单词 | 自勉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自勉 —encourage oneselfSee also:勉—make an effort • exhort
我不希冀 能 親 眼 看 見民主 中 國 的 出現, 只自勉 始終不 渝 為民主 中 國的出現而奮鬥, 並 堅 信民主的中 國 不 論 經 過多少歲 月 也必定會出現。 legco.gov.hk | Though I do not expect to witness the emergence of a democratic China with my own eyes, I can only spur myself to struggle unswervingly for this arrival of democracy in China, and I am convinced that a democratic China will emerge some day, no matter how long it may have to take. legco.gov.hk |
所以,我亦以此自勉,亦懇請各位 議員反對各項議案,讓這項建議能夠早日落實執行,從而紓解大多數舊 區小業主的困擾。 legco.gov.hk | I look upon this advice as an encouragement. I implore Members to oppose the various motions, so that the proposal can be implemented early to allay the anxieties of the majority of small owners in old districts. legco.gov.hk |
我不知道主席有否讀過,毛澤東在1917年只得24歲時,寫了一首 詩名為“奮鬥自勉”, 後來給人篡改了,說毛澤東“與天鬥,其樂無窮! 與地鬥,其樂無窮!與人鬥,其樂無窮!”其實“奮 鬥 自勉 ” 的 鬥字之 前還有一個字,應該是“與天奮鬥,其樂無窮!與地奮鬥,其樂無窮! 與人奮鬥,其樂無窮!”但被篡改成我剛才說的“與天鬥”、“與地鬥”、 “與人鬥”,說他凡是人也要鬥,階級鬥爭為綱便是這樣來的,所以說 [...] 毛澤東是一個魔頭。 legco.gov.hk | The poem was later distorted to read as MAO Zedong said "To fight against heaven, it is great! legco.gov.hk |
在增加路 邊 停 車 收 費 [...] 錶 收 費 方面,雖 然 政 府 表示加幅只 是 輕微及局部 , 自由黨 也 只 是 勉 強地接 受 。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the proposed increase in on-street parking [...] meter charges, the Liberal Party would barely accept the [...]increase though the Government indicated [...]the increase was modest and localized. legco.gov.hk |
服务将完全出于自愿,绝不勉强。 my.avast.com | services will be completely optional and will not be mandatory at all. my.avast.com |
過去的 高 官 來 自 公務員,還能勉 力 平 衡社會的階 級 利 益。 legco.gov.hk | In the past, the senior officials would come from the Civil Service and they would manage to balance the interests of different social classes. legco.gov.hk |
今時今日, [...] 食物、交通、租金等費用都十分高昂,5,000元供1個人 獨 自 生 活 已相當 勉強,如果說要負擔一個家庭,簡直是沒有可能的。 legco.gov.hk | Nowadays, food, transportation and rents are very [...] expensive and $5,000 is barely enough for one person [...]living alone, so it is utterly impossible [...]for a worker to support a family with such an income. legco.gov.hk |
而且,新村运动的三大宗旨——“勤 勉 、 自 助 和合作”如燎原之 火,影响了农村以外的广大地区。 fao.org | Diligence, selfhelp and cooperation, [...] the three tenets of the new community movement, however, spread beyond the rural areas like a prairie fire. fao.org |
我對你們的承諾,至今我仍牢牢地記着,不 斷提醒和訓勉自己。 legco.gov.hk | To date, I still remember steadfastly the pledge I made to you, and I use it to remind [...] and caution myself constantly. legco.gov.hk |
这是幸运土猫经常用来勉励自己和志愿者的一句话,放 在这也一样适用。 animalsasia.org | This is a belief that Lucky Cats [...] uses to encourage themselves and their volunteers [...]and is also applicable here. animalsasia.org |
所以,自由黨雖然明 白,實行最低工資後,會對自由市場造成損害和帶來一定的後遺症, [...] 但從避免工人工資過低的角度出發,在參考過民調結果及各種數據, 以及考慮到社會的承受能力後,我們 自 由 黨 也 勉 強 支持把首個最低工 資法定水平訂於時薪28元。 legco.gov.hk | So, although fully aware that the implementation of a minimum wage will do harm to the free market and lead to certain sequelae, from the angle of forestalling excessively low wages and after making reference to the results of opinion surveys and various types of statistics, and having considered the extent to [...] which the community can withstand [...] it, we in the Liberal Party reluctantly support that the [...]initial minimum wage rate be set at $28 per hour. legco.gov.hk |
尼日利亚政府竭尽全力打 击这一现象,勉励公民不要自己实 施报复,警察处 理这一问题的能力也已不断提高。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Nigerian authorities were doing their utmost to combat that phenomenon, and urging citizens not to take justice into their own hands. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,排练过程可以纠正许多谬误;也就是说可以从中听出来哪些台词不 够 自 然 和比 较 勉 强 , 哪些地方因而需要反复改进,直至获得完全可信和真实的表现形式。 norway.org.cn | In this respect a great deal can be put right during the rehearsals; [...] that is when one easily hears what does [...] not strike one as natural and unforced, and what [...]must therefore be changed and changed [...]again until the lines achieve full credibility and realistic form. norway.or.kr |
很多議員也認同香港是不 斷勉勵自己向 上的,事實上,李議員的議案中所追求的目標,香港可說已全 部達到。 legco.gov.hk | Many Members do agree that Hong Kong has been urging itself forward constantly, and as a matter of fact, Hong Kong can be considered to have achieved all the targets laid down in Mr LEE's motion. legco.gov.hk |
他还说,世界上最贫困人群“正在不断耗尽其资产和财富才 能 勉 强 养 活自 己”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world’s poorest people, he added, “are depleting their assets, depleting their [...] wealth, just to be able to feed themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
桑拿内外的温度相差很大,而且您需要一点时间来适应蒸汽的高温,所以不要 太 勉 强 自 己。 visitfinland.com | Temperatures vary greatly and it takes time to build up a tolerance to the heat and steam, so don’t overdo it. visitfinland.com |
(e) 除了發放資訊外,任何投資者教育措施均須清晰 明確地傳達一個訊息:投資者應保持警覺及 勤勉 謹慎,以保障自己, 並且不應投資於他們不認識 或不理解的產品。 legco.gov.hk | (e) in addition to the dissemination of information, any investor education initiatives must unequivocally convey the message that investors should [...] exercise vigilance and due [...] diligence in order to protect themselves, and that they should [...]not invest in products that they do not know or understand. legco.gov.hk |
年青人性格柔順的,為了滿足家長和老師的 [...] 期望,會扮作乖巧;在遇到學習困難時 , 勉 強 自 己 努力讀書;對唸書沒 有興趣的,也只有背誦。 legco.gov.hk | When they encounter difficulties in learning, [...] they would force themselves to study hard; [...]and when they are not interested in studying, [...]they would only resort to recitation. legco.gov.hk |
10 年 前他們的子女年紀還小,已經入住該 ,現時他們的子女已長大,甚至已外出工作, 但因為初踏足社會關係,其 收入未必能應付沉重的開支,可能勉 強 ㆞維 持 自 己 的 生計, 而若推行「 雙倍租金政策」,家庭的總入息會令住戶必須繳付雙倍租金,但從他們日常 的開支和生活㆖來看,很明顯看到,以父母本身的收入去繳交雙倍租金,會使他們有 很大的壓力。 legco.gov.hk | But it is clear from their daily expenses and their basic needs that the double rent has constituted a heavy strain on the parents who have to meet the payment on their own incomes. legco.gov.hk |
耳机线与耳塞独创「左灰色、右黑(或白)色」设计 -- 灰色是左耳耳机、黑(或白)色则是右耳耳机,直觉简单的识别配戴方式,让您再也不需 要 勉 强 自 已 的视力去辨视耳机上刻印得小小的R 及L 了。 pro2inc.com | The gray colour is for the left ear while the black (or white) colour is for the right ear. pro2inc.com |
责任:虽尽最大努力及时、勤勉、专业地执行指定工作,但 Interroll 不会提供任 何保证或承担任何损失的责任,不论是由于任何产品失效或故障或者无法发现日后失 效的产品在工厂验收之前、期间及之后生产延迟或随后停工所引起的直接损失还是间 接损失。 interroll.com | Liability; Whilst every effort will be made to carry out the specified work in a timely, diligent and professional manor, Interroll does not offer any warrantees or accept liability for any costs whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising from delays or subsequent loss of production either before, during or after the Site Survey due to the failure or breakdown of any product or its failure to identify a product that subsequently fails at a later date. interroll.com |
樓宇供應是長期計 劃和工作的成果,置業則是一項長遠承擔,面對風高浪急的樓 市,政府必須小心分析問題所在,不會為了解決短期的波動而 影響了長期的穩定;市民也必須小心謹慎考慮才買樓,留意未 來的不穩定因素,例如加息和經濟波動等,不 要 勉 強 自 己 作出 一個無法承擔的決定。 legco.gov.hk | Flat supply is the result of long-term planning and efforts while buying property is a long-term commitment. Facing the highly fluctuating property market, the Government has to carefully analyze what the real problem is and should not undermine the long-term stability in order to tackle the short-term fluctuations. legco.gov.hk |
审查报告指出,该司在及时而有效地甄选和征聘警察方面一直 是 勉 力 为 之, 而且提供给外地警官的政策指南依据传统的模式,很少就如何实施其临时执法或 警务改革任务提供指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review noted that the Division has struggled to achieve the timely and effective selection and recruitment of police, and that the policy guidance available to police officers in the field was based on traditional paradigms with little direction on how to implement their interim law enforcement or police reform mandates. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.35 根據第13E(5)條,專業勤勉的定義是指「按理可期望商戶對消費者有技 巧及謹慎地行事所達的水平,而該水平是與該商戶的活動範疇的誠實市場慣例相 稱的,或與該範疇的一般真誠原則相稱的」。 legco.gov.hk | Professional diligence 3.35 Under section 13E(5), professional diligence is defined as “the standard of skill and care that a trader may reasonably be expected to exercise towards consumers, commensurate with honest market practice in the trader’s field of activity or the general principle of good faith in that field”. legco.gov.hk |
就民調而言,我們還抱着一種心態: 如果民調的評分上升,我們認為是市民對我們工作的一 種 勉 勵 ; 下跌 便是對我們的一種鞭策。 legco.gov.hk | Insofar as opinion polls are concerned, our mindset is that if the ratings have improved, we would see it as an encouragement from the public for our work, and if the ratings show a decline, we would see it as a reminder to spur us on. legco.gov.hk |
耳機線與耳塞獨創「左灰色、右黑(或白)色」設計 -- 灰色是左耳耳機、黑(或白)色則是右耳耳機,直覺簡單的識別配戴方式,讓您再也不需 要 勉 強 自 已 的視力去辨視耳機上刻印得小小的R 及L 了。 pro2inc.com | The gray colour is for the left ear while the black (or white) colour is for the right ear. pro2inc.com |
完善了內部管理和內部控制制 度,建立了良好的內控機制。本公司董 事、高級管理人員在履行公司職務時, 均能勤勉盡職,遵守國家法律、法規和 公司章程、制度,維護公司利益,沒有 發現有違法、違規和損害本公司利益的 行為。 wqfz.com | The Supervisory Committee is of the view that: in 2011, the Company operated in strict compliance with the Company Law, the Articles of Association and other related laws and regulations and the decisions made were scientific and reasonable; the internal management and internal control system was improved and a sound internal control mechanism was established; the Directors and senior management of the Company performed their duties diligently and in compliance with the laws and regulations, the Articles of Association and the rules to protect the Company’s interests, and no violation of laws and regulations and no activities that harmed the Company’s interests were discovered. wqfz.com |
然而,性别平等问题的总体优先事项的地位,在重大计划 IV 的决议草案中只是极勉强 地有所体现(在双年度部门优先事项 2 第 16 小段中的简单隐喻和第 4 段中的正式援引 (《又要求总干事……》)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, gender equality is only timidly recognized as a global priority in the draft resolution for Major Programme IV: a mere allusion in subparagraph (xvi) of Biennial sectoral priority 2 and a formal reference in paragraph 4 (“Requests the Director-General”). unesdoc.unesco.org |
相反的情况是,科 [...] 索沃冲突终止后不久,采取了国际社会参与科索沃审判分庭的做法。当时司法系 统只能勉强运 作,国际法官在审判分庭也不占据多数,这种做法被认为是不足的, [...] 人们认为增加国际化程度是改善司法所必须的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Conversely, international participation in trial panels in Kosovo, introduced soon [...] after the conflict was over, when the [...] judicial system was barely functioning [...]and international judges were not in the majority [...]in trial panels, was seen as insufficient, and increased internationalization was regarded as necessary to improve the administration of justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,法律一般規 定公司的每名高級職員(包括董事、董事總經理及秘書)於行使本身的權力及履 行本身的職責時,必須以公司的最佳利益為前提而誠信地行事,並以合理審慎的 人士於類似情況下應有的謹慎、勤勉 及 技 巧行事。 cre8ir.com | However, as a matter of general law, every officer of a company, which includes a director, managing director and secretary, in exercising his powers and discharging his duties must do so honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the company and exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. cre8ir.com |