

单词 臣僚

See also:

"Your Servant", form of address used when speaking a ruler
submit oneself to the rule of or acknowledge allegiance to
surname Chen
serve a ruler as his subject
state official or subject in dynastic China
Kangxi radical 168

External sources (not reviewed)

为了提高我们的绩效,我打算很快成立一个内部特别工作组,负责在所确定的时间范 围内审查和简化我们的僚工作程序。
To improve our performance, I intend quickly to establish an internal and time-bound Task Force that will review
[...] and simplify our bureaucratic procedures.
但逐渐建立了新的 法律和政策框架,确保以有效、合理和非 僚 主 义 的方式处理移民流动的问题, 并建立一个有利于增进和保护移民权利的环境。
Progressively, however, a new legal and policy framework was
introduced so as to ensure an efficient,
[...] rationalized and non-bureaucratic handling of migration [...]
flows as well as the creation of
an enabling environment for the promotion and protection of the rights of migrants.
目前,更可能出现的情况 是由技术僚基于 事物本身情况来做决定,而不是 由将军们来做决定,并且很有希望出现一个更公平 的竞争环境。
Decisions are now more likely to be made by technocrats on the basis of their merits rather than by generals, and there is the prospect of a more level playing field emerging.
臣的同僚 、其所屬的國會政黨、所屬選 區 ,以及特別 是傳媒 ,會向其大施 壓 力 ,要求 他就其作為負責,並提出辭 職。
Considerable pressure may have been put on him- by his ministerial colleagues, his parliamentary party, his constituency and particularly the media- to take responsibility for his actions and to resign.
二十年前,当这一 时刻来到我们面前时,对于那些苏联 僚 机 构 先前臣民——学生、艺术家、异议人士、工人、男女老幼 [...]
——来说,这不是历史的终结,与之相反,这是历史 的新开端。
When the moment came 20 years ago for us, the former
[...] subjects of the Soviet bureaucracy — students, artists, [...]
dissidents, workers, men and women,
old and young — it was hardly the end of history; on the contrary, it was a new beginning of history.
2009 年 6 月,美国国际贸易委员会发表了一份关于向古巴出售农产品的报
[...] 告,承认限制两国之间贸易的因素包括:古巴进口商支付条件困难;由于 Alimport 公司的僚增加 了储存或滞港费用;需要前往古巴的出口商获得许可证的程序复 [...]
In June 2009, the United States International Trade Commission published a report on sales of agricultural products to Cuba in which it was recognized that the constraints on trade between the two countries included: difficult payment terms for Cuban importers; additional costs
incurred by Alimport for storage or
[...] demurrage owing to bureaucratic obstacles; the complex [...]
and drawn-out licensing process
for exporters who need to travel to Cuba; travel restrictions affecting Cuban negotiators; and penalties under United States law for foreign ships that have docked in Cuban ports and for the Cuban Government’s purchases from certain countries for geopolitical considerations.
葉國謙議員匯報,法案委員會曾詳細審 議各項藉適應化修改建議作出修訂的條文,並參 考了《釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )所載有關英國駐 香港軍隊的權利、豁免及義務,以及對" 女皇陛 下 "、 "皇室"、 "官方"、 "英國政府"及 "國務臣" 等提 述的釋義原則;政府當局的法律適應化計劃 的指導原則;以及《中華人民共和國香港特別行 政區駐軍法》。
Mr IP Kwok-him reported that the Bills Committee had examined in detail the provisions to be amended by the adaptation proposals, and had made reference to the interpretative principles as set out in the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) relating to the rights, exemptions and obligations of military forces stationed in Hong Kong by the United Kingdom, and references to "Her Majesty", "the Crown", "the British Government" and "the Secretary of State"; the guiding principles for the Administration's adaptation of laws programmes; as well as the Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
此外,粮食计划署进行了编写全球谅解信和制订绩效和问责制框架 的讨论,同时强调了避免不必要的 僚 作 风 的重要性。
In addition, WFP engaged in discussions to formulate a global letter of
understanding and a performance and accountability framework, while emphasizing the importance of
[...] avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy.
副董事長雷凡培先生 因工作原因未能出席,委托副董事長謝偉良先生行使表決權;董事張俊超先生因工 作原因未能出席,委托董事王臣先 生 行使表決權;獨立董事曲曉輝女士因工作原 因未能出席,委托獨立董事談振輝先生行使表決權;獨立董事魏煒先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托獨立董事陳乃蔚先生行使表決權;獨立董事石義德先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托獨立董事陳乃蔚先生行使表決權。
Mr. Timothy Alexander Steinert, Independent Director, was unable to attend the meeting due to work reasons, and had authorised Mr. Chen Naiwei, Independent Director, to vote on his behalf.
持有“保守派”观点的官 员包括离任的吴丁昂敏乌副总统和他的一些内阁僚(见下文第五点)。
It has been associated with the departing vice president, Tin Aung Myint Oo, and some of his colleagues in cabinet (see Section V below).
但是,据许 多非政府组织报告,它们遇到一些 僚 主 义障碍和腐败问题,使那些本来就很难 获得体面的生活和生计的脆弱人群本已渺茫的机会受到进一步影响。
Yet many NGOs reported
[...] encountering bureaucratic hurdles and corruption, [...]
which are thus affecting the already poor chances
of the most vulnerable to a decent life and livelihood.
至 于对不依法行事的法官提出的另外一些补救措施,提交人认为,那又是另外一层 终将被证明无效的僚机构程序。
As to the other remedies available against a
judge acting unlawfully, the author considers this procedure
[...] another layer of bureaucracy which would prove [...]
如果政 府 仍 然 以 傳 統 的 態 度 看待這個問題, 以十分僵 化 的思維模式 、
[...] 僵 化 的 行 政 態 度 、 僵 化 的僚心 態 、 僵 化 的法律 觀點來研 究這個問題, [...]
便只會 令小市民在每次過關 時 也 要 責 罵 政 府 一 次 。
If the Government is still looking at this problem from a conventional perspective, and if it is to approach this problem from a very
inflexible way of thinking and a rigid
[...] administrative and bureaucratic mentality, plus [...]
an obdurate legal viewpoint, it will
only make the people curse the Government every time they go through customs clearance.
19 仍然急需更多这样的援助,但是赞助系统速度太慢且 僚 主 义 严重,不能维持图书馆对最 新教科书的收藏。
But donors’ systems are just
[...] too slow and bureaucratic to enable libraries [...]
to maintain up-to-date textbook collections.
我們在 1997 年 6
[...] 月把 556CL 號工程計劃「安臣道發展計劃的 規劃及工程可行性研究」提升為甲級;按付款當日價格計算,估計所 [...]
需費用為 1,870 萬元,用以委聘顧問進行擬議發展計劃的規劃及工程 可行性研究。
In June 1997, we upgraded 556CL
“Planning and engineering feasibility study for
[...] development at Anderson Road” to Category [...]
A at an estimated cost of $18.7 million
in MOD prices for engaging consultants to carry out the planning and engineering feasibility study for the proposed development.
谨随函附上 2010 年 6 月 6 日卡塔尔国首相兼外交臣谢赫 哈马德·本·贾 西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给你的信(见附件)及其附文,即关于和平解决厄立 特里亚国和吉布提共和国边界争端的协定,该协定由厄立特里亚国总统和吉布提 共和国总统以及卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼殿下作为调 解人和见证人代表卡塔尔国于 2010 年 6 月 6 日签署。
I have the honour to enclose herewith a letter dated 6 June 2010 addressed to you by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar (see annex), with its enclosure, the Agreement concerning peaceful settlement of the border dispute between the State of Eritrea and the Republic of Djibouti, signed on 6 June 2010 by the President of the State of Eritrea and the President of the Republic of Djibouti, and signed on behalf of the State of Qatar as mediator and witness by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar.
但实际上,正如任何管理体系分散的 僚 机 构一样,秘书处及 其领导在决定重大事宜和一系列可能的解决方案时拥有或多或少的权利。
In reality, as in any bureaucracy where governance [...]
has a dispersed structure, the secretariat and its leadership play a
greater or lesser role in defining the important issues, and determining the range of possible solutions.
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事务 臣 一 致 同意合力促进和支持奥 林匹克休战的理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 共同在和平的环境中通过体育而进行竞赛。
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work together to promote and support the ideals of the Olympic Truce to build a better world and bring people from different nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment.
例如,减少僚手续 可以降低交易成本,提高竞争力和鼓励企业 在正规经济中经营。
For instance, reducing bureaucratic procedures can [...]
lower transaction costs, increase competitiveness and encourage businesses
to operate in the formal economy.
在某些情况下未能完全执行计划是因为上述经费缩减,以及一些市的 僚障 碍 和预算赤字――这些地方需要开展合作,才能成功执行该计划。
Incomplete implementation of the plan in some
cases is due to the aforementioned
[...] cutbacks, as well as bureaucratic barriers and budget [...]
deficits in some of the municipalities
where cooperation is required for the successful implementation of the plan.
各位部长欢迎吉布提和平进程中取得的积极的政治发展与进步,包括任命 穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德阁下为索马里过渡政府总理和组建新的技术僚内阁,并保证获得其承诺和支持。
The Ministers welcomed the positive political developments and progress made in the Djibouti peace process, including the appointment of H.E. Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed as the Prime Minister of the TFG of Somalia and the formation of the new technocratic cabinet and assured their commitment and support.
在偷运移民调查方面,国际合作面临的挑战是克服语 言、文化、僚作风和各机构之间缺乏信任的障碍。
The challenge of international cooperation in smuggling
of migrants investigations is to overcome barriers of
[...] language, culture, bureaucracy and lack of trust [...]
between agencies.
[...] 受威尼斯模式啟發的新政府體制,設置掌握行政強權的終身職總督,由其管轄 僚 系 統 與顧 問團隊。
This new system of government, partly inspired by the
Venetian model, establishes a strong executive doge who serves for life and
[...] presides over a bureaucracy and advisory bodies.
特别重视通过精减和简化程序,部门和处室对各种活动进行更好的全面规划以及避免 责任分散,来减少僚做法 ,形成少管制、多问责的风气,减少固有的协调费用。
Special emphasis is being given to lighten bureaucratic practices with a culture of less control and more accountability and inherent coordination costs through a streamlining and simplification of procedures, a better overall planning of the different activities by Sector and office and avoidance of dispersed responsibilities.
其它重要考虑包 括人力资本、僚主义 结构,及占主导地位的文 化和传统等因素。
Other important considerations include
[...] human capital, bureaucratic infrastructure [...]
as well as the dominant culture and traditions.
今天,新加坡以一个富裕的城市国家闻名于全球,具有良好的公共教育系统、高 效的公共交通、安全的街道和一个高素质且诚信的 僚 体 系
Singapore is, today, globally renowned for being a wealthy city-State with an
excellent public education system, efficient public transport, safe streets and a highly
[...] capable and honest bureaucracy.
陳婉嫻議員:主席女士,在今天解散 香港康體發 展 局(“康體局 ”
)的條例 草案已屆 二 讀 三 讀 之 際 , 我有很 大 的 感 觸 , 那 是 因 為在審議 這 項 條例草案過 程中, 我們曾 把 它 擱 置 ,
[...] 至於擱 置 的 原因,是因 為 負 責這項 條例草案的 有關 人士過分僚 而 致
MISS CHAN YUEN-HAN (in Cantonese): Madam President, the Bill to dissolve the Hong Kong Sports Development Board (SDB) is soon to be read the Third time today and I am full of mixed feelings, for during the deliberation process, we have
once shelved it, and the shelving was
[...] due to excessive bureaucratic red tape of the [...]
relevant persons in charge of the Bill.
[...] 署支持国家推动的公共行政和地方治理努力,不仅要加强制衡,而且要逐步改变 行政部门的僚文化 ,在公共管理中更加注重专业价值观、问责制和法治。
In the Maldives, UNDP supports nationally driven public administration and local governance efforts, not only to strengthen
checks and balances, but also to
[...] gradually change the bureaucratic culture of the administration, [...]
forging a stronger focus
on professional values, accountability and the rule of law in public management.
在工作人员于 2002 至 2006 年间进行了普遍抵制 之后,大多数工作人员代表机构已重返员工和管理当 局协调会,以确保本组织的改革能结合工作人员的意 见,这也是因为他们与管理当局僚 建 立 起了相互尊 重和符合职业精神的关系。
After a general staff boycott between 2002 and 2006, most staff representative bodies had returned to SMCC, in order to ensure that organizational reforms were undertaken with the staff’s input, and also because they enjoyed a respectful and professional relationship with their management counterparts.
[...] 乏能力,甚至倾向于拒绝履行责任,否认存在人道主 义需求,或拒不承认人道主义需求的严重程度,并且 设置不必要的僚障碍
In too many cases, States lack capacity or, worse, are inclined to deny
their responsibilities, deny the existence or degree of humanitarian need, and
[...] construct unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles.




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