

单词 脸谱

See also:

score (music)
spectrum (physics)
set to music


table n
list n
chart n

External sources (not reviewed)

通过使脸谱和推特等社交网站,进 一步扩大了“世界哲学日”的影响力。
Visibility was further improved through the use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
脸谱网、Twitter微博 客和YouTube视频网站上建立了一个“社交媒体”,以简化公众查阅——教科文组织 内容的受众人数和其他组织和个人对新闻和活动的交叉参照的数量因此大大增 加。
A “social media” presence was established on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to simplify public access – viewership of UNESCO content and cross-referencing to news and events by other organizations and individuals has greatly increased as a result.
通过使脸谱网和 微博等社交网站,其知名度进一步提高。
Visibility was further improved through the use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
若干非 政府组织强调指出,这个专门机构应该处理那种认为非洲人后裔有罪的观念问 题,消除对非裔美国人的社会和种 脸谱 化 对待办法,重新鼓起劲头与仍然常见 的种族主义偏见作斗争。
It was emphasized by several NGOs that the dedicated institution should address the perception of people of African descent as criminal, combat the social and racial profiling of African Americans and reinvigorate the fight against the still very much present racist bias.
30 号一般性建议 中,消除种族歧视委员会呼吁国家采取步骤处理对非公民的仇外态度和行为,特
[...] 别是仇恨言论和种族暴力,还要采取果断措施对付把这类群体当成目标、加以丑 化、公式化脸谱化的任何趋势。
In its general recommendation No. 30 on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on States to take steps to address xenophobic attitudes and behaviour towards non-citizens, in particular hate speech and racial
violence, and also to take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize,
[...] stereotype or profile such groups.
演员的妆容一般都遵循统一脸谱和 颜 色。
The makeup of the characters in the plays generally followed a set
[...] repertoire of faces and colors.
又敦促各国不以任何理由歧视人权维护者,诸如以种族、肤色、性别、 语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等理 由,并在这方面停止任何歧视性措施,包括恐吓、整理 脸谱 化 ”资料、没收财 产、暂停活动、不让参加全国协商进程等
Also urges States not to discriminate against human rights defenders on any grounds, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and to desist, in this context, from any discriminatory measures against them, including intimidation, profiling, confiscation of assets, suspension of activities and exclusion from national consultative processes
此绘画集因其艺术造诣和传达的信息而备受推崇,是学习早期京剧服装 脸谱 宝 贵 的历史资源。
The album is highly valued for its art and for the information it contains, and constitutes a precious historical resource for the study of clothing and makeup in the early Peking opera.
值得一提 的是:波兰在欧洲是使用非接触式信用卡付款的领导者脸 谱网在 这里的使用人数、使用频率及每次访问停留时长等数据 都非常好,波兰所有主要电视台都在开发视频点播服务,波兰 移动网络运营商引入了移动支付,而且波兰的电子商务正蓬 勃发展。
It is worth mentioning that Poland is an European leader in touchless credit card payments, Facebook has great results in number, frequency and average length of visits, all of the main TV stations have been developing their video-on-demand services, mobile network operators have introduced mobile payments and e-commerce is flourishing.
对于特设委员会,最重要的问题是对宗教,尤 其是伊斯兰教的中伤,仇视伊斯兰以及种族和宗教脸谱化。
The most pertinent issues for the Ad Hoc Committee were defamation of religions, especially of Islam, Islamophobia and racial and religious profiling.
例如委员会 在第六十九届会议上对某一缔约国政治人士的种族主义言论表示关注,指出行使 言论自由权必须承担特殊的义务和责任,“尤其是不散布种族主义思想的义务, 并建议缔约国采取果断行动抵制,尤其是抵制政治人士任何基于种族、肤色、出 身和民族或族裔血统表现出的有针对性、侮辱化、陈规陋见 脸谱 化 的 倾向” (CERD/C/DEN/CO/7,第11段) 。
For instance, during its sixty-ninth session, the Committee specifically raised the concern with a State party on the racist speeches made by politicians and pointed out that freedom of expression carried specific duties and responsibilities, “in particular the obligation not to disseminate racist ideas, and recommends that the State party take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile people on the basis of race, colour, descent, and national or ethnic origin, especially by politicians” (CERD/C/DEN/CO/7, para. 11).
有 500 多人次对联盟脸谱网站新设 立的网页表示“喜欢”,有 900 多人通过推特网站跟踪联盟情况。
The newly created Alliance Facebook page is currently at over 500 “likes” and the Alliance has over 900 followers on Twitter.
此次活动通过一个专门脸谱页面 ,作为一个平台,为世界各地的人们通过贴子和视频分享他们的经验。
The campaign works through
[...] a dedicated Facebook page, serving [...]
as a platform for people around the world to share their experiences through posts and videos.
一项研究证明了多种个人特征——诸如政治或宗教观、性别、种族和性倾向——可以通过一个人 脸谱 网 (Facebook)上的“赞赏”记录加以预测。
A study demonstrates that a variety of personal characteristics—such as political and religious views, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation—can be predicted from a person’s record of “Likes” on Facebook.
[...] 越大。工作组成员获悉,纽约市警察局正在研拟一个培训方案,消除可能造成警 员中种脸谱化做 法的不自觉的种族偏见。
The members were informed that the New York City Police Department is
working on a training programme to eliminate unconscious racial bias in officers that
[...] may contribute to racial profiling.
脸谱绢扇 采用优质绢布作而成,做工精细,美观大方,用途广泛,它适合作为精致高档装饰品,摆放在家里、宾馆等,或作为艺术品收藏。
Green Bottom Plastic Lace Fan made of high quality plastic and cloth, fine workmanship, beautiful and nice, a wide range of uses.
她还将利用社交网络提供的机会,并已建立了 一个其任务专用脸谱网页 协助广泛传播有关任务的信息,以此确保少数群体可 以很容易接触到独立专家。
She will also utilize social networking opportunities and has established a Facebook page dedicated to her mandate to assist the widespread dissemination of information relating to the mandate and to ensure ease of access by minorities to the independent expert.
此外,在您的页面,您也可以创建一个“社交媒体中心”,使用链接辐射 脸谱 , 推特,谷歌Plus,Wordpress,博客或其他社交网站。
Plus, on your page you can create a "social media hub" with links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Wordpress, blogs and other social media.
以下是 所开展的各项活动概况:庆祝国际臭氧日 (2011 年 9 月和 2012 年 9 月); 电台播出有关 《蒙特利尔议定书》的商业广告和其他事项;在两份全国性的报纸上刊登文章;在国家环 境与规划局及金斯顿、圣凯瑟琳和曼彻斯特的图书馆进行展示;向儿童演讲;在国家环境 与规划局脸谱网页 和推特网上发布信息;审查了 2011 年的国家方案,并将进展报告提 交给多边基金秘书处(2012 年 5 月);收集了 2011 消耗臭氧层物质的消耗和生产数据、 出口情况和所记录的消耗臭氧层物质非法交易案例,并报告给臭氧秘书处(2012 年 5 月)。
The following is a summary of activities undertaken: celebration of International Ozone Day (September 2011 and September 2012) through; airing of radio commercials on the Montreal Protocol and related matters; placement of articles in two National Newspapers; set up of displays at the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) and at libraries in Kingston, St. Catherine and Manchester; presentation to children; placement of information on National Environment and Planning Agency’s Facebook page and on Twitter; 2011 CP reviewed and report on progress submitted to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat (May 2012); 2011 ODS consumption and production data, exports and cases of documented illegal trade in ODS collected and reported to the Ozone Secretariat (May 2012) 19 Plan of action
这是最安全和最方便的方式为您写电子邮件,笔记或复制/粘贴到如SMS,Twitter的 脸谱 等 边 走边所有流行的应用程序。
Easy Walk & Type is an innovative
app that helps you keep an eye on the path
[...] in front of you while typing...It is [...]
the safest and most convenient way for you to write email, notes o...
已经创建了一个网 页(www.unodc.org/youth)和一个脸谱” 网 页,正与全球 700 多个团体保持 联系。
A web page (www.unodc.org/youth) and a Facebook page were created and are already connecting more than 700 groups globally.
Michal Kosinski及其同事开发了一个数学模型从而根据58000位美 脸谱 网 用 户的“赞赏”记录预测一个人的特征和偏好。
Michal Kosinski and colleagues developed a mathematical model to predict an individual’s traits and preferences based on 58,000 U.S.
人权事务委员会对行使拦截搜查权过程中使用种 脸谱 化 手法仍然十分关 切,建议联合王国确保以不加歧视的方式行使这种权力。139 消种歧委遗憾地指 出,这种做法对少数族裔群体的影响大得离谱,140 建议联合王国新的防恐调查 制度包括有关保障措施,防止滥权和故意将某些族裔和宗教群体定为搜查目标。
The Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief was concerned about reports that Muslims are regularly subjected to screening of their personal data, house searches, interrogations and arrests solely because of their religious affiliation.137 She noted that several provisions in counter-terrorism legislation seem to be overly broad and vaguely worded.138 59. he HR Committee remained concerned about the use of racial profiling in the exercise of stop and search powers,. and recommended that the United Kingdom ensure that they are exercised in a non-discriminatory manner.139 CERD regretted that it disproportionately affect minority ethnic groups140 and recommended that the United Kingdom ensure that the new system of terrorism prevention and investigation includes safeguards against abuse and the deliberate targeting of certain ethnic and religious groups.141 60.
社交网络范围很广,例脸谱网声称有 5 亿用户,其中 一半的用户每天都上网。
Social networks are vast in scope, with Facebook for example claiming 500 million users, half of whom access the network every day.
脸谱选择 瑞典建造服务器场的原因不仅仅是因为可以利用其可再生能源,还有可以利用自然环境冷却服务器场的原因,用冬季气温下降到-15°C以下的空气进行冷却。
Facebook choose to build [...]
a server farm in Sweden not only because of the use of renewable energy, there is reason cooling
server farm can take advantage of the natural environment, with winter temperatures down to -15 ° C below the air cooling.
据工作组成员会晤的非政府组织介绍,警察对非洲人后裔存在种 脸谱化 的做法,这些令人不断关切的问题。
According to NGOs with which the members met, racial profiling against people of African descent by the police is an ongoing concern; the darker a person’s skin, the more likely they are to be stopped, questioned and frisked by police.
在左边菜单中,选择“公司概况”,即可添加公司状况的简单描述和其他一些信息,如公司网址,国外社交网 脸谱 、 推 特、关系网和RSS订阅。
On the left menu, selecting "Overview" will allow you to add a brief description of your company, its type and other useful information such as your internet address and the link to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn sites, as well as your RSS feeds.
虽然各主要电信网络的3G容量在不断扩大,但大多数智能手机都能够依靠GPRS技术运行,该技术足以支持最受印尼人欢迎的智能手机功能的运行,如访 脸谱 网 (Facebook)和推特(Twitter)等社交媒体网站(详见“印尼的互联网接入正在得到改善”)。
While the 3G capacity of each of the main telecom networks are expanding, most smartphones are able to operate on GPRS technology which offers sufficient scope for the most popular smartphone functions among Indonesians such as social media sites including Facebook and Twitter (See Improving Internet Access in Indonesia).
大一点的儿童可能会应用简单的疼痛评分,比 如数手指,或者通过指着微笑、悲伤、痛苦脸谱疼痛评估量表(参阅工具 2 ),来表达疼 痛的严重程度。
Older children may be able to use a simple pain score,
such as showing the
[...] severity of pain by the number of fingers they hold up, or by pointing at pictures of smiling, sad or distressed faces (see Tool 2).
华尔街日报报道说,Facebook可能会存放在世界的每一个GSM手机的数字公布后的安全世界 脸谱 为 SI M由位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的金雅拓公司在巴塞罗那移动。
Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook could be available for every GSM phone in the world after the announcement of Facebook for SIM by the Amsterdam-based digital security firm Gemalto at the Barcelona Mobile World Conference.




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