

单词 自惭形秽

External sources (not reviewed)

那些 这样做的人今天还大言惭地谈 论武装冲突中保护 平民问题。
Those who do so are in no way embarrassed to speak today of the protection of civilians in armed conflict.
受害者想恢复有尊严生活的愿望让我 们深惭愧。
Their desire to resume their lives with dignity filled us with a feeling of great humility.
此外,会员国还可以向核心基金提 自 愿 捐 助,捐 形 式 之 一是向地区中心派遣科 学家、研究人员、教师、官员等人员。
The Member States may
[...] also provide voluntary contributions to the Core Fund, including contributions in the form of secondment [...]
of scientists, researchers, teachers, officers, etc.
特别报告员指出,面对文化相对主义的言论甚嚣尘上,“我们需要毫无顾 忌地援引普遍的人权,并维护那些世界各地妇女并 自惭 而 是 非常自豪地为之奋 斗的原则”,69 报告员提到了一些实例,其中女权活动家成功地运用了文化的 [...]
上象征性的行动来制止有罪不罚的文化和对妇女的暴力;法国妇女把自己装扮成 法国解放与自豪的象征玛丽安娜,以引起对性别暴力的关注;一批伊斯兰学者在 开罗举行的一次会议上发表了一系列建议,承认女性外阴残割是一项“恶劣的世 袭习俗”,与他们对伊斯兰教义的理解不符。
While noting that, as cultural relativist discourses strengthen, “we need unashamedly to invoke universal human rights and defend the principles for which women around the
world have struggled with
[...] more pride, not less”,69 the Special Rapporteur provided a number of examples in [...]
which women’s rights
activists had successfully mobilized artistic and symbolic expressions of culture, including local women’s movements in the north of Mexico incorporating human rights language with symbolic actions to counter a culture of impunity and violence against women; women in France dressing as “Marianne”, the iconic symbol of French liberation, to draw attention to gender violence; and a meeting in Cairo of a group of Islamic scholars, who issued a set of recommendations recognizing female genital mutilation as a “deplorable inherited custom” incompatible with their understanding of Islamic teachings.70 52.
巴勒斯坦人生活在极为压抑的 环境中,而国际社会非惭愧地 对此保持沉默。
Palestinians live under very depressing circumstances, which has been met with a very embarrassing silence on the part of the international community.
7.强调各国应消除对女孩一切形式的歧视并消除重男轻女的根源,因为这 造成溺杀女婴和产前性别选择等有害和不道德的做法,提高公众对女孩价值的认 识,同时,提高女童自我形象、自 信 和地位,改善女童福利,特别是保健、营 养和教育方面的福利,促请各国政府采取必要措施,防止溺杀女婴和产前性别选 择及贩运女童,以及利用女孩从事 秽 和 色 情活动
that States should eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child and the root causes of son preference, which results in harmful and unethical practices regarding female infanticide and prenatal sex selection, increase public awareness of the value of the girl child, and
concurrently, strengthen the
[...] girl child’s self-image, self-esteem and status, and improve the welfare of the girl child, especially in regard to health, nutrition and education, and urges Governments to take the necessary measures to prevent infanticide, prenatal sex selection, trafficking in girl children and the use of girls in prostitution and pornography
I feel very humbled just being the American Ambassador in the presence of so many great, knowledgeable leaders in the history of China who have been here lecturing to students over the years.
这些人在秽和贫 困的条件下生活,并非是他们生来固有的状况;这是社会利用 成见为手段形成、固守并籍此为由,强加的这种排斥和不平等境况。
It is not their inherent condition to live in filthy and poor conditions; it is a position imposed by society that uses stigma as a tool to create, perpetuate and justify marginalization and inequality.
15 时 30 分 一支敌方以色列巡逻队成员以阿拉伯语对黎巴嫩军队鲁韦沙特哈达 卜阵地的一名士兵加以秽不堪 的辱骂。
1530 Members of an Israeli enemy patrol directed obscenities in the Arabic language towards a soldier at the Lebanese Army position at Ruwaysat al-Hadab.
不得通过本网站以任何方式发布或传播任何违反或侵犯他人权利的,或具有非法、威胁、侮辱、诽谤、攻击、侵犯隐私权或公 形 象 权 、粗俗、 秽 、 亵渎、骚扰性质的,或其他有争议的信息或材料。
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在塔吉克斯坦,有四个特征构成了联合国发展援助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和严酷的山区 形 (自 然资 源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制与人权以 及区域稳定)和重建家园中更大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获得干净的饮用 [...]
In Tajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many basic services (e.g. education and
health) and the demanding
[...] mountainous terrain (sustainable management of natural resources, disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance [...]
of democratic values
(accountability of decision-making, rule of law and human rights and regional stability), and greater household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic opportunities, access to clean drinking water).
相 反,缔约国应假设儿童有能形成自 己 的 意见,并且承认她或他表达意见的权 利;并非由儿童首先证明其能力。
On the contrary, States parties should presume that a child has
[...] the capacity to form her or his own views [...]
and recognize that she or he has the
right to express them; it is not up to the child to first prove her or his capacity.
自适应移动平均线,平均方向性运动指数,平均运动指数怀尔德指标,布林通道线,双指数移动平均线,鲍洛格线指标, 形自 适 应移动平均线,云图指标,移动平均指标,抛物线状止损和反转指标,标准偏差指标,三重指数移动平均线,可变指数动态平均指标,平均真实范围,熊市力量,牛市力量,蔡金振荡器,商品通道指数,DeM [...] [...]
指标,劲道指数,MACD指标,动量指标,振荡器移动平均线,相对强弱指数,相对活力指数,随机指标,三重指数平均,威廉百分比范围,离散指标,资金流量指数,能量潮指标,成交量柱状图,加速器振荡器,鳄鱼指标,OA振荡指标,分形指标,GATOR 振荡器,市场促进指数。
Adaptive Moving Average, Average Dierectional Movement Indey, Average Movement Index Wilder, Bollinger
Bands, Double Exponential Moving
[...] Average, Envelopes, Fractal Adaptive Moving Average, [...]
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Moving Average,
Parabloic SAR, Standard Deviation, Triple Exponential Moving Average, Variable Index Dynamic Average, Average True Range, Bears Power, Bulls Power, Chaikin Ocillator, Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker, Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strenght Index, Relative Vigor Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Triple Exponential Average, William's Percent Range, Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow Index, On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator Oscillator, Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, Fractals, Gator Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index.
具体而言,您有责任确保您不会提交下列材料:(i) 受版权保护的、作为商业秘密而受到保护的或以其他方式受第三方专有权约束(包括隐私权 形 象 权)的资料,除非您是上述权利的所有人,或拥有合法所有人的许可授权;(ii) 虚假内容或不实陈述;(iii) 带攻击性、非法、儿童不宜、秽、 诽谤、中伤、恐吓、色情、骚扰、憎世、种族歧视或违背道德的资料;或鼓励犯罪行为、引发民事责任、违反任何法律或令人反感的内容;(iv) 发布广告或招揽业务;或者 (v) [...]
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that would be considered
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世服宏图保留永久禁止及/或通知有关当局任何有关使用或意图使用本网站作非法用途或任何刊载或尝试刊载滥用、 秽 、 不雅、侵犯、诽谤、厌恶、恐吓或与性有关资料的人士之使用权。
Servcorp reserves the right to permanently ban and/or notify the appropriate authorities of any person that uses, or attempts to use, the Website for illegal purposes, or who posts, or attempts to post, abusive, obscene, vulgar, offensive, defamatory, hateful, threatening or sexually-oriented material.
根据这些条 款,除非依法规定的情形和条件,任何人不得被拘留、逮捕或剥 自 由 , 或其个自由受到任形式的 限制;如果面临监禁措施、住院决定或者旨在限制个人自 由的任何其他措施的人认为措施是非法的,那么他/她有权在整个刑事诉讼期间 [...]
According to those articles no person can be
retained, arrested or
[...] deprived of liberty or submitted to any form of restraint of his/her individual freedom except according [...]
to the cases and
conditions stipulated by the law; if a person subject to confinement measures, to a decision of hospitalization or any other measure aimed at restraining the individual freedom considers that the measure is illegal, he/she has the right, during the entire proceedings of the criminal trial, to address the competent instance, according to the law; any person, who during a criminal trial, has been illegally or unjustly deprived of his/her freedom or whose freedom has been restrained, has the right to effective remedy, as stipulated by the law.
政府列入的罪行 有:出版秽刊物 、剥削儿童、侵害儿童的残暴行为、花钱嫖淫儿童、对儿童的 色情剥削以及贩运儿童的行为。
Thus the Government incorporated the offences of obscene publications, exploitation of children, cruelty to children, procuration, sexual exploitation of children and trafficking.
若政府能對這些計劃廣加宣 傳,使普羅市民,尤其是低㆘階層,懂得如何尋求法律服務,直接與律師聯絡,而 毋須透過第㆔者的轉介,兜客的 形自 然 會 減少。
If the Government can publicize these schemes to enable the general public, especially the lower class people, to know how to seek legal service and contact lawyers without the referral by a third party, then touting will decrease as a matter of course.
波兰平均海拔173米,尽管只有3%的靠南部 边境的领土平均海拔高于500米,但由于形 自东向 西呈带状变化,波兰的风景也很多样 化。
Although the average elevation is just 173 m above sea level, with only 3% of Polish territory along the southern border averaging at higher
than 500 m, the landscape is relatively
[...] diversified with terrain variations generally running in bands [...]
from east to west.
[...] 头――来获得信息、传播信息和交流信息;有权以少数民族语言组织大众媒体, 出版文学作品;决定其宗教理念;庆祝其民族节日和纪念其历史性事件,参加其 本族的仪式活动、尤其是使用其民族符号;以其母语所接受 形 式 使 用 自 己的 姓、名和教名(包括在公务行为中)。
Persons belonging to national minorities have the right to free use of their mother tongue, both in written and orally, to have access to information in this language, to disseminate it and to exchange information; the right to organise mass media, to publish literature in the language of national minorities; to determine their attitude towards religion; to celebrate their national holidays and commemorate their historical events, to participate in the exercise of the rituals of their nations, to use in particular their
national symbolic; to use
[...] their family name, given name and patronymic, including in official acts, in the form accepted by [...]
the mother tongue.
[...] 八届会议临时议程中列入一个题为“中美洲局势:实现稳固持久和平的程序形 成和平、自由、民主和发展区域的进展”的项目(第 47/118 [...]
At its forty-seventh session, the Assembly decided to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-eighth session an item entitled “The situation in Central America: procedures for the establishment of a firm
and lasting peace and progress in fashioning
[...] a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development” [...]
(resolution 47/118).
为了贯彻执行工业和信息化部发出的《工业和信息化部关于进一步深入整治手机 秽 色 情 专项行动工作方案》(工信部电管 [2009]672号文件)的精神,同时切实落实CNNIC在近日下发的《关于对已注册域名开展实名制清查的通知》,要求严格落实域名注册申请者应提交真实、准确、完整的域名注册信息的规定,从即日起,将对2009年12月14日上午9时前注册成功的国内域名开展全面的清查,以确保域名注册信息的真实性、准确性、完整性。
In order to implement the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "issued by the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology
[...] Regulation on mobile phone pornography [...]
further special action program" (Ministry of
Industry and power management [2009] Document No. 672) of the spirit, while the effective implementation of the recently CNNIC issued a "carry on a registered domain name system inventories" which called for strict implementation of the domain name registration applicant shall submit true and accurate and complete information about domain name registration requirements, from now on, will be December 14, 2009 AM successful registration, 9 am to carry out a comprehensive national inventory of domain names, domain name registration information in order to ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness.
规定不受欢迎的性行为包括(直接的或暗示的)身体行为和勾引、性交要求或请 求、秽语言 、展示色情图片、海报或涂鸦以及任何其他不受欢迎的与性有关的身 体、语言或非语言行为。
Provide that unwelcome sexually determined behaviour includes (whether directly or by implication) physical conduct and advances; a demand or request for sexual favours; sexually coloured remarks; displaying sexually explicit pictures, posters or graffiti; and any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
如果 DS SolidWorks
[...] 意识到资料存在以下可能:(i) 诋毁他人、秽、过 度暴力、具有丑闻性诽谤性或 [...]
DS SolidWorks 独立判断其内容不可接受、令人不快或反感,(ii) 违反任何法律、法规或第三方权利,包括但不限于版权法规定的权利和有关禁止诽谤、中伤、侵犯他人隐私的法规,(iii)
或有可接受使用政策一节规定情况的,则 DS SolidWorks 有权但无义务删除该资料或禁止访问该资料。
If DS SolidWorks is made aware of Data that may be
[...] (i) libelous, obscene, excessively [...]
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此外, Emerson
[...] 不希望收到,且您通过使用该网站已被视为立约并同意不向 Emerson 提供任何诽谤、威胁、秽、骚扰、违反任何法律及政府要求或其他违法的,或包含其它个人或实体的专有信息或材料的信息或材料。
As further provided above, Emerson does not want to receive, and you are deemed to covenant and agree through the use of the Site not
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用户须承诺不传输任何非法的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、伤害性的、庸俗的, 秽 的 等 信息资料;不传输任何教唆他人构成犯罪行为的资料;不传输助长国内不利条件和涉及国家安全的资料;不传输任何不符合当地法规、国家法律和国际法的资料;不干扰或混乱网络服务;不使用网络服务作任何非法用途。
User must agree not to transfer any illegal,
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[...] harmful, vulgar or obscene information [...]
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遵守中国有关的法律和法规; 遵守所有与网络服务有关的网络协议、规定和程序; 不得为任何非法目的而使用泰达网络服务系统;
[...] 不得利用泰达提供的网络服务上传、展示或传播任何虚假的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、庸俗 秽 的 或 其他任何非法的信息资料; 不得侵犯其他任何第三方的专利权、著作权、商标权、名誉权或其他任何合法权益; [...]
Comply with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations; comply with all the network services and network protocols, regulations and procedures; not be used for any unlawful purpose TIDE network service system; not use any of TIDE network service system may be the normal operation of the Internet and mobile networks adversely affect behavior; TIDE should not be used to provide network services upload, display or transmit any false, sexual harassment,
vilification of others, abusive,
[...] threatening, vulgar or obscene in any other [...]
unlawful information; shall not infringe any
third party patent, copyright, trademark, reputation, or any other legitimate rights and interests; TIDE network service system may not use any behavior not conducive to TIDE.
開 發 階 段 的 支 出,只 有 在 同 時 滿 足 下 列 條 件 時,才 能 予 以 資 本 化,即:完 成 該 無 形 資 產 以 使 其 能 夠 使 用 或 出 售 在 技 術 上 具 有 可 行 性;具 有 完 成 該 無 形 資 產 並 使 用 或 出 售 的 意 圖;無 形 資 產 產 生 經 濟 利 益 的 方
式,包 括 能 夠 證 明 運 用 該 無 形
[...] 資 產 生 產 的 產 品 存 在 市 場 或形 資 產 自 身 存 在 市 場,形 資 產 將 在 內 部 使 用 的,能 夠 證 明 [...]
其 有 用 性;有 足 夠 的 技 術、財
務 資 源 和 其 他 資 源 支 持, 以 完 成 該 無 形 資 產 的 開 發,並 有 能 力 使 用 或 出 售 該 無 形 資 產;歸 屬 於 該 無 形 資 產 開 發 階 段 的 支 出 能 夠 可 靠 地 計 量。
Expenditure incurred on projects to develop new products is capitalised and deferred only when the Group can demonstrate the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale, its intention to complete and its ability to use or sell the asset, how the asset will generate future economic
benefits (including
[...] demonstration that the product derived from the intangible asset or the intangible [...]
asset itself will be marketable
or, in the case of internal use, the usefulness of the intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset, and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure during the development.
(C) 本細則的條文適用於僅附於任何類別股份一部分的特別權利的修改或 廢除,猶如該類別内待遇不同而所附權利將予修改的各組股份, 自形 成 一 個類 別。
(C) The provisions of this Article shall apply to the variation or abrogation of the special rights attached to some only of the shares of any class
as if each group of shares of the class
[...] differently treated formed a separate class the rights whereof are [...]
to be varied.
同时,在西达尔富尔州,一个有可能带来和平的平行进程正在进行,政府 与两个分裂出来的反叛团体(正义和改革运动以及苏丹解放军/自由派)直接进行
[...] 谈判,这两个团体分别从正义运动和苏丹解放军/瓦希德派中分裂出来 形 成了 自由和改革运动。
Meanwhile, a parallel process carrying the promise of peace has been taking place in Western Darfur in the form of direct negotiations between the Government of the Sudan and two rebel splinter groups, the Justice and Reforms
Movement (JRM) and SLA/Frees, which had split from JEM and
[...] SLA/AW respectively and formed the Frees and Reforms [...]
Movement (FRM).




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