

单词 脾气坏的

See also:


bad temper

坏的 adj

bad adj

脾气 n

character n

External sources (not reviewed)

布鲁克斯发现了恶的坏脾气的原因 是他的坏牙引起的疼痛。
Brooks finds out the reason
[...] for Demon’s bad temper is the pain caused by his bad tooth.
夫人巨型马戏团成立后,在一组的男生取笑 的 儿 子 发 脾气 , 所 以她锁起来了,被视为疯狂。
Once the circus is set up, Mrs. Jumbo loses her temper at a group of boys for making fun of her son, so she is locked up and deemed mad.
被困在家里的她孤立无援,默默地忍受着父亲 脾气 时 的 拳 脚 相加,在一轮轮不断加剧的虐待中无处可逃。
Isolated in her home, she suffered in silence at the hands of her father’s brutal wrath, trapped in an ever-escalating cycle of abuse.
的塞孔或大凹痕将坏充气密封件或阻碍柱塞板移动, 导致泵失速。
Rough bung openings or large
[...] dents will damage the inflatable seal or stop the ram plate, [...]
resulting in a runaway pump.
他遇到了一个脾气的老大 猩猩,他在第一个男孩保持遥远,但泰山发现,这个老猩猩居然是Zugor,使用空心树,的扩音器放大他的声音和假装自己是一个怪物来吓唬其他丛林动物远离他的领土和食物。
He encounters a crotchety old gorilla who at first keeps the boy distant, [...]
but Tarzan discovers that this old gorilla actually
is the Zugor, who uses hollow trees as megaphones to amplify his voice and pretend to be a monster to scare other jungle creatures away from his territory and food.
这些压力不仅坏了警察的士气和声 誉,而且还削 弱了公众对法治的信任。
These pressures not only undermine police morale and credibility, [...]
but also further erode public confidence in the rule of law.
[...] 员以及联合国各机构的工作人员,这在人道主义非政府组织和联合国各机构的工 作人员之间造成了一种恐的气氛, 从而 坏 了 他 们自由履行各自职责的能力, 进一步限制了平民获得人道主义援助的机会。
The continued threats by the Government of the Sudan to revoke the licence of non-governmental organizations and expel their staff as well as the staff of United Nations agencies have created an atmosphere of fear among the staff of the humanitarian
non-governmental organizations and United
[...] Nations agencies, and undermined their ability to freely [...]
carry out their respective mandates,
further limiting the access of the civilian population to humanitarian relief.
该成员指出,必须学习在弃用氟氯化碳和改用氟氯烃过程中学到的经验,避免因坏其他保护气候的努力 而发出错误的信号。
The Member noted that it was important to learn from experience in converting
from the use of CFCs to HCFCs and avoid sending out the
[...] wrong signal by undermining other efforts to protect the climate.
博丹对 Brué 的描述是“他是一脾气好而 且对地理充满热 的 年 轻 人”,并且将澳大利亚西北海岸外的一处暗礁命名为 Brué 礁,以表示对他的敬意。
Baudin described Brué as “a young man of good disposition and with a zeal for geography,” and named the Brué Reef off Australia’s northwestern coast in his honor.
由于自然灾害数量的增加以气候变 化 的 破 坏 性 影 响,尤其是对小岛屿发展中国家和非洲国家的影响, 会员国要求教科文组织继续其长期支持科研和利用科学知识适应和减少气候变化的影响,以及减少自然灾害风 [...]
In the light of the increased number of natural
[...] disasters and the devastating effects of climate change, in [...]
particular in the small islands developing
States and in Africa, Member States requested UNESCO to continue its sustained efforts in supporting research and mobilizing the use of scientific knowledge for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, natural disasters risk reduction, integrated water management, and biodiversity conservation.
天空在我们头顶上关闭,脾气的邪 恶 精灵就在躺在我们眼前;做一份受人尊重的工作,活多钱少是常事;强盗的生活反倒是精彩绵长、快乐有幸、自由又强大。
The sky closes above our heads and the evil spirits of good manners lies ahead of us; in a respectful job it is common to work much and earn less; the life of the pirate, instead, is blossom and endlessness, pleasure and fortune, freedom and also power.
末底改和里格比尝试返回一个平庸的角色扮演的棋盘游戏“的境界Darthon”,一 脾气 暴 躁 的 商 店 经理。
[...] and Rigby try to return a mediocre role-playing board game “The Realm of Darthon” to a grumpy store manager.
如果他经常的脾气,他 是最有人情味,最亲切,最苦行僧,最致力于正统,而且在许多方面是个很可爱的性格,因为如果他很快就生气,他很容易平息,他辛苦超越了一般的耐力,这是对异端,他的愤怒是通常点燃。
If he is often out of temper, he is most human, [...]
most affectionate, most ascetic, most devoted to orthodoxy, and in many
ways a very lovable character; for if he is quick to take offence, he is easily appeased, he is laborious beyond ordinary endurance, and it is against heresy that his anger is usually kindled.
他开始在他的旅途中,特德发现令人难以置信的故事,绕口令,一 脾气 暴 躁 的 , 但 迷人的动物,谁讲的树木。
As he embarks on his journey, Ted discovers the incredible
[...] story of the Lorax, a grumpy but charming creature [...]
who speaks for the trees.
其它的症状可能包括:主诉生理症状,比如头痛、胸痛、恶心和腹泻;与家人和朋友相处有问题;行为变化,比如变 脾气 暴 燥 、无缘无 的 愤 怒 或无端哭泣;退化或行为举止不适龄;睡眠模式失调;沟通障碍或个性变化;不耐烦。
Other symptoms may include: physical complaints such as headaches, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea; problems getting along with family and friends; changes in behavior such as developing a short temper, unexplained anger, or crying for no reason; regression or behavior that is not age-appropriate; dysfunctional sleeping patterns; difficulty communicating or personality changes; impatience.
的个人特使建议, 为了避免坏气氛, 双方应通过他而不是通过公开传达信息表达对这一问题的关 切。
My Personal Envoy proposed that, to avoid poisoning the atmosphere, the parties communicate their concerns on this issue through him instead of by means of public communications.
[...] GIGABYTE发布全新「技嘉第四代超耐久」技术,透过采用高密度开纤布电路板、高质量 IC 芯片、防突波芯片及专利双实体 BIOS 以及全固态电容及超低电阻式晶体管等组件,令主板加强抵抗 湿 气 、 静 电、雷击突波及高温等常见环境因素所造成 坏的 能 力
To meet the demand for a high durability motherboard, GIGABYTE released a brand new "GIGABYTE fourth generation Ultra Durable" technology, using high-density fiber cloth circuit boards, high-quality IC chip, anti-surge chip, patent dual physical BIOS, all-solid capacitors, and ultra-low resistance transistors, so the motherboard has greater resistance to common
damaging factors, such
[...] as moisture, static electricity, lightning surge, and high temperature damage caused by the environment.
由于关于妥善生产、管理和处置电子废物问题的现有国际法律框架存在差 距和模糊之处,而且考虑到全世界产生的电子废物量大幅增加,特别报告员鼓励 新的任务负责人继续研究这一现象,以期向人权理事会提出适当建议,采取适当 措施,控制向不具备无害环境处置能力的国家转移过时的或 坏的 电 气 和 电 子产 品。
In view of the gaps and ambiguities in the existing international legal framework on the sound production, management and disposal of e-waste, and taking into account the significant increase in the amount of e-waste generated worldwide, the Special Rapporteur encourages the new mandate holder to continue studying this phenomenon, with a view to making appropriate recommendations to the Human Rights Council on adequate measures to control the transfer of obsolete or broken electrical and electronic products to countries that do not possess the capacity to dispose of them in an environmentally sound manner.
未来的流离 失所模式将越来越受影响于与气候相 的 事 件 、生态 坏 、 气 候 变 化和与环境有 关的因素,例如资源减少和不能公平地得到这些资源。
Patterns of displacement in the
future will be increasingly
[...] impacted by weather-related occurrences, ecological damage, climate change [...]
and environmental-related
factors, such as declining resources and unequal access to them.
注意:不要让充气阀(从蓝色充气指示囊中突的白色 塑料片)接触任何清洁液,否则可能 引起气阀过早损坏。
Caution: Do not expose the valve (the white plastic piece protruding from the blue inflation balloon) to any cleaning solution as it may cause premature valve failure.
完全是出于他的元素,布鲁克斯面对挑战,他做梦也没想到的暴风雪,冰薄,恐吓 脾气 暴 躁 的 山 男子名为Thunder杰克·约翰逊(詹姆斯Coburn),领头的狗的侵略,挑衅,恶魔。
Totally out of his element, Brooks has to
face challenges he has never
[...] dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, an intimidating, crusty old mountain [...]
man named Thunder Jack Johnson
(James Coburn), and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon.
在其中一册中,陆之柷论述了人体的五脏(心、肝 脾 、 肺 、肾)和六种可能致 的 外 部 气 候 因素(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火)。
In one of the volumes, Lu expounded on the five inner
[...] organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) and the six excesses, the climatic external pathogenic [...]
factors believed
to be the cause of diseases (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, and fire).
对,特别是后来的作家的西部片虔 的脾气 , 首选为代表的神圣作家的寓言这似乎对他们是最明显的真正含义。
The reverent temper of later writers, and especially of the Westerns, preferred to represent as the true meaning of the sacred writer the allegory which appeared to them to be the most obvious.
同时气候变化的破坏性影 响赫然耸现,国际社会面临挑战,必须共同 努力,确保消除极端贫困,实现可持续发展,以拯救地球和人类,特别是最脆弱 [...]
Meanwhile, the devastating impact of climate change looms [...]
large, and the international community is facing the challenge
of working together to ensure the end of extreme poverty and sustainable development to save the planet and its people, especially the most vulnerable.
同样,还有更丰富,更深刻的eschatologies的波斯宗教,由二元论和其他 坏 风 气的 影 响 而变得无效,未能实现承诺,它载,并已存活仅作为现代Parseeism一片废墟。
Similarly, the still richer and more profound eschatologies of the Persian religion, vitiated by dualism and other corrupting influences, failed to realize the promise it contained, and has survived only as a ruin in modern Parseeism.
由于这些变化,海岸与海洋栖息地发生显著改 变,陆地与海洋物的中毒 率上升,大气中氮及甲 烷浓度增加,大量臭氧层遭到坏, 气 温 异 常上升, 重大洪水及自然灾害日益频繁,热带雨林被严重破 坏。
Those changes led to dramatic coastal and marine habitat alteration, significant increases in rates of intoxication of terrestrial and marine species, increased nitrogen and methane concentration in the atmosphere, significant loss of the ozone layer, unusual increase in temperature, greater frequency of major floods and natural disasters and significant loss of tropical forests.
她是非常熟的魔法在“坏运气”时 ,她挑选了十六进制的工作人员,以击败Charmcaster,Charmcaster回复,它可以只可工作在手中的一个主魔术师和格温火一个黄色的能量光束从它即使她还没有学会他们。
She is extremely skilled at magic as in “Tough Luck” when she picks [...]
up Hex’s staff to defeat Charmcaster, Charmcaster replies
that it can only be worked in the hands of a master magician and Gwen could still fire a yellow energy beam from it even though she hadn’t learnt about them.
平时我们都会要求给机械使用前加油,而耙矿绞车(电耙子)也不例外,但是我们这个机械就有点娇气了,如果您不小心把齿轮油加多了一点,那么她就会 脾气 将 多 余 的 给 您 吐出来,搞的大家还以为机械出什么毛病了一直认为耙矿绞车(电耙子)是漏油了,很多客户不知道怎么回事,打电话给我们“耙矿绞车(电耙子)漏油了,安排个人来检修下”。
Usually we will require refueling to the machine before use, pakuangjiaoche(dianpazi) is no
exception, but our machinery on a bit
[...] squeamish, then she gets angry if you are not careful [...]
gear oil adds a little redundant you
spit it out engage in thought mechanical What's wrong always thought pakuangjiaoche(dianpazi) is the oil spills, many customers do not know how it happened, give us a call "pakuangjiaoche(dianpazi) oil spills arrange personal service.




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