

单词 腹吸盘

See also:


abdomen n
stomach n
belly n


suction pad

make over
classifier for food: dish, helping
classifier for games of chess
transfer (property)
classifier for coils of wire

External sources (not reviewed)

蒸汽在吸盘管内 凝结、从而可防止高温蒸汽影响压力仪表 的传感元件。
The vapor
[...] condenses inside the coil of the siphon, preventing the [...]
hightemperature vapors from reaching the sensing element of the pressure instrument.
在皮博尔医疗中心,联合国儿童基金会正在提供医疗用品以控制可能导致生命危险的儿童疾病,如疟疾 腹 泻 和 呼 吸 道 感 染。
At Pibor Health Centre, UNICEF is
providing medical supplies to manage common deadly childhood illnesses
[...] such as malaria, diarrhoea and respiratory infections.
儿童疾病综合管理(PCIME)战略继续实施,其目标是减少常见婴幼儿疾病 的发病率/死亡率,尤其是急性吸道 感染 、 腹 泻 、疟疾和营养不良。
The implementation of the IMCI strategy is continuing, the objective being to reduce morbidity and mortality
due to common child illnesses, in
[...] particular acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, malaria [...]
and malnutrition.
其它原因可能是出于医疗的必要性:比如,万一脐带绕颈,臀位或 盘 脱 落 ,那么 腹 产 手术是保证您宝宝安全的最佳方法。
For example, in cases where the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's
neck, the baby is in breech position,
[...] or a detached placenta, a caesarean section is surgically [...]
indicated for the safety of your baby.
为探讨魟类螫伤机理,用光镜和电镜观察了光魟的毒 腹 外 侧 纵沟内的毒腺的组织结构。
In order to study the mechanism of Stingrays Dasyatis laevigalus Chu sting, the structure of the venomous gland of the Stingray was observed under light microscope and electromicroscope.
但是这 种协调精神不应该导致制定毫无原则地对捐助者的建议 盘吸 收 而 罔顾补充性追加计划的基 本目标的计划,补充性追加计划的基本目标就是与正常计划相一致并且对正常计划进行补 充。
However, this approach must not mean that projects are created in order to accommodate all the donors’ proposals, thus losing sight of the main objective of the CAP, which is to increase the consistency and complementarity of extrabudgetary programmes with the regular programme.
该指数还 显 示,在社会经济薄 弱 的国家,特别是包腹泻和 呼吸道 感 染 在内的疾 病 发生率 非常显著的下降 。
The index also shows the very significant drop in disorders occurring in
socio-economically weak countries, including
[...] particularly diarrhoeal diseases and respiratory infections, [...]
which might, on account of their
frequency, recurrence or seriousness, expose children to malnutrition.
最常见的疾病是急性吸道感染、腹 泻 、 疟疾,此外还有地方流行病(肺结 核、艾滋病、扩大免疫方案要应对的疾病、血吸虫病、肝炎以及潜在流行性疾 病)。
The most prevalent health problems are
[...] acute renal failure, diarrhoea and malaria, together [...]
with, inter alia, the endemoepidemic
diseases (tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, EPI target diseases, schistosomiasis, hepatitis and potentially epidemic diseases).
其中口围带基部微管包括小膜托架、小膜附属微管; 腹 横 棘 毛和左右缘棘毛基部附属微管包括前纵微管束、后纵微管束和横微管束,它们由各自的纤毛器基部向皮层细胞质不同方向发射,形 腹 皮 层表面下微管网。
RMC contained anterior longitudinal
microtubules (ALM), posterior
[...] longitudinal microtubules (PLM) and transverse microtubules (TM), these microtubules sent forth from the ciliatures and extended to different orientation, forming the microtubule net below the surface of the ventral cortex.
供水和环境卫生系统缺乏维护, 增加腹泻和急性吸道感 染的发病率,这些是造成儿童死亡的主要原因。
The lack of maintenance of water and sanitation systems
[...] increases rates of diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections, [...]
which are leading causes of child death.
有不同装置用于固定五轮仪:真 吸盘 , 拖车挂钩连接,保险杠挂钩,使用汽车牌照固定孔或 [...]
„Bosch“连 接。
Various devices are available for
fastening the fifth wheel assembly to a
[...] vehicle: By means of suction cups, to trailer [...]
hitches by a special clamp, to bumpers
by chains and clamps, through the holes of a license plate or by using a “Bosch” type device.
适宜他们玩的玩具有:较为逼真的收银机、玩具钱币、医疗工具、厨房/烹调用具、电 话和移动通讯设备、玩具枪、枪套、头盔、低压水枪以及 吸盘 尖 头 的小弓箭。
Appropriate toys include more realistic cash registers and play money, medical kits, kitchen/cooking sets, telephones and mobile
communication devices, toy guns, holsters, helmets, low-power water guns, and small bow
[...] and arrow sets with suction-cup tipped ends.
尽管研究大型鲸类有许多后勤上的困难, 吸盘 安 装在这种动物身上的多传感器追踪器正在揭示出它们不同的觅食技巧的空前细节。
Despite the many logistical difficulties of studying
large whales, multisensor tags attached to
[...] the animals with suction cups are revealing [...]
their varied foraging techniques in unprecedented detail.
如果他们以横膈吸,则 腹部的手应当移动得更多。
The hand on the abdomen should move more if they are breathing with their diaphragm.
贫民窟的环境是有害的,可能会影响儿童们的健康;例如,与生活在农村 或较高收入城区的儿童相比,城市贫困儿童 腹 泻 和 呼 吸 系 统疾病的发病率要高 得多。
Slum settlements are hazardous environments that expose children to elements that may affect their health; for instance, poor urban children often
suffer a disproportionately high
[...] incidence of diarrhoeal and respiratory disease than [...]
children living in rural or higherincome urban areas.
91 2008 年的一项儿童基金会报告指出,5 岁以下儿童发 病和死亡的主要起因是疟疾、吸道 感染 和 腹 泻。
CRC noted the lack of improvement in health indicators and of access to basic health and social services; the high number of underweight/malnourished children, and the continuing high rates of child and maternal mortality.90 The Committee recommended addressing the problems of infant and maternal mortality and malnutrition, particularly in rural areas.91 A 2008 UNICEF report indicated that the main
causes for morbidity and mortality of children under 5 years old are
[...] malaria, respiratory infections and diarrhoea.92 42.
据预测,气候变化将影响千百万人的健康状 况,影响途径包括营养不良
[...] 的 加 剧 、 极端天气事件所致伤病增 多,以腹泻、心脏 和吸系 统 疾病及 传 染 病 负担加剧 。
Climate change is projected to affect the health status of millions of people, including through increases in malnutrition, increased diseases and
injury due to extreme weather events, and an
[...] increased burden of diarrhoeal, cardiorespiratory and infectious [...]
僱員 O 因感冒已放病假超過兩星期,他 提 交 了 由 不 同 醫 生 簽 發 的 病 假
[...] 證 明 , 分 別 寫 上 感 冒 、 傷 風 、 上吸 道 感腹 痛 。
Sick leave certificates issued by different doctors were submitted,
[...] indicating flu, cold, URI and abdominal pain.
东帝汶最普遍的疾病是肺结核、疟疾、 吸 道 疾病 和 腹 泻。
The most prevalent illnesses in Timor-Leste are tuberculosis,
[...] malaria, and respiratory and diarrheal diseases.
自大儿子出生以来,尽管我们给他喂食有营养的食物、药品并悉心照料,但他仍患 腹 泻 、 呼 吸 系 统 疾病、睡眠紊乱及其他小病。
Even though we gave my older son good food,
medicines and care since he was born, he
[...] suffered from diarrhoea, respiratory problems, sleep [...]
disturbances and he still suffers
from ailments,” said Chaw Sandar Oo, 26.
雷莫拉雷莫拉或者是共同的名字鱼的家庭Echeneidae,背鳍转化 吸盘 , 连 接到其他 动物 鲨鱼和海龟,因此,可以走很远的距离。
Remora remora or is the common name of the fish family Echeneidae, having the dorsal fin transformed into a sucker, to which are attached to other animals as sharks and turtles, and can thus travel great distances.
在低收入国家的被迫流离失所民众中,造成 5 岁以下儿童死亡的 5 大肇因是 疟疾、营养不良、麻疹腹泻和呼吸 道 感 染。
Among forcibly displaced populations in low income countries, the top five
causes of death of children under five are: malaria;
[...] malnutrition; measles; diarrhoea; and respiratory tract infections.
随着模具行业的产品质量提升,模具企业开始追求更高附加值的模具,针对目前市场劳动力用工成本越来越高和现在年轻人不愿意干体力工作的劳动情况下,以及塑造模具企业实力形象,顺兴开浩公司针对以上各种情况进行分析,公司技术部新研发了一款无油自润滑滑块式合模机,方便调整精度,标配伺服电机、数显光栅、安全保护光模、工装压板式的工作台改为电永 吸盘 、 另 配备一套吸尘装置等形成一台高品质的新型合模机,从而促进现代化模具行业更有实质应用性,为提高高品质模具成品质量率和时间的效益率的提供保证。
With the mold industry improve product quality, mold companies began to pursue a higher value-added mold for market labor increasing labor costs and now young people not want to do the physical work of labor, as well as the shape of the mold the image of corporate strength Shunxing open ho above analysis, the new company technical department developed an oil-free self-lubricating slider clamping facilitate the adjustment accuracy standard servo motors, digital raster, security, protection of the optical mode the bench instead of tooling pressure plate electric permanent magnet sucker, the other with a vacuum device to form a new type of high-quality clamping machine, the modern mold industry so as to promote more substantive application, to improve the high quality mold finished provide assurance of the quality rate and time-effective rate.
尼泊尔赞扬挪威以一种务实 的方式应对我们所在的时代面临的一些迫切和棘手的问题。
It commended its efforts to develop a pragmatic approach to several pressing and difficult issues of our time.
坚固稳定的3节专业独脚架,具有橡胶防滑手柄,橡 吸盘 脚 垫,快速腿架锁扣,腕带以及357快装滑板转接头以用来调节相机的平衡位置。
Solid and stable three-section professional monopod featuring
[...] sure rubber grip, suction cup foot, quick-action [...]
leg locks, wrist strap and 357 sliding
camera plate adapter to adjust the camera's center of balance.
46. 儿童权利委员会在2006 年关切地指出,据报该国婴儿和儿童死亡率很高, 急性吸道感染和腹泻发 病率很高,儿童严重营养不良。
In 2006, CRC was concerned at reports of high rates of infant and child mortality, acute respiratory infection and diarrhoea, and severe malnutrition among children.96 UNICEF highlighted that the relatively high infant and child death rates reflect the fact that children in Kiribati still die from readily preventable causes, even though the rates have decreased in the past two decades.
经研究发现, 中国鲎幼体阶段(黄皮鲎)生殖盖板中叶不长于侧叶, 尾呈三角形, 上有一列小刺, 腹甲后端尾上有三个棘突, 尾两下侧边无小刺, 腹甲背面无小刺分布, 但其头胸甲腹甲背面棘突较长, 明显呈幼体状。
There were no little thorns under two lateral ridge of its tail and on the opisthowomatic carapace, and its opisthowomatic carapace immovable spines were much longer.
6、天线种类:各频点基站(高、中、底增益)全向、定向天线、军用天线、无线modem橡皮天线及弹簧螺旋天线、车 吸盘 天 线 、室内分布天线(吸顶及壁挂天线)、机车列尾天线、230MHZ数传天线及环阵天线、2.4-5.8G抛物面扩频天线、单边带天线、短波、超短波天线、四环阵天线、MMDS微波天线。
6, antenna types: the base frequency (high, middle, end gain) omnidirectional, directional antennas, military antenna, rubber
antenna, wireless modem and antenna, spiral
[...] springs, vehicle suction cup antenna, indoor [...]
distributed antenna (antenna, ceiling
and wall), out the end locomotive antenna, 230MHZ data transmission ring antenna and array antenna ,2.4-5 .8 G parabolic antennas spread spectrum, single-sideband antenna, shortwave, FM antenna, Victoria array antenna, MMDS microwave antenna.




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