单词 | 脚趾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 脚趾 —toeExamples:脚趾头—toe See also:脚 n—leg n • role n 脚—classifier for kicks • leg (of an animal or an object) • base (of an object) 趾—toe
由于仍旧没有得到任何回答,这名警察夹断了提 交人的脚趾。 daccess-ods.un.org | When he did not get a response from the author, he brutally severed his toe. daccess-ods.un.org |
真菌通常生长于足跖部及脚趾之间 皮肤,发作在温暖潮湿的天气和地区。 cn.iherb.com | The fungi tend to favor the warm, moist [...] areas between the toes and usually flare [...]up during warm weather. iherb.com |
最常见的受痛风影响的关节是大脚趾 关 节,但是其他关节也会受到影响。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The most common joint [...] involved is the big toe, although other [...]joints can be affected as well. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
从脚踝到脚趾,让 肌肤重生,得到最佳防护。 clarinsusa.com | Renews and protects from ankle to toe. clarinsusa.com |
足底筋膜炎是指足底跟骨伸延至脚趾 的 粗 厚纤维组织 (即筋膜)发炎,患者会感到痛楚,然而此症状是会自行痊愈的。 hsbc.com.hk | A painful [...] condition of the foot caused by inflammation [...]of the thick tough, fibrous band of tissue (fascia) connecting the [...]heel bone to the base of the toes. hsbc.com.hk |
度假小屋的生活品味,就是懂得把所有也停下來,欣赏什么也不做的状态 – 坐在码头上,把您脚趾浸泡 在水中,這胜过一天盯着电脑屏幕強。 visitfinland.com | Cottage life in Finland is about appreciating [...] the art of doing nothing – sitting on a [...] jetty dipping your toes in the water beats [...]staring at a computer screen any day of the week. visitfinland.com |
凡丧失大脚趾和同 一只脚的一个或多于一 个 脚趾 , 合计百分率须以不高 于丧失一只脚的所有脚趾的百 分率为限。 daccess-ods.un.org | (5) Where there is loss [...] of a great toe and one or more other toes of the same foot, the aggregate percentage shall not be more than the percentage for the loss of all toes of one foot. daccess-ods.un.org |
宝趣多多 这是一个浪潮脚趾攻的 音乐和unfurgettable的的乐趣为整个家庭艾尔文与花栗鼠返回他们的最大的冒险! 在一艘豪华游轮上度假,不禁摇摆的小船,用自己独特的品牌“芒克恶作剧艾尔文,西蒙,西奥多和Chipettes的的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | It’s a tidal wave of toe-tapping music and unfurgettable fun for the whole family as Alvin and the Chipmunks return in their greatest adventure yet! seekcartoon.com |
马加里的Prestashop主题设计的响应类型,两种类型的布局,为您的网站模块的配置,使一切简单而快速的支持谷歌的字体,以确保个性化从头部 到 脚趾。 pro-themes-plugins.com | Magari is a Prestashop theme design responsive type, two types of layouts for your site [...] module configuration to make everything as simple and quick support Google fonts to ensure [...] personalization from head to toe. pro-themes-plugins.com |
它可使手指和脚趾 有麻刺的感觉,嘴巴周围麻木,tunnel vision。 zeromercury.org | It can cause tingling sensations in [...] the fingers and toes, a numb sensation [...]around the mouth and tunnel vision. zeromercury.org |
其临床表现可能包括:出汗、潮红、全身颤抖、心率快、胸痛、感觉呼吸困难、窒息、恶心、呕吐、头晕、手指 和 脚趾 有 刺痛感,以及感觉周围的事物是虚幻的、害怕死去。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Symptoms may include sweating, flushing, trembling, rapid heart rate, chest pain, a sensation of difficulty with breathing, choking, [...] nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tingling [...] sensation in fingers and toes, a feeling that [...]things around them are unreal, and a fear of dying. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
另一次他们用同样的酷刑折磨了我两个多小时,由于我的双脚 红肿,我的脚趾甲掉在地上。 daccess-ods.un.org | They poured water on the ground and asked me to jump barefoot … I could not jump because my feet had turned blue, and because I was unable to jump, they began to beat me all over my body … Another time they subjected me to [...] the same torture for more than two hours and as a result of [...] the swelling in my feet, my toenails fell out on [...]the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
经典的捻角设计提供了新式的现代风格,具有更大 的 脚趾 空 间 和轻便的橡胶底,让小脚更加舒适。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | This twist on the classic offers an updated, contemporary style with a more rounded toe and sporty [...] rubber sole for little feet on the go. minnetonkamoccasin.com |
宝趣多多 这是一个浪潮脚趾攻的 音乐和unfurgettable的的乐趣为整个家庭艾尔文与花栗鼠返回他们的最大的冒险! 在一艘豪华游轮上度假,ALVI ... zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Huwa mewġa tal-baħar toe-tapping mużika u gost unfurgettable għall-familja kollha kif Alvin u l-Chipmunks ritorn fil-avventura akbar tagħhom għadha! mt.seekcartoon.com |
汗水的气味,当然,他避免,制造商所承诺的, 但 脚趾 之 间 的皮肤很干燥,有鳞的。 cn.badgood.info | The smell of sweat, of course he avoids, as promised by the manufacturers, but the [...] skin between the toes is very dry and scaly. en.badgood.info |
曾发表过的作品包括陈家凯《舔着你 的 脚趾 就 安好》(2002年娱协奖“专业评审推荐歌曲”)和《飞行943》(2004年娱协奖本地组“最佳原创金曲奖”)、温力铭《爱情维基》、林健辉《摇摆主义》、叶俊岑《爱情讯号》等。 serenemusic.net | Lyrics published include Chen Jiakai’s “Tian Zhe Ni De Jia Zhi Jiu An Hao” (2002 PWH Music Award – “Professional Judge Recommended Song”) & “Fei Xing 943″ (2004 PWH Music Award – “Best Song”in Local Category), Danny One “Ai Qing Wei Ji”, Eric Lim “Yao Bai Zhu Yi”, Gary Yap “Ai Qing Xun Hao” and others. serenemusic.net |
现生鸟类中, 树栖种类居多, 早期的鸟类也是如 此. 事实上, 脚趾的对握和树栖能力的获取在鸟类和 飞行起源的过程中起到了重要的作用. ivpp.ac.cn | In fact, the evolution of a reversed hallux and the possession of arboreal capability represent a major event in the evolution of birds and avian flight. ivpp.ac.cn |
将FiveFingers鞋平放在地上,把脚伸进鞋里的同时,将每 个 脚趾 头 对 准相应的趾套—通常来说,最好是从大拇趾开始,然后按顺序把所 有 脚趾 头 逐 个对准相应的趾套,最后对准小趾,在全 部 脚趾 头 对 准趾套后,逐渐把各 个 脚趾 头 慢 慢地向前伸入趾套里面。 vibramfivefingers.cn | Place FiveFingers flat on the floor, insert your foot while gradually aligning each toe with the aooropriate toe pocket – it’s often best to start with your big toe and work down to the little toe, gradually inching forward as each toe finds its place. vibramfivefingers.cn |
但他们的脚步依然不稳。他们不是用 脚趾和 后 跟贴地走,走路姿势尚不成熟,看上去像是两边摆的样子。 cpsc.gov | However, they are still [...] unsteady on their feet and their walking [...]resembles toddling more than mature heel-to-toe walking. cpsc.gov |
乘坐直升机参观人迹罕至的白天堂海滩(Whitehaven Beach),将脚趾伸进世界上最纯净的闪亮白色硅沙中。 australia.com | Take a helicopter tour to deserted Whitehaven Beach [...] and stretch your toes in the brilliant [...]white silica sand that is among the purest in the world. australia.com |
The Privé clinic [...] 适合一个人的风格和内容,想看看他们的绝对是最好的,从头部 到 脚趾。 compareclinic.com | The Privé clinic suits someone of style and substance, wanting to look their [...] absolute best from head to toe. compareclinic.com |
11 7.3 委员会注意到了提交人关于他及其堂兄弟所遭受的酷刑,包括被烟头灼伤、 殴打、提交人眼部严重受伤和右 脚脚趾 被 截 断、电击;缺乏适当的医治;提交人 [...] 的堂兄弟失踪。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the absence of any explanations from the State party in this respect, due weight must be given to the author’s allegations.11 7.3 The Committee notes the author’s allegations that he and his cousins were subjected to torture, including cigarette burns, beatings, [...] severe injury to the author’s eye, the [...] amputation of his right toe and electric shocks; [...]the lack of adequate medical attention; [...]and the disappearance of the author’s cousins. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要的重建、補救及改善工程包括重置戴 麟 趾 康 復中心和堅尼地城游 泳池。 legco.gov.hk | The major RRIW includes the reprovisioning [...] of the David Trench Rehabilitation [...]Centre (DTRC) and the Kennedy Town Swimming Pool (KTSP). legco.gov.hk |
提交人的 断趾得到 了一些治疗,但他的堂兄弟却没有得到任何医治。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author received treatment for his severed toe but his cousins did not receive any medical attention whatsoever. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而 ,有市民就 一 些 事宜表示關 注 [...] ,包括受影響設施( 例 如 戴麟趾康復中 心 、 堅尼地城游泳池、 [...]正 街街市西座 和 休憩用地) 的 重 置 ;通 風井對山道的 居 民 、 般咸道 的學生和居 民可能 造成的不良影響; 擬議車 [...]站入口 位 置 ;以及科士街 樹牆的 保 育事宜。 legco.gov.hk | However, there are concerns over the [...] reprovisioning of the affected facilities [...] (such as David Trench Rehabilitation [...]Centre, Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Centre [...]Street Market West Block and open spaces); the possible adverse effect of ventilation shafts to the residents at Hill Road and to students and residents at Bonham Road; the proposed locations of station entrances and the preservation of tree walls at Forbes Street etc. legco.gov.hk |
(6) 在 本 條 中,有 關 個 別 人 士 的 ‘ 鑑 證 資 料 ’ 是 指 該 人 的 照 片 、 指 紋 、 掌 紋 、 腳 板 紋 、 腳 趾 紋 及 體 重 和 身 高 的 量 度 紀 錄 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (6) In this section, “identifying particulars” in relation to a person means photographs, finger-prints, palm-prints, sole-prints, toe-prints and the weight and height measurements of that person. hkreform.gov.hk |