单词 | 脱氧核糖核酸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 脱氧核糖核酸 —DNA脱氧脱糖核酸 —deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)See also:脱氧核糖—deoxyribose 脱氧—deoxidation 核糖核酸—ribonucleic acid (RNA) 核糖—ribose
为此,正在 同波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那国际失踪人员调查委员会的遗传实验室最后敲 定 脱氧 核糖核酸分析合同。 daccess-ods.un.org | For that purpose, it is in the process of finalizing a contract for DNA analysis with the genetic laboratory of the International Commission on Missing Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. daccess-ods.un.org |
Shchetka 先生。他脸上和脖子上 的4 条抓痕可能是受害人在抵抗时用指甲划的,并且他衬衣上的血迹含有受害人 血样中所认定的脱氧核糖核酸图谱。 daccess-ods.un.org | The four scratches on his face and neck could have been produced by the victim’s [...] fingernails upon her [...] resistance, and the blood traces on his shirt contained the DNA profile found in the victim’s blood sample. daccess-ods.un.org |
脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) 的多态性的发现为整个人类遗传学带来真正革命性的改变,分子遗传学亦因此而诞生。 shawprize.org | The discovery of DNA polymorphism has truly revolutionized the entire field of human genetics and was directly responsible for the birth of molecular genetics. shawprize.org |
PAHs在人体内经过新陈代谢过程后,可能会转化成废物排出体外,或形成具活性的代谢物,可能会与细胞内的基因物 质脱氧核糖核酸 ( DN A)结合。 cfs.gov.hk | PAHs will undergo metabolic transformation in the human body and may form products that are excreted or active metabolites that may bind to DNA, the genetic materials inside the cell. cfs.gov.hk |
拟议编列经费 154 [...] 600 美元,用途如下:供应商背景调查、 脱氧核糖核酸 测试 和订阅各种审计出版物和国际出版物搜索引擎(94 [...] 000 美元);调查司在内罗 毕和维也纳的区域中心的图书馆采购和邮寄服务等办公费用(15 200 美元)以及 培训教材的所需资源(45 400 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | An amount of $154,600 is proposed to [...] provide for the following services: [...] vendor background checks, DNA tests and subscriptions [...]to various audit publications and [...]an international publications search engine ($94,000); office charges, such as library purchase and postage services for the Investigations Division regional hubs in Nairobi and Vienna ($15,200); and requirements for training materials ($45,400). daccess-ods.un.org |
人类基因数据涵盖了从染色体和 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)的 排序及其多形变态中产生的表 现型信息和遗传型信息,对科学和医学的进步具有至关重要的意义。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Human genetic data – which covers phenotypic and genotypic information obtained from the karyotype and from DNA sequences and their polymorphisms – are of crucial importance to progress in science and medicine. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在该计划框架内,为艾滋病防 治中心的实验室购置了人体免疫缺陷病毒 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)和 RNA(核糖核 酸)自动分析器(用于进行聚合酶链反应分析的准备)和自动洗涤器板。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of these initiatives, automatic analysers for the separation of the DNA and RNA of the human immunodeficiency virus (carrying out preanalytical preparation of PCR analysis) and automatic plate washers for equipping laboratories at AIDS prevention and control centres were purchased. daccess-ods.un.org |
脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)无性繁殖技术开辟了新途径,使人认识到基因在人体健康和患病时的分子结构和功能,为生物学和生命科学带来了突破性的变革。 shawprize.org | DNA cloning has revolutionized the biological and life sciences by opening up the pathway to the understanding of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level in both health and disease. shawprize.org |
最近的一份有关脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 的专利报告在仔细考虑该问题后,建议“应该考虑 这样一种概念,即把声称拥有自然生成的 DNA 序列权利的产品的专利权仅限于专利申请 中所指明的用途,其创造性的基础仅是关于该基因序列的用途,而不是该序列本身的来 历或说明。 iprcommission.org | A recent report on DNA patents, after considering the issue in detail, suggested that “consideration be given to the concept of limiting the scope of product patents that assert rights over naturallyoccurring DNA sequences to the uses referred to in the patent claims, where the grounds for inventiveness concern the use of the sequence only and not the derivation or elucidation of the sequence itself”.25 This would lead to the researcher being awarded only the rights to the uses that she has set out in the specification, and not all uses. iprcommission.org |
DNA( 脱氧核糖核酸) 分析 ,所以对提交人的定罪完全以受害者的陈述 为依据,而受害者曾在若干场合及一些公开场合声明提交人无罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the police investigation did not turn up any [...] fingerprints and no DNA analysis was [...]conducted, the author’s conviction rested [...]entirely on the victim’s statements, and the victim had stated that he was innocent on repeated occasions, in some instances publicly. daccess-ods.un.org |
路巴综合症病变 - 不能修复破坏了的脱氧核糖核酸。 hsbc.com.hk | Ataxia-telangiectasia mutation- impair in repairing damaged DNA. hsbc.com.hk |
儿权委对儿童的脱氧核糖核酸数据 不管是否最终会受到起诉或判定有罪一 律存放在国家脱氧核糖核酸数据库里十分关注;97 建议联合王国无论在立法还 是在实践中都确保儿童受到保护,免遭非法或任意干涉。 daccess-ods.un.org | CRC was concerned that DNA data regarding children is kept in the National DNA Database irrespective of whether the child is ultimately charged [...] or found guilty;97it recommended [...]that the United Kingdom ensure both in legislation and in practice that children are protected against unlawful or arbitrary interference.98 daccess-ods.un.org |
110 在海洋生物普查框架内开展的海洋微生物国际普查使 人们注意到对脱氧核糖核酸序列 测定产生的数量前所未有的数据进行分析这一 挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The importance of research on marine genetic resources for the purpose of enhancing the scientific understanding, potential use and application, and enhanced management of marine ecosystems continues to be recognized by the international community.109 However, information on genetic diversity and the use of marine genetic resources, in particular those from areas beyond national jurisdiction, continues to be fragmentary.110 In the context of the Census of Marine Life, the International Census of Marine Microbes drew attention to challenges in analysing an unprecedented volume of data from DNA sequencing. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 最近出台了关于在涉及脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 序列的案例中如何 评定效用的指导原则21 。 iprcommission.org | The USPTO has recently provided guidance on how utility should be assessed in cases involving DNA sequences.21 In such cases, utility can be established only if the patent application discloses a specific, substantial and credible utility. iprcommission.org |
用自主建立的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) 定量分离模型对蛋白质迁移数据进行拟合,发现SDS-蛋白质复合物迁移规律与DNA相似,但迁移淌度与相对分子质量及电场强度之间的线性关系明显变差,可见原DNA分离模型要扩展到蛋白质范围必须对一些参数进行校正。 chrom-china.com | The results showed that the migration character of SDS-protein complexes was similar with DNA. chrom-china.com |
它也减低肌肤纤维细胞里所产生的自由基数量,并减少紫外线辐射对体内重要成分,如酯类(lipids-肌肤天然保湿分子) 及脱氧核糖核酸 ( DN A)所造成的伤害。 imedeen.com.cn | It decreases the amount of free radicals produced in skin fibroblasts and reduces the damage caused by UV radiation in essential building blocks such as lipids and DNA. imedeen.co.id |
例如,人类基因数据一词本身就覆盖了 从染色体组型数据、脱氧核糖核酸( DN A)序列到 DNA 序列变异(亦称定位基因)等的数 据。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For instance, the term “human genetic data” covers karyotype data, DNA sequences, variants of DNA sequences (called alleles) such as mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms, tandem repeat polymorphisms and insertion and/or deletion polymorphisms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,製 造 商 須 採取措施支 持 其 聲稱,例如測試食品中是否含有新蛋白質和 新脫氧核糖核酸,以 及提供有關 食物處 理方法和程序的證明文件。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, manufacturers are required to take measures to substantiate the claim by testing the presence of novel protein and novel DNA, and documentation of the handling practices and procedures. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 食物中重新組合的脫氧核糖核酸及從 脫氧核糖核酸所 產生的蛋白質已消失 或分解 ; 或 legco.gov.hk | (a) food in which recombinant DNA and the resulting protein from such DNA have been eliminated or broken down; or legco.gov.hk |
至於精製食物,執法機關 可 能 須進行一次 過的測試,證實新脫氧 核糖核酸和 /或新蛋白質是否已 被 移 除。 legco.gov.hk | In the case of highly refined food, an one-off test may be required to confirm that novel DNA and/or novel protein is removed. legco.gov.hk |
具體而言,公眾歡迎擴大新標籤規則的適 [...] 用範圍,包括所有由基因改造生物衍生的產品,例如油和其他以往因 為在加工後無法偵測基因改造生物的 脫 氧核糖核酸 / 外 來蛋白質而 無需加上標籤的產品,。 legco.gov.hk | In particular, the extension of the new labelling rules to cover all GMO derivatives, such as oils and other [...] products which previously did not need to [...] be labelled because DNA/foreign protein from [...]GMOs could not be detected after processing, are welcomed by the public. legco.gov.hk |
代 表 團 在 維多利 亞 州 與 AgriQuality的 代 表會晤 時,獲 告 知 現 時的聚 合 鏈 反 應 測試,可檢驗出 食物中含有 低 至 0.1%的脫氧核糖核酸。 legco.gov.hk | During the meeting with representatives of AgriQuality in Victoria, the delegation was told that the current PCR testing could detect the presence of up to 0.1% DNA in food. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 設 有 資料庫,將 全 部 原 料和配料的基因改造狀 況 加 以分 類,例如“基因改造”、 “利用基因科技製成/含 有新脫 氧核糖核酸或蛋白質”、“利用基因科技製成/不含 脫氧 核糖核酸”、“並非由 基因改造配料製造”及 “不 含 基因改 造成分”。 legco.gov.hk | (e) a database classifying the GM status of all raw materials and ingredients used, such as "GM", "GM derived/contain novel DNA or protein", "GM derived/DNA negative", " Non-GM sourced" and "GM free". legco.gov.hk |
代表團得悉,隨著科技日益進步,現時透過聚合 鏈反應測試, 可檢驗出食物中含有低至0.1%的脫 氧核糖核酸 (第 4.26段 )。 legco.gov.hk | The delegation is given to understand that with advance technology, it is now possible for the PCR testing to identify the presence of up to 0.1% DNA in food (paragraph 4.26). legco.gov.hk |
聯 網後,大學聯合電腦㆗心及香港各大學研究㆟員、教學㆟員及學生,已 經使用這個網絡作多種科研用途,包括傳送及交換氣象資訊及 脫 氧核糖 核酸(DNA)數據,並與海外多間大學研究㆟員進行視像會議和多途節目 廣播等研究工作。 legco.gov.hk | Since its establishment, JUCC and the researchers, teaching staff and students from local tertiary institutions have begun to use the network for various research purposes, which includes transmitting and receiving meteorological information and DNA data, and conducting multi-point videoconferences and video broadcast with their overseas counterparts. legco.gov.hk |
不過,近期有體外 [...] 研究指出,多溴聯苯醚會誘發氧分子活化,可能破壞 脫 氧核糖核酸 。 2在缺乏人體數據的情況下,加上只有零星證據證明這類物質會令動物患 [...]癌,世界衞生組織轄下的國際癌症研究機構於 1999 年把十溴聯苯醚列為 第 3 類物質( 即在會否令人類患癌方面未能分類的物質),但並沒有就五溴 [...] 聯苯醚和八溴聯苯醚的致癌性進行評估。 cfs.gov.hk | But recent in vitro studies indicated that [...] PBDEs can cause DNA damage through the [...] induction of reactive oxygen species.2 Based on [...]the lack of human data and the limited [...]evidence of carcinogenicity in animals, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization in 1999 classified DecaBDE in Group 3 (i.e. not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans). cfs.gov.hk |
(a) 根據(歐委會)第 [...] 49/2000號規例,歐委會對基因改造的脫氧 核糖核酸(DNA) 及蛋白質含量作出規範,以1%為標準,藉 [...]此解決食品受到偶然出現的基因改造物質污染的問題。 legco.gov.hk | (a) under Regulation (EC) 49/2000, the Commission [...] introduced a 1% de minimis threshold for DNA and protein resulting from [...]genetic modification to address the problem of adventitious contamination of GM materials in food products. legco.gov.hk |
家蚕与果蝇的ND2基因序列同源性约69.7%,COⅠ基因的同源性约83.8%,COⅡ基因5′端的同源性约80%,这表明细胞色 素 氧 化 酶基因在物种间比烟酰胺腺嘌呤 二 核 苷 酸脱 氢 酶 基因保守。 actazool.org | The homology of ND2 gene sequence between Bombyx mori and Drosophila melanogaster is about 69.7%, while the homology of COⅠ and 5′end of COⅡ gene sequences between B.mori and D. melanogaster is about 83.8% and 80% respectively. actazool.org |
虽然上述协议是直线前进的惰性条件下,一些常见故障排除程序是:(一)确保焦 磷 酸 钾 , 脱 气 和 干,(b)如钐金属有长期暴露在空气中,它可能有一个外 层 氧 化 ,用研钵和pestal清洁的金属表面暴露的金属研磨,(三)火焰干燥所有玻璃器皿和冷却的氩气下,(四)随着氮,优选氩气惰性气氛中作为购买已被证明与该金属相互作用,(e)在存在下,过量的金属的Sm-有助于保持SMI的浓度如图2所示 [...] [...] ,(六)resublime的碘晶体。 jove.com | While the above protocol is straight forward when done under inert conditions, some of the common troubleshooting procedures [...] are: (a) make sure the [...] THF is properly degassed and dry, (b) if Sm metal has had prolonged exposure to air it could have an oxidized outside layer, grind [...]the metal with a [...]mortar and pestal to expose the clean metal surface, (c) flame-dry all glassware and cool under argon, (d) argon is preferred inert atmosphere over Nitrogen, as the later has been shown to interact with the metal, (e) The presence of excess Sm-metal helps to maintain the concentration of SmI2, (f) resublime the iodine crystals. jove.com |
為了促進中國的大豆研究及育種,林漢明的團隊聯同深圳的研究人員合作啟動了一項大型的大豆基因組解讀計劃,應用先進的 脫 氧核糖核酸 測 序 技術來驗證野生大豆豐富的生物多樣性,並解開其中重要的基因組信息。 news.gov.hk | To foster the study and breeding of soybeans in China, Prof Lam's team are leading a joint soybean genomic project along with researchers from Shenzhen to apply advanced DNA-sequencing technology to reveal wild soybean genomes' biodiversity and unlock the essential genomic data contained in soybeans. news.gov.hk |