

单词 腓立比



Epistle of St Paul the Philipians

See also:

calf of leg



External sources (not reviewed)

腓立比2:5 我们学到,我们要以基督耶稣的心为 心;祂谦卑自己,甚至到了死的地步。
We learn in Philippians 2:5 thatwe are [...]
to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus, who humbled Himself even to the point of death.
保罗晓得,因腓立比慨 地供应他的事奉,所以神会满足他们的全部需要。
Paul knew that God would supply all
[...] the needs of the Philippians because they had [...]
given generously to his ministry.
有趣的是,保罗腓立比奉 献而问候他们时,常常重复“我的神将会供应你们全部的需要”。
It is interesting to note that the often repeated phrase “my God will meet all your needs” is found in the context of Paul congratulating the Philippians for their giving.
The expression "the Son of man" figures
prominently in Jesus' teaching about the kingdom of God, especiallyafter Peter's
[...] confession atCaesarea Philippi(Mark 8:29).
此外,一些代表团在特别会议上表示,支持关于新的常设 委员会,以在《公约》背景下处理与国际合作和援助相关各项挑战的提案。
As well, several delegations expressed support at this special
[...] sessionfor Zambia’s proposal to establish anew Standing [...]
Committee to address the challenges
related to international cooperation and assistance in the context of the Convention.
五次地区性全民教育会议(撒哈 拉以南非洲,约翰内斯堡;亚洲及太平洋,曼谷;阿拉伯国家和北非,开罗;美洲及加多明各;欧洲和北美,华沙)和九个人口大国(E-9)的一次会议(累西讨论了这次评估提出的意见,并根据这些意见拟定了各地区的行动纲领。
Five regional EFA conferences (sub-Saharan Africa, Johannesburg; Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok; Arab States and North
Africa, Cairo; the
[...] Americas and the Caribbean, Santo Domingo; Europe and North America, Warsaw) and a conference of the nine high-population (E-9) countries (Recife), discussed and [...]
translated the outcomes
of the Assessment into regional frameworks for action which are an integral part of this document and underpin the Dakar Framework for Action.
KPM柏林窑(Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur 柏林)是普鲁士国二世国王於1751年1763年正式成为国王所拥有、变成作为皇家御用的瓷器窑的皇家柏林陶瓷所。
KPM Berlin (Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur Berlin) was founded by KingFrederick II, King of Prussia in 1751, officially became a possession of the King in 1763 to purvey to the Royal Household, and became the Berlin Royal porcelain manufacturer.
Thus Clement, in paternal solicitude for the Churches committed to his care, endeavours to heal a dissension at Corinth and insists on the principles of unity and submission to authority, as best conducive to peace; Ignatius, fervent in his gratitude to the Churches which solaced him on his way to martyrdom, sends back letters of recognition, filled with admonitions against the prevailing heresy and highly spiritual exhortations to keep unity of faith in submission to the bishops; Polycarp, in forwarding Ignatian letters to Philippi, sends, as requested, a simple letter of advice and encouragement.
按照这个办法,适用于一个会员国的立比仅在该会员国 首次超过门槛值的比额表期间有效。
Under this
[...] approach, the neutral scale for a Member [...]
State would only be in effect for the scale period in which the Member
State first crosses the threshold.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals weresuggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the
[...] holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; acomparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture [...]
in European history books.
Nevertheless, if it was to solicit the public's views on the proposals in the consultation document, then understanding
citizen's specific suggestions on the consultation document is
[...] more important thanthe views on the legislationprinciple.
会议的成果是,与会者商定题 国际联络小组,该小组的任务是,第一,领导国际努 力并为其提供总体政治方向,并为支持利比亚而与联 合国、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、伊斯兰会议组织 [...]
和欧盟密切协调;第二,为协调在利比亚问题上的国 际对策提供一个论坛;以及,第三,为与利比亚各方
As an outcome of the conference,
[...] participantsagreedtoestablish an International Contact Group on Libya, whichwould, [...]
first, provide leadership
and overall political direction to the international effort, in close coordination with the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States, the OIC and the European Union to support Libya; secondly, provide a forum for coordinating the international response on Libya; and thirdly, provide a focal point in the international community for contact with the Libyan parties.
1830 年 法 国
[...] 七 月 革 命 爆 发 ﹐路腓 立了 维 也 纳 会 议 所 [...]
建 立 的 波 朝 王 朝 ﹐ 法 王 查 理 十 世 被 迫 去 职 。
In 1930, the July Revolution broke out in France, and Louis Phillip abolished the
[...] Bourbon Monarchy re-established according to [...]
the Vienna Congress.
在以弗所,431会作为圣文森特指出,圣西里尔从父亲提出的报价单系列,吨hagiôtatôn启hosiôtatôn paterôn启episkopôn diaphorôn marturôn,这是对弗拉维安腓立议案阅读。
In the Council of Ephesus, 431, as St. Vincent points out, St. Cyril presented a series of quotations from the Fathers, tôn hagiôtatôn kai hosiôtatôn paterôn kai episkopôn diaphorôn marturôn, which were read on the motion of Flavian, Bishop of Philippi.
这 从 以 下 的 事 例 中 见 到 其 影 响 ﹕ 奥 地 利 要四 世 ﹐ 要 他 拒 绝 法 兰 克 福 会 议 所 给 与 的 帝 位 ﹐以 及 放 弃 在 阿 尔 穆 茨 (Olmutz)成王 公 联 盟 」 。
This was seen in the Austrian threat causing Frederick William IV to refuse the crown of the Frankfurt Parliament and to abandon the League of Princes at Olmutz.
[...] 时代到新石器时代留下的文化遗迹;作为伊比利亚半岛原住民族的凯尔特人和半岛人;希腊和迦太基殖民地;罗马人、西哥特人、穆斯林和其 [...]
他出现在半岛上、并留下大量考古资料和遗迹的中世纪王国的人民;大量世上独 一无二的壁画艺术、城堡、大教堂、城市、中世纪城镇等等。
The presence of cultures since the Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic; Celts and
Iberians as autochthonous peoples of the
[...] Iberian peninsula; Greek, Phoenician and Carthaginian colonies; [...]
Romans, Visigoths,
Moors, and the peoples of the medieval peninsular kingdoms have all left vast archaeological remains; a concentration of cave art sites that is unique in the world, castles, cathedrals, medieval cities and settlements, etc. In this regard, the Government of Spain, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, is implementing a series of policies for the conservation of heritage, both tangible and intangible.
一 些 自 由 主 义 者 和 民 族 主 义 者 幻 想 路腓 立其 行 动 ﹐ 但 路腓 立意 挑 战 奥 地 利 。
Some liberals and nationalists imagined that Louis Philippe might come to theirsupport, but Louis Philippe had no desire to challenge Austria.
虽然世贸组织部分 成员强调了私立标准对质量和高质量市场准入的积极效应,但其他许多成员表达了下列 关注:在进口环节采用私立标准造成事实上的贸易壁垒,尤其对发展中国家制造了难度; 遵守这些标准要求私立机构的多重认证,对小规模生产者成本不菲;在很多情况下标准和食典标准更具限制性和规约性且往往并没有法律依据;私立标准的制 定过程缺乏透明度和包容性;在某些情况下,这些标准不符合《卫生及植物检疫措施协 定》的要求。
While some WTO members had underlined the positive aspects of private standards on quality and access to high quality markets, many other members had expressed the following concerns: the application of private standards at the import stage resulted in de facto barriers to trade, and created difficulties especially for developing countries; complying with these standards required multiple certification by private bodies, with a high cost for small producers; in many cases private standards were more restrictive and prescriptive than government standards and Codex standards and often had no scientific basis; the process by which private standards were set lacked transparency and inclusiveness; and in some cases such standards did not meet the requirements of the SPS Agreement.
任何购买订单、产品、价格及发票协议及对遥控产品 销售协议的修订必须按公平基准议定,所采用的依据为正常商业条款或对飞利浦 新加坡而言并供予方的条款更优惠的条款。
Any purchase order, product, price and invoice agreement and amendment to the Remote Control
Sale Agreement must be
[...] negotiated on an arm’slengthbasis and based on normal commercial terms or on terms no more favourable to Philips Singapore than terms availabletoindependent third parties.
典型的场景 –
[...] 在圣保罗或里约热内卢和生产设施在贝洛奥里藏特,萨尔瓦多,阿雷格里港,库里蒂巴,马瑙斯,累西的业务是ERP系统实施的第一步 – 建立区域办事处,正式的链的指挥,决策和管理。
Typical scenario – regional office is established in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro and manufacturing facility in Salvador, Porto
Alegre, Curitiba, Belo
[...] Horizonte, Recife, Manaus, etc. The firststep in establishing controllable operations [...]
is ERP system
implementation – this formalizes the chain of command, decision making and management.
While they are eating breakfast, they notice Benson and Pops throwing away a chair that
[...] Mordecai and Rigbyimmediately both want.
1460 年三世·达·蒙特费尔特罗 (Federico III da Montefeltro) 还授予托马索帝国顾问的头衔,允许其在盾形纹章上添加白肩雕;后来他还先后被任命为索瓦纳的主教和皮恩扎的主教。
In 1460 Tommaso was also awarded the title of imperial counselor by Federico III da Montefeltro, with the honor of adding the imperial eagle to his coat of arms; subsequently he was made bishop of Sovana and later bishop of Pienza.
委员会注意到,申诉人提交的两份医学证明提到身体不同部位的一些伤痕以 及胫骨断裂,但却没有任何证据来确认或者否认此系所受酷刑所致。
The Committee notes that the two medical certificates produced by the complainant refer to a number of scars on
various parts of the body and fractures
[...] to the tibia and fibula, but donot contain [...]
any evidence confirming or refuting
that they are the result of torture inflicted in the past.
法国的统治者是路腓立是一个「资产阶级君主」。同样地﹐在 1818 年﹐由於惧怕外国干预﹐一些国 的叛变没有那麽暴力﹐对邻近国家亦没有甚麽侵略行为。
Similarly in 1818, fear of foreign intervention induced the revolt to be less violent and also less aggressive towards neighboring states.
从埃及的瑞神(太阳神)时代起,从耶路撒冷的所罗门圣殿起,不论在教堂还是在清 真寺,橄榄油人、赫梯人、希腊人和古代其他民族视为一种圣油。
In the times of the Egyptian god Râ, in the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and in
churches and mosques, olive oil was regarded as
[...] sacred bythePhoenicians,Hittites, Greeks, [...]
and other peoples of antiquity.
The Opinions state that, by the end of 2012, the government will support and cultivate a group of professional
energy-saving service companies (ESSC) and
[...] that China will establisha matureenergy-saving [...]
service system with EMCs as one of
the primary methods of energy conservation by 2015.




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