单词 | 脚後跟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 脚后跟noun—heelnSee also:后跟n—heeln 脚跟n—heelspl 跟prep—withprep from (different from)prep 跟脚—follow closely feet the feet perfectly hard on sb's heels
在脚後跟和脚趾头上涂上优 质润肤膏,并把多余的润肤 膏擦掉。 muhcpatienteducation.ca | Apply a good skin lotion on your heels and toes, wiping off extra lotion. muhcpatienteducation.ca |
参观当日,请先到校务处签到,然後参观 教室,跟校长、教 师及其他家长晤谈。 sfusd.edu | Stop by theschool office to sign-in, then take a tour, observe classes, and talk to principals, teachers, and other parents. sfusd.edu |
附在後脚跟位置的布环,帮助幼稚园更容易穿着幼儿鞋。 combi.com.hk | The hook tag attheheel makes fitting [...] the shoes easily. combi.com.hk |
踢球方式可以是碰踢或 [...] 落踢,但不可是定踢。踢球可以用低於膝盖到脚尖的小腿的任何部分,但 不能用脚跟。irblaws.com | The ball may be kicked with any part of the leg from below the knee to the [...] toe but not with theheel. irblaws.com |
Scholl爽健鞋履采用体贴脚形的 3D立体软垫或Impl us™ 後跟鞋垫,全方位承托前掌、足穹和 後跟,能有效分散步行时的震动和压力,减轻脚部痛楚和纾缓下半身疲劳。 sogo.com.hk | Scholl shoes are characterized by either 3D Cushioning or Implus™ insoles, providing full support to the front, arch and heel of the feet, which help absorb shock and relieve foot pain during your walk. sogo.com.hk |
当ruck或maul发生在争边球时,参加争边 球球员的越位线,就不再是在通过球的线,而是在该球队参加ruck或 maul的最後一个球员的脚跟。 irblaws.com | When a ruck or a maul develops in a lineout the offside line for a player taking part in the lineout no longer runs through the ball. irblaws.com |
注塑成型後跟加强防护,前脚掌支 撑系统, 成型鞋垫。 artengo.com | Injection moulded heel reinforcement, forefoot support [...] system, moulded insole. artengo.com |
(c) 如果球并未被前排球员所操弄而直贯隧道,并且未被远方prop所碰触而从 他的脚後浮现时,传锋必须重新投进。 irblaws.com | (c) If the ball is not played by a front row player, and it [...] goes straight through the tunnel and comes [...] out behind the foot of a far prop [...]without being touched, the scrum half must throw it in again. irblaws.com |
在这个时候,我们就开始关注软件和有趣的市场中站稳脚跟-不仅在化学工业中,而且在烟草行业的利基市场,例如。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | At this time we began to be concerned with software and could gain a foothold in interesting markets - not only in the chemical industry but also in niche markets such as the tobacco industry. en.developmentscout.com |
是的,他们也许会觉得我们讲述的事蹟太 过重复,然而我们分享这些个人经历时的感恩与真诚会帮 助他们的心对神的信实有深刻的印象,帮助他们在人生的 考验中能跟随我们的脚踪,以至在他们的一生中也能亲身 经历到神各应许的真实。 lordsgrace.ca | Yes, they may find our stories too repetitive, but the gratitude and sincerity with which we share these personal stories will help impress upon their hearts the faithfulness of our God, and help them follow our footsteps in their times of trials, and they, too, will come to experience the reality of the promises of God in their own lives as well. lordsgrace.ca |
现在 BOYBOY [...] 已经 16 岁了,虽然 BOY BOY 的後脚,已经无力再支撑日常的走动,但牠一直没有放弃,仍然很努力生存下去。 saa.org.hk | Boy Boy is now 16 years old, [...] although hishind legs areunable to [...]support his full body weight, he still has not given up the will to live. saa.org.hk |
在景小佩老师连哄带逗的调教之下,从喊嗓、走步,随 後跟唱、比划,最後甚至画脸、上场,真是有模有样,不知不觉中就走进了传统戏曲的殿堂。 hwahsia.org.nz | Ms. Jing Pei, teacher of Peking Opera, even got the children to join in learning the shouting voice, walk, singing, gestures and face painting of the opera. hwahsia.org.nz |
重要的是要站稳脚跟投资的想法,而不是推迟这一计划。 zh-tw.iniciantenabolsa.com | It is important to stand [...] firm on theidea of investing and [...]not postpone this plan. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
此 外 , 署 方 也 会 转 介 在 囚 人 士 予 合 适 的 政 府 部 门 [...] 或 非 政 府 机 构 作释後 跟进,以 协 助 他 们 寻 [...]找 工 作 , 重 新 融 入 社 会 。 csd.gov.hk | 2809 legislation through the pre-release re-integration orientation course. Moreover, CSD will refer prisoners to relevant government [...] departments or non-government organisations [...] for follow-ups afterreleaseso as [...]to help them seek employment and facilitate [...]their re-integration into society. csd.gov.hk |
民研计划的一贯做法,是除了就调查方法的查询作出解释外,不会再就调查结果作出评述,但欢迎各界人士把问题以电邮方式传给我们,电邮地址为,作为日 後跟进。 hkupop.hku.hk | Our general practice is to answer all questions on the research design of the surveys published in the POP Site assoon aswe receive them, but we will not further comment on the findings. hkupop.hku.hk |
许多时候主会提醒我圣徒们的祷告:从派 遣我们的召会,从伦敦召会,从派遣我们的服事 者,和那些不久就要跟随我们的脚踪到西班牙和 其他国家的圣徒。 lordsmove.org | Many times the Lord would remind me of the prayers of the saints: from our sending locality, from London and from those serving ones who sent us off and who will shortly follow our footsteps to Spain and to other countries. lordsmove.org |
关於目标板供电,这个问题反映回来最多。 [...] 如果用外部电源供电,那麽VCCI一定要接到目标板电源(一般是3.3V),VCCO悬空,一定不要跟目标板电源相连,否则,有时可能会导致仿真器输出,两个电源短路,出现 [...] 意想不到的情况;如果用仿真器供电,VCCI脚如果跟VCC O接在一起,很可能导致仿真器不输出电压,导致IAR报错,找不到芯片。 tw.imendit.com | If you use an external power supply, then VCCI must be connected to the target board power (typically 3.3V), VCCO vacant, and must not be connected with the power to the target board otherwise, and sometimes may lead to the output of the emulator, the short-circuit of [...] two power appear the unexpected; [...] emulator supply, VCCI feettogether with VCCO, [...]is likely to lead to the emulator output [...]voltage, resulting in IAR error, can not find the chip. imendit.com |
罚则:对应於违犯地点,在违犯队的越位线上罚踢 (f) 参加maul不持球方的球员自动脱离maul集团後,若这时maul集团巳没有 其他队友,maul将会继续组成,这时将会有两条越位线,持球方以maul 集团中最後面队友的後脚为越位线,不持球方则以持球方最前面参加 maul球员的前脚为越位线。 irblaws.com | (f) When players of the team who are not in possession of the ball in the maul voluntarily leave the maul such that there are no players of that team left in the maul, the maul may continue and there are two offside lines. irblaws.com |
蒙古煤炭行业相当依赖中国市场, 而该市场正有待农历新年结束後跟随中国经济形势变化而发展。 southgobi.com | The Mongolian coal industry is quite dependent on the Chinese market and this market has been waiting for the conclusion of the Chinese Lunar New Year to get some direction as to what economic changes are likely to occur in China. southgobi.com |