

单词 自作多情

See also:


act for oneself
view oneself (as clever, virtuous, attractive)

External sources (not reviewed)

是否我们有点神经衰弱,整天以为中央政府答应了的 事情也不一定会做,又或是我自作多情弓蛇影呢?
Is it because we have a bit of neurasthenia in thinking that the Central Government will
not necessarily do what it has promised us
[...] or are we beingself-sentimental under the influence [...]
of our imaginary fears?
港人失望,只 是一厢情愿自作多情莫大於心死,连遗憾也是多余,人大根本无 心听或听不见。
There is nothing to regret at all. The NPC Deputies simply do not listen with their hearts or hear anything.
These actions, in many cases, had the objective of invalidating the work of the victims, [...]
who were considered as “legitimate
targets” for being potential opponents to Government policies.
再如施,因为其灵活性和降低成 本的潜力往往被企业青睐,但是在多情由于 缺乏问责制和执法措施而受到环境组织的反对。
Voluntary measures, often favored by industry because of their flexibility and potentially lower costs,are inmany casesopposed by environment [...]
groups because
of their lack of accountability and enforcement.
缅甸多自源所在地区目 前由少数民族控制,要想开采,必须取得他们的
Many of Myanmar’s natural resources are located in areas currently controlled by ethnic groups, whose cooperation [...]
must be secured.
(b) 处于中间水平的原因包括:国家否认酷刑做法加上酷刑和虐待肇事者 逍遥法外,后者在多情实际上反而获得政治和/ 或经济权力;未举报酷刑 和虐待行为,酷刑受害者得不到保护以及没有补救办法;国内的法律框架未能与 禁止酷刑和为被剥人提供保障的国际准则取得一致,加上在很多时候这 些规章在发生这种案件时未能适用;未能对司法机关人员、监狱管理人员、执法 人员、卫生保健专业人员、社会教师等提供适当的人权培训;以及酷刑 与腐败之间的关系
(b) At an intermediate level the causes include denial by the State of the practice of torture combined with impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of torture and ill-treatment,who are in manycasesactually rewarded by the political and/or economic powers; the failure to report acts of torture and ill-treatment, lack of protection for victims of torture and the absence of redress; a failure to align domestic legal frameworks with the international norms that prohibit [...]
torture and provide safeguards for persons
deprived of their liberty, coupled, very often, with a failure to apply regulations in those cases where they exist; the inadequate human rights training provided to members of the judiciary, prison personnel, law enforcement officials, health-care professionals, social workers and teachers, etc.; and the links between torture and corruption
根据在本任务期间获得的信息,监察组能够得出结论认为,支持违反 武器禁运活动的秘密资金主要自情军事和执政党官员控制和一 广泛的、境外、法金融机制,其中许多人以“非官方”身份开展这一 活动。
On the basis of information obtained in the course of the current mandate, the Monitoring Group
is able to conclude that
[...] covert financialactivities in support of armed embargo violations are financed principally through this extensive, offshore and largely illicit financial apparatus, controlled and operated by intelligence, military and party officials,many of them operating [...]
in an “unofficial” capacity.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a)诉人案件的性质;(b) 非诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉作自护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays
associated with or caused by:
[...] (a) thenatureofmulti-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresentedappellants; (d) [...]
amendments to grounds
of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
审计委员会在其关于联合国 2008-2009 两年期的报告中强调指出,各部门 和办公室的经常预算培训资金在多情以预算外资充。
As highlighted by the Board of Auditors in its report on the United Nations for the biennium
2008-2009, regular budget training funds for
[...] departments and offices are in manycases supplemented by extrabudgetary [...]
多情,国家越来越成为掠源和破坏环境的商 业企业的代名词,结果公司和国家对当地社区积累了大量的社会和生态债务,特 别是在南方的生态系统中。
In manycases, the State is increasingly identified with the business of lootingnatural resources and [...]
with environmental destruction;
as a result, companies and countries have accumulated a social and ecological debt to local communities, especially in the ecosystems of the South.
关于与其他执行机构、多边和双边机构的,履约协助方案都会支 持在当地运作的各机构的工作。
Regarding the cooperation with other implementing agencies, multilateraland bilateral, the CAP hasin many cases provided support to the work of the respective agencies operating in the region.
大会第六十四届会议呼吁所有国家和各组织每年向联合国援助酷刑受害金捐款,最好是大幅增加捐款数额;请秘书长向人权理事会和大会第六十 五届会议提交关于基金作情报告(第 64/153 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly appealed to all States and organizations to contribute annually to the Fund, preferably with a substantial
increase in the level of contributions, and
[...] requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Human Rights Council and to the Assemblyat its sixty-fifth session a report on the operations of the Fund (resolution 64/153).
食典委还注意到,农药残留委员会已要求秘书处准备一份分析这些差异的文件,以便其 下届会议在了解多情下就定。
The Commission further noted that the Committee on Pesticide Residues had requested the Secretariat to prepare a paper
containing an analysis of these discrepancies in order
[...] to take a more informed decision on this matter at its next session.
即便该等款项在合约上已超过其应付日期,但鉴於相关交易 对手的信贷质素并无显着变更,该等款项并不会被视为减损款项,且由於考虑到通常支付方式以及在多情存在的抵销应收账款 余额的因素,其仍被回款项。
Such receivables, although contractually past their due dates, are not considered impaired as there has not been a significant change in credit quality of the relevant counterparty, and the amounts are still
considered recoverable
[...] taking into account customary payment patterns and in manycases, offsetting accounts payable balances.
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能
[...] 力和射程(便携式防空系统的设计尖端程度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池引器和发射器的作情);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable air defence systems); the operational status of the
weapon’s various components
[...] (functionality of the batteries,seekers and launchers); the ability to [...]
operate the weapon properly;
and the ability to access potential targets.
(3) 在紧接生效日期前依据前警监会的职能或在与该职能有关连
[...] 的情况下,而须由前警监会作出并正由它或正就它或正代任何期起,在符合本条例的范围内,可由警监会继续作出或就它或 [...]
(3) Anything that, immediately before the commencement date, is required to be done and is in the process of being done by, in
relation to or on behalf of the
[...] former Council pursuant toor in connectionwith its functions [...]
may, as from that date, be continued
by, in relation to or on behalf of the Council to the extent that it is consistent with this Ordinance.
有一些情况下,通过市场压力可以刺激负责任捕捞遵守至多也是部分的,对不遵守的船队难以进行制裁,在多情, 国际法下的有效协议还尚待制定。
In some cases, responsible fishing practice can be incentivized through market pressures, but compliance is at
best partial, actions of
[...] non-compliant fleets are difficult to sanction,and,inmany instances, effective protocols under international law are as [...]
yet developing.
此 外,似宜允许集团任何成员的破产管理人提出申请,因为在多情,破产 管理人或者被指定管理集团成员的管理人拥有关于集团成员的最为完备的信 息,因此,最有条件对实质性合并是否妥当或是否可价。
In addition, it
[...] would be appropriate to permit applications by the insolvency representative of any group member, sinceinmany instances, itwill be the insolvency representative or representatives appointed to administer group members that [...]
will have
the most complete information on group members and is therefore in the best position to assess the appropriateness or desirability of substantive consolidation.
在举行的各次中,有两次会议特别值得一提:在议会联盟召集的一次会议上,20家的约 50 名议员组成的代表团展开了辩论,讨论议会在促进跨文化对话 和理解中以及议会参与国家计划和区域战略的程度;另一次是以“应对 仇视伊斯兰现象:利用相互尊重和包容的未用机会”为主题的圆桌会议(由不同 文明联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲委员会和英国文化协会共同主办),这次会议 产生了意见分歧,并引发了一些争议。
Among the various working sessions, two deserve special mention: the meeting convened by IPU with a delegation of approximately50 legislators from more than 20countries who debated the role of parliaments in promoting cultural dialogue and understanding, [...]
as well as their participation
in national plans and regional strategies; and the round table on “Addressing Islamophobia: building on unused opportunities for mutual respect and inclusion” (co-organized by the Alliance of Civilizations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Council of Europe and the British Council), which generated polarized opinions and sparked some controversy.
宿在澳大利亚人家中的留学生都能通过一种自然而友好的方式来体验澳大 利亚人的家庭生活,而且经常会感到澳大利亚人把他们作自看待。
Manystudents living in Homestay situations experience Australian family life in a natural, friendly way and often theyfind themselves treated like a family member.
16.93 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 会员国拥有和上报足够的毒品和犯罪数 据;(b) 将建立或加强法医和科学能力视为优先事项的各国政府致力采用最佳法医方法,并将
法医科学实验室纳入国家缉毒和预防犯罪框架;(c) 各国实验室注重质量,保证公正,并得到 上级的支持;(d) 各国实验室相互开展合作并同有关当局(例如执法、监管和保健当局)合作,
[...] 在本国开展合作并同禁毒办合作;(e) 会员国继续支持进行综合专题方案编制编制方 案时多自出意见建议;(f) 预算外资源没有重大短缺。
16.93 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that (a) sufficient data on drugs and crime are available and reported by Member States; (b) Governments that have the establishment or improvement of forensic and scientific capacity high on their list of priorities are committed to forensic best practice implementation and integrate forensic science laboratories into the national drug control and crime prevention framework; (c) national laboratories have quality assurance high on their agenda and have relevant support from higher institutional levels; (d) national laboratories cooperate with each other and with relevant authorities (e.g. law enforcement, regulatory and health) within and between countries and with UNODC; (e) Member States continue to support
[...] thematic programmingby increasingvoluntary contributions at the programmatic [...]
level; and (f) thereare no significant shortfalls in extrabudgetary resources.
这个 长期而富挑战性的项目能提的能力,包括强化变电站及网络復及狀况监控、改善网络效益,以至靈活連接可再生能 源系统、电动車和贮能装置、智能电表和先进电量测计基础设施等,从而 与客户建立更紧密的聯系。
The enhanced capabilities which we seek include enhanced substation and network automation, self-healing and condition monitoring, improved network efficiency, flexible connections with renewable energy sources, electric vehicles and energy storage installation, as well as smart metering and advanced metering infrastructure for better connection with customers.
第四部分旨在与该组织内其他全球监督方在交叉问题上进行合作:澄 清自作互补性,促成更密切的合作,以执行防机制并改进补救行 动。
The fourth pillar aims at creating synergy in cross-cutting issues with other
global oversight
[...] actors in the organization: clarifying all the respective rolesand complementarities will allow for [...]
closer cooperation,
resulting in the implementation of more preventive mechanisms as well as improved remedial action.
考虑到监察员关于监察员办公室和象道 德操守办公室这类其他办公室的作用出现重叠及不 够明确的意见,咨询委员会敦促秘书长澄清这些办公 室的自作责任,并作为优先事项更新关于解决 冲突报。
In the light of the Ombudsman’s comments concerning the overlap and lack of clarity in the role of the Office of the Ombudsman and that of other offices, such as the Ethics Office, the
[...] Committee urged the Secretary-General to clarify therespective rolesand responsibilities of those Offices [...]
and to update
the information circular on conflict resolution as a matter of priority.
20创建空间应用促进可持续发展区域方案以来,其为在该区 域促进和协调空间了帮助,在中国、印度和印度尼西亚建立了培训和 教育网络,并与“亚洲哨兵”一道制定了体制安排,促进未得到充分服务和有 高风险的发展中国家获得卫星数据和增值产品,用于应对灾害。
RESAP, since its inception more thantwo decades ago, has helped in fostering and coordinating space cooperation in the region, set up training [...]
and education
networks in China, India and Indonesia, and developed institutional arrangements with Sentinel Asia for access to satellite data and value-added products in underserved and high-risk developing countries for response to disasters.
今天的辩论会为安理会提供了一次机会,实际应用 S/2006/507 号主席说明中所列的创新措 施是否帮助各会员国了解了安理会的作情
Today’s debate offers an opportunity for the Council tohear first hand
[...] whether the practical applications of the innovations listed in presidential note S/2006/507 have helped Member States to followthework of theCouncil.
因此,监察组认为,使用基斯马 尤港的贸易商和运输商是情自与能给青年党这个被安理会指认 的实体产生大量经济利益的商业交易的,因此,它们有可能违反安理会第 1844(2008)号决议。
The Monitoring Group
[...] therefore considers many of the major traders and transporters who use Kismaayo to be consciously andvoluntarily engaging in commercial [...]
transactions that accrue significant financialbenefit to Al-Shabaab, a designated
entity, and therefore to be in potential violation of Security Council resolution 1844 (2008).
对於医管局的前线医生未获告知在有即时生命危险的 紧急情况下,不应向病人收取所需药物的费用的原则;也不知 悉用药评估委员会在2006年 3 月所作出的决定( 即在紧,若临床医生的专业判断认为有需要使用自费药物,或将专 用药物用於药物名册中所列适用范围外的用途,而又没有其他 替代药物,则有关专用药物不应作自物收费);委员深表 关注。
Members expressed grave concern about the unawareness of frontline doctors of HA of the principle that patients should not be charged for needed drugs in
immediate life threatening
[...] emergency situation as well as DURC's decision made in March 2006 which stated that in case of emergency situations, if the use of a SFI or a Special Drug outside its indications specified in the Formulary was considered necessary based on clinicians' professional judgement, and no other alternatives were available, the Special Drug should not be charged as SFI.
(1) 凡有协议由发展局或委员会订立或是就发展局或委员会而订 立,或有交易由发展局或委员会达成或是就发展局或委员会而达成,或有 其他事情由发展局或委员是向或就发展局或委员会而该 协议、交易或事情在紧接生效日期前是有效的,则该协议、交易或情自日期起,在符合本条例的范围内,具有犹如是由政府或是向或就政府 而订立、达成或作出一样的效力。
(1) Any agreement made or transaction effected or other thing done by, to or in relation to the Board or the Committee which was in force or effective immediately before the commencement has effect as from the commencement as if made, effected or done by, to or in relation to the Government to the extent that it is consistent with this Ordinance.




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