

单词 自始


自始至终 prep

throughout prep


from start finish [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,国家也不得犯下整个国际社会 关注的严重罪行,而且国与国之间签订的任何助长实施此类犯罪的国际协 自始 即无效。
In proposing the draft article, he noted that the list of crimes covered by paragraph 2 of that article was still open and subject to further consideration and discussion.
這次,我認為我們必自始便清 楚認識到,新的香 港國際機場將會是世界規模最大及運載量最高的機場之㆒,並據此作出適當的計劃。
I suggest this time we must recognize from the outset that the new [...]
Hong Kong International Airport will be one of the largest
in size and throughput in the world and plan accordingly.
提出这些 指称的人在煽动颠覆和攻击共和国机构的过程中 自始 至 终 也未能提出任何文件 证据。
In all the time that they have been promoting subversion and attacking republican institutions, the people making such allegations have never been able to put forward any documentary evidence.
由此可見自始至終,政府 完全沒有誠意向立法會交代或披露該項目下的資料,又或其中部分資 料。
This shows the Government has all along lacked any sincerity to provide or disclose all or part of the information on that item to this Council.
密克罗尼西亚联邦自始至终 地努力 采取正确、必要和适当的行动,增进和维护其人民的尊严和人权。
The Federated States of
[...] Micronesia would always endeavour to do what was right, necessary [...]
and appropriate in order to promote
and safeguard the dignity and human rights of its people.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国为出于和平目的发射卫星表现出最大诚意和透明 度,破自始至终 地采取各种步骤,争取到世界广大公众的同情。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea took steps to show sincerity and transparency in respect of the satellite launch for peaceful purposes to the maximum, from A to Z, as an exception and aroused the sympathy of the broad world public.
Videojet 自始至终 与您通力合作,不断改善 生产效率,帮助您在未来获得更大的成功。
And Videojet collaborates with you to optimize [...]
performance from day one and to continuously improve for even greater success tomorrow.
被很多人视为行业标准,可自始至 终 贯穿是用于整个饲料生产中,用于控制和隔离进入的原材料、控制生产过程的一致性、确保最终成品满足用户和官方的要求。
Seen by many as the industry standard, they are used throughout the animal feed industry to control and segregate incoming raw material, control consistency in feed production and ensure finished products are in line with the demands of customers and authorities.
应至少有一位观察自始至终 都参与一系 列飞行,以便报告结果的变化反映的是油类污染状 况的变化情况,而不是观察员之间在看法上的差异。
There should be a consistency of at least one observer throughout a series of flights, so that variations in reports reflect changes in the state of oil pollution and not differences between the perceptions of the observers.
所有人口与发展政策的构想和执行工作都 自始 至 终 地关心保障这些人权。
The conception and implementation of all population and development policies should be permeated by a concern for the guarantee of these rights.
我們的點算方法和過程未必盡善盡美,但我們起 自始 至 終都保持極高的透明度,在事前事後都透過簡介會和互聯網詳細解釋我們採用的方法和收集的數據。
Our methods may not be perfect, but the bottom [...]
line is to develop a high degree of transparency as we release the counting
methods and raw data on the briefing session and website.
然而,涉及未成年人的契約法例本 自始 即 存 有異象(見 3.1 項下各段),有另一小組委員會研究該範疇內的改革,且就改變 提出建議。
However the law with respect to minors' contracts is inherently anomalous (see paragraphs under 3.1) and a separate sub-committee considered reform in that area and made recommendations for change.
正如专题讨论会自始至终 重申的那样,国家一级的有力相互问责机制的存 在取决于是否具备下列要素:(a) 国家援助政策;(b) 方案国强有力的政治领导; (c) 各机构对援助管理负有明确的责任;(d) 当地推动的援助质量和成果监测框 架。
As reiterated throughout the Symposium, the existence of a robust mutual accountability mechanism at the country level depends on whether or not the following elements are in place: (a) a national aid policy; (b) strong political leadership in the programme country; (c) clear institutional responsibilities for aid management; and (d) a locally driven aid quality and results monitoring framework.
保护责任原则,并要求在国际一级以及有关的政府间 机构自始至终加以执行。
responsibility to protect, endorsed at the summit level more than three years ago, and call for its consistent application both at the international level and by the relevant intergovernmental bodies.
根据第 104 EX/3.3
[...] 号决定,可以针对任何会员国提出申诉,这正是因为它是教科文组 织的一个成员9 ;将根据自始至终 保持其个性的程序对这一申诉进行审议。
In accordance with 104 EX/Decision 3.3, a complaint may be directed at any Member State, for the very reason that it is a member of UNESCO;9
and the complaint will be examined under a procedure that will preserve its
[...] individual character from beginning to end.
童工的权利往往被剥夺 —— 许多童自始至终 并不知道他们拥有权利。
Child labourers are often deprived of their rights – and many are not aware they have rights in the first place.
自始至终 保持儆醒的人,虽然他 们没有看到所有他们所守候期望的,但这 样做,他们就仍然是非常有福的,而且能 与世俗保持分离;当他们生活在“所定的 日期”并顺从地“守望”,他们就将会 了解、明白,“将会理解”,而且不会对处在 这个时代美妙的“收获”事件中一无所知。
Those who watched all down the age, though they did not see all they watched for, were nevertheless greatly blessed and kept separate from the world, by so doing; while those who will be living in the “due time” and shall obediently “watch,” shall know, shall see, “shall understand,” and not be in ignorance, in the midst of the wonderful events of the “harvest” of this age.
根据秘书长的法定作用和成员国表达的关切,检查专员建议通过一些准则 和设立一个网站――本报自始至终 提及它们,尤其在下文第 87 [...]
和 88 段――作为 确保高级管理人员甄选和任命程序的透明度的一种手段。
In accordance with the statutory role of the Secretary-General and the concerns expressed by Member States, the Inspectors recommend the adoption of guidelines and the establishment of a
website, both of which are referred to
[...] throughout this report, and in particular in [...]
paragraphs 87 and 88 below, as a means to
enhance transparency in the selection and appointment of senior managers.
在本报告所述期间,行政首长协调理事 自始 至终 ,在确保联合国系统以一致办法解决国际社会的需要以及在全球、区域和国 家各层面采取一体行动方面,发挥了关键作用。
Throughout the reporting period, CEB has played a key role in ensuring a coherent approach by the United Nations system in addressing the needs of the international community and delivering as one at the global, regional and country levels.
(c) 制定明确的指导原则以确保儿童在替代照料安置期间其权 自始 至终 得到尊重,并将家庭式的立足社区的措施置于优先地位;在实施过程中要考虑到 《儿童替代照料指南
(c) Develop clear guidelines in order to ensure that children’s rights are respected throughout the entire process of placement in alternative care, with priority given to family-type and community-based measures; in doing so take into account the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children
安全理事会指出,安理会依照它在国际和平与安全方面的职能,争自始至终 介入冲突的所有阶段,寻找防止争端升级为武装冲突或武装冲突复 发的途径,安理会回顾,根据《宪章》第九十九条和第三十五条,秘书长或 会员国可以提请安理会注意任何可能对维护国际和平与安全构成威胁的事 项。
The Security Council notes that, consistent with its functions in relation to international peace and security, it seeks to remain engaged in all stages of the conflict cycle and in exploring ways of preventing the escalation of disputes into armed conflict or a relapse into armed conflict and the Council recalls that, in accordance with articles 99 and 35 of the Charter, the Secretary General or any Member State may bring to the attention of the Council any matter which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security.
始自动配置,请叫人拨打这个电话;在您接听电话之前请至少等待 [...]
10 秒。
To start the automatic configuration, [...]
have someone call this phone and wait at least 10 seconds before taking the call.
增加同联科行动部队的联 合巡逻,给人民带来很大安慰,人们现在再度始 自由流动。
Additional joint patrols with UNOCI forces are of great comfort to the
[...] people, who are beginning to circulate freely once again.
华铭自上世纪末始自主研 发自动售检票系统设备,十多年来已先后研发出各种制式自动售检票系统设备的核心模块20多种,包括各种阻挡模块、薄型票卡发售模块与回收模块、Token(筹码)型票卡发售模块与回收模块、硬币处理与循环找零模块等部件,已获得国家多项发明专利授权及软件著作权登记,并大量产业化应用到国内外地铁项目。
After more than one decade of endeavor, Huaming has completed more than 20 core modules of AFC for various systems, including Barrier Module, Thin Ticket Issuing Module and Recycle Module, Token Ticket Issuing Module and Recycle Module, Coin Processing and Dispensing Module etc. By these competitive modules, we have obtained many national invention patents and software copyright registration.
民研計劃今日如期在《民意網站》發放香港市民對各地政府及人民的觀感調查結果,有關各地政府的調 始自 1 9 9 7年,基本上每年最少進行一次,而有關各地人民的調查,則是從2007年開始,今次是第三次。
POP today releases on schedule via the "POP SITE" the survey findings on Hong Kong people's feeling towards different governments and peoples. These
surveys on governments are conducted at
[...] least once a year since 1997, while the [...]
surveys on peoples only began in 2007, this being the third time.
2011 年 4 月 11 日至 15 日期间实施几次机动之后排放了燃料管和燃料箱,最后达到的 轨道高度约为地球静止轨道圈之上 350 公里(近地点) x 384 公里(远地点), 最后自旋速率约为每分钟 72 圈(始自旋速率为每分钟 99.9 圈。
Several manoeuvres were performed between 11 and 15 April 2011, followed by a venting of the fuel pipes and tanks to achieve a final orbit of approximately 350 km (perigee) x 384 km (apogee) above the geostationary ring with a final spin rate of approximately 72 rpm (with the initial spin rate having been about 99.9 rpm).
[...] 會人士密切監察發電行業的碳足印,進而支持中電逐漸改以核能及燃氣發 電,延始自 1990 年代的演變趨勢 ─ 中電開始由純燃煤發電邁向包括 [...]
The increasing focus on climate change may also lead to close scrutiny of the carbon footprint of electricity generation and, in turn, support CLP’s gradual shift towards more nuclear power and
gas-fired generation – building on the
[...] transition that started in the 1990s [...]
when CLP moved from exclusively coal-fired generation
to a balanced mix of coal, gas and nuclear.
本集團自二零零二年十一月起始自 願 公 佈季度財務及業務回顧,是恒生 指數成份股之中首家採取這項舉措的綜合企業,遠早於香港聯合交易所將此列為建議主板 上市發行人採納的最佳應用守則,此實為本集團重視透明度和信息披露的明證。
The Company is the first conglomerate company among the constituent stocks in the Hang Seng Index to initiate such a move, well before the Hong Kong Stock Exchange made it a recommended best practice for main board listed issuers.
[...] 一名专家强调,在发展中国家的中学提供即使为数不多启动资金也能发挥作用, 因为那里的学生可能可以凭借这笔资金 始自 给 自 足 的 生活。
Given high youth unemployment rates, one expert emphasized the potential of even very modest start-up grants at the
secondary school level in developing countries, whereby
[...] students may already begin to work towards a self-determined future.
深圳市中科思创超声科技有限公司是中国声学学会、功率超声学会会员企业 始自 于 19 86年,是中科院声学所、机电部11所技术协作单位,国内首家引进、消化、吸收美国“BRANSON”公司技术再加以创新和提高,并投入批量生产的国内最早的超声波塑胶焊接设备生产商,曾荣获多项国家级科技进步奖项,其中的多工位全自动超声波封焊机,不仅替代了进口而且填补了国内在该领域的空白;同时超声波焊接这种新工艺在各行业的逐步引入,对以中国汽车零部件生产的国产化为代表的制造业技术升级进程也起到了良好的推动作用。
Ltd. is China's record Acoustical Society, Society of power
[...] ultrasound companies, began in 1986, is the Chinese [...]
Academy of Sciences Institute of
Acoustics, Department of Electrical and technical cooperation unit 11, the first to introduce, digest, absorb the U.S. " BRANSON "coupled with technical innovation and improvement, and put into mass production of the first domestic manufacturer of ultrasonic plastic welding equipment, has won several national scientific and technological progress awards, which cover multi-position automatic ultrasonic welding, not only replaced import and fill the domestic blank in this field; while the new technology of ultrasonic welding gradually introduced in all sectors of the Chinese-made auto parts into the process of technological upgrading of the manufacturing sector representatives also played a role in promoting good .




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