

单词 自卑心理

See also:


feeling inferior


provide for oneself
take care of oneself



External sources (not reviewed)

心理的本身是规避服务和机会的自我排斥 自卑 视、回避社 会行为,并担心暴露本人遭鄙视贬斥的状况。
It manifests itself in self-exclusion
[...] from services or opportunities, low self-esteem, negative self-perceptions, social withdrawal, and fear [...]
of disclosure
of one‘s stigmatized status.
心自是请求国家在可能的情况下考虑和保护个人良心的权利,而 不能成为拒绝履行法定义务或者请求以其他方式代替这些义务
freedom of conscience is merely a right to request the state to consider and protect the individual’s conscience, if it is possible, it cannot be the basis for refusing to carry out the duties [...][...]
under the law or request the provision of alternative ways to replace such duties.
上述数据库,包括非洲基础设施发展方案地球空间数据库、非 洲气候政策中心的气候变化活动数据库及其农业商品价值链数据库和界面,构 成了非洲区域空间数据基础设施的有一些专用在线应用程序,并以简 化的电子方式为目标部门提供产品和服务,其中包括农业、气候变化、碳固 存、水资源害和其他区域挑战。
These databases, including the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa geospatial database, the African Climate Policy Centre’s climate change activities database and its agricultural commodity
value-chain database and
[...] interface, form the core oftheAfrican Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure, with dedicated online applications and streamlined electronic delivery of products and services for targeted sectors including agriculture, climate change, carbon sequestration, water resources management andnatural disasters and [...]
other regional challenges.
正在与环境规划署/全球环境基金、瓦努阿 图文化大学和其他专家讨论关于索罗门群岛、瓦努阿图和帕劳的习惯性资源一项建议。
Another proposal concerning customary resource
[...] management in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Palau is being discussed with UNEP/GEF, VanuatuCultural Centre, University of Bergen and other experts.
委员会特别注意到科斯莫 斯伙伴的主席在 2009 年 2 月 3 日的答复中提到自心理社会变化中心创始 人去世后,该变化中心的活动基本停止,可能会结束与联合国的联系,同时科斯 莫斯伙伴的主席将继续代表该中心,直到该中心获得咨商地位为止。
In particular, the Committee noted that the President of Kosmos Associates had mentioned
in her reply dated 3
[...] February 2009 that sincethe deathof the founder of the Center for Psychology and Social Change, [...]
the Center for Psychology
and Social Change had been somewhat inactive and would probably end its connection with the United Nations, and that in the meantime the President of Kosmos Associates would continue to be its representative until Kosmos Associates gained consultative status.
八.57 关于“联合国关心”小组与 和平行动中与艾滋病毒/艾滋病有关 问题的工作人员之间的协调,咨询委员会经询问获悉,“联合国以 来就一直通过维持和平行动部特派团一级的艾滋病毒/艾滋病顾问和协调人同该 部一道开展工作。
VIII.57 With regard to coordination between the UN Cares team and staff dealing with
HIV/AIDS-related issues in
[...] peacekeeping operations, the Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, thatsince its inception UN Cares hadbeen working with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations through the [...]
latter’s mission-level
HIV/AIDS advisers and focal points.
宪法关于 宗教和心自 第24 条除其他外特别规定,宗教和道德教育和指导,应在国 家的监督和行。
Article 24 of the Constitution on thefreedom of religion and conscience stipulates inter alia that education and instruction in religion [...]
and ethics
shall be conducted under state supervision and control.
本次级方案将协助亚太经社会成员国把环境可持续性内容纳入经 济和社会发展进程,其中包括采用绿色增长办法、以及其他有效的政策举措、 以及按照生态效益规划和理自源的开发工作,包括能源与水和可持续 城市发展,并为此推动实行各项共同商定的区域举措,从而在区域、次区域 和国家各级成为提高包括民间社会在内的所有利益攸关方能力的知识
The subprogramme would assist ESCAP member States in integrating environmental sustainability in economic and social development, including the application of the green growth approach and other effective policy initiatives and
eco-efficient planning
[...] and management of naturalresources development, including energy and water and sustainable urban development, by facilitating mutually agreed regional initiatives and by serving as a knowledge hub that would build the capacities of all stakeholders, including civil society, at the regional, subregional andnational levels.
在腓立比书 2:5 我们学到,我们要以基督耶稣的心卑自甚至到了死的地步。
We learn in Philippians 2:5 that
[...] we are to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus, who humbled Himself even [...]
to the point of death.
社会变革管理计划为促进在政策方面减少这场金融 危机对社会产生的负面影响作出了贡献,开展了一系列的高级别论坛活动:首先是社会变革和南非人文科学研在世界社会科学论坛(2009 年 5 月在挪举行) 框架内联合组织了类似的活动;第二项活动是 2009 年 8 月在厄瓜多尔基多举行的第七次拉 丁美洲及加勒比地区社会发展部长论坛上组织了应对这一问题的专题会议;第三项活动是在 2009 年 9 月 29 日召开了社会变革管理计划政府间理事会第九届会议。
MOST contributed to fostering policy responses to mitigate the negative social consequences of the financial crisis through a series of high-level fora: first, through a parallel event jointly organized by MOST and the Human Science ResearchCouncil of South Africa within the framework of the World Social Science Forum(Bergen, Norway, May 2009); secondly, through the thematic sessions addressing the issue at the Seventh Regional Forum of Ministers of Social Development for Latin America and the Caribbean (Quito, Ecuador, August 2009); and thirdly during the ninth session of the MOST Intergovernmental Council, on 29 September 2009.
文章指出,非典型肺炎对市民构成 心理已明显减退,55%被访市民表示不 心自染非典型肺炎。
The article
[...] pointed out thatthepsychological impact brought by SARS has apparently dissipated, as evident by 55% of the respondents claiming theywere not worriedabout catching [...]
the disease.
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领 无视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民国土上行使 些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including
humanitarian and human rights law, as
[...] well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people toself-determination and freedom in their homeland.
接着我们转向城市身分,询问哪些因素会左右城市身分,@buttermilk1表示,「历史在其中扮演重要角色」,@what_up_son也同意,另提到「地点与贸易也牵动历史」;@CarterLavin则提出「兄弟阋墙认为「城市会深受邻近城市影响,例如美国费城/圣荷西的定位皆与纽约/旧金山有关」,@ghanscom更进入精神分析,提及美国巴尔的摩「难以动摇 自卑」,参与者普遍认为,城市都有自己的身分。
buttermilk1 said ‘history plays a huge role in shaping a city’s identity’, which @what_up_son agreed with, adding ‘history is also shaped by location and trade’.
为减少本组织有限资源所承受的财务负担,可邀请会员国或个别机构/ 心自担教 科文组织可行性研究、教科文组织参与机构/ 心理构会议和所有展期审查评估的全部 费用。
To reduce the financial burden on the Organization’s limited resources,
Member States or
[...] individualinstitutes/centres could be invitedto fund voluntarily the fullcost to UNESCO of feasibility studies, UNESCO participation in institute/centregoverningbody [...]
meetings and for all renewal review assessments.
戴上基督: 卑自以基督的心为心。
Put on the mind of Christ: Claim the mind of Christ.
发展中国家的代表, 例如,阿拉伯世界
[...] 表示的对象的复杂性,由于现代经济欠发达传统的谈判 活动,讨价还价的习惯,约束和一种 自卑 ”, 侵犯了他们忽视了干涉它们的内部问题。
Representatives of developing countries, for example, The Arab world represent the complexity of the object of the negotiations due to under-developed traditions of modern economic activities, The
habit of bargaining, bound and
[...] with akind of "inferioritycomplex",the fear that they [...]
had infringed that they neglected
to interfere in their internal problems.
请提供资料,说明最高人民检察院和公安部于2009 年中对拘留 进行联合审查的结果,以及采取了哪些具体步骤, 理自审查以来在押人 员在国家看守所死亡的问题。
Please provide information on the outcome of the
[...] review ofdetentioncentre management undertakenjointly by the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) in mid-2009, and the concrete steps being taken to address the issue of deaths in State custody sincethe jointreview.




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