单词 | 自动挡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自动挡 —automatic transmissionless common: automatic gear-change Examples:自动挂挡—automatic gear-change See also:自动 n—automation n • auto n 自动—automate • voluntarily 挡 n—gear n • windshield n 挡—keep off • resist • get in the way of • put in order • hinder • block (a blow)
著名的美国周刊杂志AutoWeek开辟两页版面介绍玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo S跑车自动挡,文 章标题为:“两全其美:玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo跑车,全新自动驾驶乐趣”。 maserati.com.cn | The famous US weekly, AutoWeek, dedicated a two-page spread to the Maserati GranTurismo S Automatic entitled: “Double Duty: Maserati GranTurismo fun is now automatic”. maserati.it |
AutoCapital杂志称,若要享受“其乐无穷的舒适之旅”,玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo S跑车自动挡是最佳选择。 maserati.com.cn | After trying out the Maserati GranTurismo S Automatic for size, the Top Gear journalist was pleasantly [...] surprised at the new ZF transmission. maserati.it |
该杂志对全新Quattroporte总裁系列精英 版 自动挡 也 进 行了报道,称其“真正称得上是豪华轿车中独一无二的艺术杰作,堪比超级跑车”,而“与这款车珠联璧合”的全新自动变速箱也让许多潜在客户期盼已久。 maserati.com.cn | The British magazine also makes a feature of the new Quattroporte Automatic, “the only limo-sized saloon that truly cuts it as a work of art and surrogate supercar” and to its new automatic transmission “so worthy of the car” remarking that this is the answer many potential customers have been waiting for. maserati.it |
如果设置了 IP 层访问控制,摄像机就可以自动阻挡 登 录 尝试失败的 IP 地址(直到下次重启摄像机)。 remote.stpius.org:8085 | If IP-Level Access Control has been set up, [...] the camera can automatically block the IP address, from which the unsuccessful logins had been [...]attempted (until the next camera reboot). remote.stpius.org:8085 |
此款V8发动机于1996年推出,转速为6400转/分时输出动力达到335马力,扭矩值也十分出色(转速为4400转/分时不低于45.8千克米),从而赋予了这款重达1560 千克的汽车(自动挡车型为1584千克)无与伦比的性能。 maserati.com.cn | With 335hp at 6400 rpm and outstanding torque values (45.8 kgm at 4400 rpm, no less), the V8 guaranteed astounding performance for a 1560 kg vehicle (1584 kg in the automatic version). maserati.com.au |
文章最后总结了GranTurismo S跑车自动挡的主 要技术特色,例如能够自动连续提供避震阻尼控制的Skyhook自动系统、驾驶者可随时设置的两种模式(标准模式和运动模式)、控制牵引力的玛莎拉蒂稳定程序以及Brembo双材质制动器。 maserati.com.cn | The article concludes with a rundown of the GranTurismo S Automatic’s main technical features like the Skyhook automatic system that provides automatic and continual control of the damping, the two set ups (Normal and Sport) on hand to the driver, the Maserati Stability Programme that takes care of traction and the Brembo Dual-Cast brakes. maserati.it |
Sperangelo Bandera对GranTurismo S跑车自动挡的丰 富功能颇为关注,称这款跑车不仅“性能卓越”,而且“凭借全新自动变速箱,换档平稳顺畅”。 maserati.com.cn | Sperangelo Bandera places the spotlight on the versatility of the GranTurismo S Automatic, a car that allows "excellent performance" and, at the same time, "fluid gear changes thanks to the new automatic transmission". maserati.it |
由于机械方面进行了改良,该车外观也随之作出细微改进,G ranTurismo S跑车自动挡因此 成为了“纯GT跑车的有力竞争对手,尤其是捷豹XKR和阿斯顿马丁DB9等英国跑车,会感受到玛莎拉蒂的强大压力。 maserati.com.cn | The mechanical changes are backed up by a light makeover to the car’s looks, changes that make the GranTurismo S Automatic “an ideal competitor for pure GTs, especially ones from England like the Jaguar XKR and Aston Martin DB9. maserati.it |
四速变速箱(自1960年后有五速,并可根据客户需求改为三 速 自动挡 ) 由 ZF提供,其他零部件也均来自当时的一流供应商:Salisbury后轴、Girling制动器、Alford [...] & Adler悬挂系统、Burman & Sons转向器、Borg [...]& Beck离合器—如此种种,不一而足。 maserati.com.cn | ZF supplied the four-speed gearbox (five-speed [...] from 1960 and three-speed-automatic on request), while other elements were [...]sourced from the best suppliers of the day: Salisbury rear axle, Girling brakes, Alford & Adler suspension, Burman & Sons steering box, and Borg & Beck clutch. maserati.us |
与其之前坚守手动变速器阵营的运动崇尚者形象不同,新款Clio RS通过部署一台既能自动换挡、也 能由驾车者手动换挡的双离合变速箱而变得更具运动性能。 cn.drivelinenews.com | From having been a resolutely manual-transmission car, [...] in line with its sports-enthusiast identity, [...]the new Clio RS becomes even sportier [...]through the deployment of a dual clutch gearbox, capable of both automatic or driver-controlled operation. drivelinenews.com |
新高效自动变速器概念:涡轮联轴器 和 自动 手 排 挡 变 速 箱的结合 coupling-service.eu | New efficient automatic transmission concept: combination of [...] turbo coupling and automated manual transmission coupling-service.eu |
Curana 自行车的挡 泥板、 捷卡公司(Jaga)的生态 散 热器或者中国的电 动自行车等实例表明创新不仅仅 是高技术创新。 daccess-ods.un.org | Innovation was [...] not only hightech, as shown by the examples of the mud-guard of Curana, the eco-radiator of Jaga or the electric bike in China. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,每 当国际社会要求中国对缅甸采取大动 作 , 中国会将 东盟拉出来作挡箭牌 ,这也缓解了中国向缅甸施压 的意愿。 crisisgroup.org | Finally, China uses ASEAN as a shield against [...] more robust action, which limits how far China is willing to go in pushing Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
会议认为,国家自主性 对受害者援助相关 活 动 的 长 期可持续性 至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also recognised that [...] national ownership is essential to the long-term sustainability of victim assistance-related activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
将装满流体的料桶调至柱塞底座上,将其向后推至 挡管,并在随动板下对中。 graco.com | Set a full drum of fluid on the ram base, slide it back against the tube stop, and center it under the follower plate. graco.com |
CA型调心滚子轴承内圈两端有两个小挡边,中间无挡边,保持架为双爪一体结构实体保持架,材料一般为铜或碳钢,该结构轴承大型、特大型轴承中用得较多;C型调心滚子轴承内圈不带大、 小 挡 边 , 滚子 “ 自 引 导 ”,中间为 活 动 中 挡 圈 , 保持架为钢板冲压保持架,该结构轴承的滚子长度增加,额定载荷提高,而且还具有较高的极限转速和较低的摩擦损耗。 bearing-china.com | CA type spherical roller bearing on both ends of the inner circle there are two small raised edge, no raised edge, keep a middle of double claw one structural entity keep frame, material generally for copper or carbon steel, this structure bearing large and super large bearing USES morer; C spherical roller bearing [...] inner circle without [...] large and small, "since the guide roller raised edge", for the activities of the middle [...]circle, and keep the [...]frame for block stamping steel cage, the structure of the roller bearing length increases, rated load, but also improve has high limit rotational speed and low friction loss. bearing-china.com |
Bandera接着又对变速箱进行了深入分析,分别阐述了标准模式(“如果检测到处于运动型驾驶风格,将进行高转速换挡”)和运动模式(“进行高转速换挡;如果为了让进弯更方便并保持出弯时的良好扭矩而调整转速范围,此时将选择最 低 挡 位 ” ),以 及 自动 模 式 、冰雪模式和手动模式。 maserati.com.cn | Bandera then provides an in-depth look at the transmission, from Normal mode (“if a sporty driving style is detected, gear changes are made at higher revs”), to Sport mode (“gear changes are made very high up on the rev range; the lowest gear is selected when scaling the range to make going into corners easier and ensure good torque coming out”). maserati.it |
这群人在代表团大门口逗留了将近 20 分钟,当时古巴外交工作人员结束在 联合国总部的工作后正返回代表团大楼,或者正离开大楼回家,但却被这群人阻 挡,无法自由通 行,造成代表团的工作受到干扰。 daccess-ods.un.org | The group remained at the main entrance of the Mission for nearly 20 minutes, thus blocking the free passage of Cuban personnel and interfering in the performance of the Mission, at hours when the Cuban diplomatic staff is returning to the Mission’s building, after working in the United Nations Headquarters, or leaving to go home. daccess-ods.un.org |
据国家官员和国际专家说,这些武器中包括火箭筒、 装有防空挡板的机枪、自动步枪 、弹药、手榴弹、爆炸物(可变塑料炸药)和(小 口径双管)车载轻型高射炮。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to national officials and international experts, these [...] included rocket-propelled grenades, [...] machine guns with anti-aircraft visors, automatic rifles, ammunition, [...]grenades, explosives [...](Semtex), and light anti-aircraft artillery (light calibre bi-tubes) mounted on vehicles. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管新西兰的恐怖活动威胁仍然较低,我们仍愿 支持建立一个全球性屏障,阻挡恐怖 活 动 , 无 论它们 可能发生在何处。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the threat of terrorist activity in New Zealand remains [...] low, we wish to support the building of a global bulwark [...] that shuts down terrorist activities wherever they [...]might occur. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,他坚持认为,CVT新近表现出的效能与地区和测试程序无关,并援引欧洲的测试结果说明符合欧盟规范的丰田Verso CVT车型的CO2排放量比其同车型的手 动挡 版 减 少了7.4%;同时他还援引了美国的日产Sentra测试数据,说明 手 动挡 版 车型的油耗为27 mpg,而CVT版车型的油耗则为30 mpg。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Yet CVT’s new-found vigor was now independent of region and test procedure, he insisted, citing not just European results, showing the EU-specification Toyota Verso CVT bettering its manual counterpart’s CO2 figure by 7.4 percent, but also US figures for the Nissan Sentra, reaching 27 mpg as a manual and 30 mpg as a CVT. drivelinenews.com |
水流冲洗可防止纸浆悬浮液在挡边板 下部 流 动。 voith.com | Water flushing prevents the suspension from flowing under the edge control device. voith.com |
这些权利包 括:个人的生命权、人身自由与安全权和享有财产权,以及除了通过正当法律程 序之外,这些权利不得被剥夺的权利;法律面前人人平等和受法律保护的权利; 尊重私人生活和家庭生活的权利;在公共权力机构行使职能时获得平等待遇的权 利;参加政治党派、发表政治观点的权利;父母或监护人访问为子女或受监护人 的教育自己选定的学校的权利;行 动自 由 ;良知自由和宗教信仰与实践自由;思 想和言论自由;结社和集会自由;以及新闻自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; the right of equality before the law and the protection of the law; the right of respect for private and family life; the right of equality of treatment from any public authority in the exercise of any functions; the right to join political parties and to express political views; the right of a parent or guardian to access a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward; freedom of movement; freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance; freedom of thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly; and freedom of the press. daccess-ods.un.org |
人的渺小更本无法阻挡大自然的 力量,所以大家都选择“听山由命”,能活多久就多久。 4tern.com | Humans’ strength [...] are small and unable to fight with mother nature. 4tern.com |
同一决议还吁请“科索沃阿 尔巴尼亚族领导人在不预设条件和有国际参与的情况下,立即开展有意义的对 [...] 话,按照一个明确的时间表,导致结束危机和通过谈判达成科索沃问题的政治解 [...] 决”;要求“科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人和其他有关各方尊重欧安组织核查团和 其他国际人员的行动自由” ;“坚决要求科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人谴责一切恐怖 [...] 主义行动”;要求科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人“与争取改善人道主义局势、避免 [...] 迫在眉睫的人道主义灾难的国际努力合作”(第 1203(1998)号决议,第 5、6、10 和11段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The same resolution also called upon the “Kosovo Albanian leadership to enter immediately into a meaningful dialogue without preconditions and with international involvement, and to a clear timetable, leading to an end of the crisis and to a negotiated political solution to the issue of Kosovo”; demanded that “the Kosovo [...] Albanian leadership and all others [...] concerned respect the freedom of movement of the OSCE [...]Verification Mission and other international [...]personnel”; “[i]nsist[ed] that the Kosovo Albanian leadership condemn all terrorist actions”; and demanded that the Kosovo Albanian leadership “cooperate with international efforts to improve the humanitarian situation and to avert the impending humanitarian catastrophe” (resolution 1203 (1998), paras. 5, 6, 10 and 11). daccess-ods.un.org |
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高 [...] (1),另一个输入端信号为低 (0),则“手动/自动”和 “升/降”功能既无法借助于前置面板上的 [...]F 按键完成,也无法通过远程通讯的输入端或串口实现。 highvolt.de | If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high [...] (1), but low (0) on the other control [...] input, the "Manual/Auto" and "Raise/lower" [...]functions are not possible with either [...]the F keys on the front panel or the inputs for remote messages or serial interface. highvolt.de |
根据要求,总干事在与缔约国协商后应提出一份包含有针对性行动的跨部门计 划,旨在:加强和平与非暴力文化教育, 推 动自 然 科 学成为不同文化间对话、交 流以及和平的普遍语言和工具;突出社会和人文科学在巩固普遍价值观、民主与 人权中发挥的作用;强调文化多样性、不同文化间对话,以及相互理解与和解传 [...] 统的作用;发掘媒介机遇,以此作为和解、容忍与不同文化间理解的工具,特别 [...]要突出青年人使用的新媒体的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Director-General has been requested to prepare, in consultation with Member States, an [...] intersectoral programme [...] with targeted actions aimed at: strengthening education for a culture of peace and non-violence, promoting natural sciences as a [...]universal language and [...]vehicle for intercultural dialogue and exchange and peace; underlining the role of social and human sciences in promoting universal values, democracy and human rights; stressing the role of cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and heritage for mutual understanding and reconciliation; exploring opportunities offered by the media as a vehicle for reconciliation, tolerance and intercultural understanding especially highlighting the use of new media by youth. unesdoc.unesco.org |
公共区域未进行景观美化,排水系统无效,垃圾处理不当,自来水、 应急水储备和灭火器不足,没有合适的围栏和照明,以防止人员的 擅 自 出 入 并阻 挡野狗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Common areas were not landscaped, drainage systems were ineffective, there was inadequate garbage disposal, insufficient water taps, emergency water reserves and fire extinguishers and a lack of proper perimeter fencing and lighting to prevent unauthorized access of personnel and stray dogs. daccess-ods.un.org |
在图 7.3(a)中,即使在转动臂位于与挡块 相接触的位置上时投入电源,最初执行的程序,譬如说是 朝向 0°移动的情况下,依然正常动作,警报器不报警。 ckd.co.jp | For Fig. 7.3 (a), if the power is turned on at the position where the arm is at the stopper, the first program to be executed, for example motion of "0" degrees, will allow the driver to operate the actuator without an alarm. ckd.co.jp |