

单词 脚本

See also:


leg n
role n

leg (of an animal or an object)
classifier for kicks
base (of an object)

External sources (not reviewed)

功能上,采脚本方式 动态生成界面与对话情节,重用可行性高。
Function , using the script and dialogue interface [...]
dynamically generated plot , the feasibility of high reuse .
定时器支持 - 用户定义的计时脚本可用 于执行计时器为基础的通信或数据处理的活动。
Timer Support - A
[...] user-defined timer script can be used to [...]
perform timer-based communication or data handling activities.
当提交表单时,脚本从文 本框取得消息,并把消息作为数据发送到REST服务的URL。
When the form
[...] is submitted, the script takes the message [...]
from the text box and PUTs it into the REST URL as data.
功能省时:对于高级用户,其提供了一个友好的 XML 项目格式支持资源控制的集成,通过手动和使用外 脚本 协 作开发和定制项目。
Time Saving Functionality: For advanced users, a friendly XML project format
supports source control
[...] integration, collaborative development and customizing projects both by hand and using external scripts.
16岁的穆罕默德.马蒙.博考尔(Mohammad Mamun
[...] Bokaul)介绍了如何制作新闻:“主题选定之后,我们就开始准备新 脚本 , 与办公室同事一起协商,然后我们拍摄并编辑新闻 [...]
—— 在新闻最终播出前,由编辑人员在我们面前完成编辑工作。
Mohammad Mamun Bokaul, 16, explains how news is then
made: “After an idea has been selected, we
[...] prepare the news script, re-check with our [...]
office, then we shoot and edit – which
is done by an editor but in our presence – before the news is finally on air.
为了提供最大的灵活性,软件还提 脚本 语 言,例如,用户能够进行计算,对结果进行测试,并打印结果为通过或未通过的。
For the ultimate
[...] flexibility a scripting language enables [...]
calculations to be made that can test the results and print a
sample result as a pass or fail for example.
他既可以作为一个开发期间脚本管 理 工具,让开发者在开发期间享受JSI带来的种种便捷; 也可以作为一个运行时脚本管理框架,让类库编写者能够自己管理好自己编写的类库的相关依赖,让最终用户从繁琐的依赖管理中解脱出来,提高类库的易用性。
he can during the
[...] development of the script as a management tool that allows developers to enjoy during development brought JSI convenient ; can run the script as a management [...]
framework for library writers
to manage their own class libraries written in the relevant dependent , so that end users rely on management from the tedious freed to improve the library 's ease of use.
为履行制定和维护网络空间标准的职能,教科文组织也鼓励使用通用编码系统进脚 本编码 的行动,这是现代软件产品和标准中规定文本显示方式的一种标准。
In complying with its function of developing and upholding standards
in cyberspace, UNESCO is also supporting
[...] initiatives for script encoding using Unicode, [...]
a standard to specify the representation
of texts in modern software products and standards.
支持热键(Hot Key) - 用户定义热键可用于通信设备启动或执行其他基 脚本 的 任 务。
Hot Key Support - A user-defined hot key may be used to initiate device communication
[...] or to perform other script-based tasks.
他还补充道:“他们用八个月的时间,接受了有关新闻制作、如何挖掘故事主题、起 脚本 、 如 何拍摄、如何采访、如何用正确的发音播报新闻的大量培训与辅导。
Then, he says, they were “… trained and tutored extensively for eight
months on news production, how to research
[...] story ideas, write scripts, how to shoot, how [...]
to interview, how to present the news
and even on correct pronunciation.
第一,ACL 文件的位置不同,因为这脚本在当 前工作目录运行,而非 Git 目录。
First, the ACL file is in a different
[...] place, because this script runs from your working [...]
directory, not from your Git directory.
导出 SQL 让你有机会全面控制最终的 SQL 脚本;生成模型的独立部份;生成参照完整性规则、注释、字符集等。
Export SQL gives you the opportunity to get a full control
[...] over the final SQL script, generate individual parts [...]
of your model, generate referential
integrity rules, comments, character set etc. The Export SQL feature may save you hundreds of hours of your work.
[...] 过程中制作、构想、创建、发现、发明或付诸实践的所有报告、原作品和这类原作品的衍生作 品,以及安脚本和其 他可交付物和研发成果中的所有知识产权是并且将一直是 [...]
CITRIX 的独 有和绝对财产,仅向您授予全球非独占性许可供内部使用。
With respect to consulting services, all intellectual property rights in all reports, pre-existing works and derivative works of such
pre-existing works, as
[...] well as installation scripts and other deliverables [...]
and developments made, conceived, created, discovered, invented, or reduced to practice in the performance
of the assessment are and shall remain the sole and absolute property of CITRIX, subject to a worldwide, non-exclusive License to you for internal use.
这意味着您只需要通脚本 控制 就能针对每个收件人生成不同的邮件内容。
This means that you can control the contents of each individual email with your own programming.
但它需要坚持按照固定时 间表交付节目,牵涉到实地报道、采访(包括民意采访)、撰写阿拉伯文和英脚 本以及 阿拉伯文的后期制作后,例如翻译、配音、剪辑与合成。
However, it entails a commitment to deliver programmes on a fixed-time schedule, involving field coverage, interviews, including vox populi interviews, scriptwriting in both Arabic and English, and post-production work in Arabic, such as translations, voiceovers, editing and mixing.
当使用RTC脚本引擎时,你就可以决定你的Delphi函数、编译服务器或ISAPI扩展应该有多少应用程序代码以及在你的HTML/XML文件中应该有多 脚本。
When using the RTC Scripting Engine, you can decide for yourself how much of your application code you want to have in form of Delphi functions, compiled inside your Server or ISAPI extension, and how much you want to have in form of scripts inside your HTML/XML files.
有了 Navicat Data Modeler
[...] 的功能,用户可以简化了复杂的实体关系模型的创建任务、以及只需简单的点击就能生 脚本 文 件
With Navicat Data Modeler's features, users
can simplify the task of creation of complex entity relationship models
[...] and generate the script SQL with a simple click.
您可以通过 Web Worker 执行一些操作,例如触发长时间运行 脚本 以 处 理计算密集型任务,同时却不会阻碍 UI 或其脚本处理用户互动。
Web Workers allow you to do things like fire
[...] up long-running scripts to handle computationally intensive tasks, but without blocking the UI or other scripts to handle user interactions.
核 查工作是确保 ACLDGB50 总表中列报的各个基金的价值与每个基金最后试算表中
[...] 列报的价值完全吻合,并确保在部分报表六中完整和准确列报通 脚本 语 言 计算 的各类署名的基金摘要。
The verification process ensures that the values reported for individual funds in the ACLDGB50 summary exactly match the values reported in the final trial balance for each
fund, and that title fund group
[...] summaries computed by the script for the local statements [...]
VI are complete and accurately reported.
如果您的 CMS
[...] 禁止 javascript,您仍然可以使用专门的 脚本 代 码 在网站上添加聊天功能,但游客监控和聊天邀请等有些功能会不可用。
If javascript is prohibited by your CMS you still could
add the chat feature to your web-site
[...] by using special No-Script Code, but some features, [...]
such as visitor monitoring and
chat invitations, will not be available.
为什么要使脚本程序 进行转换呢,其实实际测试过程中,使用PDF Distiller的对象引用到C#后,转换成功,但整个PDF Distiller对象不能释放,第二次再转换时,就发生了错误,故此处使 脚本 程 序 实现转换.这样我们只要在C#的程序中调 脚本 程 序 就可以实现WORD到PDF的转换。
process using a script to convert it, in fact, the actual testing process, the use of PDF Distiller of the object reference to C # after a successful conversion, the PDF Distiller of the object can not be released, and the second conversion times and then when the error occurred, so here the realization of the conversion process using a script. so that we as long as the procedures in C # script in the call can [...]
be achieved WORD to PDF conversion.
如果限制了从网络访问这个端口,那么STOMP或许并不是集成 P H P 脚本 、 Fl ex界面及Java/JMS服务一个好的解决方案。
If network access to this port is restricted, STOMP may not be a good solution
[...] for integrating PHP scripts with the Flex UI and [...]
Java/JMS services.
脚本系统 为写入方法提供了有力的工具。
A Scripting System provides [...]
a powerful tool for writing methods.
[...] Jahresbericht,”1905年,第28页路易)为基础,对整章的mishnah是写在文字上的大字内页部分,从塔木德文本,在不同 脚本 是 分 开的。
In the Munich codex, which is based on a manuscript of the middle of the ninth century (see Lewy in "Breslauer Jahresbericht," 1905, p. 28), the text of the entire chapter of the Mishnah is written
in large characters on the inner portion of the page, separated from the Talmudic
[...] text, which is in a different script.
岛上空间的不同方面和它断裂的历史之间有着没 脚本 又 悬而未决的关联。
There are unscripted and unresolved links between different aspects of the Island space and its ruptured history.
设计/系统工程师可能会置于手 动控制操作,或可能被用来执行复杂的测 脚本 , 在 物理层测试环境下,通过信令性能复杂的干扰、衰落和切换场景测试,探索每 [...]
They may operate under manual control of a design/system engineer or
they may be under computer control
[...] executing complex test scripts, from physical layer [...]
tests, through signaling performance
to complex interference, fading and handoff scenarios, exploring every nuance of a standard.
不像EA系统脚本只需 执行一次,不用每次勾选。
Unlike Expert Advisors, scripts are performed only once [...]
and not with every tick.
我,262-283;叙利亚和法国的马丁,纪事报德圣若苏埃在Abhandlungen毛皮死于库德德Morgenlandes,第六章(莱比锡,1876年),1,在叙利亚文和英语的赖特j的纪事圣(剑桥,1882年);叙利亚和拉丁美洲(埃德萨纪事只)在语料 脚本。
I, 262-283; Syriac and French by MARTIN, Chronique de Josue le St. in Abhandlungen fur die kunde des Morgenlandes, VI (Leipzig, 1876), 1; in Syriac and English
by WRIGHT, The Chronicle of J. the St. (Cambridge, 1882); Syriac and Latin
[...] (Chronicle of Edessa only) in Corpus Script.
即使 本协议有任何相反规定,但仍然不得违反以下禁止事项:(a) 复制或改编人才网的网页HTML代码;
[...] b)使用或企图使用引擎、手动或自动软件、工具、 设备、代理、Robot脚本或其 它方式、设备、机制或 进程(包括但不限于浏览器、爬虫、robot、头像或 [...]
人才网的网页或所提供的任何服务, 但通过在人才网上由凯业必达所提供的搜索引擎和搜索代理 以及使用常见的第三方Web浏览器(例如IE、 Firefox, Safari)的情况除外;(c)未经凯业必达明确的书面同意 而对人才网的任何内容或信息 以任何方式进行汇集或复制。
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this prohibition includes: (a) copying or adapting the HTML code used to generate web pages on the Talent Network; (b) using or attempting to use
engines, manual or automated software, tools,
[...] devices, agents, scripts robots or other means, [...]
devices, mechanisms or processes
(including, but not limited to, browsers, spiders, robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate, search, access, “scrape,” “crawl,” or “spider” any web pages or any Services provided on the Talent Network other than the search engine and search agents available from CareerBuilder on such Talent Network and other than generally available third party web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari); and (c) aggregating, copying or duplicating in any manner any of the Content or information available from any of the Talent Network, without the express written consent of CareerBuilder.
还要注意,在同步过程将是关键,由于环境的本质的WordPress:虽然它是很容易的自动 脚本 或 使 用工具来同步WordPress的文件夹, [...]
Also notice that the synchronizing process will be critical, due to the nature of
WordPress environment: while it will be
[...] quite easy to automate scripts or use tools to synchronize [...]
the WordPress folders, you will
need to manually tweak & synch plug-ins and database contents, until a completely automated sync solution will be available.




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