单词 | 臀部 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 臀部—buttockbuttocks臀部noun, plural—thighsplSee also:臀—buttocks butt 臀n—hipn
脊椎盘的问题往往引起下腰部和(或) 臀部疼痛。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Problems with spinal discs usually [...] cause pain in the lower backand/orbuttock. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
年轻时或中年时臀部遭受的看似无害的变化或损伤,可能会在数年后引起关节炎。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Seemingly innocent changes or [...] injuries in the hip in youth or middle [...]age may cause arthritis in later years. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
沐浴同时收紧肌肤,适用於腰腹、大腿、 臀部及手腕部份,用後清爽凉快。 aster.com.hk | Tighten the skin while bathing for [...] waist,thighs, buttocks and wrist, refreshing [...]and cool. aster.com.hk |
从怀孕的首三个月开始每天涂两次在腹部,胸部, 臀部,屁股和大腿,以维持皮肤的弹性继而说明阻止妊娠纹的形成。 cosme-de.com | Bio-Oil should be applied to the [...] abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocksand thighs twice daily [...]from the first trimester, to help [...]prevent the appearance of pregnancy stretch marks by moisturizing and maintaining the elasticity of the skin. cosme-de.com |
由于有把臀部推上,和头部推下的 动 作 ,婴 儿 会 继 续 自 己 倒 转 。 degeboortegolf.nl | By simultaneously moving thebuttocks upward andthe [...] head downward, the child will then continue to turn on his own. degeboortegolf.nl |
学生要保持合适的坐姿,後背靠在座椅背,臀部挨着座垫面,并将双手放在自己的身前。 lilburnms.com | Students will remain properly seated, back against the back of the seat, bottom against the bottomof the seat, and keep hands to themselves. lilburnms.com |
每次换尿布时,要在臀部皮肤上有红癍的地方,涂上带有锌氧化物的药膏:一般来讲孩子腹泻期间 [...] 这些红癍一直持续,会使孩子难受。 stranieriincampania.it | if the baby’s bottom is red,change [...] the nappy regularly and spread an ointment containing zinc oxide on the irritated part [...]at each change: often the redness remains for the whole time that the baby suffers with diarrhoea. stranieriincampania.it |
他还告诉代表团,他被迫面向墙壁双臂举 过头顶站立,然后用木棍击打臀部。 daccess-ods.un.org | He also told the delegation that he was [...] made to stand facing the wall with his arms stretched above his head, and then was struck [...] with thebat onthe buttocks. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一名出示 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因为腹部持续疼痛反射至背部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another showed his healthcare booklet in which he requests an X-ray because of persistent pain in the abdomen radiating to the backand left hip; no response was noted in the carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence. daccess-ods.un.org |
塑料为各种各样使用范围从膝盖和臀部括号的orthotics、弭补科和矫形设备到可植入的可移植的设备在膝盖、 臀部、手、脚和脊椎。 professionalplastics.com | Plastics are used for a variety of [...] orthotics, prosthetics and orthopedic devices ranging from knee and hip braces to implantable devices in knee, hip, hand, foot and spine. professionalplastics.com |
暗疮多在面孔及肩膊,但也可在躯干、手、脚、及 臀部出现。 lavedo.com | Acne commonly appears on the face and shoulders, but may also occur on the [...] trunk, arms,legs, andbuttocks. lavedo.com |
他的背部右 侧和臀部右侧还有两处子弹贯通伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | He had a further two bullet wounds to the right side of the [...] back and rightbuttock,bothback to front. daccess-ods.un.org |
性侵犯/淫秽物:携有或传送有关以下所列的 文字描述,图像,录音,或任何类似的其他 [...] 材料,包括:(a)任何类型的性行为,(b) 暴露未成年人的生殖器,阴部,乳房或 臀部,或(c)其他有图形的色情内容。 lilburnms.com | Sexually Exploitative/Sexually Explicit materials. Possession or transmission by any means of descriptions, images, recordings, or other materials involving (a) sexual acts of [...] any type, (b) exposure of the genitals, pubic [...] area, breastsorbuttocks of a minor, or (c) [...]other graphic sexual content. lilburnms.com |
呛入的危险是在给小孩洗澡或清洗臀部时表现出来的。 stranieriincampania.it | A baby is exposed to the risk of inhalation when having a bath [...] and when having his bottom cleaned. stranieriincampania.it |
洁净身体後,取适量涂轻轻按摩以助吸收,按摩於腰腹、 臀部及大腿等肥胖浮肿部位,加速脂肪的分解。 aster.com.hk | The smoothing herbal and floral scent from Lavender essential brings you peaceful mind, and restful sleep. aster.com.hk |
(a) 所有球员组成、加入或参加在ruck必须使他们的头部与肩膀不低於他们的臀部。 irblaws.com | (a) All players forming, joining or taking part in a ruck must have [...] their heads and shoulders no lower than theirhips. irblaws.com |
它会抬起头跟着您的手势,并会在此过程中放低 臀部。 eukanuba.com.cn | He'll raise his head to follow your hand and, in the [...] process, lower hisrump. eukanuba.com.au |
有的人体形上也许看不出什么变化来:没有超重,腹部到 臀部的比例也没有明显增加,但是做一个磁共振成像可以看出腹内脂肪明显积聚。 aging-management.com | Externally people can look fine: not overweight, no significant increase in their waistto hip measurement [...] ratio, yet if they have [...]an MRI scan one can reveal significant build up of intra-abdominal fat. aging-management.com |
轻轻弯曲并伸直手腕、 肘部、肩部、脚踝、膝盖、臀部和颈部,保持关节灵活。 thewpca.org | Keep the joints flexible by gently bending and straightening the wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees, hipsand neck. thewpca.org |
这项研究证明,轻松、简单和高效的PowerPlate®振动训练可以击败赘肉(橘皮组织),可以加速和促进胶原蛋白的重塑,改善血液循环、增加瘦肉组织、帮助人们减肥,并减少 臀部、大 腿和小腿的尺寸。 powerplate.com | This study shows that Power Plate Training is extremely effective and time efficient; the cardio group took four times longer to improve 32.3%, while the [...] Power Plate Training group improved 25.7% in an average of 10-minute [...] sessions, two or three times a week, over six months. powerplate.com |
具体而言,许多妇女投诉说,她们的 臀部和胸部受到击打,毒打使她们 的腿或手骨折。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, many complaints referred to [...] blowsto thebuttocks and chest areas, [...]as well as of serious beatings resulting [...]in broken bones in the leg or hand. daccess-ods.un.org |
配偶可以用一点力按摩脊背下部――大约离脊椎5 厘米的部位,在二侧部位旋转(方向从脊椎向外)移动至 臀部上的“下 凹”部位。 cicpraha.org | He or she can apply a strong pressure on a spot in your lower back - your partner can make circular movements approx. 5 cm [...] on the left and right [...] side ofyour spine(withthe direction away from the spine) and move down to the smallof your back. cicpraha.org |
在Vogue上看到两个编辑为peplum掐起了架,一个说peplum不适合凹凸有致的女性,因为上身太窄,而在腰部忽然打开,把注意力都吸引到 臀部。 parischerie.com | I saw an article in Vogue about two editors debating over the peplum, one strongly against it who argued that it’s unflattering for curvy [...] women because peplum tops are narrow on top and then widen out on the waist line which draws [...] attention to thehip area. parischerie.com |
确实,出生后的头几个星期对于婴儿的发育至关重要,所以 [...] BABYBJORN 婴儿背袋旨在为新生儿的头部、颈部、脊柱和 臀部提供妥帖支撑。 babybjorn.cn | Indeed, because the first few weeks of life are critical to an infant’s [...] development, BabyBjorn Baby Carriers are designed to provide proper support for a [...] newborn’s head, neck, spine andhips. babybjorn.ru |
夏奇拉获得的其他奖项还包括数个拉丁格莱美奖、2006美国音乐奖的最受欢迎拉丁歌手奖,并因歌曲《 臀部不说谎》获得了2007人民选择奖最喜欢的流行歌曲奖。 unicef.org | The singer has had a number of successful musical collaborations and also wrote two songs for the film Love in the Time of Cholera, which is based on the book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. unicef.org |
橙皮脂肪是脂肪积聚在皮肤之下,可分布於 臀部、大腿、小腿、腹部或甚至肩膊等地方。 lavedo.com | Cellulite is fat deposited just below the surface of the skin. It occurs around the hips, thighs, lower legs, abdomen, and even on the shoulder. lavedo.com |
07 时,Mayadin 地区第十区,身份不明人员向 Mayadin 军事保安部队一等准 [...] 尉 Muhammad Nasseraddin Hasan 开枪,打中他的臀部和右臂。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0700 hours, in the tenth district of the Mayadin area, unknown persons fired on Chief Warrant Officer [...] Muhammad Nasseraddin Hasan, of the military security group in Mayadin, [...] wounding him in thebuttocks andright upper arm. daccess-ods.un.org |
数据显示,女性的臀部与大腿最容易积聚脂肪,所以有「啤梨型」这个形容;而男性的脂肪则大多数集中在腹部,就是所谓的「苹果型」。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | Statistics showthat the buttocksand thighs of female [...] are the places where fat are likely to accumulate, resulting in "pear-shaped” [...]body; male fat is mostly accumulated in the abdomen, and hence we have so-called "apple-shaped" body. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
此外,你的脊椎和下肢的负荷,长期退化的脊椎, 臀部,膝盖和脚踝关节 (骨关节炎) 。 institutododelta.com.br | Additionally, [...] overload your spine and lower limbs, with long-term degeneration (osteoarthritis) of the joints of the spine, hips, knees and ankles. institutododelta.com.br |
基于(MP)2技术,维那斯天鹅使用有磁性脉冲和无线电电波 (射频)的创新组合为各种不同的身体和面部包括双臂、腹部、 大腿、 臀部、脖子和脸带来神奇的效果。 venus-concept.com | Based on (MP)² Technology, Venus Swan uses an innovative synergy of magnetic pulse and radio frequency (RF) to deliver superior [...] results pain-free and pleasantly for various body and face parts [...] including arms, abdomen,thighs,buttocks,neck and face. venus-concept.com |