单词 | 脚户 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 脚户 —porterdonkey driverSee also:脚 n—leg n • role n 脚—leg (of an animal or an object) • base (of an object) • classifier for kicks
该链包 括用于连接 PCB [...] 扳上其它器件(由用户定义)的 某一器件的所有或部分引脚(由用户定 义 )的边界 扫描单元。 analog.com | The chain will include the boundary [...] scan cells for all or some of a device’s pins (user defined) which is [...] connected to other devices (user defined) on the PCB. analog.com |
注入客户端脚本 - 对于客户端VB Script 或Jscript的任意类型组件生成的图像映射,进行完全无缝整合。 evget.com | Seamlessly integrate image maps generated by the [...] component with any type of client side VBScript or JScript . evget.com |
其中一种由标准事件驱动,可以由一 个 脚 本 客 户 端 使 用。 evget.com | One is driven by standard events [...] and can be used by a scripting client. evget.com |
您可以通过 Web [...] Worker 执行一些操作,例如触发长时间运行的脚本以处理计算密集型任务,同时却不会阻碍 UI 或其他脚本处理用户互动。 html5rocks.com | Web Workers allow you to do things like fire up long-running [...] scripts to handle computationally intensive tasks, but without [...] blocking the UI or other scripts to handle user interactions. html5rocks.com |
您必须编写自己的脚本来管理客户端 的 控件。 evget.com | You have [...] to write your own scripts to manage controls on the client side. evget.com |
无脚本 尽管支持使用脚本对瘦客户机进行配置,但也只需在特 殊情况下执行。 igel.com | Although scripting is supported, you will only need it for controlling the thin client configuration in [...] the most exceptional circumstances. igel.com |
它也能用于web脚本语言,用户的AS P以及分布式组件对象模型(DCOM)工程中。 evget.com | It can also be used in web scripting languages, your ASP [...] and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) projects, regardless of what developing [...]tools you are using for web development. evget.com |
可通过连接至 AE-1000 硬线接口电源输出引脚或客户 提供之信号拉高启用输入引脚。 grindingcontrol.com | The inputs are activated by being pulled high, [...] either by connection to the AE-1000 hardwire interface power supply output or by [...] connection to a customer supplied signal. grindingcontrol.com |
更加易于试出来的可能是新的智能电池,这种电池能够一直指示当前电量状态;或新的无线手控板——因为没有电缆碍手 碍 脚 , 使得 用 户 可 以采取更符合人体工学的工作姿势。 liko.com | Easier to detect is probably the new, smart batteries, which always indicate current charge status, or the new wireless hand control which allows a more ergonomical working posture, because no cables are in the way. liko.com |
这些脚本覆盖了客户的大部分用途。 parallels.com | These scripts cover most of the uses a customer could ever have. parallels.com |
实现全国事业所的协同合作,以最快的 速度将需要的脚轮送达客户。 yueicaster.co.jp | We develop and sell [...] next-generation casters through original technique in order to meet customers' diverse and advanced requests. yueicaster.co.jp |
所以,你可以使用UserAgent字符串判断当前访问你的服务 器 脚 本 的 客 户 端 是 否Rexsee客户端,并据此作出决定,输出为PC设计的正常网页还是输出为Rexsee客户端设计的网页。 rexsee.com | So, you can use user agent string to identify if or not it is [...] the Rexsee client who are accessing you, then make decision [...]to output the default HTML+JavaScript [...]for normal PC/phone browser or output customized HTML+JavaScript for Rexsee client. rexsee.com |
此免费版本可让您访问超过 50 个脚本,您的客户既可 在他们自己的网站空间里轻松部署。 parallels.com | This free version gives you [...] access to over 50 scripts that can be easily deployed by your customers into their web spaces. parallels.com |
任何脚本中读取用户输入 ,并利用它直接在数据库中查询,例如,可导致SQL注入漏洞,如果输入不正确使用前消毒,从而使用户的网络应用程序执行任意查询的数据库和检索数据,他们不应该有机会获得,如用户密码,信用卡详细信息,或任何其他信息是存储在服务器的数据库。 jsp.extensionfile.net | Any script that reads in user input and uses [...] it directly in a database query for example, can lead to SQL injection vulnerabilities [...]if the input is not sanitized properly before use, allowing the user of a web application to execute arbitrary queries on the database and retrieve data they should not have access to, such as user passwords, credit card details, or whatever other information is being stored in the server's database. jsp.extensionfile.net |
它最常被用于嵌入Java应用程序,以便为终端 用 户 提 供 脚 本 的 能力。 javakaiyuan.com | It is most commonly used in embedded Java applications [...] to provide end users with the ability to script . javakaiyuan.com |
因此必要时噪音不能成为提供优质客 户 服 务的 绊 脚 石。 jabra.cn | So the noise, while necessary, can’t [...] get in the way of good customer service. jabra.com |
在邮件正文中,您也可以通过点击插入菜单,选择 用 户 属 性 脚 本 ,然后再选择一个属性字 段让程序自动为您插入脚本来生成个性化的内容。 nesox.com | You may enter these scripts manually or click [...] Insert > Contact Attribute Script and select one of the listed attributes, [...]Email Marketer will generate and insert the script automatically. nesox.com |
完整的服务器端对象模型以及客户端 脚 本 API全面支持ASP.NET快速应用程序开发。 evget.com | A comprehensive server-side [...] object model and client script API is provided [...]with full ASP.NET rapid application development support. evget.com |
此外将结合本组织采用国际公共部门会计标准的情况,继 续审议汇兑 差额的适当会计方法和粮农组织帐户 中 有 关 脚 注 披 露。 fao.org | Further, the appropriate accounting treatment of foreign exchange [...] differences and related footnote [...] disclosures in FAO’s accounts will continue to [...]be reviewed in conjunction with the Organization’s adoption of IPSAS. fao.org |
数据分析的各个阶段都提供相应的系统API,采用成熟的Python语言作 为 脚 本 语 言, 用 户 和 合 作伙伴可以方便定制所需的功能,系统内置多种预定义脚本,常见的数据类型系统内置插件和脚本支持。 pansafe.com | Provide the appropriate API at various stages [...] of data analysis, use of mature [...] language Python as the scripting language, customers [...]can easily customize the features, [...]number of predefined scripts built-in the system, support common data type system with built-ins and scripting. pansafe.com |
我们还为用户提供了NAnt tasks,以帮助用户从其创建的脚本中 访问和升级Vault Pro套件库,以及一个跨平台的可以从任意创建工具中调用的命令行客户端。 evget.com | We also provide NAnt tasks to access and update Vault Pro [...] repositories from your build scripts, and a cross-platform [...]command line client that can be called from any build tool. evget.com |
利用可配置的文本文件分析程序,SDL Passolo [...] 可从几乎所有文本文件(例如源代码文件、Inte rn et 脚本文件、用户定义的文件格式)中提取文本字符串,然后进行翻译。 translationzone.com | Using the configurable text file parser, text strings can be extracted from [...] nearly every text file (e.g. source [...] code files, internet script files, user defined file [...]formats) and translated with SDL Passolo. translationzone.com |
帮助用户通过脚本命令文件的方式与智能卡进行通信。 acs.com.hk | Allows the user to communicate with a [...] smart card by using script command files. acs.com.hk |
在插入菜单或者快捷菜单中选择用户 属 性 脚本 nesox.com | On the Insert menu or the context menu, [...] select Contact Attribute Script. nesox.com |
用户可使用图形用户界面和PHP脚本快速创建视频内容。 streamwide.com | Video content can be rapidly created using [...] a graphical user interface and PHP scripting. streamwide.com |
JavaScript 对象 ― 使用客户端 JavaScript 脚本对 日历控件编程可以减少访问服务器的线程的数量。 evget.com | JavaScript object - a possibility to program a calendar control using a client JavaScript reduces [...] number of routes to a server. evget.com |
特定的退出状态码具有保留含义, 所以用户不应该在脚本中指定它. bsdmap.com | Certain exit status codes have reserved meanings [...] and should not be user-specified in a script. bsdmap.com |
用户定义的VBA脚本可 以执行OPC读取和写入操作的任何OPC服务器,它的接口,如PLC和其他OPC兼容服务器工厂设备。 iconics.com | User-defined VBA scripts can perform OPC read-and-write [...] operations to any OPC server, which interfaces to factory floor [...]devices such as PLCs and other OPC-compliant servers. iconics.com |
咨询委员会获悉,在该档供资的 40 个项目中,项目绩效评估包 括 2006-2009 年期间实施的 30 个项目,而其余 [...] 10 个项目仍处于实施阶段(同上, 表 1,脚注 a)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee was informed that of the 40 projects funded under that tranche, the assessment of project performance had included 30 projects [...] implemented during 2006-2009, while the remaining 10 projects were still in the implementation stage [...] (ibid., table 1, footnote a). daccess-ods.un.org |
应当注意的是,根据安全理事会第 808 号 决议第 2 段编写的联合国秘书长的报告(联合 国 S/25704 号文件,1993 年 5 月 3 日,第 35 段,第 9 页)指出,“列入国际人道主义协约 法的下述公约体现了适用于武装冲突的法律, 并完全成为国际习惯法的一部分:1949 年 8 月 12 [...] 日《保护战争受害者各项日内瓦公约》; 《陆战法规和惯例》(1907 年 10 月 18 日海牙 第四公约)和《公约附件陆战法规和惯例章 程》;1948 年 12 月 9 [...] 日《防止及惩治灭绝种 族罪公约》和《国际军事法庭宪章》 [省 去脚 注参考—— 教科文组织秘书处]。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It should be noted that the Report of the United Nations Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 808 (United Nations document S/25704, 3 May 1993, para. 35, p. 9) stated that “[T]he part of conventional international humanitarian law which has beyond doubt become part of international customary law is the law applicable in armed conflict as embodied in: the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of War Victims; the Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the Regulations annexed thereto of 18 October 1907; the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 9 December 1948; and the [...] Charter of the International Military Tribunal of 8 August [...] 1945” [reference to footnotes omitted – the [...]UNESCO Secretariat]. unesdoc.unesco.org |