routing.
因为腰椎盘是由无自愈或再 生的细胞组成,它们引起的疼痛(整个腰部遭受疼痛)或许永远不会完全消退。
Because lumbar discs are made of cells that have
[...] no ability to self-heal or regenerate, the [...]
pain they contribute to overall back
pain experienced may never completely subside.
Chronic back pain involving
[...] discs that can not self-heal means it will [...]
increase if not treated, as the disc deteriorates over time.
研华EKI系列网管型工业以太网交换机采用X-Ring冗余环网技术,提供10ms的快 自愈 时 间 ,保证数据通讯的可靠度。
Advantech's managed Ethernet switches incorporate X-Ring technology that offers the fastest redundant ring recovery time (<10ms).
This phenomenon is called self-healing.
Fango是由Tuscan 富含矿物质的泥制成,自14世纪以来它被人们开始使用因为它 自愈 特 性
FANGO is made from mineral laden Tuscan mud, which has
[...] been used for its healing properties since the 14the century.
只要懂得善用世間自然界的能量, 也就能爲自己補充能量所需,滋養了能量系統,衰歇的生理部位也就能恢復正常操作,這就是我們所謂 自愈 能 力
As long as we know how to make full use of the natural energy resources from our surroundings, we can always supplement our bioenergy system, refreshing and resume the weakened body part.
除具有无与伦比的可靠性自愈功能 以外,QNX Neutrino 实时操作系统的微内核架构还能提供单内核无法提供的重要优势。
In addition to its unparalleled
[...] reliability and self-healing capabilities, the [...]
QNX Neutrino RTOS microkernel architecture
offers significant advantages over monolithic kernels.
特点自愈 金属 化聚丙烯膜结构 适用于交流输出滤波器,如UPS、太阳能光伏DC/AC逆变器的LCL滤波器。
Self-Healing Metallized polypropylene [...]
Suitable for AC output filter, i.e. UPS,Solar Photovoltaic DC/AC inverter with LCL
filter. transform PWM waveform into sinusoidal waveform.
检测损坏(NTFS 在文件系统元数据中检测到一个察觉到的异常情况),箭头指向联 自愈 ( NT FS 尝试快自愈,卷保持联机状态),箭头指向联机验证(NTFS 会验证问题是暂时的还是确实存在的),箭头指向联机标识和记录(如果 自愈 , NT FS 会标识并记录采取的更正性措施,通知用户或管理员,卷仍保持联机状态),箭头指向精准而快速的更正措施(用户或管理员可以在方便的时候将卷置于脱机状态,并在数秒内更正记录的损坏,有了 CSV,I/O 是会明显停顿以便快速更正,然后会自动恢复。
Detect corruption (NTFS detects a perceived anomaly in file
system metadata),
[...] ARROW TO Online self-healing (NTFS attempts to rapidly self-heal, Volume remains online) ARROW TO Online verification (NTFS validates if issue is transient or genuine, Volume remains online) ARROW TO Online identification and logging (If not self-healed, NTFS identifies and [...]
logs corrective actions,
user or admin is notified, volume remains online) ARROW TO Precise and rapid correction (User or Admin can take the volume offline when convenient, and logged corruptions are then corrected in seconds, With CSV, I/O is transparently paused for rapid correction and then automatically resumed.
支持多种快速冗余技术:O-Ring  (单一环网250个节点, 自愈时间<10  ms) 以及RSTP/STP (IEEE 802.1W/ D), 当网络故障时可以迅速地恢复, 保证重要应用的不间断通讯。
Meanwhile, the network could feature Ethernet network redundancy by the fastest redundant ring protocol, O-Ring (recovery time < 10 ms over 250 units of connections ) and the standard redundant protocols, RSTP/STP (IEEE 802.1w/D).
[...] 况和及时联络儿科大夫,或者相反可以对孩子的健康情况有所放心,至少 暂时可以观察病情的发展情况(大部分的情况是过了2至4天的时间病情自愈)。
It is important to understand that it is necessary to watch the baby more than the thermometer before deciding when it is the case to consult the paediatrician urgently, or when it is possible to remain calm,
at least for a while, and await the evolution of the illness (which
[...] in most cases passes spontaneously within 2-4 days).
是国内电容器及其成套装置的专业制造厂家,主要产品有BSMJ/BZMJ/BCMJ系 自愈 式 低电压并联电容器及其成套补偿装置、CBB电动机电容器、防爆电容器及P2级安全膜防爆电容器、CH系列复合介质电容器、LG型干式阻容过电压吸收器和最新型的MK PS 型 自愈 式 并联电容器以及特种用途的电容器。
The main products include:
[...] BSMJ/BZMJ/BCMJ series self recovery low voltage parallel capacitor and its complete set compensation appliance, CBB motor capacitor, explosion protection capacitor and P2-grade safe film explosion protection capacitor, CH series compound medium capacitor, LG type dry RC over voltage absorber and the latest MKPS self recovery parallel [...]
capacitor and other
capacitors for special purpose.
含高效洁肤成份,能净白肌肤,清除毛孔内壁污垢及同时卸妆,激活细胞排毒 自愈 能 力和抗氧化功效,洁面后肌肤迅速美白及保持滋润、不会绷紧,并有明显紧致和提升感觉,持续使用能有效增强肌肤纤维组织的结构,弹性重现。
Skin feels firming, soft and purified without the slightest feeling of tightness.
智能电网,就是电网的智能化,也被称为“电网2.0”,它是建立在集成的、高速双向通信网络的基础上,通过先进的传感和测量技术、先进的设备技术、先进的控制方法以及先进的决策支持系统技术的应用,实现电网的可靠、安全、经济、高效、环境友好和使用安全的目标,其主要特征包 自愈 、 激 励和包括用户、抵御攻击、提供满足21世纪用户需求的电能质量、容许各种不同发电形式的接入、启动电力市场以及资产的优化高效运行。
The smart grid, which is also be called grid 2.0, is established on the basis of integrated, high-speed, and bi-directional communication network to achieve a reliable, secure, economic, efficient, and environment-friendly power system using advanced sensing and measuring technologies, devices, control methods, and decision support technologies.
歷史的教訓是,追求社會主義平等、均富共產的國 家,經濟每愈況;奉行自由市 場機制,多勞多得的國家,經濟欣欣向榮。
History has taught us that the economies of countries in pursuit of socialist equality, even distribution of wealth and communal ownership of properties
would get worse and worse, while that of
[...] countries upholding free market mechanism and [...]
the more effort more gain principle would prosper.
愈 來 愈 多 的 僱 員自 不 同 地 方,集 團 會 確 保 提 供 公 平 及 共 融 [...]
的 工 作 環 境來吸引及挽留他們繼續為集團效力。
By also ensuring a fair and inclusive working
[...] environment for its increasingly diversified workforce, [...]
the Group has positioned itself
to attract and retain talented people from different cultural backgrounds.
由此而导致的“每愈下的 恶性循环”,致使航运 服务在定期性、可靠性和廉宜性方面不断恶化。
This results in a ―vicious downward spiral‖ as the regularity, reliability and affordability of services deteriorates.
走向民族和解和愈创伤 的道路的起点必须是 承认所有利比亚人民在八个月的冲突期间承受的苦 [...]
The path to national
[...] reconciliation and healing must begin by recognizing [...]
the suffering of all Libyan people during the
course of the eight-month conflict and by addressing their needs to allow them to rebuild their lives.
宗教往往还唤醒人的精神,保护生命, 赋予弱者力量,把理想转变为行动,净化制度,帮助 解决经济和非经济的不平等现象,激励领导人超越正 常职责的要求,并且使人们能够更充分地实现 自然 潜力,并通过和解、建设和平进程以 愈 合 不 公正带 来的记忆创伤来度过冲突局势。
They also tend to raise the human spirit, protect life, empower the weak, translate ideals into action, purify institutions, contribute to resolving economic and non-economic inequalities, inspire their leaders to go beyond the normal call of duty, and permit people to
attain a fuller
[...] realization of their natural potential and traverse situations of conflict through reconciliation, peacebuilding processes and the healing of memories scarred [...]
by injustice.
(d) 评估反映出非政府组织对几个问题的担心:1)严重的经费不足与制约因素影响 了表达自由、民主与和平处的工作,特别是与国际促进传播发展计划(IPDC)有 关的工作;2) 教科文组织在进行前瞻性的工作和发挥自身道义与政治上的领导作
用,对压制表达自由的政府施加影响方面存在不足;3)实施与地区研讨会和温 得和克+10
[...] 会议有关的计划力度不够;4)应使非政府组织参与到关于信息社会的 首脑会议的筹备工作中来,工作的重点应不光是技术,也要包括信息的内容; 5)应更加重视独立的新闻机构的经济发展;6)战略重点应更加明确;7)担心 表自由、民主与和平处的工作自 由 表 达工作的有争议性和所采取的新的非集 中化行动而变愈加边缘化。
(d) The evaluation reflected the concerns of NGO’s on a number of issues: (1) Serious underfunding and the constraints that affect FED, particularly those relating to the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC); (2) shortcomings in proactive engagement and use of UNESCO’s moral and political leadership to influence governments that repress freedom of expression; (3) insufficiently forceful implementation of programmes related to the regional seminars and Windhoek+10 Conference; (4) involvement of NGOs in the preparation of The World Summit on the Information Society, with a clear focus not only on technologies but also on the content of information; (5) greater emphasis on the development of the economic aspects of independent media enterprises; (6)
[...] strategic focus; (7) fear that FED’s work will become more and more marginalized in light of the controversial nature of freedom of expression work and new decentralization [...]
房屋署只設 1 個總工程師職位,實在不足以 應付這些職責及復建居屋方面的新增工作,以及其他房屋措施和日趨 複雜的公營房屋規劃及發展工作帶來的額外工作量,包括:高樓齡屋 邨重建;工程可行性研究不斷增加;積極參與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目 711 項下的支援項愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規定而進行的工程發展和標準研究 與日俱增;以及提升土地測量服務水平。
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties together with the additional workload due to resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased complexity in public housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; increasing number of engineering feasibility studies; active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.
些無良的藥房,由於受到金錢㆖的引誘,加㆖法例㆖又 有漏洞可供無良藥商從㆗取利,所以近兩年加入任意售賣受管制藥物的藥 愈 來愈 多。
Given that some unscrupulous pharmacies are tempted by pecuniary interests and pharmaceutical manufacturers are able to gain a profit by taking advantage of the loophole in law, more and more pharmacies have been found to be engaged in the arbitrary sale of controlled drugs.
[...] 分原因在於為降低上述潛在的履約風險,另外則是由於現貨市場(如煤、鐵礦及相關衍生產品及指數)的發 愈 發 透 明且具流動性所致。
The commodity industry has trended towards shorter fixed price contract periods, in part to mitigate against such
potential performance risk, but also due to
[...] the development of more transparent [...]
and liquid spot markets, e.g. coal and iron
ore and associated derivative products and indexes.
(k) 增强妇女能力,特别是增强贫困妇女的能力,加强她们在经济上的独立 性,确保她们充分参与社会和决策进程,途径包括制订社会和经济政策,保证妇 女能够充分和平等地获得各级优质教育和培训以及负担得起和适足的公共和社 会服务,并且能够平等地获得资金,就业和享有拥有和获取土地和其他财产的完 全和平等权利,并采取其他适当措施,处理妇女无家可归人数不断增加和住愈 益不 足的问题,以减少她们遭受暴力的可能性
(k) Empowering women, in particular women living in poverty, by strengthening their economic independence and by ensuring their full participation in society and in decision-making processes, through, inter alia, social and economic policies that guarantee them full and equal access to all levels of quality education and training and to affordable and adequate public and social services, as well as equal access to financial resources, employment, and full and equal rights to own and have access to land and other property, and taking further appropriate measures to address the increasing rate of homelessness and inadequate housing for women in order to reduce their vulnerability to violence
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会 自 然 科 学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
又严重关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷及其周围在内巴勒斯坦被占领土继续 非法修建隔离墙,并特别关切该隔离墙路线偏离 1949 年停战线,这种做法正在 给巴勒斯坦人民造成严重人道主义困难,使社会经济状况每 愈 下 , 并分裂巴勒 斯坦领土的领土毗连,从而可能预决今后的谈判结果,使两国解决办法实际上无 法落实
Expressing grave concern also about the continuing unlawful construction by Israel of the wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and expressing its concern in particular about the route of the wall in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, which is causing humanitarian hardship and a serious decline of socio-economic conditions for the Palestinian people, is fragmenting the territorial contiguity of the Territory, and could prejudge future negotiations and make the two-State solution physically impossible to implement
但由于对全球安全的忧虑日益加重,各国对于 向外界披露其信息技术体系变愈加 谨 慎,这就严重阻碍了以数据分享为目的的国际海洋学 数据和信息交换所海洋数据门户的进展。
Due to increased concerns about global security, countries are becoming more careful about exposing their IT systems to the outside world, considerably impeding progress with the IODE Ocean Data Portal, which aims at data sharing.
此后,傀儡部队有计划地闯入朝鲜民主主义人民共和国海上警戒线的行径逐愈演愈烈,并于 2009 年触发了西海第三次小规模冲突,结果却暴露出他们力 [...]
In the subsequent period, the puppet forces annually escalated the intrusions into the maritime guard line of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea side in a
planned way and triggered the third West Sea
[...] skirmish in 2009, only to disclose that [...]
they sought to use the waters around Yonphyong
Island as an advance base for provoking a war against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.




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