

单词 自动楼梯

See also:

自动 n

automation n
auto n



楼梯 n

stairs pl
staircases pl
stairways pl
step n

External sources (not reviewed)

使楼梯、自动扶梯 或升降电梯下至“到达及行李领取层”(第2层)。
Take the stairs, escalator or elevator down to the Arrivals/Baggage Claim Level (Level 2).
百货商场共6层,有大约12,000平方米的销售区,主要零 楼 层 都 有单独 自动 扶 梯 通 向蓬皮杜艺术中心。
The store offers 12,000m² of sales
[...] area on 6 levels and has escalators located separately to the [...]
main retail floors in a precursor to the Pompidou Centre.
消耗体力较少的日常动不包 括在内,比如做家务、整理庭园、 楼梯 、 步行以及在院子里追逐孩子,等等。
This is in addition to routine
light physical daily tasks
[...] such as household chores, yard work, climbing stairs, walking, chasing after children in the yard, etc.
贝尔蒙先生提出并且 32 C/INF.8 所载的米奥利斯/邦万楼区修复改造计划(2002 年总值 为 6,300 万欧元,2007 年经重新核算后总值为 8,500 万欧)特别说明了每年根据动用资金 情况应实施的一些重点工程(第 1 号重点工程和第 2 号重点工程):为消除污染的危险更换 热水供应管网,修理 V 号楼外的应楼梯,必须更换 V 号楼和 VI 号楼内的变压器,以及改 进 VI 号楼内的消防安全系统。
The plan for the restoration and improvement of the Miollis/Bonvin site, proposed by Mr Belmont and set out in document 32 C/INF.8 (€63 million, value in 2002, €85 million, value in 2007 after recosting), describes, inter alia, a number of priority works (priority No.
1 and priority No. 2)
[...] which are to be carried out each year depending on the resources available: replacement of the hot water supply networks in order to eliminate the risks of contamination, repairing of the external emergency stairs of Building V, compulsory [...]
of the pyralene transformers located in Buildings V and VI and improvement of the fire-safety system in Building VI.
乘客可在主航楼搭乘自动升降梯、 自动 扶 梯及自动人行道以缩短步行距离。
In the Main Terminal
[...] passengers may use the elevators, escalators and moving walkways [...]
to minimize walking distances.
發言人補充,在規管制度方面,主要的修訂建議包括提高升降機自動梯工程師註冊的資歷要求、為業界工人引入註冊制度及提高在 [...]
On the regulatory regime, the major amendment proposals included
the upgrading of qualification requirements
[...] for lift and escalator engineers, introduction [...]
of registration system for workers
in the industry, and the increase in the penalty level of offences under the Ordinance, the spokesman said.
继承开放发展的理念,在保持与传统系统互换性的同 时,通过采用各种先进的技术,实现了尖端 楼 宇 管 理 自动化 系统。
Inheriting the concept of Open
Evolution, we actualize
[...] the cutting-edge BMS by maintaining the compatibility with conventional systems and adopting versatile technology.
学步车也同样有危险,因为它们是可 动 的 物 体,具有坠 楼梯 的 危险,但是,它们看上去似乎是房子里安全的部分。
Walkers with wheels are equally dangerous since they become a mobile object ready to topple down stairs or seemingly safe [...]
parts of the house.
对位于马扎里·沙 里夫(Mazar-e Sharif)的联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿 援助团)驻地和位于坎大哈的政府楼 发 动 的 恐怖袭 击,对位于喀布尔的安保程度高的洲际大酒店和位于 洛迦的一所医院动的协调自杀式 袭击都确认,塔利 班和其他反对派团体据以选择软民用目标的策略有 所改变。
The terrorist attacks on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) compound in Mazar-e-Sharif and the Government buildings in Kandahar, and the coordinated suicide attack at the highly secure Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul and on a hospital in Logar, confirm a change in tactics whereby the Taliban and other opposition groups are opting for soft civilian targets.
布托女士 爬楼梯,走 到讲台上向人群挥手,在发表讲话之前先 自 己 的 座位上坐下。
Ms. Bhutto climbed the stairs, went to the stage to wave to the crowd and took her seat before addressing [...]
the crowd.
您可以每天坚持做一些简单的动, 比 如用 楼梯 来 代替乘电梯,或是 自 己 的 办公室里反复地蹲下、站起,每日数次,这么做的效果会像在健身房的跑步机上跑步一样好。
Simply, activities such as climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator or squatting [...]
down and standing up repeatedly in your
office, several times a day, will be as good as running on the treadmill in the gym, as long as you are persistent in doing so everyday.
大厦住户依赖的安全设备,如电梯系统 自动 扶 梯 , 自动 停 车 系统,大门,门和窗户,有效地开展他们的日常运作。
Building occupants depend on the safe and
efficient functioning of equipment
[...] such as lift systems, escalators, automatic parking [...]
systems, gates, doors and windows to
effectively carry out their day-to-day operations.
一)我们建议乘坐港铁前往会议场地的宾客,采用以下的步行路线:(二)找出湾仔站 “A5” 出口;(三)沿自动扶手电梯直上 ,以连接行人天桥;(四)向”湾仔北”指示牌的方向前行(五)一直向前步行至”入境事务 楼 ” ;( 六)按照 楼 的 指 示牌走,你会到达香港会议展览中心;(七)找出大堂入口处的一个巨型「节目表」灯箱。
The following walking route is recommended for delegates
taking MTR to the
[...] Congress venue: (b) find Exit A5; (c) up an escalator onto the flyover; (d) follow the signage towards Wanchai North; (e) walk straight to the Immigration Tower; (f) follow the signages there that lead you [...]
to the HKCEC; (g) find
the Event Directory Board at the Entrance lobby.
换句话说,截肢者现在可以指挥肌肉来主动提升和刺激残肢与POWER KNEE 同步肌肉动,以完成楼梯和爬坡。
In other words, the amputee can now call upon muscles to
actively lift and stimulate simultaneous
[...] muscle activity of the stump and the POWER KNEE to walk up stairs, inclines and ramps.
ICONICS Building Automation solutions provide [...]
you with an easy way to navigate and control key parameters within a centralized user interface.
公司重视优化产品的生产、工艺以及研发,多年来为市场提供创新的技术解决方案,从第一台由交流电机控制的可顺畅闭合 自动 电 梯 门 产 品(自 1968 年开始生产的思迈特 I, II, III 系列)、到思迈特 [...]
2000 门产品(带有线性皮带牵引装置,由直流电机通过模拟电子控制器驱动)系列,公司产品实现了从机械化操作臂(1982
The focus on the optimization of manufacturing processes, product engineering, research and development have enabled Sematic to always present on the market, over the years, innovative
technological solutions, from the
[...] first automatic door operated by alternating-current motor that guaranteed [...]
harmonious opening and
closing of the doors (Sematic I, II, III Series from 1968) to Sematic 2000, a family of doors, with linear belt traction operators driven by DC motors through an analog electronic controller, which marked the abandonment of motorizations with arm operators (1982).
2600是一个低成本,模块化测量和控制系统设计的应用程序,如机械控制,工业过程控制 楼 宇 自动 化 和远程数据采集。
The 2600 is a low-cost, modular measurement and control system
designed for applications such as machine control, industrial process
[...] control, building automation and remote data [...]
香港大學民意研究計劃,於2010年1月1日在中環皇后大道中與閣麟街交界之中環至半 自 動 扶 梯 系 統行人天橋,就民主動力發起之元旦遊行進行點算。
The Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong conducted a headcount of the January 1 Rally organized by the Power for Democracy at the
Walkway System on the footbridge of
[...] Central-Mid-Levels Escalator at the joint of [...]
Queen's Road Central and Cochrane Street
in Central on January 1, 2010.
尽管Gucci各专门店个性鲜明,各有特色,如纽约专门店流光溢彩 楼梯 结 构 ,或上海专门店金碧辉煌的玻璃幕墙, 自 然 光 线与亲切材质的执着成为所有专门店不懈承袭的全新美学认知,而自然光线在整个店面的挥洒亦缔造出浑然天成的内外景致。
Though each store offers its own impressive
[...] and distinctive features such as a free floating stair case in New York or a golden glass façade in [...]
Shanghai, all of
these stores adhere to a new aesthetic which prioritizes natural light and warm materials.
本次楼梯活动中, 共有 3,700 名爱心人士慷慨解囊,募款总额可能超过 636,000 [...]
In total, the stair climb event will likely [...]
raise over $636,000, made possible through the generous donations of more than 3,700 donors.
会议认为,国自主性 对受害者援助相关 动 的 长 期可持续性 至关重要。
It was also recognised that
[...] national ownership is essential to the long-term sustainability of victim assistance-related activities.
在要求苛刻的工业过程自动化应用提供低功率无线网格网络方面,Dust Networks 是无可争议的领先者,其客户还包括来自《财富》世界
[...] 500 强的公司,这些公司主要提供针楼 宇 自动 化 、 数据中心能耗管理、可再生能源等诸多应用的解决方案。
The undisputed leader in supplying low power wireless mesh networks for demanding industrial process automation applications, Dust Networks customers also include Fortune
500 organizations that provide
[...] solutions for building automation, data center energy [...]
management, renewable energy, and much more.
[...] 平,即使《上市規則》並無有關規定,他們亦主動就股東大會上所有議決事 項投票表決,並於翌自發地 公布經由監票人審核的投票結果。
Many listed issuers in Hong Kong now already aspire to this higher level of corporate governance and voluntarily vote all meeting resolutions by poll, even where this is not
required under the Rules and independently publish the next day voting
[...] results that have been reviewed by [...]
a scrutineer.
欧洲电梯标准EN81-1规定: “从人们通常易够到的位置,或 楼梯 平 台 移 动 电 梯 ,或通过一个简单的但不符合正常操作顺序的动作打开门锁机构,是不可能实现的。
The European Lift Standard EN 81-1 stipulates that: „It shall be impossible, from positions normally accessible to persons, to move a lift with the landing door open or unlocked after a single action, which is not part of the normal operating sequence.
法案委員會所 商議的主要事項包括:從事升降機 自 動 梯 工程 的人士的註冊規定和相關的過渡性安排;負責人 的涵蓋範圍和法律責任;條例草案所訂罪行的罰 則水平;對分包升降機自動梯工程 的管制;確 保升降機緊急裝置運作妥善的措施;紀律審裁委 員會和上訴委員會的組成;以及升降機 自 動梯 工程的人手供應。
The main issues deliberated by the Bills Committee included the registration
requirements on persons involved
[...] in lift and escalator works and the related transitional arrangements; the coverage and liabilities of responsible persons; the penalty levels of the offences under the Bill; control over subcontracting of lift and escalator works; measures to ensure proper functioning of the emergency devices of lifts; composition of the disciplinary boards and appeal boards; and the manpower supply for lift and escalator works.
我们认为,这 20 名观察员的主要任务是监察并 通知欧安组织参加国南奥塞梯和格鲁吉亚之间边境
[...] 地区的安全局势以及格鲁吉亚将其部队和军事设备 撤回营地的执行程度以防止格鲁吉亚在南奥 梯再 次发动攻击
We believe that the key task of those 20 observers is to prevent further Georgian aggression in South Ossetia by monitoring and informing participating States of the OSCE on the security situation in the border areas between South Ossetia and Georgia, as
well as Georgia’s implementation of its commitments to withdraw its troops and
[...] military equipment to their cantonments.
当多台汽爆机并列自动运行时,仅需将装有4立方物料的容器放在某台数控自动汽爆机的入料平台上,按下按钮,则数控自动汽爆机将在计算机的控制下,如同 梯 一 样 自动 选 择,择机自动运行。
When several parallel steam blasting machine to run automatically, the only materials will be equipped with a 4 cubic container on a CNC machine automatically feed steam explosion on the platform, press the
button, then the CNC
[...] machine will automatically steam explosion computer control, the same as the elevator is automatically selected, [...]
choose the auto-run.




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