单词 | 脚气病 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 病n—diseasen illnessn syndromen
脚气病是缺 乏维他命B1 (硫胺素)所致的,由於亚洲人以白饭为主要粮食,因此脚气病在此区域甚为常见。 hsbc.com.hk | Beriberi is a disease caused by dietary deficiency of vitamin B1 (Thiamin). hsbc.com.hk |
矫型鞋,若为脚部支 架的一部份,且其费用包含在支架内,或者矫型鞋的主人是患有糖尿病足部疾病者除外。 lacare.org | Orthopedic shoes, [...] unless the shoes are part of a leg brace and are included in the cost of the brace or the shoes are for a person with diabeticfootdisease. lacare.org |
香港的主要杀手为心脏病和癌症等等,可惜香港政府在预防这些杀手的工作并不积 极,我想用癌病和环境㆗的空气作为 ㆒个例子,并提出㆒些建议。 legco.gov.hk | The main killers in [...] Hong Kong include heart disease andcancer, but the Hong [...]Kong Government has not been active in its [...]work in preventing these killers. legco.gov.hk |
既 然 有 关的监 测点是用以监测 沼气和 尘埃, 那麽测试 结 果 是 否 足 以 [...] 显示有 议员刚才所 提 出 , 可 能 会 引 致疾病的空气质素问 题 ? legco.gov.hk | Since the equipment may monitor the levels of [...] methane and dust, can the test results tell us whether there are problems with [...] the airquality that may make peoplesick? legco.gov.hk |
利用血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 (ACE) [...] 也可以延迟糖尿 病肾病的病发及延缓病程进展,而且减少其他糖尿病的并 发症,如糖尿病视网膜病变及脚溃疡。 genre.com | Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors may also delay the [...] onset and progression of diabetic nephropathy and reduce other diabetic [...] complications, such as retinopathy andfoot ulcers. genre.com |
最少每年由医生检查双足一次,检查脚部神 经有否病变和血液循环障碍程度。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | At least once a year, have your doctor check your bare feet and screen you forneuropathy and loss of circulation. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
但如果是脚骹出现问题,病㆟便要付款 自行购买㆟工骹。 legco.gov.hk | But if someone has a problem with his leg joint, then he has to pay for the artificial joint himself. legco.gov.hk |
由於 H5N1 病毒倾 向感染下呼吸道的细胞,寄居於气道 深处的病毒因 而难以透过咳嗽和 打喷嚏排出,而咳嗽和打喷嚏皆为人类感冒传播的常见途径。 legco.gov.hk | Since the H5N1 viruses preferentially infect cells in the lower respiratory tract, they reside deep in the airways and are not easily expelled by coughing and sneezing, the usual route of spread of human influenza. legco.gov.hk |
如空气㆗没有传送病菌的 雾,应不会有㆟受 到病菌感染。 legco.gov.hk | Without the fine mist to transport the bacteria, infection is unlikely. legco.gov.hk |
何厚铧在记者会上说了一段话,我觉得真的是很“过瘾”: “在艰难 的日子,最重要是保着元气”⎯⎯ 即是把手脚保着,本来吃四五餐的, 现在便吃三四餐,瘦了不要紧,最重要的是保着手脚,如果断掉一两只 [...] 手指、脚趾,即使数年後“有金执”,你也检不起。 legco.gov.hk | I consider the statement made by Mr Edmund HO at a press conference most "amusing": "In difficult times, the most important point is to [...] preserve one's vital energy" ― [...] that is, to keep the arms and legs intact,if one usually has [...]four or five meals a day, he will [...]now have only three to four meals a day, losing weight is no problem at all, as the most important thing is to keep the arms and legs intact, if one has lost one or two fingers or toes, even if there are pieces of gold scattered at the roadside a few years later, that person will not be able to pick them up. legco.gov.hk |
虽然目前仍未有完全客观的证据,证明空气污染直接导致本港有 多人死亡或染病,但空气污染与公众健康肯定有关系,这是无需争辩 [...] 的事实。 legco.gov.hk | Although there is not yet any completely objective evidence to prove that air pollution has [...] directly caused many deaths [...] andincidenceofdiseases in Hong Kong, it [...]is already an incontestable fact that airpollution and public health are definitely related. legco.gov.hk |
Body Mint [...] 身体除味清新口服丸」由夏威夷土产的植物叶绿素衍生物制成,能够被人体完全吸收,帮助清除身体异味,如口气 (口臭)、腋下的气味、身体汗味、脚气味等。 cosme-de.com | Body Mint's unique formulation gives it the power to fight and alleviate [...] everyday body odors from multiple sources, [...] like bad breath (halitosis), underarm odor, perspiration odor and foot odor. cosme-de.com |
但是,如果乘客身体前倾太多,因为它只是一些收入囊中脚部 ,安全气囊的力量伤害了他。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | If, however, the passenger leans forward too much because it just something about looking in the bag in the footwell, the force of theairbag hurt him. en.developmentscout.com |
因 此 , 以 前热带 较 多 出 现 的传染 病 , 如 疟 疾 和 登 革 热等病症,在亚 热带气候的香港,病患者也增 加了。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, communicable diseases more commonly found in the tropical zone in [...] the past, such as malaria and dengue [...] fever, have an increasing number of infected patients in the sub-tropical Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
第二种慢性并发症是微血管疾病,并包括非增殖性糖尿病 视网膜病变 [...] (眼内出现微动脉瘤、小片出血及分泌液,通 常不会导致视力受损)、增殖性视网膜病 (脆弱的新增血管 形成,通常导致失明),周围神经疾病(双脚、双腿或双手 疼痛、灼热、麻木、刺痛) 及肾病 (蛋白尿及肾衰竭)。 genre.com | The second cause of chronic complications are microvascular and include non-proliferative retinopathy, (microaneurysms, small dot hemorrhages and exudates in the eye usually causing no visual impairment), proliferative retinopathy (fragile new blood vessel formation often causing [...] blindness), peripheral [...] neuropathy (pain, burning, numbness or tingling of thefeet, legsor hands) and Nephropathy [...](causing albuminuria and renal failure). genre.com |
各等级的病房均 空气流通、 清 洁 及设施整 备 ,可比美任何世界级 的 现 代化医院。 legco.gov.hk | Wardsof all classes are airy, clean and well [...] fitted-out, and are on par with any modern world-class hospitals. legco.gov.hk |
2009年,澳洲曾有意向来港旅客发出警告,指香港的空气质素非常 差劣,所以尽可能不要来港,因可能会引起支气管炎 或哮喘病,这令到 香港这个旅游城市之都蒙上了污点。 legco.gov.hk | In 2009, Australia intended to issue a warning to its people visiting Hong Kong that they should avoid to do so because they might suffer from bronchitis or asthmaas a result of the extremely poor air quality here. legco.gov.hk |
为何反而要 说得俗一点 多踩一脚,令它病得更严重 呢? legco.gov.hk | Why did we, to put it rudely, give it one more kick to make it even worse? legco.gov.hk |
老㆟家不时有头昏脚痛等小毛病,需 要护理及指导, 政府却提供不到,以致长期要忍受痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | Elderly people often have minor troubles such [...] as headache and sore foot, but are forced to endure [...]pain over a long period of time [...]because the Government cannot provide the care and guidance they need. legco.gov.hk |
如患上糖尿病,相对地也增加罹患中风、缺血性心脏病、三酸甘油脂水平过高、脚坏疽、视网膜病变、肾病及神经系统疾病的机会。 hsbc.com.hk | Diabetes increases the risk of stroke, ischemic heart disease, high triglyceride, foot gangrene, retinopathy, [...] nephropathy and neuropathy. hsbc.com.hk |
如果我们有民主制度,这些问题便都可 以在制度内解决 ─ 大家可以在投票日投票,以数票的方法解决问题,不 用在三十多度气温下,用脚一起走出来点算人头。 legco.gov.hk | If we had a democratic system, these problems could have been solved within the system — we could cast our votes on polling day to solve problems by [...] counting votes, thus obviating the need to [...] marchout onfoot in a temperature of more than 30 degrees Celsius to get [...]counted. legco.gov.hk |
这些工程 包括为综合症病人设立 指定病房;安装抽气扇和在排气管道安装高 效 能空气粒子滤隔, 减少病房的病毒数量;提供淋浴和 洗 手 设 施,改善病人护理区 的 生 水 平 ; 设 立 负气压房 间,以便 在 安 全 环境下 进 行高危程序。 根据环境 运 输及工务局就如何 能 够 改善综合症病房 现有通风系统所提供的意 见 ,医管局计划展 开 估 计费用达 2,550 万 元的医院环境短 期 改善措 施,包括在 14 间医院为综合症病人装设 121 个局部排气装置;在 22 间医院设 置 529 部 座地空气 清新机 和 310 部 流 动 空 气 清新机 ;以及在 通风系统的回 风位置加装 高 效 能空气粒子滤隔。 legco.gov.hk | Such works included setting up [...] designated wards for SARS patients, installationof exhaust fans and high efficiency particulate air(HEPA) filters at air exhaust ducts to reduce the viral load in wards, provision of shower and hand washing facilities to improve the standard of hygiene in the patient care areas, setting up negative pressure rooms to provide a safe environment for high-risk procedures, etc. Based on the advice of the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau on how the existing ventilation systems of SARS wards could be improved, HA plans to carry out short-term hospital environment improvement measures by installing 121 local exhaustunits in 14 hospitals forSARS patients, 529 floor-stand air [...]purifiers and 310 mobile [...]air purifiers in 22 hospitals, and adding extra HEPA filters to the return air points of the ventilation systems at an estimated cost of $25.5 million. legco.gov.hk |
如果你不处理居屋的问题,不处理普罗大众的居住问题, [...] 不处理15年免费教育的问题,不处理医疗不足的问题,不处理全民退 [...] 休保障的问题,不处理社会的贫富悬殊的问题,你所制造的,便是自己脚下的一座火山;你所制造的,便是羣众愤怒的临界点;你所制造 [...]的,甚至你极有可能看到的,便是临界点的爆发,便是社会的羣众运 [...]动,便是对政府的不满,对管治的推翻。 legco.gov.hk | If you do not deal with the issue relating to the HOS, do not deal with the housing problem of the general public, do not deal with the issue of 15-year free education, do not deal with the issue of inadequate healthcare, do [...] not deal with the issue of universal [...] retirement protection, donotdeal with [...]the issue of wealth disparity in society, you [...]are creating a volcano under your feet and you are creating a breaking point of public anger, you are bringing about and even likely to see the eruption of such a breaking point, that is, mass movements in society, the discontent with the Government and the toppling of the regime. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 我们亦计划针对与工作有关的脚部疾病(如静脉曲张和足底筋膜 炎 ),聯同职安局、零售业和饮食业的雇主组织和职工会,以及有 关专业团体合作,向这兩个行业的从业员宣传推广预防措施。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, we also plan to promote, in collaboration with OSHC, employers’ associations and trade unions of the retail and catering industries as well as relevant professional bodies, the preventive measures for work-related leg disorders (such as varicose veins and plantar fasciitis) among workers of the two industries. legco.gov.hk |
报告书英文本第 139 页最能扼要说明政府门诊诊所在提供基层健康护理服务方面所存 [...] 在的问题,就是缺乏质素优良的医疗护理服务、医生之间缺乏士气、病㆟资 料不足, 以及最重要的是缺乏基层医疗护理方面的目标。 legco.gov.hk | The problems of the government out-patient clinics in the provision of primary health service cannot be better summarized than page 139 of the report, [...] that it lacks quality medical [...] care, lacks morale among doctors, lacks patient information [...]and most important lacks objectives for primary medical care. legco.gov.hk |
更加微小的悬浮 粒子亦可以引发哮喘病和慢性气管炎 ,因此,香港不但应该重订该项标准,而且必须 制订策略,控制空气的污染,进㆒步实施预防性环境规划的目标。 legco.gov.hk | Suspended particles far more minute is able to trigger asthma andchronic bronchitis. Therefore, it is not only necessary for Hong Kong to have a revised version of the said standard, it is also essential for there to be strategies formulated to control air pollution, to further achieve the goal of implementing preventive environment planning. legco.gov.hk |
此外,医院 将其中一个病房改装为负气压防感 染控制的病房,作 为 一 旦 发生大规模流 感 及 突 发 性 传 染 病 时的应 变 用 途 。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, one of the TKOH's wards has been converted to serve as an infection control ward with negative pressure for emergency use in the event of a major outbreak of influenza and idiopathic infectious diseases. legco.gov.hk |
例如,他们必须为卧床 病人、须使用氧气病人、 使用轮椅病人(其住处亦没有电梯设 施 )、年老独居而有需要别人协助及使用步行辅助器的长者、 有精神或感官障碍(例如视力障碍)而没有亲友协助出院的病 人。 legco.gov.hk | For example, they should be stretcher-bound patients, patients who need to use oxygen, wheelchair-bound patients(whose residence not accessible by lift), aged patients in need who live alone and have to rely on walking aid, mentally or sensorily (for example, eyesight) impaired patients who are not assisted by friends or relatives on discharge from hospital. legco.gov.hk |
东 涌 社团联 席及民 建联早前曾经向东涌 居 民进行 调 查,结果有 四 成一受 访 者认为东涌 的 空 气 质 素 差 , 三 成的人更认为 空 气 质 素 已 达 [...] 恶劣程 度 , 而 有 超 过 五 成的居 民 表 示 , 他们或家人因为空气污染而染病。legco.gov.hk | According to a survey conducted jointly by the Coalition of Associations in Tung Chung and the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) among residents in Tung Chung earlier, 25% of the interviewees considered the air quality in Tung Chung poor, 30% of the interviewees considered the air quality extremely [...] poor, and over 50% of the residents stated that they or their family [...] members had contracted diseases due to air pollution. legco.gov.hk |
已 在本港注册的常用疫苗包括适用於猪只的猪环状病毒、口蹄病、猪生殖和呼吸系 统综合症等疫苗,以及适用於家禽的新城病、 传染性气管炎及传染性法氏囊病等 疫苗。 legco.gov.hk | Commonly used vaccines that are registered in Hong Kong include those against porcine circovirus, Foot and Mouth Disease, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, etc. in pigs and those against New Castle Disease, InfectiousTracheitis and Gumboro Disease, etc in poultry. legco.gov.hk |