

单词 腹胀

See also:


abdomen n
stomach n
belly n

be bloated

External sources (not reviewed)

Gas, bloating, belching, loss [...]
of appetite, nausea and discomfort may indicate a more serious condition, or dyspepsia, which
is a generalized term for poor digestion.
以右上腹痛为主要症状,向右肩胛部延伸,伴有食欲不振、乏力 腹胀 、 低 热,恶心及黄疸等。
And the main symptom presents as pain in right upper abdomen, which could extends to right scapular
region and is accompanied by poor
[...] appetite, lack of power, abdominal distension, low-grade fever, [...]
nausea, jaundice and so on.
研究表明,HOWARU® Bifido 可通过减少偶发性疼痛腹胀和便 秘来改善肠道舒适度。
HOWARU® Bifido was shown to improve gut comfort by reducing
[...] occasional pain, bloating, and constipation.
肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种功能性肠道疾病,全世界有3-15%的人患有肠易激综合征,这种病可引起肠痉挛 腹 痛 、 胀 气 、 腹 泻 和 便秘。
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gut disorder
that affects between 3-15% of people worldwide causing
[...] cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, diarrhea and constipation.
2.腹痛:半数左右的患者有右腹痛 胀 痛 或 不适、体重减轻、食欲不振等症状,这些症状常被视为胆管癌早期预警症状。
Abdominal pain: nearly half of patients would suffer from abdominal distention [...]
or discomforts, weight loss, poor appetite,
etc. These symptoms are usually regarded as early warning symptoms of bile duct cancer.
短链碳水化合物不容易或是根本无法被小肠吸收,当它们到达大肠后产生渗透作用,被结肠细菌分解,从而引 胀 气 、 腹胀 、 腹 泻 、 便秘、排气和疼痛。
They are poorly or not at all absorbed in the small intestine, exert an osmotic effect when they travel to
the large intestine and “feed” the bacteria in the lower gut
[...] resulting in bloating diarrhea, constipation, gas and pain.
故对中年以上患者有下列表现时应提高警惕,考虑患上结肠癌的可能:近期内出现排便习惯改变(如便秘、腹泻或排便不畅)、持续腹部不适、隐痛 腹胀 ; 粪便变稀,或带有血液和粘液;粪便隐血试验持续阳性;原因不明的贫血、乏力或体重减轻等;腹部可触摸到肿块。
Therefore, it should be alerted for middle aged people or above with symptoms as follow, which could be colon cancer: change of habit of bowel movement over a
short period of
[...] time, such as diarrhea,  constipation, or unsmooth bowel movement, persistent abdominal discomfort, vague pain or bloating; loose stool, [...]
the presence of blood
or mucus in stool; repeated positive in occult blood test; unidentified anemia, week or weight loss, mass palpable in abdomen.
呃逆通常是腹部 膨胀(拉 伸)引起的,但是也可能是由于任何 异物压迫膈肌或肾功能衰竭导致的。
They are usually caused by distension (stretching) of the stomach but may also result from anything pressing on the diaphragm or from renal failure.
他们还提供了一个高功率的吸收水分和 腹 感 的 膨 胀 , 在 胃肠道,如海绵因此,缓慢的被淘汰,剩下的在肚子里的大段时间后,摄入。
They also provide a high power of absorbing
[...] water and satiety by swell in the gastrointestinal [...]
tract such as sponges thus slow to
be eliminated, remaining in the stomach for a large period of time after intake.
在同一时间的人应提供的活性炭(用于在胶囊剂或片剂 腹 泻 和 胀 气 ) 必须开始采取8 12小时,服用后的buchinha,或之前的,如果头痛,避免由于buchinha中毒。
At the same time the person should be provided
activated carbon (used in capsules
[...] or tablets, for diarrhea and flatulence) which must begin [...]
the take 8 12 hours after taking
the buchinha, or earlier if headaches, for avoid poisoning due to buchinha.
秘书长关于汇率和通货胀率变 动对卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前 南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期拟议预算的影响报告(A/64/570) 中所述重计费用反映了实际通货胀 的 最 新数据、薪金调查结果、年度 生活费调整、2009 年工作地点差价调整指数变动,以及 2009 年业务汇率 变化的影响。
The recosting reflected in the report of the Secretary-General on the
effect of changes in
[...] rates of exchange and inflation on the proposed budgets of both the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010–2011 (A/64/570) reflects the impact of the latest data on actual inflation, the outcome [...]
of salary surveys,
the annual cost-of-living adjustments, the movement of post adjustment indices in 2009 and the effect of the evolution of operational rates of exchange in 2009.
支出各款下的订正所需经费 5 143 456 800 美元是下列各项因素 的综合结果:按照咨询委员会在
A/64/7 号文件和本补编 A/64/7/Add.4、 6 和 8 至 10 号文件中的建议,所需经费共增 3 627 600 美元;由于修 订汇率假设而增加 47 214
[...] 200 美元;由于修订通货胀假设而减少 110 917 000 美元。
The revised requirements under the expenditure sections of $5,143,456,800 reflect the combined effect of recommendations of the Advisory Committee in document A/64/7 and in documents A/64/7/Add.4, 6 and 8-10 in the present supplement, which would result in additional requirements totalling $3,627,600; an increase of $47,214,200
resulting from revised exchangerate assumptions; and a reduction of $110,917,000
[...] related to revised inflation assumptions.
[...] 响,并威胁到来之不易的发展成就,特别是导致在其他方面采用健全宏观经济政 策的最不发达国家出现通货胀;国 际金融危机及其后续调整的延续性影响;以 [...]
及通过预算借款提高债务水平和降低许多最不发达国家的增长预期,使债务可持 续性遭受损害。
Among the most important are the secular rise in food prices and the resulting nutrition scarcity; extreme volatility in commodity prices during the past four years, which has had negative cumulative effects on growth and has threatened to unwind
hard-earned developmental successes, not least
[...] by inducing inflation in least developed [...]
countries that were otherwise following
sound macroeconomic policies; lingering effects of the international financial crisis and subsequent adjustments; and undermining debt sustainability by increasing debt levels through borrowing for budgetary support, and by lowering growth prospects for many least developed countries.
負責統合鐵路發展研究的顧問測度說,而我引述: 「作為世界首要的貨櫃港,具備㆒切金融及航運支援,並有發展㆗的㆗國廣 腹 ㆞作為後盾,若選擇把角色局限於主要透過道路運輸為鄰近的廣東,及以內陸船為㆗國其 餘的㆞方服務,這情況實屬罕有」。
The consultant who put together the Railway Development Study surmised, and I quote, "it would be an extraordinary circumstances that the world's premier container port, which has all the logistics of finance and shipping, and has the vast hinterland of developing China, elects to constrain its role to serving nearby Guangdong largely through road transport and the rest of China by coastal vessels.
因此,我們必須盡快進行 719CL 工程計劃下的可行性研究,以確定經修訂的初步發展大綱圖所
[...] 載建議的工程可行性,務求充分發揮該幅啟德空地的發展潛力,並使 啟腹地得到最大效益。
We therefore need to carry out as soon as possible the Feasibility Study under 719CL to confirm the engineering feasibility of the recommendations of the
revised PODP to realize the full development potential of the vacant
[...] land in Kai Tak and its benefits [...]
to the hinterland.
[...] 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因 腹 部 持 续疼痛反射至背 部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。
Another showed his healthcare booklet in
which he requests an X-ray because of
[...] persistent pain in the abdomen radiating to [...]
the back and left hip; no response was noted
in the carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence.
另外还有许多政府无法回避的问题,包括:确 保汇率维持稳定状态,但也不要使汇率被高估,以
[...] 保护和推动制造业生产和工业生产;打击腐败;防 止可能出现的胀;处 理猖獗的土地投机行为和可 能发生的土地兼并;以及确保新的土地法规不会造 [...]
成小土地所有者以及拥有传统土地所有权的人们的 土地遭到流失。
There are many other issues that the authorities cannot avoid dealing with, including: ensuring the exchange rate remains stable, but also not overvalued, so as to protect and promote manufacturing and agricultural produc tion; tackling
corruption; protecting against the
[...] possibility of rising inflation; dealing with rampant [...]
land speculation and the potential
for land grabbing; and ensuring that new land legislation does not lead to dispossession of small landholders and those holding traditional title.




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