

单词 脱不了身

See also:


get away
free oneself
escape (from obligations)

脱身 n

escape n

External sources (not reviewed)

iPod 插槽和卡片插缝都采了”快速脱身 ” 机 制,因此 不 论 是 你的 iPod 还是信用卡等物件,都能轻松插入和取出。
The other side is an abundance of pockets and hidden slots to hold anything from your driver's license, to credit cards, to a few folded up dollars or Euros.
他被带到喀布 尔,关在“黑牢”中九个月,在那里遭 了身 份 不 明 人员的身心折磨。
He was taken to Kabul and held in the “dark prison” for nine months, where he suffered severe physical and psychological torture by unidentified persons.
攻击者绑了下士 Ali Khalid al-Abdullah,但巡逻队的另一 名成员得脱身。
The attackers abducted Corporal Ali Khalid al-Abdullah, but the other member of the patrol was able to escape.
Ghanea 女士总了五条初步 结论:(a) 讨论表达自由的限不能 脱离根据 整 个公约所承 担 的总体义务,例 如,法律面前人人平等,应有的程序 和 少数人 的权利等;(b) 与表达没有合理的联系的随意的或有人指挥的暴力行为不应成为对 表达自由加以限制的理由;(c) 在仇恨身就引起暴力的地方,表 了 一 种 更广泛 的暴力模式;启了第 2 0 条就表明国家没有能够保证第 26 条所规定的不受歧视 的权利;(d) 第 20 条也要求有仔细的分成不同等级的制裁;最低一级,不应侵害 表达本 身 ,最高一级,可引 发制裁 ;要小心不要让 限制对总的表达自由造 成 消极 影响;(e) 在国家范畴内还需要其他的行动。
Ms. Ghanea drew five preliminary conclusions:
[...] (a) the discussion on limitations to freedom of expression could not be dissociated from the overall obligations under the Covenant as a whole, such as full equality before the law, due process and rights of minorities; (b) random or orchestrated acts of violence that have no reasonable link to expression should not justify limitations to freedom of expression; (c) where hatred itself incited to violence, it showed a broader pattern of violations; triggering [...]
article 20 demonstrated a failure of the State to guarantee the right to non-discrimination under article 26; (d) article 20 also required a careful and calibrated range of sanctions; at a minimum, it should not infringe expression itself and at a maximum it could trigger sanction; care had to be taken for the limitations not to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in general; and (e) other actions in the national sphere were needed.
他提醒我们,“享有自由不仅仅 意味着 脱 自 身 的 枷锁,还要在生活 中尊重和推动他人的自由”。
To be free,” he reminded us, “is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
(e) 说明用以确保被拘留了解自己享有投诉权的监管机制,并确保投诉不因投诉而受到实脱衣搜身或肛 腔检查的警察局、移民局或拘留所官员的报 复。
(e) Please provide information on the oversight mechanisms in place to ensure that detainees are
aware of their right
[...] to complain, as well as to ensure that those who do complain are not subject to retribution by police, immigration or detention officials [...]
who carried out
the strip or body-cavity search.
在我继续发言之前,请允许我赞扬法国独角兽部 队提供的极有帮助的合作,包括该部队在危机 不同 时 刻向联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)总部提供的 重要保护,以及及时恢复阿比让供水系统的运转,使 被围困的联科行动总部脱了 10 天断水的困境。
Before I proceed, let me pay tribute to the French Licorne Force for its most helpful cooperation, including its crucial protection of the headquarters of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) at various moments during the crisis, as well as for its timely restoration of the functioning of the water distribution system in Abidjan, which relieved the besieged UNOCI headquarters from 10 days of water deprivation.
移徙者在移徙过程不同阶 段都有可能陷入或是脱非正常身份, 在某些情况下是意图规范移徙的国家法律或政策导致的意外后 果。
Migrants can fall in and out of an irregular status at different stages of the migratory process, in some cases as an unintended consequence of the attempt by national legislation or measures to regulate migration.
一个代表团指出,如果脱了最不发 达 国家 地位,则将可对获得仿制药品的机会产生影响。
One delegation noted that graduation from the least developed country category would have an impact on access to generic medicines.
委员会的活不应造成地方依赖 性从而使得国际社会难脱身的局面。
The Commission’s activities should create no local dependency that would make it difficult for the international community to leave.
必须继续努力建设经济复原力,这对于那些最近 脱了 或 即将 摆 脱 最 不 发 达 国家地位、从而可 能丧失那些具体补贴的小岛屿发展中国家来说特别重要。
The need for continued efforts to build economic resilience is particularly important to those islands that recently graduated, or will be graduating from least-developedcountry status, thereby facing the risk of losing those specific benefits.
不 安全 的水和缺乏卫生设施是痢疾的首要原因,而这种疾病是与贫困家庭的儿童和 婴儿死亡率高联系在一起的,许多其他权利的享有也因此受到了限制,其中包括 健康权、受教育权、工作权和隐私权等,因此,这严重地破 了脱 贫 的 可能性。
Unsafe water and lack of
[...] access to sanitation are a primary cause of diarrhoeal diseases linked to high levels of child and infant mortality among families living in poverty and restrict the enjoyment of many other rights, including those to health, education, work and privacy, thereby seriously undermining the possibilities of escaping poverty.
(2) 觸 犯 一 罪 行 的 人 縱 然身 不 知 道 觸 犯 該 罪 行 所 需 要 的 任 何 特 別 事 實 或 情 況,也 可 能 要 承 受 該 罪 行 的 咎 責,不 過,儘 管 有 上 文 第 ( 1 ) 款 的 規 定, 那 人 還不 算 犯 了 串 謀 觸 犯 該 罪 行 , 除 非 他 及 最 少 協 議 的 其 他 任 何 一 方 計 劃 或 知 道 於 構 成 該 罪 行 的 行 徑 發 生 時 , 該 事 實 或 情 況 當 會 或 將 會 存 在 。
(2) Where
[...] liability for any offence may be incurred without knowledge on the part of the person committing it of any particular fact or circumstance necessary for the commission of the offence, a person shall nevertheless not be guilty of conspiracy to commit that offence [...]
by virtue of subsection (1) above unless
he and at least one other party to the agreement intend or know that that fact or circumstance shall or will exist at the time when the conduct constituting the offence is to take place.
Manzano 先生和Deyongh 先生从未被拘留,甚至逃出了哥伦比亚的 司法管辖,因此他不能称 其受到刑事判决任 不 当 延 误的影响,尤其是关于严 重欺诈、歪曲司法以及为某官员提供虚假信息和伪造公文的刑事指控已被宣布超 过时效,以澄清被告的法律地位并使他们 脱了 这 些 指控。
Mr. Manzano and Mr. Deyongh were never detained and are even
fugitives from
[...] Colombian justice, so that they cannot allege that they were affected by any undue delay in delivery of the criminal sentence, especially since the criminal charges relating to aggravated fraud, prevention of the course of justice and providing false information in and forging [...]
of a public
document on the part of an official were declared to be time-barred, in order to clarify the legal situation of the accused and absolve them of those charges.
大会 2000 年 9
[...] 月 8 日第 55/2 号决议通过的《联合国千年宣言》,意味着重 新发了一种 见解,即基于市场的增长战略 身不 足 以解决普遍存在的贫穷问 题,需要有运作良好的机构和有效的社会政策,以确保适当提供医疗保健和教育 [...]
The United Nations Millennium Declaration, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/2 of 8 September 2000, embodied a rediscovery of the insight
that market-based
[...] growth strategies were insufficient by themselves to solve the problem of widespread poverty [...]
and that well-functioning
institutions and effective social policies were needed to ensure adequate provisioning of health care and education and to prevent social exclusion of many.
[...] 定义,其结果是,在海盗被抓获时,视他们在何地以 及在何种情况下被抓获,他们可以在几乎或根 不受 惩罚的情况脱身。
There is no standardized, adopted and accepted definition of pirates in the context of the region with the result that when pirates
are caught, depending on where and under what circumstances they are
[...] caught, they can escape with little or no punishment.
我刚才列举的这些数字显示出这样一个国家的 痛苦情形:它成功地脱了赤贫,建立了运行良好的 经济框架和基础设施,而不乏政 治意愿与远见卓 识, 但仍然受到源于少数发达国家的金融和经济危 机的毁灭性影响。
painful picture of a country that had successfully pulled up itself from abject poverty,
had developed
[...] functioning economic frameworks and infrastructure, and was not lacking in political will and foresight, but still [...]
suffered the devastating
effects of the financial economic crisis originating from a small number of developed countries.
作为其促进对话、尊重、宽容和文化多样性的持续努力的一部分,新闻部举了“摆脱不容忍 ”系列研讨会,目的是审查不同形式的不容忍,并讨论通过教 育和获取信息寻找解决办法。
As part of its continuing efforts to promote dialogue, respect, tolerance and cultural diversity, the Department of Public Information organized an “unlearning intolerance” seminar series aimed at examining different manifestations of intolerance and discussing solutions through education and access to information.
在报告 所述期间,尽管只有马尔代夫脱了 最 不 发 达 国家的地位,但南南合作正在产生 影响,因为新兴经济体为最不发达国家带来了更便于获得资本、发展资金和支付 得起的技术的机会。
Although only Maldives graduated from the least developed country status during the reporting period, South-South cooperation is nonetheless making an impact as emerging economies present least developed countries with opportunities for greater access to capital, development finance and affordable technology.
对中国参与全球特定政权维和进行的最为全面 的合作研究之一得出了一个重要发现,“全球事务任何 一个重要方面都脱不了中国 的影响力”。
A key finding of one of the most comprehensive collaborative studies of China’s participation in select global regimes, is that “no significant aspect of world affairs is exempt from its influence”.
这一点再正不过了,因 为如果作为和平 之城和单神教信仰者聚集地的耶路撒冷的人 不能 摆脱不公正 ,不停止改变该城人口结构和特征的做 法,不结束对耶路撒冷的占领,这座城市就不能完成 自己的历史使命。
This is all the more true since Jerusalem, the city of peace and meeting place of the believers of the monotheistic religions, cannot fulfil its historical vocation unless its people are freed from injustice, changes in its demography and character cease, and an end is put to its occupation.
[...] 责任在程序上未必有关联;如果存在这种必要关联,则国家有可能放弃其官员的 豁免,以便脱自身的责 任,即便只是在政治上开脱责任。
It was further pointed out that criminal proceedings against State officials and the establishment of State responsibility was not necessarily procedurally connected and that, if such a necessary connection existed, there was a risk that the State would
waive immunity of its officials in an
[...] attempt to exonerate itself, even if only at [...]
a political level, from responsibility.
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的在线内容,开发多语种教学内容,通过提不 同形式的授课方式增加身学习 的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available in
Arabic, multilingual
[...] content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through [...]
access to diversified delivery systems.
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The open access advantage is greater for the more citable articles, not because of a quality bias from authors self-selecting what to make open access, but because of a quality advantage, from users self-selecting what to use and cite, freed by open access from the constraints of selective accessibility to subscribers only.




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