

单词 自体



autoimmune disease


freedom of the media


floor (gymnastics)



External sources (not reviewed)

氚SPO则是一种由氚同位素活化自体 发 光 物质。
Tritium SPO is a self luminous material, [...]
activated by the only slightly radioactive isotope Tritium.
天然的骨移植替代物,用于引自体 牙 槽 骨再生。
Natural bone substitution material [...]
for use with guided bone regeneration.
一些发言者来自主要群体,增添了会议的真 正价值,也得到各体自己的 高度赞赏,他们认为自己为本次重要会议做出了实 [...]
The fact that some of the speakers were from the major groups added real value
to the sessions and was greatly
[...] appreciated by the groups themselves, which felt [...]
they were making a meaningful contribution to this important meeting.
值此世界新闻自由日之际,美国和世界各地人民一起重申表达、集会和结社的基本自由,这些自由为 体自 由 运 作和保持公民知情提供基础。
On this World Press Freedom Day, the United States joins with people around the world in
reaffirming the
[...] fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association that provide the foundation for media to operate [...]
freely and keep citizens informed.
教科文组织致力于促进民主参与,做法是支持制定有利于 体自 由 、 媒 体独 立 的立法,支持就非党派和独立报道技巧问题对记者和媒体专业人员进行培训, [...]
UNESCO is working to foster democratic participation by providing support for the introduction of
legislation relating to the media
[...] that is conducive the freedom and independence of [...]
the media, and support for the training
of journalists and media professionals in non-partisan and independent reporting techniques, especially in conflict and post-conflict areas, as well as by assisting the media in covering elections.
[...] 标、全民教育、扫盲、文明间对话、可持续发展教育、和平文化、尊重与对话、言论自由和 体自 由 、 文凭问 题公约的国际认可与了解、保护濒危语言、性别平等、非洲、气候变化、应对全球挑战的科学研究、科学知识 [...]
These may comprise areas such as education-related MDGs, EFA, literacy, dialogue among civilizations, Education for Sustainable
Development, culture of peace, respect and
[...] dialogue, freedom of speech and the media, mutual international [...]
recognition and understanding
of conventions on qualifications, protection of endangered languages, gender equality, Africa, climate change, scientific research to address global challenges, scientific knowledge and innovation, protecting natural and cultural heritage and diversity, local and traditional knowledge.
该组织呼吁重新考虑拒绝允许政党 和体自由运作的建议这一决定。
It called on reconsidering the rejection of the recommendation to allow political
[...] parties and the media to operate freely.
美国促请该国政府接受建议,不再要求非政府组 织请求内政部批准和向其报告,并重新考虑开放党禁和允许 体自 由 报 道。
It urged the Government to accept the recommendation calling to stop the requirement for non-governmental organizations to seek approval from and report to the
Ministry of the Interior, and to reconsider the recommendation to allow political
[...] parties and the media to operate freely.
促请会员国以及媒体、媒体协会、 体自 律 机 构、学校及其他有关伙伴在尊 重体自由的 同时,酌情开展提高公共意识的宣传活动并制定适当措施和机制, 例如有关媒体暴力的行业守则和自律措施,以便提高对妇女权利和尊严的尊重, 防止歧视妇女和形成陈旧的性别观念。
Member States and the media, media
[...] associations, media self-regulatory bodies, schools and other relevant partners, while respecting the freedom of the media, are urged, [...]
as appropriate, to develop
public awareness campaigns and appropriate measures and mechanisms, such as codes of ethics and selfregulatory measures on media violence, aimed at enhancing respect for the rights and dignity of women while discouraging both discrimination and gender stereotyping.
该领域的援助重点依然是,促进和保护巴勒斯坦领土的 体自 由 与 独立,以及通过对 国家视听档案的建立提供支助来获取信息。
Assistance in this area continued to focus on the promotion and
[...] protection of free and independent media in the Palestinian [...]
Territories, as well as on access
to information through support to the establishment of national audiovisual archives.
此外,专家组报告说,苏丹政府声称苏丹武装部队和中央后备警察只从事防 御行动,而专家组收到的可靠信息表明,这两个行 体自 2010年初以来,还袭 击了反叛团体在达尔富尔的据点,因此,他们的行动目的不只是自卫或保护平民。
Moreover, the Panel reports that, contrary to Government claims that SAF and CRP engage in defensive operations only, the Panel received credible
information indicating
[...] that the two actors have also attacked rebel positions in Darfur since early 2010 and, [...]
therefore, do not act
exclusively in self-defence or to protect civilians.
[...] 动方式相结合,其目的在于劝导相关机构和其他利 益攸关方履行各自援助义务,同时发放直接援助物 资、增强流离失所者体自我保 护能力。
Its situation assessments and operating responses combined various modes of action aimed at persuading authorities and other stakeholders to meet their assistance
obligations, as well as distributing direct assistance and
[...] strengthening the self-protection ability of displaced groups.
见解和言论自由问题特别报告员弗兰克·拉吕先生 2009 年 3
[...] 月的报告,赞 扬政府已采取措施在国家推进体自 由 , 呼吁国际社会协助马尔代夫的民主化进 程。
The Report of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Mr Frank La Rue in March 2009 commended the Government
for the steps it had taken towards the
[...] advancement of media freedom in the country [...]
and called on the international community
to assist the Maldives in its democratisation process.
[...] 列以人权教育为主题的专业发展课程;这些主题包括非歧视、自由、人权及基本 法、知识产权、新闻及体自由、平等及社会和谐、和权利及义务。
These themes include “non-discrimination”, “freedom”, “human rights
and the Basic Law”, “intellectual
[...] property”, “freedom of press and the media”, “equality [...]
and social harmony”, and “rights and responsibilities”.
换 言之,紧急状况 作为一个法律措 施 不 再危及个人和体自由的行使,目前 由关于处理具 体 问 题的法律和规章管辖 个 人和体自由, 譬 如 公 众 集 会和示威 游 行 , 或者政 党 活 动 和 协 会活动 , 仅 举 几 例。
In other words, as a legal measure the state of emergency no longer
jeopardizes the exercise
[...] of individual and collective liberties, which are now governed by laws and regulations that deal with specific aspects, such as public [...]
meetings and demonstrations,
or the activities of political parties and those of associations, to name but a few.
Yeo 先生概述了在新加坡建立强有力的公共行政的主要治理原则:(a) 对体自由采 取务实主义,同时注意社会和谐,在制定经济和工业政策时,采取市场 [...]
主导和国家主导两种做法;(b) 制定公共政策,鼓励建立靠雇员工资和雇主缴款 融资的多个利益攸关方储蓄计划,从而避免依赖文化;(c)
定期评价政策的宗旨 和机构的相干性;(d) 采取综合治理办法,促进机构间的协调与合作;(e) 提倡 诚实、透明和不容忍腐败的风气,减少腐败行为的诱导因素;(e) 强调开发人力 资本,为此注重任人唯贤和不断学习。
Mr. Yeo outlined the key principles of governance for the establishment of a strong public
administration in Singapore: (a) adopting pragmatism
[...] towards group freedoms with an eye on [...]
social harmony, and the mixed use of market
and State-led approaches in economic and industrial policymaking; (b) avoiding a culture of dependency through public policies that encourage multi-stakeholder saving schemes funded by employee wages and employer contributions; (c) evaluating the purpose of policy and the relevance of institutions on a regular basis; (d) embracing a holistic approach to government and promoting inter-agency coordination and cooperation; (e) promoting honesty, transparency and intolerance for corruption and reducing incentives for corrupt behaviour; and (e) emphasizing human capital development through a focus on meritocracy and continuous learning.
南南合作是南方人民和国家团结一致的表现,有助于这些国家的国民福 祉、国家和体自力更 生,有助于实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目 标。
South-South cooperation is a manifestation of solidarity among peoples and countries of the South that
contributes to their national well-being,
[...] national and collective self-reliance and the [...]
attainment of internationally agreed
development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
这份拟议的行为守则从头至尾都 体现着两条基本原则:各国都有为和平利用而进入空间的权利以及各国都有单独 或是体自卫的权利。
Two underlying principles are found throughout the proposed Code of Conduct:
the right of all to access space for peaceful uses and
[...] the right of all to self-defence, either individual or collective.
除第 5
[...] 条的规定以外,一国按照《联合国宪章》行使个别或 体自卫 权 时,有权全部或部分中止本国作为缔约国并且与行使该项权利不符的条约 [...]
Subject to the provisions of article
5, a State exercising its right of
[...] individual or collective self-defence in accordance [...]
with the Charter of the United Nations
is entitled to suspend in whole or in part the operation of a treaty to which it is a party and which is incompatible with the exercise of that right.
[...] 其他严重违反知情权的行为,包括威胁记者、新闻封锁和媒体审查,并敦促军政 府恢复体自由报道新闻的权利。
In the aftermath of the coup, Reporters Without Borders denounced these and other grave violations of the right to information, including threats to
journalists, news blackout and media censorship, and urged the military junta to
[...] restore the media’s right to freely report news.
委员会建议缔约国为收集种族歧视受害者的有关资料,根据具体的准则,制定和 采用适当的方法,收集的资料包括母语、共同讲的语言、个人和 体自 我 界 定的 族裔多样性的其他指标,以及举报种族歧视肇事者的案件数量与案件性质 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party develop and apply appropriate methodologies for the collection of relevant information about victims of racial discrimination including on mother tongues, languages commonly spoken, or other
indicators of ethnic diversity
[...] on the basis of self-identification of persons and groups, together with [...]
the number and nature
of cases brought against perpetrators of racial discrimination, convictions obtained and sentences imposed, in accordance with the specific guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1).
与此同时,应当明确的一点是,在引用和平解决 争端原则的时候绝不能损害一项固有的权利,这就
[...] 是:在出现联合国会员国遭受武装攻击的情况时,各 国有权进行单独或体自卫,直至安全理事会采取必 要措施维护国际和平与安全。
It should be made clear at the same time that the reference to the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes must in
no way impair the inherent right of
[...] individual or collective self-defense if an armed [...]
attack occurs against a Member of the
United Nations until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.
[...] 为,这并不侵犯发生针对一个联合国会员国的侵略时 根据《宪章》第 51 条行使个别或体自卫的 固有权利, 它也不影响各国人民抵制占领和实现自决的权利。
Lebanon believes that this does not
infringe the inherent right of States to
[...] individual or collective selfdefence in the event [...]
of aggression against a Member of the
United Nations, as stipulated in Article 51 of the Charter, or the right of peoples to resist occupation and to achieve self-determination.
最近的一项研究以海藻碘为土壤外源碘,通过植物碘强化的生物地球化学过程,在培育含碘作物的同时,逐渐使缺碘的生态环境得到改善,从而为克服食盐加碘的缺陷和彻底消除碘缺乏病,开辟了一种 体自 然 补 碘的新途径。
Using iodine fertilizer extracted from algae as exogenous iodine of soil, we cultivate iodine-contained vegetables and plants via iodine biofortification of plant through which iodine deficient environment can be gradually mended. A natural approach for iodine supplementation is established, which can overcome the defects of salt iodization and eliminate thoroughly iodine deficiency disease.
腹地艺术团,一个总部设于底特律的身体戏剧 体 , 自 组 建以来一直尝试用最好的办法来表现轻歌舞剧这一概念,以此确定底特律在人口和观念发生变化过程中的身份属性。
The Hinterlands, a Detroit-based physical theater ensemble, has been experimenting with the construct of Vaudeville as a way of investigating Detroit’s identity in the face of changing demographics and ideals.
[...] 合国系统内立足区域和国家的各实体应了解该部的工作内容以及该部的工作与 这些体自己的活动有何相关性。
As a Headquarters entity, the Department has global reach, but for its work to have impact, regional and
country-based entities of the United Nations system should know what it does and how its work is
[...] relevant to their own activities.
在随后的数天、数周和数月里, 体自 身 的 愈合过程将会创造新的组织来取代受影响的部位,表皮层充当了天然绷带的作用帮助愈合,使皮肤看上去更光滑、更年轻。
In the following days, weeks and
[...] months, the body’s own healing process [...]
will create new tissue to replace the affected areas,
aided by the epidermis that acts as a natural bandage and resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin.
荣邦公司目前的主要经营产品有: 体自 动 灭 火系统;雨淋报警阀系统;湿式报警阀系统;泡沫灭火系统;洒水喷头系列;消防水泵结器系列;消火栓系列;消防警铃、消防应急照明灯、消防应急标志灯系列;手动火灾报警按钮系列;卡拉OK火灾音视频报警切换器;高楼救生缓降器;木质、钢质防火门、防火卷系列;防火涂料系列;各类手提、推车式灭火器;悬挂式自动灭火装置等。
The present main products of
[...] Rongbang Company have: Automatic fire [...]
extinguishing system of gas; Drenched with rain the alarm
valve system; Wet type alarm valve system; Foam fire extinguishing system; Watering shower nozzle series; Water pump forming device series of fire control ; Series of the fire hydrant; Fire control alarm bell, fire control meet an urgent need light , little projector marker light series; Manual fire alarm button series; Karaoka disc fire audio frequency and video report to the police the switching over device ; Surviving and lowering device of high building; Wooden, the fire door of the steel, a series that fire prevention; Coating series of the fireproofing; All kinds of receptors, push the car type fire extinguisher ; Hanging type automatic fire extinguisher ,etc..




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