

单词 脾胃



fig. something that is not critical
lit. doesn't hurt the spleen or the stomach

See also:


stomach n


gastric adj

External sources (not reviewed)

由于舌头各部位分别与人体的肾脾 ( 胃 ) 、 肝胆、心(肺)等脏腑对应,医生可从检查您的舌头来分析您的健康状况。
Various parts of the tongue correspond to different organs, such as
[...] the kidney, the stomach, liver and the [...]
粟米營養豐富,能脾胃;螺 肉能清肝潤燥,滋陰養血。
Corn is nutritious
[...] and strengthens the spleen and stomach while conch strengthens [...]
the liver and nourishes the Yin.
主 治 胃 中
[...] 寒 溼 、 痰 濁 、 一 切 痰 飲 為 病 , 咳 嗽 脹 滿脾 胃 不 和 等 。
Cold-dampness in the stomach, phlegm- turbidity and
all the diseases related to phlegm-fluid retention with symptoms of
[...] coughing with stuffy chest, spleen-stomach disharmony.
消宿食,吃粥能够温暖人脾胃,帮 助人消化掉胃中的积食。
Help for digestion – if you eat too much at last night, you could eat porridge in the morning, and it will help to digest the food.
脾 胃 虛 寒 引 起 的 胃 脘 痛 、 下 痢 、 虛 勞 發 熱 、 心 氣 不 足 之 [...]
心 悸 、 四 肢 疼 痛 、 夢 遺 等 。
Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach causing abdominal [...]
pain or diarrhea,consumptive fever, palpitation caused by Qi deficiency
of heart, generalized pain of limbs and wet dream.
Suitable for weakness in physical strength, tiredness, weakness
[...] and coldness in the spleen and stomach, cough with profuse [...]
sputum, imbalance of body after
illness, deterioration of organs’ function and for symptoms like tiredness, loss of appetite due to deficiency of the heart, the spleen, qi and blood.
脾 胃 虛 寒 、 脘 腹 疼 痛 、 泄 瀉 清 稀 、 嘔 吐 不 渴 、 腹 滿 食 少 、 舌 [...]
淡 苔 白 、 脈 沈 或 遲 緩、 或 陽 虛 失 血 、 及 小 兒 慢 驚 風 、 病 後 喜 唾 涎 沫 、 以 及 胸
痺 等 症 , 由 中 焦 虛 寒 而 致 者。
Deficiency cold in spleen and stomach manifesting as upper [...]
abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, vomiting without thirst, abdominal
fullness, poor appetite with white fur on pale tongue and sunken or slow pulse; loss of blood and Yang deficiency; chronic infantile convulsion, frequent drooling and spitting after episodes, pain and oppression in the chest induced by deficiency cold in the middle energizer.
主 治 溼脾 胃 、 心 腹 脹 痛 、 不 思 飲 食 、 反 胃 噯 氣 、 噁 心 嘔 吐 、 口 苦 [...]
氣 短 、 肢 體 沉 重 、 怠 惰 嗜 臥 、 霍 亂 吐 瀉 、 苔 白 膩 而 厚 、 脈 緩 。
Dampness stagnation in the spleen and stomach resulting in distending [...]
pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, loss of appetite,
gastric upset and belching, nausea and vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, shortness of breath, heaviness feeling of the body and limbs, lassitude, somnolence, vomiting and diarrhea due to cholera, with thick greasy and white fur on the tongue and moderate pulse.
功效:脾養胃、清 熱解毒、排毒清脂、祛皺消斑、養顏正氣、能保持毛細血管正常的抵抗能力、舒張血管、降低血壓、改善循環、防止血管硬化,較適用于心血管病人的保健食用,並用於預防中風。
Efficacy: protect the spleen and stomach, detoxify, detoxification, [...]
remove the wrinkle and freckle,beauty righteousness,
to maintain normal capillary resistance, diastolic blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, prevent hardening of the arteries, is more suitable for the cardiovascular patient and for the prevention of stroke.
八个动作与经络和内脏器官相关,如肝 胃 、 脾 和 心 脏。
Each of the eight movements is associated with the meridians and inner organs,
[...] such as the liver, stomach, spleen and heart.
此外,肾脏疾病、糖尿病、胃疾病 及神经系统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 在增加,关于这类疾病导致死亡的报告增加。
In addition, incidences of renal
[...] diseases, diabetes, gastro-intestinal diseases [...]
and diseases of the nervous system and mental
disorders are on the increase, with increasing deaths reported from such diseases.
人體攝取丙烯酰胺後胃腸道 迅即吸收,但大部分丙烯酰胺會隨尿 液排出,小部分則透過排便及呼氣排出體外。
Ingested acrylamide is readily
[...] absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and mainly [...]
excreted via urine, with small amounts
eliminated via faeces and exhalation.
这种情况仍然反映了一种传统的模式:仆人为主人提供符合 胃 口 的食 品。
This type of production still reflects the conventional performance offered by the servant for the appetite of the master.
被困在家里的她孤立无援,默默地忍受着父亲 脾 气 时 的拳脚相加,在一轮轮不断加剧的虐待中无处可逃。
Isolated in her home, she suffered in silence at the hands of her father’s brutal wrath, trapped in an ever-escalating cycle of abuse.
他遇到了一个脾气的 老大猩猩,他在第一个男孩保持遥远,但泰山发现,这个老猩猩居然是Zugor,使用空心树,的扩音器放大他的声音和假装自己是一个怪物来吓唬其他丛林动物远离他的领土和食物。
He encounters a crotchety old gorilla [...]
who at first keeps the boy distant, but Tarzan discovers that this old gorilla actually
is the Zugor, who uses hollow trees as megaphones to amplify his voice and pretend to be a monster to scare other jungle creatures away from his territory and food.
本研究结果进一步提示,BS可能主要通过激活IL-6基因的表达和促 脾 脏 淋 巴细胞的增殖反应,从而发挥其体液免疫增强作用 [动物学报52(1):170–174,2006 ]。
These data suggest that bursin exerts its stimulatory effect on humoral immune response mainly by
promoting expression of IL-6 and
[...] proliferation of chicken splenic lymphocytes [Acta [...]
Zoologica Sinica 52(1):  170–174,2006].
主席,我不會詳細將擺放在大家桌上的撮要朗讀一遍,我只想指 出,我承認我與王女士在工作合作上確實出現了一些問題,而我亦想指 出,我是不應該因此脾氣暴躁,立即解僱她,這一點我是承認的。
President, I will not read out in detail the summary tabled, but I merely wish to point out that I would only admit there were actually some problems in co-operating with Ms WONG in my work, and regarding these problems, I also wish to point out that I should not act with a bad temper and dismiss her immediately.
对,特别是后来的作家的西部片虔诚 脾 气 ,首选为代表的神圣作家的寓言这似乎对他们是最明显的真正含义。
The reverent temper of later writers, and especially of the Westerns, preferred to represent as the true meaning of the sacred writer the allegory which appeared to them to be the most obvious.
完全是出于他的元素,布鲁克斯面对挑战,他做梦也没想到的暴风雪,冰薄,恐吓 脾 气 暴 躁的山男子名为Thunder杰克·约翰逊(詹姆斯Coburn),领头的狗的侵略,挑衅,恶魔。
Totally out of his element, Brooks has to face challenges he has
never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, an
[...] intimidating, crusty old mountain [...]
man named Thunder Jack Johnson (James Coburn),
and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon.
您可以在The One Bar、顶级航行休息厅和独享餐厅的不同菜谱上享用意大利和各种国际美食,MSC游艇俱乐部的客人可以尝试到各种口味的菜肴,从健康的到特殊的,包括了多种特色蔬菜、 胃 菜 和 开 胃 酒。
With an extensive choice of Italian and international gourmet specialities from different menus in The One Bar, Top Sail Lounge and dedicated restaurant, MSC Yacht Club guests are assured of superior dining to delight the most varied and discriminating tastes, ranging from the healthy to the superbly indulgent, and including many vegetarian specialities as well as finger food appetisers to accompany your aperitif.
脾脏(脾脏切 除术)的人士及长期服用免疫抑制剂或接受化疗的病者。
Spleen removed (Splenectomy), long-term [...]
use of immunosuppressant drugs or chemotherapy
博丹对 Brué 的描述是“他是一脾气好 而且对地理充满热情的年轻人”,并且将澳大利亚西北海岸外的一处暗礁命名为 Brué 礁,以表示对他的敬意。
Baudin described Brué as “a young man of good disposition and with a zeal for geography,” and named the Brué Reef off Australia’s northwestern coast in his honor.
示意動作可以增加孩子的自信和自重, 減少受挫和脾氣, 建立另類行為模式。
It can increase confidence and self esteem, reduce
[...] frustration, temper tantrums and alternative [...]
behaviour patterns.
你如果經常不能控制自己脾氣,或常 對子女施以嚴厲的體罰或紀律,便應尋 找一個父母小組或輔導服務,學習處理 子女行為的新方法。
If you lose your temper a lot or often use severe physical punishment or discipline with your child, find a parenting group or counselling service to learn new ways to handle your child's behaviour
天空在我们头顶上关闭,脾气的 邪恶精灵就在躺在我们眼前;做一份受人尊重的工作,活多钱少是常事;强盗的生活反倒是精彩绵长、快乐有幸、自由又强大。
The sky closes above our heads and the evil spirits of good manners lies ahead of us; in a respectful job it is common to work much and earn less; the life of the pirate, instead, is blossom and endlessness, pleasure and fortune, freedom and also power.
如果他经常出脾气, 他是最有人情味,最亲切,最苦行僧,最致力于正统,而且在许多方面是个很可爱的性格,因为如果他很快就生气,他很容易平息,他辛苦超越了一般的耐力,这是对异端,他的愤怒是通常点燃。
If he is often out of temper, he is most human, most affectionate, most ascetic, most devoted to orthodoxy, and in many ways a very lovable character; for if he is quick to take offence, he is easily appeased, he is laborious beyond ordinary endurance, and it is against heresy that his anger is usually kindled.
其它的症状可能包括:主诉生理症状,比如头痛、胸痛、恶心和腹泻;与家人和朋友相处有问题;行为变化,比如变 脾 气 暴 燥、无缘无故的愤怒或无端哭泣;退化或行为举止不适龄;睡眠模式失调;沟通障碍或个性变化;不耐烦。
Other symptoms may include: physical complaints such as headaches, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea; problems getting along with family and friends; changes in behavior such as developing a short temper, unexplained anger, or crying for no reason; regression or behavior that is not age-appropriate; dysfunctional sleeping patterns; difficulty communicating or personality changes; impatience.
旦對結果 不滿,就好像㆒個給㆟寵壞了的孩子㆒般 脾 氣 , 說不再玩,把皮球拿走。
However, what happened at the end was that when the outcome did not please it, the Government simply took the ball away like a spoiled child who had lost this temper, saying that he was no longer interested in the game.




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